
I broke up with my sister and thought a lot on my way back to Balduk, but I made up my mind.

We decided to hand out combat slaves to the sausage factory and the rubber workshop, and then to the security of the warehouse in Balduk.

He said he was fine until he got to the realm. It was because of my shallow feelings.

It's costly, but you can't help it.

Well, it saved me most of my initial costs and not a lot of running costs.

Ah, the magic of item location identification (locate object) is useless this time because it is necessary to hang another magic technique called sign (mark) on the object in advance.

The duration of Mark's sorcery is the same number of days as the level of the surgeon, so in my case, I'll have it for over a month, but I can't hang all my belongings with sorcery every month, it's a hassle.

Magic items (magic items) and other valuable and expensive items at best.

Because there are so many of them, it quickly becomes a snag, so I limit myself to only what is really important.

After returning to Balduk, Zulu, just back from the labyrinth, was entrusted to the head of security.

I made sure to leave it up to him about the candidates and their shifts, so all I have to do is arrange for an increase of the nine requested by Zulu.

It should be noted that my slaves, starting with Zulu, were all outraged when they heard that the grinder had been stolen. They thought there was no way anyone was going to steal into my factory, just like me.

I quickly went to the Lon Slyle store with that leg.

As for the increase, there were only six battle slaves in the Ronslile store, so for now I bought them all for a total amount of 4.2 million Z. For the time being, I told them to cover below Zulu for the missing portion, in a labyrinth group.

I am not willing to buy slaves from other chambers of commerce now.

As a result, newly purchased combat slaves have been purchased by members of the Killers (Slaughters), so it is force majeure that there is one old Puppet (Hume) who looks like a drier and then there are just women.

That said, it was decided to assume that it would be sufficient as a deterrent against thieves to say that weapons could be used and armed guards were stationed there.

I took one seat in front of the six people I bought and eight others in Zulu, a total of fifteen combat slaves.

"Henry, Meck, you guys are middle heads from today. And Ruby and Jess are also promoted to small heads (regangers). Zulu use these guys well for the control of everyone. Six rookies and Marl, Limby, Ben and Ellie listen carefully to their superiors and do what they say. All right?"

"" Yes ""

Newbies, that's a bad answer.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!

... So was Ruby and Jess.

Let Zulu take care of it later.

I'd definitely tell you later if I had that eye.

"Then newbie. Remember, you guys have been my, Count League combat slaves since today. Be brave in battle. I don't mind fighting, but I won't allow you to lose, and I won't allow you to die on your own. Always remember to behave and behave elegantly where others have eyes. All right?"

"" Yes ""

Hmm. Did you hear the seniors reply earlier and take it in quickly?

The boulder is a store in Ron Slyle.

I knew I'd keep it up.

2 Nov 7448

At noon yesterday, your sister marched on the northern border.

The term of office seems to be six months for now.

Marty, who became my brother-in-law, was married in the form of a son-in-law to the Greed family, of which my sister is the head, so my current affiliation is with the Greed family first, and my full name is Martin Greed.

Yeah, of course, even though it's the same Grid, my Grid family is the Earl of the League, and my sister's Grid family is a civilian in the form of Duke of Lomberto family squire, so it's simply a relationship of relatives of the same name that make my ancestors alike. It is the earliest other person in the legal system.

But as long as we recognize each other's memories and emotions are family, we're family.

Marty was a very pleasant man with a favorable character, but he was caught a little by the fact that he sometimes had a very rare, slightly dark look.

His native, the Hamill family, is a civilian home divided and entertained by the fact that his predecessor was ordained as the Knights of the Kingdom's Orthodox Knights, and since then, although children have occasionally come out to join the Knights as soldiers, he has basically continued to do business from generation to generation as a tailor specializing in the military who undertakes tailoring for the Knights' military and other items.

And to my surprise, Marty was one of the sons of the Hamill family, finally adopted.

It's a business that can never be called a big store, but it can still continue for six generations, so is it normal to take daughter-in-law?

Both Marty and Marty's parents were pleasant people, but is this the reason for the look on their mundane applause?

I am satisfied that it is the question of the successor of a tailor who is a family business.

Business is going pretty well.

The couple, who wanted my child to succeed them if they could, but were not blessed with the baby, had no choice but to adopt them.

I taught him the gold account, planted the technology, and what a true knight of the First Knights if he finally thinks he's even here to marry his son.

