12 Mar 7449

He entered the Kandail region, the southern part of the Kingdom of Romberto.

While it is beyond doubt that only eight days after leaving Balduk, we were able to escape the heavens thanks first to Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, it is also important to remember that the majority of the heavens have been inputted into Guineh's memory.

It should be noted that only a few days ago was the journey made at full speed to get here, otherwise it was at a faster rate there compared to the amount of luggage being carried, about the speed at which the horse walked with light luggage.

Even so, the fact is that during the travel time of the day, I only took a break from the toilet break and lunch, and the speed is up even at the same weight because the wheels of the carriage are made differently in the first place.

The first few days had good road surfaces, the horses were fine because they had just left, and besides being new carriages, the slaves on board, of course, only seemed honestly impressed by the immigrants of the civilian population pressed by the king.

However, the situation on the road surface has been getting worse and worse since over a week ago, not to mention about three or four days ago. Even if the carriages were superior and the horses were aligned around sturdy military horses, there appeared to be some who wondered that the pace of movement would hardly change.

Actually, tell me who it is soon, and I was just a little harrassed.

I didn't want to maintain this speed forever, and if no one had to mention it by the end of the day, I would have had no choice but to slow it down.

"Um, Mr. Yakuza... may I ask you something?

The king's three distant sons called out as he was eating lunch.

His name is Gallon Zydritz.

He is a former slave to the Lions (Lios) who will be twenty-seven this year.

There is nothing particularly strange about appraising and looking at the family name because it came once free and free people in pushing me (only stating that the new Zydritz family was thrilled to be free from slavery in 7449).

My wife Martha is also a free citizen at the same time, so there's nothing unnatural about this one.

Note that they have no children.

My naming as a squire hasn't gone yet because I want to dress up for a local shrine after I get to the territory.


Smoked strongly until it was one step ahead of me in becoming a salami, and I answered with a long dried baldukki.

"Um... it's a carriage, but it's an unusual wheel"

Gallon speaks with an impressed look on his face.

Ordinary carriages are wheeled with wooden planks stuck to both ends on cast iron axles in good condition. Even the better guy wraps a cast iron plate around the tire part of the wheel to prevent wear.

By contrast, not only does my carriage have a metal solid spoke, but the rim even wears rubber tires on top of metal.

"Oh, I'm using rubber on the outside of the wheel,"

Rocco, who was sipping tea beside him before I answered because he was chewing salami, replied.

"Really, was that black still rubber..."

Gallon replied as he was impressed looking at the carriage stopping in line at the side of the road.

Oh, boy.

I think this guy named Gallon is someone's handler.

Somehow, during the first day of the restroom break, I received a report that I was touching the surface of the wheel and looking at the status.

Well, it would be reasonable to assume that the king's breath hangs from the circumstances and the fact that the king says it's remote.

"Rubber doesn't mean it's universal, but it's convenient to be able to make useful things like this. Are you interested?

As Rocco hurried to swallow what was in his mouth in an attempt to get the lead of the conversation before he ran the extra thing, he asked Gallon, who remained pointing toward the carriage.

"Yep. I'm interested to think it's the rubber wheels that make me feel so comfortable and fast"

I can answer a gallon looking back in a hurry, in some expectant tone.


I'm not going to let anyone get involved in the production of rubber for the time being except someone from Barkud or my direct slave.

"Right. But I need you to cultivate the farmland. Give it up."

Beglitz also has a considerable area of agricultural land spread around the city.

About 80% of them belong to me, and I will let my direct servants and slaves plow them.

Even when I say direct reports, my local squire ends up being a strange expression because I can say direct reports...

Yeah, from now on, I'll replace whoever I take (in short, who replaces the minister of the former deputy Earl of Loughleague) with a civilian who originally resides in Beglitz and farms on the remaining 20% of the land as his predecessor.

That way, their predecessors, their faces, their ease of standing... Do you?

There are six or five families in all who have been pressed by the king, including their couple, but they intend to allocate normal farmland to all of them.

There are also more than a dozen other people from Marquis Webdos territory, such as villages near Barkud, who plan to come to the territory separately, but they are also basically going to leave ordinary farmland to them.

