14 Dec 7448

Thor's arms are not dull and he is still cleverly moulded.

After all, is it due to the inherent skill of ultra clever (Ultra Deft)?

The purpose today is to see how my arms are doing, so the ingredients of the mould are just fine soil of the chimes I magically put out on earth.

So even if I make a casting product out of this mould, I have to break it in one go, but I can do it much faster than I can scrape the molybdenum ore with a hammer.

I let the mould be made of soil for speed priority, so even if you flush molten brass there, its surface seems seemingly smooth, and the closer you look or touch it, the more annoying it should be for anyone to know.

Still, this would suffice, because it is a superior success over making with oath technology.

Tor, who was completely grown up after being plucked out of his fangs, also seemed to have an artisanal skin part with him, carefully stroking the inside of the mould with his fingertips with "a little more here" or some sort of bump and grunt, rotting to reduce the irregularities at all.

Ma'am, I am not going to spare any assistance if you are going to find merit in this direction.

Leaving that aside, they told me that this minute about my lord education would be over in one cup next week.

This finally frees me from the damn boring lecture. Glad to hear it.

Anyway, about half of the lectures can be applied as soon as you understand them or even have a basement of about middle school to high school graduation.

The most laborious was about the legal relationship related to the trial.

But since that's basically memorizing, if you admit all the contents of the lecture to your notebook, there's not much wrong with it except it takes a lot of work.

It's not like they're going to do a written test that doesn't allow you to bring in materials like school.

After that, I had some difficulty using infantry and military horses about the land warfare of White Soldier subjects at a distance where they could see their faces over slow travel speeds like Namekuji if I tried from a former executive self-defense officer.

I didn't have much of a problem with flying tools with short ranges and poor hitting rates if I thought it was something like that in advance.

There are not many things to remember about tactics because of the large limitations on equipment and mobility.

Anyone can immediately remember some formations and their applications.

I guess the difficulty is that it is about time to identify the battle situation and give directions for formations change, assault and defense.

I think taste says more than tactics and other memories when it comes to reading the enemy's intentions and giving instructions to the formation that corresponds to them, or giving instructions to attack, retreat, or cover at a stronghold.

That sort of thing, there was no problem with battle command in one way or another, but what I struggled with was the foundation of the foundation, the way I received reports from the soldiers.

Regardless of giving orders aloud to troops under command, training to hear exactly what is being screamed from afar (?) I really shut up about it.

I went out to the Fourth Knights of the Kingdom to get mixed up in exercises about these group combat training, but naturally it was important to hear exactly what the knights and soldiers had reported from afar, plus "who said".

Even if it was somewhat hard to hear, I guess you're saying this, supplementing it over here because of the circumstances at that time, etc., and issuing a corresponding order, even if it's reasonable, it won't pass.

As an examiner, the captain next door said, "I don't mind your order right now, but please state the basis for your decision." The enemy said that about 40 spear soldiers were approaching from the further right back of the right wing. There are a hundred right-wing troops, but the gear is a spear, just like the enemy, so we decided that we should provide immediate reinforcements and try to mitigate the damage. The movement of the left wing and the central enemy is still unknown, so I turned 30 archers from the reserve at headquarters to right-wing support, "and I couldn't answer when they said," Who and which part have you reported? "

As much as I was first introduced to a soldier, whatever his face and name, there's no way I can even remember his voice.

I'm sure there were some parts of me that were turning high that said it was okay because I have an appraisal, but the soldiers who report are both 100m and 200m apart, and it's hard to identify who's screaming among them because they're all dressed in armor helmets.

Even if it can be identified, the helmet is in the way and the appraisal is useless first.

Of course, even when it comes to armor helmets, it's the vast majority of each dressed as a city, but I can't remember any of them.

So I don't have anything else to remember my voice, but I have a strong feeling that if you try it on me, it doesn't matter who's been reporting it.

However, there was no other way to solemnly obey the rapporteur's identification if he were told that it was important because it would be in the hands of individual soldiers as well as the results of the war on this report.

