March 4, 7449.

"Bye. I'll go first."

I only sent a word of greeting in front of the rest of the group who came to drop me off.

I've already sporadically talked about what I have to tell you, so this is fine now.

"Mr. Al. I'll make sure you call me by the end of the year. Hey!"

Bastral has a slightly rushed look on his face.

"Don't forget!?!? Uyamuya in the direction of no!

I'll call it right, and don't worry, I won't forget.

"Dear Gried. I'll take care of everyone."

Unlike my husband, Kathy smiled and dropped me off.

You're a good wife.

"" Master, be careful!

The battle slaves hired to guard the factory or something are saying goodbye with their hands behind their backs and their voices together as they fold their hips.

It was like when a bunch of shitty young people (though they're not very young) dropped off their parents.

Apparently, Bastral was planting it.

... you actually have a lot of room?

The guard? Don't worry about it. Bastral and his wife are bringing them here in the middle of the day by saying that if only half of the kids' slaves were left in the factory, there would be no problem.

"You guys hang in there, too"

I answered as I leaked a small sigh.

"Dad, you can't just eat meat, can you? Eat proper vegetables every day."

"Oh, I know"

"Really? I hope so... and because the change is in this saddlebag over here"

"I'll ask you yesterday."

"Yeah... because I'll be there in May too. Can you do laundry or something?

"I can do it. When you were little, I washed you too. Besides, there are slaves around. No problem."

"Hey Ral. Be that as it may."

"Guine is right. You, Mr. Xenom, are you licking because you're my adopted daughter? Besides, I'm here. I can't believe I let my slaves wash their precious kimonos... and I won't let them do anything wrong."

"Wow. Kevin, you creep..."

"Why do you feel bad!? Yeah, Kevin Han is right! Dear Yakuza! Even now it's too late. Please, Wye with me..."

"Ah, we're running out again, this guy!

"You're the same shitty leader."

"Don't show your loyalty to the stall in front of you, scum!

"We're set to leave in May with your daughter, aren't we?

"Come on!

The surroundings of the Firefried parents and children, sparing a brief farewell, were lively, but quieted by the sip of Ginger, the chief squire and nobleman.

Next to it, Sir Carostaran's family exchanges farewell greetings.

"Gel, Meath. May...... no, will it be near summer coming? Anyway, thank the slaves."

"Oh, leave this one to me. The next time I see you, I'll work out amazingly well."

I'm counting on you.

"Ma'am, don't worry, I'll follow up on this guy properly"

"Ugh. You guys can have one house, right?

"Huh? Ma, well... the two houses, because their... they're wasted... ah, no, to Gal. The village just had a fight on farmland, and there's no way there's that much room! I'm also sorry to force my predecessors to do so! Because I can't help it!?"

"Yes, sir. That's what I'll do."

"Yep... Sowiukotnishitheoitecdasai..."

I'm just looking at Tris' slave-headed Bill sign in a shake, too.

We're close to thirty roads, so get married and make a kid already, these guys...

That's why they put it together with Tris.

"Bye, Sanno, Lutz. And then, please."

"Oh, leave it to me! No, please!"

"In the end, you don't fix your language in a busy way. Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry about this one. 'Cause I'm gonna do it right."

"Lutz, you..."

"If we're the only ones here, we don't have to be verbal."

"No, you can't. The Falergers family can be licked. By the next time I see you, I'll be responsible for fixing it."

"Oh, yeah?

"All right, all right. It's been a little noisy lately, Lutz. More than that, Dender, Karim. Don't ask for a stall."


"Soil will be ready in a little while. Your husband can eat what I made. I'll do my best!

Lorrick and I are the same.

"Rocco, thank you for the shapes."

"Oh, leave it to me! Carm, I'm not even gonna let you shoot one of those arrows."

"Well, because only the arm is strong indeed. If Rocco was here, he wouldn't really be here."

"Phew. Don't compliment me like that"

"Ha, you come on...... still say Carm. I told you it would be rude to call your stall name directly! Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's all set, Lord squire!

"... I'm worried. Hey Carm, even now..."

"Oh, Kim, even you just said Calm!

"That's fine. Kim, I'll make sure Rocco has my calculations on the road, but I can't be verbal."

Looks like Carm's is burning his hands on Rocco, but it's the usual thing, and Rocco doesn't... I don't really think it fits Kata either.

