27 Mar 7449

City of Zondir.

The time is tighter to say the unknown late night than to say the early morning.

In a couple of hours the sun will rise, but it would still be dark without the thin lights illuminated by the Carthali of the Lord's Moon.

"So, you haven't found out you're a bad guy, have you?

A low man's voice drifts in a small room illuminated by old, nearly broken and unsatisfactory light magic props.

A whispering little voice, but the voice reached sharply into the ears of those who knelt and heard.

"Also, of course, young. And the slaves who were cleaning, imagine the kid killed the fire. Come on."

The voice responding like a panic, this one was also the voice of a middle-aged man.

"If that's what you say... But I'll check again. Really the deputy's house...... no, you burned Chancellor Morg's house, didn't you? The key thing was still burning, and it was found in a half-baked state. Then we can't take it back. Then it would have been better not to light the fire, wouldn't it?

It was Sir Eston Cove, the eldest son of Baron Haloon Cove, lord of this Zondier, who is asking in case.

This room is one of the baron's mansions.

"Yes. That too. I checked properly. The room is completely burnt. We've just confirmed that with these eyes, so there's no mistake."

One of the village's squire, a man named Joseph, is reporting flat out in front of Sir Cove.

"... then let's be good. It's Joseph. You did a good job."

Listening to Sir Cove's voice, which he said satisfactorily, Joseph stroked his chest down in a ho.

It is also natural because the grief of the Cove family and the Lonzar family of Joseph was fulfilled.

"Thank you, young man. You can just say that to a young man... Oh, and a deputy, though. I was trying to tell the deputy that it was the end of the kid's fire, so I'm sorry for the cleaning slaves when the night breaks, but I'm telling you that all four of them will be here."

Joseph says as he imitates scratching his own neck off.

"Right. Then you can rest assured.... That's right, can we get to Mead Village by dawn? Tell Lord Jinkase too. After that, I want to reassure Lord Gaenun, Lord Mees, and Lord Laheute... that we can all reassure them soon. I asked for it."

That being said, Sir Cove gently opened the door and left the room without even hearing back.

The man who dropped it off as he lay flat shrugged bossly.

"Young people are rough too...... It just started."

The man who stood up laughed lightly, recalling what had happened a few hours earlier in his brain.

- Hehe. All I don't know is deputies, huh... What kind of a new Count would come next? Like Lord Lanox and his deputies after all when he said he was too sturdy... No, he said he was an adventurer, so he might know someone with an outside story...

The history of the Count of the League is only more than a hundred years old.

Before the Kingdom of Romberto began colonization by declaring possession, there was a small kingdom in the land named Hamit.

Though the Hamit kingdom held a large part under its control, other than the Dart Plains, which extend to the south, it was a literal small country, which as a national power did not extend to any great nobleman who ruled the territory under the Kingdom of Romberto, and it was not surprising that without the Kingdom of Romberto beside it it would have perished some time ago.

In tangible terms, he was subordinate to the Kingdom of Romberto.

Although ostensibly it would appear to be reciprocal between the country and the country, the reality was that it would not have been possible to do so without the military and economic assistance of the Kingdom of Lomberto, a substantial subordinate country.

Many royalty ruling the country could only see what was in front of them in one way or another, and there was no move to start a major business with a view to the future.

In particular, this is also somewhat overstated.

We couldn't afford that much and it was just critical to maintain our authority as royalty.

At any rate, the population at that time was only about 30,000.

This is the case in any world, but authority represents the legitimacy of governing the country and cannot be neglected.

So, it's natural to invest in it, which is scaffolding first because it does.

It's not much to blame either.

Anyway, as a Romberto kingdom, it was only one small country that didn't care about lining up on the border, such as the Hamit kingdom.

Such a fold, a group of adventurers named Ethereal Flame (Blue Flame) defeated Bergoflocti, a green dragon nesting on the Dart Plains.

Without even the green dragon that was turning into a tangle over my eyes, naturally people's hands could be reached on the Dart Plains, and I was greatly expected to be able to develop the land.

