10 Apr 7449

After finishing the morning meal, the woman removed a small crate from her nostrils.

Beautiful and elegantly decorated tobacco holder (humidor).

And when I open the lid, I pull a very expensive cigar out of it as a cigarette.

Even the cheaper cigars cost about 50,000 Z a bottle, so it can be considered the highest preference.

As he reassembles his legs and sits slightly diagonally with a noticeable look on his face, he pinches a cigar between his left index finger and middle finger, rides himself out to the table and pokes his left elbow.

He puts one of his blurred ends in his mouth, while the other puts his right fingertip on the edge of the one with a planar incision for a little mental concentration.

and a small flame erupts from the fingertips of your right hand and scorches the cigarette.


After a second or two of broiling, the woman stopped putting out the fire that it would be better already.

"Is that it?"

I groaned a little strangely, but nobody could hear me because it was just in my mouth.

The fire is not lit.


Would it have been a little longer this time and seared for three or four seconds?

But the fire still doesn't light.

That's crazy.

In the cigarette smoking scene I used to see on TV, the lighter's flame and the tip of the cigarette were in contact for a second or so...

Since the fire still doesn't light, the woman says, "Is that it?" He took the cigar off his mouth and stared at the scorcher when he gave him that look.

It is normal to cut the cigar slightly with a blade and make a suction mouth the size of your choice before lighting the fire.

"Um... you have to inhale cigarettes. You don't light a fire so easily. And you didn't cut your mouth off...?

A young man sitting opposite the woman across the table noticed that the woman's cheeks were not stiff, and he hung up.

Especially since the cigars of the world from women and men are so good that the quality of the leaves is not comparable, and the technology of drying is developed, the fire is lit without inhalation. Rather, it's hard to light a fire while smoking, and low-quality cigars have been extinct for a long time.

"Huh? Oh, wow, I just forgot!

Despite being advised, the woman cut the cigar butt a little on the table as she pulled the big knife out of her hips without even saying a word of thanks.

"... that's a demon stone picking knife...?

"So what! Complain about that!?"

"No, I hope not..."

Now it's time to siphon your mouth and breathe in a little and fire...


There is no fire coming out of your right fingertip.

"... turn it on"

No one is clever enough to use fire magic while consciously inhaling a cigar.

"..." Ignition Demon Props (Writers) "I don't know where to go anymore..."

The man stares slightly harder at his fingertips as he stretches his fingertips over the tips of a cigar that can hold a woman's grudge.

Soon a little flame rose from his fingertips.

"Yeah, I lit it"

With a satisfying grin, the woman exhales a light purple smoke when she puffs it just in her mouth with a slightly upward addition or subtraction.

Unlike a cigarette roll, the cigar's heavy smoke wraps around her.

It smelled very elegant.

"is, you put it in your lungs, right?

The woman asked to make sure she saw the man sitting on the other side of the table looking over at us.

"I think so... I've never smoked a cigar either, I don't know much more..."

The man replied with a lack of confidence.

A triangular cat ear grown over a man's head (...) moves pimply.

Because of this, good quality cigars don't put smoke in your lungs like regular cigarettes and chopped cigarettes.

Smoking is a common way to enjoy the smell and taste of smoke and get smoke out of your nose, except slightly into your lungs. Nicotine is absorbed from the mucous membrane of the mouth.

"... heh... heh... ooh! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

After inhaling her once or twice, the woman began to cough up.

"That's why I told you... to stop smoking"

A Cat People (Cat People) man who flaunts his shoulders with a squeaky voice.

"Whoo! What's this?!? Already... yeah. Peep."

The carefree expression that was floating before I lit the fire is completely lost.

"But I suck because I don't have any body..."

Seems to have inhaled a few more momentum.

I can see the tip of the red-hot cigar well in the eyes of the man sending a snuggly gaze at the front.

The cigar fire is extra large and prone to higher temperatures than a cigarette roll.

"Ahhh! What's this, smoke hot!... Ah... Something's crackling my head"

It is sufficient to fluff once a minute or so, and if you fluff too many times, the temperature of the smoke rises sharply. Besides, the flavor also drops.

The woman wipes her face with her left hand as she hits the ashtray with her right hand with the cigar she just lit.

Because I had sprinkled the cigar many times in this short time, I was completely bloody drawn from the woman's face, and sweat was erupting on her blued face.

Very mild acute nicotine poisoning.

"... haha, already... handkerchief please"

When the man offered a carefully folded handkerchief from his nostrils, the woman said small "thank you" and received it, wiping her face.