I have yet to tell anyone but Mizuchi about building a rubber garden and manufacturing rubber products in the first place.

"Oh, no, no..."

Gallon looked snotty and clouded his words when I answered without comment.

A short distance away Martha, his wife, was talking to the civilians of the women sent by the other kings in some fun way, but she seemed too far away to get this conversation to her ears, laughing without showing any unnatural appearance.

I'm in too much of a hurry.

I think it's a good idea to be quiet for at least a couple of years without doing anything if you're going in as an intermediate.

After all that time, my vigilance will fade, and I will sometimes find seeds that are particularly apparent about the demands for a rearrangement.

For example, it is not unnatural to say that I do not like farming, where life is difficult to stabilize depending on the yield.

How many times can I say I'm suspicious, so I can't be watching them all the time, so I can pretend I'm not doing farm work where I haven't seen them?

24 Mar 7449

Since entering the Kandail region, it should be said that it was on schedule, or it had changed from hitting it while passing through heaven, slowing down a lot and moving slowly.

Rather than carving terrain into Guineh's memory, the main reason is that he is progressing while investigating whether there is room to sell crops, ore, or other crafts other than rubber products that have been harvested in the territory because of the close physical distance from my territory, or whether there are any specialties that I have to constantly buy.

Especially since it was a good time to kill.

It's really unnatural to arrive too soon.

Yeah, I hope they found out that my carriage fleet travels considerably faster than normal in itself.

I hope they think it's fast because they use a good horse and a good carriage, and no harm done by it.

Speaking of polar theories, I don't care if they find out you're using magic hooves.

The point is, I just hope they don't know the truth about the magic hoof.

If so, it may seem like it would be a good idea to move normally without using it from the beginning, but I just thought that I should measure the speed of the carriage while the road surface is in good condition, and that it might be convenient to broil it out if the interstices are in a mix.

With the adoption of rubber tires and shock absorbers, my carriage is usually able to pass quite easily even in road conditions where I have to slow down to get by, so I don't really see the problem even if it seems to be the cause.

The true value of Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof that I value, is that travel does not depend on road conditions. Compared to this, I think that not being tired for half a day or doubling the load tolerance will be a downgrade.

Of course, both parties have important and difficult abilities to gain, but if you don't get tired, you can have replacement horses that are generally covered, and you can have double the number of horses for load tolerance, or two round-trips at worst.

However, it is impossible to cover only the fact that the speed of travel does not slow down on bad roads or that even on the water only horses and riders can travel.

In the future, the majority of the 64 pairs of hooves I own are going to be used militarily, so I think they will show true value in a situation like the reverse drop of a valley overpass.

Especially since the Dart Plains have very little difference in topography, a situation like demonstrating true value would be a long way off......

Anyway, today, I finally got inside my realm.

The city of Weed, in the northeast of the territory, is located at a straight distance of less than ten kilometers.

Patience the urge to break through Mount Weed, which can be bordered south in front of you, and bypass the mountains along the road.

Before fifteen o'clock.

When farmland spreading outside the city of Weed began to be hidden far away by the addition and subtraction of the road.

I met two men who rode.

Of Meck and Rocco, who were on guard ahead of the carriage convoy, Rocco returned and made a report.

"He said he was Weed's squire. As you can see, I hope so."

They picked me up earlier this morning because they had Ginger and Zulu ahead of them for a foretaste.

Going forward, the two men who were down from the horse come in and say hello to me.

It's still like picking me up.

"From now on, I will lead the way to Weed"

When one man said, the other said, "I will report to His Excellency Kazum, so please excuse me one foot first," and pulled the horse a little further away before riding it out toward the city.

The speed from here has to be on foot.

He who rides also disembarks and pulls the reins.

Also, I got off the horse because I had not been entrusted to an official knight, and sat beside the podium of the leading carriage.

If a nobleman moves to a new territory, if the nobleman does not officially hold the position of knight, he or she is to sit in a carriage.

It is assumed that you can cross a horse if you have had one experience in the past or some knighthood in which you have been ordained a full knight.

In addition, it is the practice of the Kingdom of Romberto to get off and walk from all rides, including horses, except your own.

It's normal to ride a passenger carriage with a lid for VIP travel, but in my case, I don't have such a carriage, so I sit on your podium.

