March 26, 7449.

It was gratifying there because it seemed that both Sir Gaenun, who would rule the village of Halos, who stayed yesterday, and Sir Zincase, who would rule the village of Mead, who arrived today, were paying their due thanks to me, who would rule the land.

Especially since we both couldn't have even had busy information about the personality and preferences of a man named me, it might be a little too much to say that we were satisfied because it was only natural to treat him as if he were unobtrusive.

But I'm pretty sure I didn't even give you some sort of isolation or an attitude that insulted this one as being from an adventurer, and I think you can make a decision on that as you feel.

Rather, it was closer to welcome with the treatment of the brave man who defeated the dragon than with isolation.

I was honestly receiving a welcome, but one of the women pressed by the king had just snuck up on me and told me, "Dear Yakuza, some people are watching this one," or, "I kind of feel a nasty glance" or something.

I also felt the gaze that wrapped around us, so I spent the first time taking care not to show any gaps. Especially since the only people who are sending that kind of gaze are the ones who are not very well off among the civilian population and who seem to have a hard time paying taxes.

I think this girl is getting too nervous, don't you?

I don't care who the other guys, including me, are sent from inside the village as one of them. It seems certain that reincarnated people who know the bottom lines of society like Claw, Marie and Thor also feel their gaze, but they usually recieve it, and my battle slaves, starting with Zulu, seem to decide that they are not malicious gaze.

She is the daughter of a merchant who operates a sizeable business in the King's Capital.

My family name is Associate Baron, and I am now Associate Baron because I am my daughter after that, but as soon as I get to Beglitz, I plan to entertain a new civilian home as my squire.

On the road so far, he was an impressive, joyful daughter who had enthusiastically asked questions about agriculture to people with agricultural experience, starting with slavery.

Perhaps I'm not used to hanging out with people who are exposed to the gaze of envy, jealousy, caution or send that kind of gaze by inferring from my previous growth and my age that I'm only an adult.

If a new lord came, some would try to figure out what kind of guy he was, whether he seemed to have the money, whether he was going to set up an unscrupulous tax and rigorously take it until he balked up, that's how he thought.

From what I saw, it just seemed like that, no matter how I looked at it.

Instead of calmly exploring this weakness or trying to find a glitch somewhere, a few people, including myself, were seen observing the words and deeds of everyone, including maybe frightened or awed.

It's normal in a world like the Orth.

But I'm pretty sure I have bad eyes, and even I don't feel good being seen with those eyes.

The cause of people's attention like that is simple, only because they can't afford life.

People who can't afford to live are people who can't help but worry about how others are feeling and how they are going to be treated.

He said that he had never worked busily besides growing up well and being a good person, and helping out with an easy family business yet, so he reacted hypersensitively to those glances?

There are a lot of different people, right?

To be honest, I'm personally worried about how we can farm and stuff like this, but we should probably manage to cover it by looking out for some good looking slaves there.

Luckily she hasn't bought a slave yet.

After we got there, my parents told me it was a good idea to buy slaves who knew the local land and agriculture well.

If I may, I'd like to reduce the number of people who can't afford to live by my reign.

At least it turns out that some people in my territory at the moment are going to be up to their daily lives, so I saw my immediate goal.

That makes me sick of the rain that started falling yesterday. He stopped me before evening.

Fortunately it wasn't as heavy as rain and the road wasn't too muddy was the salvation, but the temperature dropped so hard that I thought it was midwinter.

It wasn't bitter because I fitted a [multi-purpose ring "Utility Ring"].

27 Mar 7449

I was sending Claw and Marie as a touchdown yesterday evening after the rain stopped.

From Mead Village to Beglitz it's only ten kilometers or so away, so you don't have to hurry a lot. Claw and Marie can arrive for about an hour, before dusk.

The knights of the Knights were picking me up by the time I left Mead Village this morning because I had sent a prior touch during the previous day.

Levels… Most of them double digits seem to be about a few older people.

Well, that's normal.

Neither acceptable nor impossible.

Baron Gossi, the incoming captain of the regiment, complains of the order, but his teeth are severed badly, as if it were something to worry about.

Weird as it was, the baron said words of apology, even though it seemed difficult to say and sorry.

The lord's mansion has started a fire!

Sometimes it was raining until a little while ago, because the roof and outer walls were wet, or because all the critical burning was spared, but the fact that it was stirred by strong winds from the fold and the wood was the main building caused it to burn down considerably.

Even though he said he was spared from all burning, he said he was no longer in a very people-friendly state.

As soon as I heard it, my open mouth didn't block, but I immediately regained my mind and asked, "What about the injured or the dead? He asked," Fortunately, there was not one such person during the misfortune, and he was disappointed that the site was not extended because it was quite an area.

Well, I guess yesterday it also contributed to the fact that it was raining until near evening, which prevented an extension of the burn.

Asking about the circumstances in a little detail, everything was temperatures were dropping last night, so they set the fireplace on fire for good reason that the remaining slaves were not present in the lord's mansion trying to get warm.

Apparently, fire magic could have been used.

Oh, the lack of a husband is because all the luggage he had already started with household tools for the move was loaded in the carriage, and the slaves in the dwelling were told to do a thorough cleaning and Count LaFleague and his family were moving into inns all over the city so as not to disturb me as the new master of the mansion.

So, I don't know what happened, but I had a fire.

Because of this, he said, the cause of the fire was that of the slaves who were letting them clean, a child slave had stolen the adult slave's eyes and played with the fired firewood.

There was a carpet in the room with the fireplace, where the fire first lit and spread, and they quickly crawled up the wall.

