14 Dec 7448

"By order, we have returned one foot away"

It is Richard Lomberto IV, the eldest son of the King and first prince of Lombardy, who is kneeling to give a report of his return before King Lomberto and Duke Thomas III of Lomberto.

He successfully defended the village to Gul, Count of Riegle territory, which was a battlefield, and then commanded the security forces on the ground about January (one by one), but had just returned in a hurry after taking over command to his men because a subpoena from the King arrived last month, taking only a few gestures.

Even when he entered during the sight, he remained stiffened to armor made from the scale of Wyvern, branded Black Sky Scale, and also carried a miscellaneous sac on his back.

"I have heard the village report to Gal. Thank you very much."

The king remains seated on the throne and labors with a voice that does not make him feel emotional.


Richard only responded briefly with an inorganic voice, as did the king.


The king opens his mouth roughly as he glimpses into his men and guards behind the prince, as well as into the Duke of Basbourne, who stands on his own left and right side of the paperwork, and the Darthline Marquis of the Miyagi.

"Were there fifteen or two prisoners? Already at Bainish's?

Beinish is the largest slave trader in the country, the Beinish Chamber of Commerce. The Bainish Chamber of Commerce buys them all first, except for nobles, righteous knights, or prisoners who seem to be able to ransom themselves with self-declarations, etc. Prisoners for whom no ransom was paid will also eventually be bought by this Bainish Chamber of Commerce as slaves.

"At the end of last month, we have been contacted that we have bought 114 prisoners."

Marquis Darthline reported from the side of the king.

For the remaining 38 persons, the ransom has been paid or they have been detained in the village of Midora, north of the village to Ghar, because they have been contacted about the payment.

"You did... well good... Duke of Lombardy. I overheard the activity, but I called it back because I wanted to hear it directly from the mouth of those who actually saw it on the ground.... Hmm. That's right, tell me."

The king refrained from behind Richard, pointing and nominating one of Richard's men who was similarly grateful to his subordinates.

"Ha. Then the knight Jonathan Lardley, while overstepping, would like to report on the work of His Royal Highness the Platoon Commander.

It was two days after the commander of the Balxas Squadron left for the village of Comin. The Dabus army has launched a total attack on the village to Gal. At that time, the Dabus army handed out a large number of magicians near the avant-garde of the troops and went into tactics aimed at our knights. In contrast, the platoon commander was put in the vanguard to command the defensive battle. It was clear to everyone that the morale of the soldiers rose in response to that ambitious appearance… "

A nominated knight first talks about Dabus' tactics.

As for the general situation, he started the king, and the scribes knew it, so he never got pinched, and the knight talks about the evolution of the battle.

The report was carefully worn slightly and thinly with a sober narrative, pinching an objective point of view but also immersive.

And when the shield that Richard was using, the black-walled scale, erased the enemy's magic and became a defensive step until he twisted the bolts and arrow orbits released from the sniper, Marquis Darthline, especially the Miyagi, listened as he rode himself out, staring narrowly at the shield that Richard was putting on the floor and the armor he was wearing.

"Huh, Marquis Darthline. It's good that you're interested..."

Seeing how it was, the king smiled and said.

"Yes, no, admire the work of Your Highness..."

"That's royal treasure. It's a shame to use it as a research material."

"No, there's no annihilation."

The reports remain interrupted by the two conversations.

"But... once again, I can't help but be surprised to hear from the mouth of those who were at the scene... Regardless of even playing the crossbow bolt completely, the arrow bends so that it is sucked into the shield, etc... not to mention to erase the unleashed attack magic... hard for Russia to believe..."

The Duke of Basbourne shook his head and zeroed.

It's a sceptical tone that just tells me it's a lie.

"... Duke, in your words, one has not given false testimony or anything else. Nor is there any exaggeration or omission. Everyone who was there is just reporting what they saw. There is no falsehood in the honor of a knight."

The knight who was making the report says in a strong tone, as outraged, but has a gentle grin either because of his confidence that only the truth is stated on his face.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry you put it in a questionable way. I meant to understand that there were no lies in those words, but I don't know much about them. Forgive me.... but His Majesty and His Highness knew its... the power of shields and armor...?