The Kingdom of Lomberto is not dumb enough to miss it either.

Threats of annexation were mounted against small countries lining up in the south at once.

It is a world in which military power speaks a great deal of things.

Inside it was also seen the propensity to take up the erection of the resistance, as was the case in the current kingdom of Lamb York, which was in the Earl of Ellers' territory, but soon saw the Kingdom of Lamb York conquered, and most countries did not fight to raise the white flag and embrace the annexation.

Of course, it is also significant that, in the annexation, the royalties and nobles of the Hamit kingdom had also given a new aristocracy to suit the internal sentiments of the Romberto kingdom, promising territorial and family relief.

Thus the Kingdom of Hamit perished, and the first deputy, Count Courtzil, came to the land.

Count Courtzil defines Beglitz, the city occupied by the prime minister of the Kingdom of Hamit, as the capital, but this was also done in the same way as it declared that it was not the centre of the management of the territory for the city of Zondir, which until then had been the capital, so there was also a rebellion around the old aristocratic class.

But I didn't realize as one of the old nobles at the time that this measure was meant to broil out dissatisfied molecules.

The aspirants gathered at the old Chancellor's house at night to consult on disobedience and plot for the resurgence of the coming day.

A detailed plan was also allowed and even a formative table of the disobedient forces was drawn up.

Several central figures were arrested, detained and successively executed in the name of treason because so few of those documents had been leaked at such a fold. As a matter of course, it is the family.

Strong but detailed investigations were conducted but no more evidence emerged than leaked, at least because it was determined that there was no concern of hindsight that even dissatisfied molecules whose names were known should be disposed of alone.

Talks to this extent are unusual or irrelevant because they are gobbling on oath.

The neighboring Count Lancel territory, the neighboring Count Dressler territory, etc. have also had full-scale defiance after the annexation.

Leaving aside the stories of the past, due to these circumstances, more than half of the people living in the territory of the Earl of the Leagues today are descendants of those who have lived in the land since the time of the Kingdom of Hamit.

For this reason, the city of Zondir was the capital of the Hamit kingdom, and its lord, the Cove family, was of royal descent.

He became the Baron of the Kingdom of Lomberto (formerly named Duke) when he was annexed to the Kingdom of Lomberto, and was only allowed to possess the city of Zondir.

They really wanted to erase evidence of treason committed by their ancestors.

A series of plans had been told that they were housed on a hidden shelf in a room in the Chancellor's mansion, but the Chancellor's mansion had been taken in shortly after the incident and had become the mansion of a deputy, and only time had passed without a hand.

But last night, the time finally came for the security of the deputy's mansion to loosen up.

This is the time for a new deputy, not a duly appointed Earl of the League, to come to office from the King's Capital.

Household belongings, etc. are property of the Kingdom of Romberto (= not property of the Earl of Riegle territory) for the replacement of deputies until now, so the majority were often taken over as is.

But this time things are different.

The deputy's mansion (once the prime minister's mansion) is temporarily almost completely emptied, and in some cases there is time to be deserted or close to it.

Attempting to obliterate evidence with this aim can in a sense be considered a natural accomplishment.

Though not limited to the Kingdom of Lombert, Orth generally tells us that the survivors of the nobility of the Kingdom of Hammit have never cared, and that the descendants will always dispose of it if they have the opportunity, because treason and other serious sins can be tiring to their families.

The same is true of Joseph the Obedient.

His house was also formerly the House of the Jazz, and he had become a civilian from the Jazz on his annexation to the Kingdom of Lomberto. Especially since, like all other nobles, Ser was essentially a civilian-like life, with little change in living standards, Joseph is not that interested in history.

Of course, I am not going to say the impossibility of returning to the aristocracy by claiming that the throne is a legitimate right because it was previously aristocratic.

It goes without saying that it was simply the heart of our ancestors' great treason that was uncovered and that we wanted to avoid the clan fraternity being convicted in unison.

There was no great dissatisfaction as a famous family that would have lasted a long time, as an old aristocrat, if only he had lightened his taxes somewhat.