You're welcome to be super elite and not full of food for the rest of your life, but what happens to business if your son-in-law adopts you?

Well, it's about your sister, so I said, "You can keep tailoring. You won't quit," he said to Eagle Deep, "I'll give you the money, and you can rebuild the store".

There's nothing wrong with that, and if you normally think about it, it's a story you should be happy to find a chubby good married man.

But I guess it's not even a story I could break with that if I did it to them.

Even Marty didn't have time to investigate where she was adopted, but I think there's something about being grateful to her parents and not being able to carry on the business even though she planted it.

Somehow I could read their feelings, so I told them, though I thought it was an extra favor.

"When a second child is born between my sister and Mr. Marty, I think you should let that child inherit the tailor. I can't help but tell my eldest son that I want him to carry on his trail... but I don't mind telling my sister anything."

Then Mr. Marty and his parents looked just a little surprised, "Well, to annoy His Excellency the Count so much…" and were so small that they were afraid that this one would be sorry.

I thought again at this time, apart from family members who are blood like brothers and sisters, this is how ordinary oath people behave towards senior nobility. Even the slayer (Slaters) didn't let him be a nobleman, and he became more polite to me than ever after I became Earl.

What hasn't changed at all is about reincarnated people.

But Tris and Bell were aristocrats from the beginning, and even though Lorrick was some kind of associate count, he was the eldest son of a super big Earl family. Besides, these three have been pretty polite to me since the beginning.

... Was Bastral the same?

I can see that he has been trying to be more polite since he became my squire.

That said, I never became as openly humble as they were against me for becoming a senior nobleman.

And then... now.

Just a little less respect, okay?

I've lived in oath for twenty years now, and I should be used to the identity system.

...... nothing good though.

26 Nov 7448

It's been a month since the mill grinder was robbed.

There is no such thing as the appearance of commercial enemies in Wang Du or Balduk.

Well, if I leave the store in about a month from execution, I'll find out immediately, so maybe I'm cautious.

I have the same type of machine, so I thought it would be easier if you even started doing business with me.

There have also been no reports of progress from the Third Knights conducting the investigation, and I have no clue.

What's wrong with you?

I built a new grinder right away, so I haven't lost my productivity, so there's nothing commercially wrong with it, but naturally it's not funny.

Well, with all this time, as far as I'm concerned, I'm making some assumptions.

It's not as big a deal as a hypothesis, and if you think about it a little bit, you'll figure it out right away.

First of all, the case is that a senior nobleman like me was pulling a thread.

You know, someone who was invited to my raid ceremony and found out about Balducky.

In this case, it's a little troublesome.

Of course, in a blur: "If you say that the grinder is yours, let me make the exact same thing for that proof. Or tell the goldsmith which blacksmith you ordered the manufacturing." Fine, but then. You're in a lot of trouble. Ambitious of the aristocracy. I don't really understand it.

Besides, instead of doing business around the Wang Capital, it wouldn't be so easy to figure it out if they did it in one of the regions' own territory.

If we were as far away as the Marquis of Webdos, for example, we would have no idea how long it would take for sausage rumors to arrive.

Besides, if you're a senior nobleman, don't bother doing business, you might enjoy sausages on your own. I'm sure there's about as many cooks as you have.

But, well, these cases are going to cry and fall asleep because they don't think they have any more negative effects on my chamber of commerce. I just have to do something.

Even if the killer is found out from the beginning, it is not all bad because it will have held their weakness. I'd rather be thankful.

Next time, if this Chamber of Commerce tries to start the same business as me.

I thought this would be my destiny.

I'm making money there, and demand is still there.

If you do it, you can make money with no risk other than the discovery of theft.

That said, production is no match for the Green Chamber of Commerce...... isn't it?

Our factory runs from morning to evening only on the operational day, but that doesn't mean that we continue to make ground beef extensively during the operation of the factory because there is a lot of time in the process of boiling and smoking the sauce, moreover, balducky.

It's a policy to dedicate time to educating the kids' slaves in the first place, so if it runs for six days, you're on three days off.

Plus, I've been making ramen noodles lately.

If we're going to let them make ground beef for twenty-four hours like alternation, it's going to be quite an approaching productive force even if we don't line up.

Anyone can imagine these two things.

Well, other chambers of commerce and the nobles I don't know very well said, "Sell me a grinder," and it's only natural to suspect first.

And then... what is it?