Even if there are overlapping reports about the same contents, the person who reported the report the earliest and his unit will be evaluated.

I feel strange about the reporting process, and I think I should let him report it after the battle from the Force Commander there, but that seems to be the decision, so there's no point in disputing it.

When I asked all the commanders of the army if they could do this kind of artistry because I got to my head, they said they couldn't do it. For a moment I said, "What, are you a bully? I even thought."

But I'm not like an army commander.

It is perceived as a senior nobleman who does not have the opportunity to command thousands of entire armies.

And if they say it's necessary because at most 150-200 people are going to do some of the commanders of this local knighthood regiment...

Since the number of local knights in Count Leagues' territory is much smaller than that of the Fourth Knights who are training at this time, I was also comforted that it should have been easier, but then I also thought that it would suit that number of people.

If it's a small Knights of the Town, it's natural for me to judge all the prizes and punishments being the head of the regiment.

I have no objection to this. In terms of numbers, it's about a squadron of militia, and the final rating of squadrons is basically what the squadron leader does.

Besides, if the Knights Commander was listening to his report (remember his voice) and told me that it was honorable to reward him directly after the battle, thereby also increasing the morale of the soldiers, I'd have to say yes.

The only thing about this lecture that I didn't get a pass score for in one shot, but I really don't care in my mind.

I convinced myself that there was no point in establishing an original rating system or just making me decide that I should develop a radio.

Anyway, in the course of the year, I will be free from lectures.

... That said, Mizuchi told me that it had been a long time since the rifle bullet had bottomed out.

No one has been able to practice shooting for the past few months.

I haven't messed with a gun in about six months (no new manufacturing, of course), so there's still a lot left to do.

Oh, it's induced (triggered) magic, but it's finally available.

You're adorable to hang on to your mental concentration for about 30 minutes, but if you do this more often, you'll go less and less.


"Ah, Captain. Is the captain tailored, too?

An alley into the back of a bottle from Bail Street, the main street of the Wang capital Lombertia.

One of the Knights had just come out from the inside when Viscount Gendail, who was head of the First Knights, arrived in front of a tailor with a sign "Army Hamill”.

"Hmm? Oh, give me a surcoat..."

"It's nice to have a polite job here, right? Well, here I am."


Viscount Gendail opened the shop door for a while as he saw the Knights walk away towards the front street.

Sometimes it is illuminated by the sunlight and light magic props that plug in through the windows and it is quite bright in the store.

"Welcome. Please wait a moment."

My husband, who seems to be just turning down the cloth at the desk in the back, slipped a glimpse of the cloth as he glanced at the door for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm not a guest today. I'd like to talk to you for a second."

Viscount Gendail stepped into the back of the store apologizing for not being a guest.

Upon acknowledging the face of the Viscount, the Master who placed the (10) seemed to recognize him as the leader of the new First Knights.

"This is Lord Gendail. Thank you very much for that verse. I owe it to the First Knights more than ever. Please don't hesitate to ask me anything. This way please."

On the occasion of the marriage of his adopted son, Martin, he was the one who gave him a fine set of tables.

The owner of the shop immediately prepared a chair for the Viscount.

"Oh, no wonder.... Uh, what about our Greed husband?

"Did you run errands for Marty? Sorry, Marty left before noon..."

"No, I'm sorry. Actually, I know he's not here. They're going down to the new store, right? It's just a confirmation."

"Huh? ha"

The owner of the store twists his neck.

Why did you come in here on purpose to figure out Martin's behavior and make sure he wasn't there?

There is no reason other than that it would be because I want to talk to myself.

"Can I close the window? And can I lock the door?

I just got up right out of the chair where I lowered my hips, and Viscount Gendail quickly removed the grasping stick of the window facing the street from before I even heard back, and hung it on the door.

And he turns to his husband, who makes his eyes black and white wondering what the hell is going on. "What about your wife?," he asked.

My husband replies that he is "out shopping" while losing his composure.

"I want to ask you straight in. Then what's your relationship with His Majesty? Hard to say, Lord Martin, is that... your majesty's downfall?