Then she regained a little energy, and the woman stares at the cigarette holder (Humido), which unfortunately still contains three new cigars with extinguished fire.

"I don't know what to do, that?

The man who followed the woman's gaze asked in such a voice as to say that she had no body.

"... hey, that seemed quick to me... hey... gimoziwalui"

The woman said in a crying voice.

It was salvation to see a character that seemed quite honest from what I was saying itself.

"Not at all... how much?

I didn't ask because I wanted to know the amount.

"60,000 a cigar, 40,000 a cigarette holder... you know, don't tell your father..."

The woman answered in a pitiful voice.

"280,000! If you smoke properly, you may still... I won't tell you, because I won't. Rest assured. I don't know what to say..."

A man seems frightened and unable to say anything.

"Uh, already. Why are you so expensive... it's hard to be a good woman..."

When I saw the woman telling me to blur, the man couldn't help but say.

"Um, Mr. Lar. I used to smoke too, so I'm not prejudiced about smoking, though. I don't think cigarettes have anything to do with a good woman..."

"Then surge. Come on, buy this ♡"

"I don't want to. I don't smoke anymore. Besides, you said both Mr. Al and Mr. Lorrick, right? Tobacco loses its' lung vitality '... it makes you more tired, doesn't it?

When I heard that, Ralpha was whining about something in a slight manner.

"... Mr. Bath, you were smoking zigwarts... would you buy me one?

"Okay! Now!

When Surge ordered, the battle slave shouted and pierced the spear into Knoll's chest.

She was told the pattern of the spear and found that Knoll had died.

"Next, the guy on the left!

Surge that does not miss Knoll's movement and immediately finds the opponent's gap and orders him again.

The combat slave, who was running through Knoll's attack while shielding on the left side of the party, shifts his body only slightly.

Sewing that gap, another combat slave who was spearing in the rear protruded the spear, aiming incorrectly, the spear pierced Knoll's belly.

The Shielded Slave who confirmed it instantly swings the Battlestick (Mace) in his right hand down the head of the poor Knoll.

And he made an unpleasant noise, and Knoll's head was crushed, and his body collapsed on the spot.

Heavy fighting continued in the meantime, as did the wounded in the combat slaves in charge of the avant-garde of the party.

However, the other half of Knoll, who had fifteen, had fallen to the ground and was immobile, and the trend in combat has shifted in favor of a row of adventurers led by Surge.

Knoll, who remained short of time, set aside his wounded companion and retreated somewhere.

"Come on, about fifteen, don't let them get away with it. Even if you pull me out, there are six of us, so come on... well, no. Hey, you, show me you're hurt."

When I treated him to an injured combat slave, we all split hands and broke Knoll's chest to pick the demon stone.

There are ten demon stones obtained.

I made quite a bit of money today because I was able to do quite a bit of fighting.

"Okay. We're going back today. Now we'll make it to the final ride."

Surge had decided not to rush to learn accounting from the staff of the Green Chamber of Commerce.

So every once in a while I spend some days in the Labyrinth of Balduk leading a combat slave who guards factories and shops in this way.

Back on the ground there was still about an hour before the final hours of the boarding carriage, so I bought a number of balduckies and beers from the stalls at the entrance square and behaved like a combat slave.

Many are similarly roaming the baldukki by the stall and drinking beer.

Most of them were people who knew their faces and names, so they would greet each other briefly.

This place has been transformed into a resting place for adventurers returning from the labyrinth for a long time.

When the slaves went to redeem the Demon Stone while they were sighing, the Demon Prop Shop was pretty crowded.

I expected it from the facial rash that was swarming the stall earlier, but all the ancestors were familiar with Surge's face.

There are also Jer and Meath, Hiss, Sanno, Lutz and several Mountains (Dwarves) surrounding Ralpha, headed by Kim.

They also repeated their day adventures in the labyrinth, working out the battle slaves of their respective stalls after their companions headed to the territory.

For this reason only Ralpha is a labyrinth row with seven men on a daily basis from among the dwarves to be squire in addition to the two battle slaves.

"Hey, Surge. How'd it go?

Gel has cheerfully called out.

"Mm-hmm. Sort of."

Surge answers as he spreads the mouth of the bag to show the contents.

"Hmm. It would be splendid if those guys could pull it off and make that much money"

There were about thirty demonic stones in the bag of surges.

Even the adventurers and diners are hard to earn this number without being in the labyrinth for half a day.