There was also a proposal that a highly independent reincarnator stole it, not yet known to us and not wanting to make contact with this one for any reason, for the hounding killer to mince and dispose of the body for evidence obliteration. Or maybe you stole it to distract me.

The hunting killer seems crazy from the beginning, so that may happen, but the reincarnators are unlikely.

Ralpha is as stupid as ever.

And when I said that because I thought, "Brainstorming, no matter how ridiculous or unlikely you think it is, is important to gather as many opinions as you can to consider it!" or something. "

I didn't brainstorm you in the first place.

I don't mind you looking for the killer on your own, but as far as I'm concerned, if you can take measures to prevent this from happening in the future, that's fine. Ma, it's true that the killer licked me, and I'm angry about that.

If you were impressed with the language of brainstorming better than that, you'd hear it from Mizuchi or Lorrick.

Brainstorming has come up with a plan, and the next rounding up process is the most important one.

"Well, thank you for thinking so much and worrying about me. But more likely, the Dark Elves will be among the killer's candidates, and there's still a sen. foreign. You should come out first."

"Um, you buy a lot of dark elves every two or three months, don't you? You'll find out as soon as you stop buying all of a sudden, won't you? That's why you took it off."

... If that's what you think, don't say it's less likely.

13 Dec 7448

Thor came back from the store in Ron Slyle.

"... I'm out of time, my husband"

Thor sends his greetings with a subtle look.

And I was like, "You're not blunt in the arm, are you? Make a grinder mould by the end of the week," he ordered.

Speak up to Tor, who started moulding in a building he rented for his workplace.

"Your parents and brother and wife..."

Tor, who had just begun his work, reacted with a victory when he heard my words.

"Weed in my territory works as a slave in a city mine."


Thor would love to hear it go on, but he patiently thought of waiting until I started talking about it without doing anything to urge him, and he wouldn't rest his moulding hands.

Madame Ron Slyle said it was over, but it seems true.

Hmm? Whatever your birth slave, how do you get used to a wartime prisoner or a guy like Thor?

Slave traders are known to use special drugs manufactured independently.

They need to start the blood of the slave to be used and mix various plants and demon stones as ingredients in the manufacture of the medicine.

The medicine itself, although it has been obtained and appraised, is close to the ineffective mere hallucinogen and stimulant.

It has some magical effects, but its very ineffective, the kind that slowly shows up after regular continuation of letting them drink more than once a day.

The medication seems to be very bitter, and I hear that while the medication is working, my consciousness also feels the worst as hazy.

It should be noted that the drugs of this lineage have no effect whatsoever when used other than the target slave himself. The subject's status also needs to be slave. Even if they come appropriately, they won't work without proper naming procedures. That's also one of the magical effects.

In the past, it seems that there have been trials and errors in the manufacture of drugs that are effective against everyone, but in the end, they are still unable to make them.

He once sold it claiming that a guy named Alchemist made something that works for everyone, but soon enough he found out he was a patsy and was stuck out by the Knights for fraud, and that kind of record rots enough.

Intentionally fatigues the flesh with simple exercise, labor, and in some cases whipping, while the drug effect is being exerted, so that it is also brainwashing and mind controlling. "I am a slave. I can't defy your husband," he said, carefully planting his consciousness.

It is also proven that in doing so it is not possible to plant any other ideas - for example, hatred or love for someone.

Medicine only serves no purpose other than consciousness as a slave.

No slave trader speaks with his mouth shut until he has a specific brainwashing technique or how to hang words. It would be a meal up.

Slaver know-how is around here.

I'm not going to do it myself from what I found out.

It's not my hobby to do such a gloomy thing in the first place, and it's not such a noble job.

I don't care if drugs aren't addictive like withdrawal symptoms, like drugs.

I missed the point.

"The owner said he was Baron Kazum, a subordinate of Count Loughleague, who was revealed to be a former Count League consular deputy"

Stopped Tor stares at me with his eyes open.

"Don't worry, we've negotiated not to sell them off one way or another. I'm not going to sell you out while you're working hard, and I'll be free to meet you."

Thor, for a while, meditated his eyes and exhaled for a thin, long time.

"... ok"

I heard Thor about to plunder.

Work quietly for a while.

I didn't lose myself, I didn't lose my desire.

I was simply planted with the awareness that I was a slave.

If only the right time had come and a certain result by then... I'm not a ghost either.

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