Viscount Gendyle speaking with a quiet expression, but its sharp glance doesn't even seem to miss a slight change in expression.

Even if he had lied, he would not have seen his eyes.

From that gaze it seems that physical pressure can even be felt, and my husband unwittingly wants to turn away.

"Ha!? No, no, there's no annihilation! Sure, Marty is an adopted son, but it's not your majesty's downfall or anything. It's an old friend's oblivion. That was taken over by me because my parents died in battle at a very young age. Happy or unhappy, we didn't have any children, and if you want to inherit them, your relatives... if you have any doubts, you can tell us where his relatives are."

My husband answered quickly, with a surprised look on his face enduring a desire to deviate from his gaze somehow.

After staring at its face, Viscount Gendail said, "Really? Excuse me for asking you not to pry. Forget about today's story." I left the store when I took the door off.

A sudden visit and due to an unexpected topic, my husband, who remained slightly excited and blushed, dropped off the Viscount until he could no longer see his hindsight, went back to the store and sat down in his chair and exhaled a loud sigh.

"... you're stunned"

When I whined one, I stood up and got my hands on the quarrel again.

However, as soon as I returned the bottle to my desk, I drew a glass of water from the water bottle and drank it to a sigh.

And call out behind the store.

"It's okay now. Your Highness has returned."

The person who came out of the back of the store after being called was a middle-aged lion (Lios), Zydritz.

When he alternately rubs his shoulders to relieve tension, he leans against the wall and arms together.

"I didn't know Your Excellency was here himself... it is only natural that His Excellency should also give his heart to Lord Gried... I couldn't stutter and wander across the wall either... Years old."

"No, it won't be old enough to say that yet. Your head was perfectly hidden."

"I didn't have to know when I was young, and now I'm very much beyond the Lord Gendail. I'm just glad they didn't read the signs."

"But regardless of the sudden door tightness, I also had a cold liver for that force"

"Really... hey, give me some water too"

Zydritz sipped water in one breath, as did his husband.

Even he, the head of the turbulent wave, had a crisp throat.

"... but your Majesty's fall is an over-reading..."

The man says, laughing funny and creepy.

"But I'm just serving as head of the First Knights on the boulder. When you asked about your connection to His Majesty... I was really surprised."

"You're definitely a boulder. But you don't even know us... Hamill. I've spent years as a 'grass (kusa)', but you can think of this as my last big job. Eight, no, it was nine years ago too... I never dreamed this would happen when His Majesty ordered me to do it. Your Majesty would have done the same himself."

"... right. I thought we were talking about getting into Granan's ambassador's daughter at first..."

"Marty doesn't look like he's going to be full, and he'll be happier than marrying Granan's ambassador's daughter."

"Huh. Sure. That was terrible, and I looked terrible."

"It would be civilian, but it would be quite a character to be a member of the ambassador..."

"Yeah, but I was surprised when they told me five years ago they were going to change their goals."

My husband speaks with a nostalgic look on his face.

At the time, without knowing why, there was an order to transform the subject of son-in-law into a knight of the First Knights from the daughter of the ambassador of the Empire of Granan, and Martin held their heads together.

I connected my face with measurements under armor, delivery of orders, etc., and spent more than a year months until I could normally talk about it somehow.

And another year until I can tell stories and jokes without other love.

When he was consulted on his love affair with another knight, he crushed his liver and did a pretty hard job of getting closer to the other knight and his family by mentioning the turbulent wave organization so that the knight's affection could be directed at one wife.

It also took a great deal of effort to grasp the heart, comforting the Woman Knight of Heart.

In particular, only my husband and his wife, who have spent many years as a parent and child, have noticed that in the process Marty also feels more in love.

Anyway, Your Majesty says you're very satisfied with your work.

"No body."

"No, it's really great to have been able to drop that Sir Gried. His Majesty is also said to return Sir Gried to the King's Capital in a year or two. As you instructed, let the child do his best to be at least three. If you're going to inherit it it like Embry and the others are disguised...... any day you'll start to stick your head out of the turbulent waves.