"Yeah. Looks like they're getting used to it, too"

The harvest this day exceeded forty and fifty thousand Z.

"Huh. What do you make today?"

Ralpha has joined the conversation even though no one has heard it.

"Bye! Come on!

Ralpha comes to show off with her bag mouth open as she nibbles.

"Hey, boulders are ladies!

"You were just Mr. Xenom's axe man!

"Oh, the most apprentice and sarcastic of the stall"

"Ah, you've worked quite a bit today!

"I'm tired of a series of fights."

"But if you have a daughter, you'll have no problem first."

"Truth is, your daughter's got a lot of magic arms."

Behind Ralpha, the Dwarves followed each other, wanting to do the right thing with their mouths.

Surge and gel that do the eye in the bag with no choice.

There were so many demonic stones overflowing in the bag that it could be more than a hundred.

"Sora, if only there were seven main powers of purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair)..."

"Don't be."

"Well, you're not one layer. Come on, you can go five or six floors without Ral."

"Really, I didn't bother to fight again and again..."

Two people who don't show a busy interest, even though it's only natural to do so.

"Eh heh. Not far away. Not far away. Can we just be more honest?

Even today Balduk was at peace.

At the same time.

In a certain mountain in the territory of the Earl of Lean Flight extending to the eastern part of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

"Grace, right!


Five hobgoblins seem to be bent relative to two men and women of the big tiger tribe (Tigerman).

But there's already one hobgoblin at their feet, rolling in a dying look.

Sometimes the Hobgoblins stomped without retreating, sometimes unable to abandon their fallen companions, but above all the biggest reason was the small number of opponents.

The man does not retreat a single step against five hobgoblins with his shield and long sword in his hand, he chops off the protruding spear of the hobgoblins with his sword moves across, and continues to use his shield cleverly to silence attacks from another direction.

The woman stood with her spears in her hands and poked them with a gaping hobgoblin, but not with a deadly attack, but with a gradual increase in the amount of bleeding.

The battle of both Hobgoblin opponents seems to be treading on quite a few occasions, and you won't see them frightened by more than double the number.

"Don't get distracted! These guys are about to run out of strength! And then we're gonna finish it all at once!


Slightly stretched his tongue out, and one breathing out, the man slashed his right arm from the right armpit of that one at once with a sharp temper.

Put it on the signal. When the woman also puts herself in the man's blind spot, she pokes another chest, and the hobgoblins who saw it wield the spear pulled out for the frightened gap.

Thanks to the swinging spear, he is disfigured and his breath rises even higher, and the dull moving hobgoblins are killed by the two without even being able to show their backs and spot a gap to escape.

When all the hobgoblins lay down on the ground, both of the boulders were breathing up and down their shoulders.

"... ugh. Is it good that these guys are the requested hobgoblins?

"I think so..."

"Either way, we need the Demon Stone. I'll pick it out. Just keep an eye on it."


Put the long sword in his sheath, whistle a pip and call his military horse who had missed it before the battle.

And the man, who bent down beside the body and pulled the knife out of his waist, slashed off a band of leather armor made of dirty leather worn by the Hobgoblins, sticking a knife up his chest.

"That stinks... there it is"

When the demon stone is removed from the chest of the hobgoblin, the right ear is cut off and carefully stored in a leather bag.

By the end of the collection of demonic stones and right ears from all the hobgoblins, the military horses had stopped right beside them and the woman had stroked their neck.

The man tied it with a string when he recovered only the metal tip from our spear used by the Hobgoblins.

"Good day, Fio"

"Hmm. Grace would have been tired, too. The boulder will share hot water with you today, so we can wipe each other's bodies and refresh each other."

"Right.... you can admit you fulfilled your request if there wasn't any damage for a week from tomorrow, right?

"... maybe"

Tie the spear and shield to the military horse and deliver the loot to the saddlebag as well.

The man hung his foot on the horse's armpit, and when he crossed it slightly, he pulled the woman up and sat her back.

The woman turns her arms around the man's hips, keeping her body tight.

"Hey, Grace.... well, too stuck then...?


"I'm a man too, so that's..."

"But I'm your wife, right? Isn't that nice?"


"You're married."

"But... I'm in training..."

"I didn't mean to guess anymore."

"... buy harder armor"

"... solid"

The man's mantra judgment went nowhere.

More at the same time.

Southwest of the Kingdom of Romberto. A settlement with Viscount Yorise territory.

When dusk approaches and the colour of the sky begins to change, it is time for the peasants who were out in the floral gardens of wheat and licaresso to stop the hand of labor.