For this reason, that portion was not compensated for by the Cove family, the lord, but by misrepresenting and underfiling taxes on deputies.

This was an act that most of the Lords of the Earl of the League had done, which could be described as half the tradition of the land.

28 Mar 7449

The inn the Earl of Loughleague took, but the lord's lodging meant the finest room was available.

As for the grid, it falls below the Boyle Pavilion in Balduk, but still has no significant inferior color compared to the Boyle Pavilion room.

When I get into the proper diner and have breakfast, I order Marr and Limby to lead Giberti back to the empty three carriages.

After rendezvous with Bell at Weed, under Bell's command, he will go as far as the King's Capital and put on the Ralphas, who will be second in line.

Well, that's the Knights first.

Mizuchi, Claw, Marie, and accompanied by Zulu the guard all the way out to the Knights.

I have already told Baron Gossi, the Knights Commander, so he knows, but because he needs to push Claw and Marie in as Knights members and formally tell the Knights that I will take over as Commander anew.

"... are you from the Knights of Webdos"

Sir Value, who is in charge of the Deputy Commander, checks the status of Claw and Marie and seems reassured that he is not an amateur at all.

This man is a native of the locality and is also a lineage that has attacked the deputy commander for almost generations.

Because of this, my age is 30. Level is one or three.

Magic is near four levels of immorality. Three, fire magic is two, water magic is just three.

It's also a territory where you fight demons, and judging by common sense, well, I can tell you it's not a bad talent.

"… but you yourself are the leader of the regiment…"

But he's a sinister face for my captain to take office.

I had a prediction.

Mizuchi, Klu and Marie are listening with cool faces, but Zulu figured out how to move.

"What? You have an opinion?

I asked him deliberately.

"No, not so much an opinion...... But your Excellency is a busy body, and the leader should leave it to the right person..."

It's cloudy, but that's the right guy, right? You want to say it's you, don't you?

That's what I was told by Baron Gossi.

"Mm-hmm. If only I had the right person. But first of all, in my Knights, I thought the strong should head the regiment. I don't think anyone would be better off if they had more than a certain strength..."

When I say so, Sir Value makes his eyes shine.

"Oh, my lord! Do you want strength! You're still from Adventurer! It seems that you have easy to understand criteria, most importantly."

It is a natural reaction because I have considerable confidence in my arms and have received reports that it is quite a fact.

"Mm-hmm. Your lord is right. Whatever you do, I think it would be easier to understand the criteria. So, first of all, think I should be the strongest in the realm....... hmm? Hey, what's up?

I pretend that while I was talking, I just realized what I was trying to say.

"... no. Indeed, Your Excellency is the owner of your background in exorcising the dragon. You can also snort to call yourself the first in your territory."

Vice Commander to say with a face that doesn't seem to convince me at all.

"But you can still make no mistake about your busy schedule. So the minister has a plan…"

And then, as I expected, I was the second-largest in the realm, and I wanted to be the leader of the regiment and move as my hands and feet.

I'm not going to waste time listening to his recital forever.

Even after this, there is the takeover of the lord, and there is the matter of the house to be rebuilt.

I just want to see the Castle of Courtzil, which is my immediate residence.

It was a little surprising to wave a long and wide tongue so far.

I got a pain in the ass, so I pinched my mouth, "No, the second hand wasn't like that," he said.

"Oh my God! So who the hell is it!? Is it him?

Sir Value pointing to Claw and saying.


Claw also laughed bitterly for his immediate denial.

"So is it her?

The next thing I know, I don't have to tell you, Marie.


Marie squirted when she clasped her shoulders.

"I, for example, am very, very..."

Marie humbles her expression again immediately.

"No way, is that him!? He said that the other one who defeated the Dragon was one combat slave... that the combat slave died then too..."

Then it got really troublesome already at the point where I pointed to Zulu.

"It's my wife. Mm-hmm. Damn it, Lord Value. If you're not good at it, why don't you do a mock fight? My wife's level of magic is magic. Eight is magic. All the other elements are magic, but no magic, okay?