The Duke of Basbourne asked as he alternated between the king and Richard.

The Marquis Darthline is also looking at the two of them in a way he said intrigued.

"No. I didn't know about that. I thought it wouldn't be strange if it had any effect... but it's the same with this guy."

"Ha. Like His Majesty, I didn't know it was this much. As reported, I didn't even notice the effects about magic or arrows until the soldiers at my side pointed them out during the battle then. All I knew was the weight loss and very high defense."

The king and Richard all shake their heads saying they didn't know about the effects of undoing magic or luring arrows.

And the report went on, ending where the Royal Dabus Army held as prisoners those who had been left behind as they retreated.

"... Your Highness, may I see the status of that weapon...?

Marquis Darthline steps out as he moves his hands and fingers.

"Go ahead."

The king and the Duke of Basbourne gave each other a face to ear as Richard answered with a mixed voice of bitter laughter.

"Marquis. Don't make me wait too long. It's been a while since I've had dinner without water for my parents and kids."

It was well known internally and externally that the Marquis Darthline would lose track of time and become enthusiastic when he began testing magic items (magic items).

A room in the heavenly basement of Castle Lombertia.

The King and Richard have entered the room.

The room is large there but it is a killer landscape, speaking of furniture-like objects, only the table placed in the center of the room and a few chairs set around it.

Only one large light demonic prop installed on the wall illuminates the room, and the light is not sufficient.

And behind the room, four men stood in an upright immovable position as they melted into the shadows.

Richard looked strange when he noticed the four men.

"Your Majesty, is dinner here?

It is a particular question.

Anyway, Richard stayed at the royal castle without going home in the name of dinner for two.

This room is not the right place for a royal to eat, much less for a king to eat.

And I thought it was a paycheck, but thanks. Four different guys out of the outfit.

"And what about them?

Again Richard asks.

But the king moved to the center of the room unanswered either question, pulling the chair in the back himself and sitting down.

"Sit down."

Surprised but silent, Richard sits across from the king.

"I didn't decide to let you succeed me, but now you're the first prince to inherit the throne... well qualified"

In the Kingdom of Lomberto, it was largely his grandson who would inherit the king's trail for about fifteen generations.

The king's father or mother assists the state as regent until the new king gains about ten years of experience.

At the moment, it is seen that Edward III, son of Richard and now the King's grandson of six, will be the next king.

Those who inherit the throne are even adults, and younger as long as they have more than a certain ability and judgment.

Because the reign will be more stable for a long time.

Of course, the eldest son of the king sometimes inherited traces, but that was only in special cases, such as when he was very good in person or when a king too young died from various causes.

"... it's time to tell you..."

Saying so, the king invited the men lined up on the wall.

When the men approached the table, they knelt at once to grace their subordinates and drowned their heads.

From ear shape to cat people (cat people) to two, like lions (lios) and elites (elves).

"These guys serve my Lomberto royal family for generations." Turbulent waves (trumpets). Some of you look familiar. "

The king tells his son with a serious look at all times.

"Huh? What is trumpet......?

Richard rehearses unfamiliar words.

I try to see their faces again, but I wasn't sure if Richard even looked familiar because the men remain drooling over their heads.

"'Turbulent wave' is the intermediate. Hey, Zydritz. Show him your face."

When the king spoke, the man on the right edge slowly looked up from Richard.

"What is Zydritz... and Master!?

Seeing Lios with his face up, Richard made a surprising slightly louder noise.

But that's not impossible either.

The middle-aged Lios, known as Zydritz, was a tutor with swords and spear clues before he joined the First Knights in his childhood, at the age of thirteen.

At the same time that Richard's First Knights joined the regiment, a hindsight floats in his brain as he leaves the Royal Palace saying he will pull into the country and quietly live the rest of his life.

"... and then, Rough Rogue. Raise your face."

The next person I hear from is an elf man who is also in old age.