The Grid family in that case... the mainstream facade should be the famous family that produces First Knights members from generation to generation, and the back should be the head of a turbulent wave organization that supports the kingdom from shadow. The last few years have been a good time. "

The loyalty of the turbulent organization, which serves the Duke of Lomberto family from generation to generation, is considerably higher than the King, who is the subject of loyalty, but none of the grass, which is the end, was bound by the emotions within him.

December 30, 7448

New Year's Eve.

Today will be the last day of farewell to the Mira masters.

It must have been one of the rare leisure crushes for them, but thanksgiving is important because they taught me some sorcery.

Mizuchi and I went to Fairy Home with so much dry stuff that we couldn't hold.

Of course, the monsters I met on the road were ice pickled with or without it, so neither I nor Mizuchi sustained a single scratch.

"Is that it? Didn't you already go to the realm?

It's been a long time since I've seen us. Carl said it as a surprise.

"We leave in a month or February. I'm here today to say my last goodbye. Thanks for everything, Carl."

"I'm glad you taught me all sorts of magic. Thank you so much."

Carl said, no, the majority of fairies (fairies) don't listen to people on a busy basis, they have the big drawback of being bored and losing focus quickly, and I and Mizuchi thanked each other while the story was difficult to last.

"We both thought you were gone because you didn't come before this.... You're here. But this is the last time Al..."

Right after my name, there's a side-by-side adverb, "La" missing, featherworm.

Or do you want to kill me?

Well, I guess I didn't mean to tell you...

"Master, thank you very much for your help. This is just a feeling."

Ignoring Carl, I handed Master Mira dry baggage.

"No thanks. Al."

Master Mira smiled at me, but his eyes tell me to open the luggage lid quickly.

I opened the luggage lid and let out the contents, and this is Maysaver, which I explained to you one by one with Caesargo.

"By the way, Al, come on. Mizuchi, too, but you could remember to induce (trigger)?

Carl, who got me in the way, said only his head out of Mizuchi's hood.


Mizuchi laughs.

"Hey, why don't you just scratch me and Al?

That's what Mizuchi said, stitching needles out of the lumbar compartment.

"Oh! That means both Mizuchi and Al!?

Carl jumped out of Mizuchi's hood to receive a sewing needle when he said it as a surprise.

And stick just a little needle in the fingertip Mizuchi gave you.

Then, immediately, the area of the scalp visible from the outside of Mizuchi's body was wrapped in thin blue magical light for only a moment, blocking the wound that Carl pierced.

"It still takes a lot of time for me and Mizuchi to concentrate, but I'm ready to use it."

I laugh with my hands on Carl as well as Mizuchi.

Magic you can't even use, we can use it now.

"Wow, what that smug face. I'm not even a hundred years old. Al's busy."

"Ouch! You son of a bitch!

I also automatically activated the magic of minor injury healing (cure light), which was set to induce (trigger) in advance, as was Mizuchi earlier, but unlike Mizuchi, which was a minor wound, the wound is not completely healed and the pain draws its tail.

I accidentally reached out to get Carl, but he was avoided.

"Well, well, Al. Give me a break around there. Carl said you weren't even coming to say goodbye because he was crying earlier."


Carl screaming out loud or something.

Daikanya, I think you're telling me not to lie or shut up.

But there's something cute about you crying that we're not coming to say goodbye.

Carl decided to miss him because he felt just a little tender.

"It's no big deal for both of us to learn to trigger magic in less than a year..."

Master Mira told me as impressed.

After that, as a farewell, I was asked to perform some sorcery again, and the remnants were spared, but Mizuchi and I decided to leave Fairy Town behind.

"Hey Al! And Mizuchi! Don't forget about them!

You've forgotten about me before, and Carl shouts his own words.

"Oh. I don't know when, but if I could build a country like George's, I'd probably come back and show my face again. You're the one who remembers!

I said a temporary goodbye to my little, very little friends with the thought of somehow getting my hair pulled back.

Thanks. I'll never forget it.

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