"Ha, chi? Eight!?... Your joke is tough, my lord"

Although I peeled my eyes off to say I couldn't believe it, I've managed to respond.

"Mm-hmm. I'm all nine. But there can be no magic. If you can use magic, you can beat me, my wife, every Knights."

"Kew? Huh? Cu...? Oh, no..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Baron Gossi, who was in the same room when he noticed, had also opened his mouth in a small way.

But I think I've decided it's a lie or a joke to the boulder.

First published in Japan. I put out a ton of dirt while everyone watched me go to the squad yard beside the Knights headquarters.

Mizuchi was deliberately forced to use fire-heavy catapult missile witchcraft to make him draw large curves against the soil.

After only letting him touch the non-illusory proof for a little while, I immediately turned it off though.

"To this extent, it's before breakfast for me and my wife. And then I always use magic that doesn't strike me by accident, and I don't think my magic power is the same as that of the magicians there."

Baron Gossi.

Touch me around flashy at best when I get back to Wang Du.

It must be magic that doesn't surprise you, right?

Well, it's haphazard.

That's fine if it's a restraint on the interstate.

Oh, I didn't say it wouldn't make sense to lie because I could use Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

I'd make a fortune if those who want to train in magic (though I'm not going to teach you the trick so easily) and those who want to make a name for themselves in my Knights, who think this territory is cheap for as long as I'm around.

Because you don't have to take it up with a regular squire (it's common for squire to be given cultivated land) to get civilians.

It should be noted that, in the end, the simulated battle with Mizuchi itself took place.

Magic is magical and awesome, but the White Soldiers seem to have wagered the possibility that it isn't.

The result naturally ended in Mizuchi's overthrow.

There's no way in hell there's such a remote place as the First Knights of the Kingdom.

If you were here, you'd be in the Knights of the Kingdom even if you weren't first.

Especially if someone as adamant about status as Sir Valet had that many arms, there's no way he could ever be held captive to a soggy knighthood like the Knights of the Earls of the League.

Mizchi finally smiled and said, "Your Excellency is stronger than I am," he said.

The members of the Knights watching it are sending a totally coveted glance at me and Mizuchi.

Finally, Claw and Marie also had a respectful eye for telling me they were trained by me.

Ma, now these guys are easy to do, too.

And afternoon.

I was led by an official to see the mansion in close proximity to a round burn.

"Yeah, we should totally rehabilitate this and build a new one."

"... right"

Officials who were listening to me and Mizuchi talk with a subtle face told me they would introduce me to an engineering shop that said there were two in the city of Beglitz.

Let's just say you ask someone with a reputation for being a little expensive but good at arm's length.

"Interval is whatever you want."

"Are you sure?



"I'll take care of the water, so keep the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen as close as you can get."

"Ah, then you should dig back a little..."

"I don't mind a high floor, but I'd like to bury the pillars deep."

"Ugh. It's not 'Japan', and yes, it's 'earthquake'..."

"Yeah. There won't be, but somehow you won't be comfortable if you don't, will you? If you let it go, all you have to do is plug it into a stone, okay?

"Ugh... maybe I don't like that"

"Right? Let's stop ketching into the house. I've been living here a long time."

Officials who heard me talking to my wife looked strange.

"Um, are you digging back into the ground? On purpose? What the hell...?

I don't normally do that.

Earthquakes are rare, and even with them, it's no big deal.

Of course, there is no sewage in the Wang capital, so it will not be understood.

At best, it's enough to dig deep under the bathroom for fat.

April 9, 7449.

The two-week takeover came to an end, and the day came when one of Baron Gossi's parties, who was the Count of Loughleague and head of the Knights, who was deputy, would be brought to the King's Capital.

Oh, the carriage I built is a long time ago led by Bell to leave for King's Capital, so they'll be a relaxing getaway with their own carriage or something.

After I drop off the Counts, the first thing I'll do is...

It is the collection of iron.

I want as much iron as possible.

I also want chromium or something.

Already, Zondir and Weed taxes, let me put them in storage this year?

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