It's time to go to each owner's house and get some wheat and flour for dinner this evening and tomorrow morning and start cooking.

In the heart of the settlement is a very large building, and those who pass in front of it, young and old, slaves and civilians alike, make pauses and hang their heads.

Apparently, he has a natural respect for those who live in the building.

There's one woman living in the building, but she's away now.

Middle belly of a small tall hill traveled for a few hours by carriage from such a settlement.

In a slightly wider square, several men and women were beginning to prepare for the camp, mainly the carriage.

The other side of the hill is the territory of the Earl of the League, which belongs to the same Kingdom of Lomberto.

There are two central figures in this group.

One is a woman, a resident of the building in question, and the other is a man who should also be described as her partner and spokesperson.

All the other four men and women were their servants.

The servants worked praiseworthy and handily prepared the tent (tent) that had been loaded on the carriage until it was set ablaze.

"Dear Daemon, Dinner is ready under the Archbishop"

A young man from the Lion Nation (Lios), who boasts a formidable physique, knelt down and reported that he would run beneath men and women who sit on the stones beside him and make a mockery.

"Yes. Let's go, Wally."


When they rise from the stone, they lower their hips over the throne prepared by the burning fire.

That's when they took off the hat they were wearing.

On the woman's head appeared a wolf's ear standing in a triangle, and on the man's head a large, dripping ear, like a retriever dog.

Meals with legs are arranged in front of them, with dried meats, juices, etc.

The cuisine itself is little different from what merchants on a slightly better journey eat.

"All (bumps), wind (casse), flame (ho), ground (honey), water (mite). Beyond Tricho (a), Gods of Gangankai, Myoya, I thank you for having connected my life with that grace today...... Thesson"

The man also began to eat when he uttered the word "Tason" and the word (Musubi Word) at the same time to match the woman's words (Musubi Word).

The servants stand around and look as if to leave one Pu (Hume) woman in the service to protect them.

The two of them have spoken many times about "eating together," but the servants had never eaten with them outdoors, in turn.

I've said this many times and I can't fix this depth of caution, so it's been a long time since they've given up, too.

When their meals are ready, their servants start eating in turn.

When the last one is eating.

A slightly distant bush made a noise of gutter.

The colors of tension ran on the servants, but no one pulled them out just by putting their hands on the weapons on their hips.

Gassa, Gassa.

Something's approaching us through the bush.

It was three shadows of great stature that made their faces out of the bush in no time.

He holds a spear (spear) or a stick (club) in his hand, but his arm is thick as a round too instead of his leg being quite short compared to its height anyway.

The face sticking to his head is as ugly as hanging a pig and a person, and he has fangs.

He was a pig tribe (oak).

"A...... go, gogigenyo. Diego Jazzama, Diego Jazzama..."

All three kneel in front of the two sitting beside the burning fire when one of them comes in and says so.

"Long time no see, Gig. And Gordo and Jez."

With an ugly oak in front of her. The woman smiles gently and calls out.

"O, odedazi, chantoyatta...... da, dagala......"

Called Gig, Orc looks up at the woman with only her face up from the ground as she pleads.

But the woman smiled and returned nothing, so now she turned her face toward the man called Wally with an eye like Ah (you too) Ru's.

"Daijugyo zama, o, odedachi......"

Looking down at the oak with a cold eye, the man sends a signal to one of his servants.

The servant who received the signal carried three large bags down from the carriage carrier.

And stack that bag in front of the orcs.

Every time a bag is piled in front of him, the eyes of the oaks gleam, and from the edge of his mouth he begins to come out to the drooling.

The man who rose from your throne slowly untangles the mouth of the stacked bag with a thin grin.

... Gokuri.

The sound of the oak honking his throat sounded slightly louder.

A man sticks his hand in an open bag of mouth and shows the contents on his palm just a little bit.

"A... A... O, Ode... Ode..."

One orc starts unwrapping a bag that hangs on his hips because he can't stand it anymore.

"Wait. Not yet. Not until I hear the end."

You convinced me after hearing about the oak for a while, the man gave the bags to the orcs.

When the oaks opened the bag on the spot, they took the pipe out of their hips and stuffed the contents of the bag ahead of them, borrowing a flame of incendiary fire to light the fire.

Whether it's a chopped cigarette or as soon as you start smoking, the glaring eyes from the oaks disappear and you get a shaky look on your face.

Staring at it, the man was telling one of his servants something that he was holding aside.

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