Because it's his flavor to get ahead and go in without thinking about it.

You look like Ralpha, but Ralpha's not going to end up like that.

Carm seems to know a lot about it there, so leave it to me. No problem.

"Hiss, don't ask me about them."

"Yeah, because I'm thinking of buying two more slaves, too. No problem."

"Right. Then I'll wait over there."

"Yes, and if anyone cares about the Elves..."

"Oh, I know. I have to find my wife too..."


"Yeah. Having a house is hard after all..."


Why are these guys so snug?

Well, no.

He turned around and headed towards Uranus, his beloved horse.

The people at the Chamber of Commerce have hardened up, starting with my sister.

"Hold on tight."

Your sister slapped me in the back when she said that.

"Oh. Have a healthy baby, too, sister. Thank you, brother-in-law and sister."

I asked Mr. Martin, who became my brother-in-law, to bow his head lightly and care for Miloo's body.

"raise your head, Count!

Your brother-in-law is scared in a panic by lowering his head to his civilian, albeit brother-in-law.

His identity matters, as he put it.

But I have become the housekeeper of the Earl of Riegle family, and my sister is also the housekeeper of the independent Gried family, but before that, from my brother's sequence as the Gried family, I am lower.

No, I don't care about reason.

I want my sister to relax and celebrate her first birth, and most importantly, she's the one my sister chose, so I guess it's natural to bow my head.

"Oh, my sister-in-law... I'll take care of Al!

Mizuchi also had his head bowed to his sister.

"Yeah. Mizuchi...... hey over here"

My sister has some ears when she pulls Mizuchi aside.

It won't be a busy thing anyway.

If you look at the side, you'll see.

Kid, make it quick, it's important how many times, it's breaking out, that.

I know what you're doing.

"Dear Al, how are you..."

As Reynolds, who has been the head of the Green Chamber of Commerce since this year, advanced on behalf of his family, he took my hand and distorted my face.

"Reynolds. If you're from the Chamber of Commerce, don't ask for my regards. You can count on Bastral for the moment, but you have to get everyone together... hey, don't look like that. At the end of the year, you're gonna have to show your face."

That's right.

Naturally, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Grid became Earl and gave him territory, and he still remains me.

In short, as always, it is still my job to interact with the Administration about what the Chamber of Commerce pays taxes for.

This seems to have been the case on the old planet, and it would be about the second or third from the top of the list of reasons why branches are difficult to make.

Of course, the biggest reason is that when the distance is away, it is difficult to communicate quickly and grasp the contents of another location, or it is practically impossible to...

Even if you think that you will spend a week in Wangdu as long as you have the breezy hoof "Breeze Horseshoe" and the map that Guineh creates, it is fully possible to get to and from the city in two weeks round trip.

Whatever you do, you don't have to worry about people. If you rush through at speed on a night, you'll be able to travel 200 km in a day. If you really hurry, you won't be riding a horse and crushing it. It's not your dream to travel nearly 500 km in half a day. The rider will be dying.

"Dear Al... Finally. Have a good day..."

Reynolds' younger brother, Emberto, is no better than losing to his brother, and his face is shattered.

As far as I'm concerned, this Embelt is deeper than my brother Reynolds.

Most rubber products would never have been mass produced without him.

I hold that hand tightly when I go in front of the Embelt, too.

"I'm grateful to you. Thank you. It's going to be tough, but remember the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce well enough to help Reynolds do it. And I have to pay attention to factories and stores as well as fixing rubber products... Sorry for the hard work."

"Dear Al..."

He let go of Embelt's hand, which clogs the words, and hung his foot on Uranus' jaw.

"Bye. Thanks for dropping me off, guys. Say hello to Leila and the others."

Eight six-headed carriages.

Three of them are loaded with luggage, while the remaining five carriers also have a total of four rows of eight-person bench seats opposite each other.

About half of us sitting there are slaves to the kid I own, so it's not very narrow.

It should be noted that only two of the bench seats lined up in four rows are slightly higher because they are on top of the luggage compartment, which is back-to-back in the center.

In addition, one of the wagons stands like a small wagon behind your table for surrounding surveillance, and that is where Guineh is positioned.