I have heard that this is not embarrassing because many people do not own such carriages even for the assignment of deputies, as is normal.

Of those other than you, only the nobles, starting with me, are good in the carriage, and the slaves and migrants who have been on the carriage walk with the tail of the carriage fleet, except for the few who draw the horse's reins.

The guide's squire is walking very cursorily, but this is a buy of time.

Anyway, we're going into the city of Weed in four or five minutes.

Moving on for a while, the forest ran out and plugged to the edge of the farmland.

The farmland was lined up with serfs and civilians who seemed to have been farming until then, and when they entered the city district, the residents were bowing their heads to us in line along the road.

Outside the city, two Ginger and Zulu disembarked and waited for our arrival.

Standing beside him would be Baron Kazum, Zenom's predecessor, and his squire.

Of course, it doesn't usually go this far.

But this time it's special because it's not only me, the official lord who rules this entire territory, but also Baron Firefrid, who rules Weed.

Naturally, this sight makes my butt itch, but this is one of the things I've been doing.

You should be thanked for defying your breasts with dignity.

"Thank you for welcoming me. Is that Baron Kazum?

I sat down in the carriage and spoke to the baron.

Without having to appraise, anyone can guess from what they are wearing, etc., but I appraised them just in case.

It would be embarrassing if I made a mistake.

"Ha. It's a cuss. His Excellency the Earl of the Riegle, right?

Kazum was a middle-aged Pu (Hume), slightly fat man.

"Mm-hmm. I'm Uncle Leaguer. And a mountain man (Dwarf) sitting in the back carriage is the successor, Baron Firefrid."

I taught Xenom the carriage to sit on and waited until he finished saying hello to Xenom.

"Now I will show you to the residence. I'll lead the way from here, so please come and join us..."

This is a shape-shaped line, and not everyone goes to the inn.

Only the nobleman and the slave-headed Zulu, among my associates, will go to the inn in response to the prescribed line.

I will be resting in the baron's quarters today.

25 Mar 7449

At dawn of the night, get ready to leave.

Last night I was able to rest slowly in the baron's inn bed (which, of course, was a cotton-packed futon, not a straw bed).

The meals served were quite sumptuous and carefully made.

The fish called Yweina, which was to be caught on Lake Weed by the city, seemed like a specialty, and it had such flavors as course dishes with Yweina.

I think it was a meal that I personally liked, featuring a simple flavour, rather than leaving the country food area.

But Xenom, who doesn't like fish very much, was always on the top of the Buddha, and it was laughable how Baron Kazum, his wife, and cook-like slaves seemed to worry.

Of course, after Xenom explained that he didn't really like fish dishes, he said I loved them and they were eating them deliciously, so the worrying look disappeared right off their faces.

Leaving Zenom, Ginger, Kevin, and Guine and a few slaves at Weed.

I want Guine to look around at the territory, but because she's Zenom's squire, she's also her girlfriend and a takeover from her predecessor.

It's not too late to let Ralpha turn around slowly after he gets here.

Also break up here with Tris and Bell, Lorrick, Carm, Vince, etc.

Because they have to go to their village, too, and they have a handover.

Three personnel transport carriages will also stick to them.

This carriage will be returned to Weed at a later date, and as soon as the carriage I am using returns to Weed, the servants and slaves held by each lord, mainly Bell, will return to Balduk again to bring everyone in the second line.

And after the second formation arrives, we plan to officially meet with the native lords who rule the cities and villages in the territory.

Today we are going to pass the village of Damon, west of Weed, and stay overnight in the village of Halos, which lies ahead.

Arriving at Beglitz will be the day after tomorrow.

Whatever Beglitz, ruled by his deputy, Count Loughleague, what kind of people rule the villages of Damon and Harros, which have long been rooted in the land, and the city of Zondir?

How do you feel about me?

I have nothing to say to you if it's favorable.

Even if you're indifferent, if you follow your promises, well, I have no complaints.

I have very little information.

Only those that sum up the reputation of the people.

There's only one person who doesn't have a very good reputation according to that, but that person is a man named Sir Lanox, who rules the village of Henson in the northernmost part of the country, and I don't plan to see him for a while.

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