"Grandpa!... No... Until Grandpa!?

Rough Rogue is one of the deacons serving the Royal Lomberto family.

This one also served as a tutor to Richard in his childhood, starting with demeanor, Mandarin, and mathematics.

"You don't know the other two. Hey, Speyside, McDuff. Raise your face."

The two remaining cat peeps raised their faces.

These two look around thirty, the same age as Richard.


Though there was no direct knowledge, it also seemed to me that Richard had seen him somewhere.

But I can nod that I've seen it somewhere between serving the royal family.

"The four of us have a strong loyalty to the royal family, and we can also say that our country holds a great deal of power between the two of us. In the first place, it comes out of the battle slaves that His Majesty George served since his adventurous days. Everyone's a royal squire now."


Richard remains utterly silent.

"Then show it to Richard"

When the king commanded two of the Cat People in any way, the two stood up in the name of understanding, "Yes," and offered Richard the armor of their right hand.

"What are you doing? Look at his status."

For some reason the king's words, which seemed pleasant, were at a naughty pace.

"Yes. Status open...... hmm? Status open...... hmm?

Richard checked the status of the two as he was told, but it doesn't seem to fall to his heart.

Because the names Hewlett Carnegie and Larsoille Kimberly were nothing like the names I heard earlier.

"... you know their names? Say it."

"It's Hewlett Carnegie and Larsoille Kimberly," replied Richard, ordered by the King.

"Is that true? Why don't we check again?

And I say, nibbling.

"What the hell..."

Richard is introduced once because he is educated in brilliance as a royalty, or the name of the person who sees the status is so easily confident that he will not forget it.

Well, it was just now that I checked the status of the two of you.

"Check again."

The king ordered him to look at his son slightly obliquely.

"Status open...... WHAT!? My name is...... stupid!? Status open...... mmm...... Sire, what the hell is this!? Is it magic!?

Richard telling me like I panicked, but I couldn't help it either.

Their status had changed to Speyside Embry and McDuff Embry, respectively.

"Was the only name that was different?

The king asked to indulge in laughter.

"Huh? Status open... more magic... and what? Disguise? Status open...... maybe so"

It was not only the name that had changed, but the special skill itself had some increases or decreases.

"These clans are prone to having children who inherited the special skill of disguise. You're good at hiding who you are."

A king who boasts as if it were about himself.

"Ha, ha. But for the first time, Your Majesty, special skills such as camouflage..."

"There are no outsiders here. Your Majesty, stop."


"These are not the nobles of the court. Those who serve only the royal family of Lomberto. You don't have to talk manly."

"Yes, Father"

"Well, you're gonna be Ed, and by the time I retire, I'm gonna take over properly, so this much better be it now. Even if Ed were to reign, you'd have to be the assistant for the moment, and then you'd have to use them."

Saying so, the king stood up and sassy peeled off the silk cloth that had been hung on the edge of the table.

What emerged from under a thin silk cloth was an odd reflection of the light emitted from the magic props of the light into a dull golden color.

"Father, what is this?

Richard asked the king.

"Don't you see?

"Yeah, can I see the status?

I don't mind.

"Status Open...... Brass Crafts (Brass Crafts)?

Richard tilted his neck when he touched the item and saw the status.

"This is a Balducky machine."

"Well, this is that Balducky's...... but why are you here? Did you buy it from Count Riegle?

"I let Speyside and McDuff steal it the other month"

The king confessed without incident to abetting the crime.

"No, I let you steal!? Why the hell? If you wanted it, you didn't have to steal anything...!

Naturally Richard is surprised.

"Because if I buy it, he'll find out what I got."

"That would be..."

And I don't think he's gonna sell it.

"Well, you'd be in exclusive business. But you just have to buy the product you can..."

"Don't get me wrong. Balducki is delicious. It does taste good. I love it, too. But I didn't steal it because I wanted to make it myself, and naturally I'm not going to make it a business."

Says the king as he reassembles his legs under the table.

"Then why!? Father stole it and so on! Not that the other person is under your command!?

Richard abhors his voice as he exasperates.