In addition to the carriage, there are sixteen military horses crossed by me, Mizchi, Xenom, Kevin, Ginger, Tris, Bell, Lorrick, Carm, Rocco, and Vince, among the below-Zulu combat slaves, who have ridden experience such as Bill Sign, Henry, and Meck.

There is no walking.

"All right, let's go!

Under my decree, a fairly large convoy of carriers left the city of Balduk behind.

Mar 8, 7449

Corydoke Avenue, which stretches from halfway south of Zaridor Avenue to the drain side, has also been in good maintenance so far and can proceed without any problems at all.

The reputation of the ball bearings on the rubber tires and the carriage using suspension, even briefly, was so good that Ben and Ellie and the kids who worked at the factory seemed happy. Well, I rarely rode the carriage itself, so naturally.

But the guy who got motion sickness also got out.

It's not that I can't shake it, and even breaks are unusually few, so this is natural.

But children are highly adaptable.

Today is the fourth day of carriage travel, but no one has complained of motion sickness today.

It's getting less and less time to meet people.

Meet a pedestrian on foot who was in charge of luggage, and a pedestrian who manipulated a luggage truck towed by two or one luggage horse or a load of cattle at best, and that's where we meet from an hour to at most every 30 minutes or so.

Still kept up the slow pace until after fifteen, just in case.

It's hard to think of anyone traveling from this village to this one at this hour.

"Okay, it's been five minutes. There's nothing back there, huh?

Check and say time with clock demon props.

No abnormality, I put the clock demon prop tied to my stomach in reply to.

Um, watch size demon props, I got one or so secured.

"Let's go, full speed!

Zulu was put ahead 20 minutes ago, and the building sign was put ahead five minutes after that.

I have Henry and Meck ahead every five minutes since then.

This is your last chance to gauge the maximum travel speed of a loaded carriage with a good street condition there.

From the village of Kegnizza, which we just passed, to the edge of the farmland of the village of Marrim, we are now at a point just past the third.

Behind the wagon carriage, Mizuchi and Ginger, Tris, and Bell are almost equally spaced and monitored to avoid sightings from behind.

Immediately after the decree, whip it into Uranus and let it run at full speed.

I've been traveling all morning, but I don't see the colour of tiredness in Uranus.

Kicking the earth forcefully, Uranus runs down the streets.

Behind me, Zenom and Lorrick's military horses chased away, and behind them, the carriages operated by Giberti and the battle slaves were starting to raise dust.

The carriage cannot accelerate rapidly from a stop state.

The surrounding landscape passes backwards as it flows, at a rate that is as fast as 40 kilometers per hour.

At the end of the street, I could quickly see Meck's back as he was slowly walking his horse.

Meck whipped into the horse when he made sure we were approaching.

I don't slow down like I follow his hindsight.

Meck adjusts his speed and walks side by side with me.

He immediately joined Henry and Bill Sign, and he also saw Zulu's back.

Regardless of the army horses looking back, I can't see the carriage.

Zulu, who noticed this one, stands on his left arm, which is a "no witnesses but serfs" signal.

I slowed down and stopped beside Zulu.

The elapsed time is… about a quarter of a minute.

There is also the first acceleration time, so it was calculated that the speed was more than 40 km/h.

Then about eight minutes later, a carriage loaded with only child slaves finally arrived.

You can assume that this one was out about 27 miles an hour.

Neither the military horse nor the carriage has disturbed the horse's breath at all.

This was followed by the arrival of a carriage loaded with adult and child slaves, slightly delayed by a carriage loaded with adult slaves.

Then a carriage loaded with luggage arrived on time, and finally a carriage loaded with luggage to the critical point, about three or two minutes after the start.

Very satisfactory for this speed of travel.

At first, the carriage starts to move slowly and accelerates gradually.

Even when you stop, you have to slow down because you can't stop right away like a single horse.

For carriages loaded with luggage, like this one, it takes about 500 meters of deceleration to stop from the highest speed.

In other words, even though the highest speed cannot be achieved near the start and goal, the fact that it exceeds eighteen kilometers per hour on average means that the cruise speed at the highest speed can exceed twenty kilometers.

Personnel would be able to get you anywhere in my territory from Beglitz in the capital within three hours.

Ma, that needs to have a road there.

That's a chase.

We'll be able to find out a little more about contact times and travel times with each village, including within the Dart Plains, when we get to the territory.

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