Even though Claw and Marie disagreed, Count Loughleague was so mad at what happened that he struck all those slaves in the neck as soon as the morning sun rose.

Well, even if the fire is a fire, it's heavier than murder, maybe there's no choice because it's the finest felony.

But regardless of the kid who played with the fire, I also feel sorry for the adults as Claw and Marie disagreed...... it would be a supervisory responsibility.

Anyway, I heard that and made a scene around my slaves for a while, but they said everything the lords needed for their work was originally in the administration, and there was a dedicated long house beside them except for the slaves who lived in the mansion, and I forced them to shut up because they didn't seem to have a problem for the moment because you were safe.

That said, me and Mizuchi only have a bitter laugh and sigh at each other.

Where are you staying today?

That's how I arrived off farmland that spread around Beglitz, albeit somewhat discouraged.

Naturally, officials welcomed me in full force, starting with Count Loughleague.

Claw and Marie also lined up beside the Count with a flashing look on their faces.

As a matter of course, it started with words of apology, so I said, "I hear the story, so I'll hear the details after I've settled down in the city," and I'll start with a first-person greeting.

Apparently he expected me to be mad. The Count was so low on his hips that he felt sorry for me, but he was relieved to see me not too angry against his expectations.

No, because there's nothing you can do about the stuff that burned you out of anger.

Besides, it happened before I took office, and not after it officially became my property.

Everything in this territory is officially mine because after I read a King-issued document saying that I would give this land to me in the administration and declare that I would rule this land as a lord.

Until then, Count Loughleague, the deputy, holds full authority in the territory.

It's a little more wasteful than that, but I'm just wondering if that's okay if I can build a house the way I want from scratch. I didn't intend to live there forever anyway, and if I gave you 20 gold coins to waste in the first place, I could build a big mansion because it's rural.

After all, I think you should do whatever Mizuchi wants with the intermission and the kitchen.

Plus, you'll be able to make a water wash toilet from the start without any hassle modifications, and you can even make a bath. It's not all bad.

It was only at lunch that we arrived at the administrative office in Beglitz after the exchange of shapes.

I said whether the distance between the inn and the administrative office, which had been burned due to this, was as good as 200 m, and it was just a good location: three or four minutes on foot, or two or three minutes if it was a carriage to go slowly.

The administration is a little off the center of the city, and the fact that there is a square of considerable size in front of it is common with Keel and Balduk or something.

Beglitz is not as large as the administrative buildings because the city itself has a population of about 9,000 people and the two cities mentioned above are not as large.

It feels smaller than a rural elementary school even if you put in all the ancillary equipment such as the office, the office where the officials work, the reception room, the library, etc.

Maybe it feels that way because it's a two-story horizontal building.

Hmm. I'm going to make sure these buildings are tight soon.

When I was put through a little spacious reception, the meeting was ready, and the Counts of Loughleague and I and Mizuchi were supposed to have lunch.

The other guys couldn't help but notice that a meal would be served at the Knights headquarters a little further away, temporarily breaking up.

The ingredients seemed to have been collected and made there superior, and it can be seen that they were quite attentive.

"First of all, I would like to apologize. We sincerely apologize for the loss of the Lords' residence early in the corner."

The old Counts of Loughleague bow their heads all together, but it's something we've already heard and there's nothing we can do about it now, so I asked them first what to do with the Inn this evening and their immediate residence.

Actually, you have a guess.

That's right.

It was in Keel, but there are always fortifications and castles in ordinary aristocratic territory when things happen.

This is exactly the front line of the kingdom against Dabus.

There's no reason.

You're also taught in a lecture at the Royal Castle.

The first deputy and castle-builder named him Courtzil Castle.

I hear it's off the south of the city, at the foot of Mount Belos carrying it.

Initially, this city of Beglitz also has a history of starting from the side of Courtzille Castle.

Water stools are good after the months, and the city has developed and continues to grow to the north and north, where it is easy to reach cultivated land.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a bad idea to live in Courtzill Castle in the months leading up to the completion of mansions all over the city today.

"Is it Court Jill Castle? Regardless of the comfort of living because it is regularly cleaned and maintained, I think it is possible to live…"

Apparently, they're worried that it's going to take a lot of work and time to get to the administration and Knights headquarters because of the considerable distance from the castle to the whole city and the poor condition of the roads on the road.

"For the time being, I plan to be the Knight Commander at the same time, and I won't be using the carriage much. Besides, there's no way you can pick a road surface on the battlefield, so I'm going to think it's a good opportunity to get acquainted with horses. I'll send my wife to the Knights too."

And I laughed nicely and said.

"No, you can say that, and it will really save you."

Count Loughleague lowers his head with a weak grin.

Later, the meeting ended amicably when I heard that the accommodation had been arranged for this evening, that the schedule for taking over business over the next two weeks, and that most of the officials working in the administration were locally recruited, so most of them stayed.

Finish the meal and the tea, and bring all the officials of the administration together in the square in front of the administration.

Finally, it's a declaration.

"... by such a royal decree the land was only now occupied and ruled by me, Count Allain Gried of the Riegle. I hereby declare that all the grass, all the animals, and all the people who make their living, which grow in this land, are ours!

At this moment I officially gained full authority as Lord of the Earl of the League.

The first thing you do as a lord is utility.

Over here from Weed, it took me two days to travel relaxed because of what it meant to observe the villages and also to buy time to make them ready for pick-up, but the real reason was to observe the road slowly.

Fortunately, there is no other part of the southern part of the kingdom from Mount Velos, south of Beglitz, Mount Weed, north of the city of Weed, and Mount Bashkel, which surrounds the city of Zondir, northwest of the territory, but a good amount of iron can be picked.

Use this.

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