"Calm down a little. I stole it for a reason."

"Reason? Naturally! So let me ask you why and why!?

"Easy. I always thought he smelled something."

"He? Is he Uncle Riegle?

"Who else is there? Look, put the theft aside and think about it. Apparently not his brother, but his sister was allowed to join the First Knights with the same rare magical powers. Not so far. That would happen. But the investigation of the past few years has shown that the man who is my brother seems to be a good user of magic."

"That's... I know that, too. But wouldn't it be so surprising if you were an adventurer who would kill a giant Wyvern and slaughter even a dragon...?

Richard narrates himself with the grinder sideways.

"Right. You're absolutely right. But calm down and think about it. For hundreds of years now, that labyrinth has continued to reject people up to seven levels. Only His Majesty George could reach the eighth floor."

"... Father says he's lying...?

"It's not. I was more relieved that it was a lie. What we're going to talk about… Except for the people who are here now, only my father knows who's hiding in Raider."

Until then, the king will turn around and correct his residence and become a serious expression.

Understanding that the atmosphere has changed, Richard wipes the sweat on his forehead with his left hand.

"Our ancestor, His Majesty George, is a reborn 'reincarnator' from another world."

"Ten... what?

The truth, which has been revealed only to a small part with the King of Lombert, was told.

But Richard only reacted to words that didn't make sense.

Other than that, I don't dare to show any reaction as if I had decided to ignore it.

"'The Reincarnator'. They say it's a word that means reborn. They say" reincarnated in circles. "

"Is that a foreign language..."

"It's not often a mistake.... you're not surprised?

"Father's jokes don't always fly."

"I'm not kidding. The truth."

"No way. I won't be fooled...... oh, if you say so. Actually, I was reborn to this land from another world, too. I don't even remember how this looked in my previous life. You're not kidding, are you?

Richard mixes it back as if to say he almost lost money because he was about to be drunk by a serious atmosphere.

"Huh. You're a parent and child. I used to say the exact same thing when I heard this from my father and grandfather (my predecessors)... Well, now listen to me in silence with no tea"


"Zydritz, give me an example."


Lios chose one of the two elongated objects that stood in the corner of the room unobtrusively, and when he held it with both hands, he knelt down and offered it to the king respectfully.

"Is that... a sword?

It was like a sword tucked away in a black painted sheath.


When he replies, he receives the sword. The king rises out of his chair and pulls through slurrily.

Beautifully decorated sheaths were carefully placed on the table.

There is an extremely slight but beautiful blade print on the bluntly demonic glow of the torso, which itself is curved to draw a slightly graceful curve.

And, very rarely, it's just a single blade, the pattern is long and seems to be handled with both hands.

"Oh... how beautiful..."

Words naturally overflowed from Richard's mouth.

"Katana, that's the sword. Look."

When he threw the silk cloth on the grinder into the universe, the king, holding the knife with both hands, said, "Mmm!" and swing it down all the time.

The flickering silk cloth was never wrapped around the sword, and was splendidly cut off without any sound and spread to the floor in two pieces.

"Can you do the same with your hips?

The king says as he holds his sword firmly in the sheath he was putting on the table.

"To that extent... this is the sword you made Hoogs Swordsmen make to order, right?

The long sword that Richard is raising is a very expensive delicacy given to him by his mother, the Queen, in the fold in which he became captain of the First Knights platoon.

Drawing a long sword from his waist with his accustomed hand, Richard throws it into the universe just like his father when he picks up a piece of silk cloth with his left hand, instantly waving the sword of his right hand.


But the silk cloth was wrapped around the sword without being cut off.

"Huh? Again...... Huh!

Why? Richard confirms the blade of the sword, like I said.

The blade broke. I made sure that there was not a single body and put a silk cloth on it. When I pulled it off, it cut off lightly.

"Try again with this katana. Firmly with both hands, swing it out so that it pulls in front the moment it hits the cloth."

Now not as brilliant as his earlier father, but the silk cloth was cut off without sound.

"This katana... that's a great cut..."

Richard sees the sword in his hand as impressed.

"Status open... katana...? Excellent. But what the hell is this sword...?

Richard asks with a tongue-in-cheek look as to what this has to do with the story so far.

"It is told that it was His Majesty George of late who made that katana"

"Oh no! Your Majesty the First! Excellent with reason! You haven't failed to take care of yourself for hundreds of years."

"Hmmm. I can't reproduce it because it's not even passed down to the making method... the care of that katana is handed down as a duty of generations of kings"


Richard wondered even as he returned his sword to his father.

Sure, it's a brilliant sword, but why the hell does the sword come out now?



The next thing Zydritz brought was also a sword, but it looks like a very ordinary long sword from the shape.

The sheath is also somewhat decorated like relief, but not very luxurious in black monochrome.


"Hmm? What about that sheath...?

"Have you noticed? It's the rubber used to armor Barkud's armor."

The king answered as he pulled the sword out of the Ebonite sheath and gave the sheath to Richard.

"When did you buy it... I don't think it's been ten years... look at it"

When told to whine, the king had Richard confirm the sword's fullness pulled out of his sheath.

"Can you see that there are parts that are not exactly the same but resemble the blade's construction?

In the king's words Richard observed the blade firmly against the light of the magic props of the light.

The blade of the earlier knife was not made with a corrugated blade pattern, but with a blade often made during the Kamakura period, known as a straight blade (immediately).

And while it's not so beautiful on the long sword I'm observing right now, it did have a slight float of something like a blade print.

"The sharpness is much inferior to katana, but this sword is also a few steps superior to what's there."

When the king said so, he pulled the katana out again, removed the nail from the pattern and removed the pattern.

"Take a look. There is no other sword of this structure. And the pattern of the sword..."

When Richard confirmed, the nails were also fitted in two places in the pattern of the long sword.

Ordinary long swords are all united with the pattern, and the blade, to the extent that they wrap leather or cloth around the pattern to prevent slipping.

"This blade... this build... with Miloo's sword..."

Richard, who says so flashly.

"Well... that makes it clear"

A king who nods convincingly.

"Look at this Balducky maker there. If you add the meat from the top and turn this handle, the big screw inside pushes the meat out to the front. The extruded meat is finely cut with a cruciform knife attached to the tip of the screw and comes out of this hole. Repeat several times and the meat will be chopped up quite small.

They couldn't even steal it together, but they could install a plate with a small hole in the part of this mouth to evenly measure the amount of meat that comes out.

As you can see, the structure itself is not a big deal, but according to Rough Rogue, each component that is configured fits perfectly and accurately with incredible accuracy.

He says the gear fits perfectly, as it is used for water wheels, and he has no idea how he made it unless he sharpened every single part out of innocent brass with yasley or something like that.

Is that enough time?

Most importantly, look at the treatment of the surface of the brass. Why are you so polite with tools that make food? They say it takes a lot of work and time to make it so tight. Doesn't make any sense, does it?

Seeing the king in one breath, Richard realized his own expression was going to change.

"I mean..."

Speak up to squeeze.

"I mean, he's the same 'reincarnator' as his first sire. Legend has it that 'reincarnators' are often better than childhood. I also say that some people boast unusual personal martial arts like His Majesty the First..."

Then, for a short time, a report was made on the verification of Al's made products in conjunction with the royal secrets that are only passed on in the oral biography, etc.

"... it's not like we're hostile. If he wants to be independent, let him be. It is a shame to say that the Dart Plains are a shame, but at the moment they are not a major contributor to our country's economy. Than that, it would be more gratifying for our country to assist him in the next few years and just do anything independently, and cut off the Dabus side of the Dart Plains, the southern half.

That's all we can do if we narrow the border contact.

Within ten years... they will cut Junkel territory and make it heavenly in the meantime until they give way to Ed. That bat clan has all been killed. "

During these centuries, the crusade of the Grand Noble, Marquis Junkel (Count in the Granan Empire), who is coming and going between the northern Empire of Granan and the Kingdom of Romberto, was declared.

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