12 Apr 7449

When Mizuchi and I were flipping past cashier's books in the executive office and working on them, I got in no choice, so I tried to push Mizuchi with a nasty job that looked like "you take a look at me and do it".

Mizuchi also stood up to get out of the office with the wooden officials who came to call him, saying, "I don't know what else to do," but there the wooden officials asked him what the hell came out because he said, "I'm afraid your Excellency would rather see it in person..."

"Um... it's kind of hard to say here..."

Officials feel reluctant about Mizuchi.

What the fuck?

Oh, well, then bring it this far.

"My lord, I sincerely apologize for your businessness. Please..."

I had no choice but to throw my clerical work at Mizuchi and I decided to go.

We are only about 200 m away from the administration, so we get to the building site of the house right away.

At the building site, two Knights squire on a neighborhood lookout duty stand around the corner of the house's premises to keep an eye on the surroundings.

The foundation work seems to be interrupting, and the craftsmen and slaves were wrapped around the grounds of the house, around the garden, about to get out of hand.

The iron boil that I noticed turned my head down with an anxious face even as I looked difficult.

"The carpenter contacted me and I checked inside once. We've got eyes around us when we're checking, so we're asking for security to keep no one near us while we call His Excellency."

What? What?

Even the treasure came out?

It's time to say it.

"No, I'm sorry, Your Excellency, but please check with your own eyes"

What are you wearing...

What an elusive subtle expression on the face of the official.

I could imagine it wasn't like treasure, but what the hell came out of it?

When I followed the officials to the area where the two squire stood, there was a hole in the middle of digging back for foundation work.

Sure, the design said you could dig back three meters to embed sturdy columns deep into the ground around storing water on the roof.

When I peek in, I haven't even been dug back half the depth yet. For the most part, maybe a meter at the most?

I see something at the bottom of that hole.

Is that a... bottle?

The mouth of a bottle buried in the ground is exposed.

The diameter of the mouth is about 10 cm.

Looks like a metal lid is worn.

It looks so old. Actually, it must be old.

Now the lid on the bottle is closed, but I guess it opened at least once that means it was called in.

"My lord, I apologize for the inconvenience, but please check the contents. Only me and the artisan's parents have seen it."

They didn't have anything dangerous in them.


I went down to the bottom of the hole.

The bottle originally seemed to be put in the crate itself and filled with every crate, but because of the considerable time elapsed, the crate collapsed everywhere, and it also seemed to be filling the bottle directly.

You have to dig it out completely to bring this up.

Remove the lid.

The lid was made of copper or some metal and came off easily because it had been removed earlier.

And there were several bunches of parchment in the bottle that looked ancient.

"So, what do you do?

Mizuchi said in front of a bunch of parchment paper he brought back from the building site.

It's been about an hour since then, and during that time, both Mizuchi and I were reading parchment.

Because they were tightly sealed and sealed and buried in the ground for years, parchment had no major impediment to reading the written letters, although they were quite damaged.

What was written on parchment confirms what happened to the Count of the League in the past, a plan of disobedience made by the central figures of the former Hammit kingdom who, to put it simply, rebelled against annexation.

He had also learned about the history of the Earl of the League in lectures at the King's Capital, so he knew that there was a small kingdom called Hamit in the land before that.

He had also certainly learned about the annexation of the Green Dragon and Bergoflocti, which were nestled in the Dart Plains, to the Kingdom of Lomberto on the occasion of their overthrow.

Finally, it is also in knowledge that, as a major event at the time, the plan of disobedience was leaked and those listed there were executed to the clan party, the baby, and the buds of disobedience were picked up.

Treason is the supreme crime, and the immediate lineage, of course, is to be executed up to the third degree of kinship, and even the fifth degree of kinship is to be cut off one hand and one foot.

For this reason, the definition of treason, as we call it here, “defies kings and kings using direct force, causing chaos in the world. or contemplate it”.

One day some great nobleman suddenly declares independence and that does not hit treason.

Because the territory it possesses belongs to its nobility.

It would be a completely different story to say whether the declaration is acceptable or inadmissible.

However, it is seen as treason for some great nobleman to try to arm up and take control of the entire kingdom.

If such a difficult substitute had been dug back, Iron Boyle would have been surprised enough to lose his hips too.

I can also snort that I rolled into the administration right next door.

Iron Boyle nevertheless seems to have chosen someone to talk to, and of all the officials responsible for zoning and other things he has always been associated with, he is quite right to have chosen the officials of the free people of this city, who seem to have a thin connection with the nobility.

Neither did the official make a fuss at first glance at the evidentiary plan, but first he tried to show it to me alone, so I guess it turns my head quite a bit.

I'm pretty sure that guy's name is... yes, it's Samuto. Let's just remember that.

Well, this is how I talked to Mizuchi right away.

That said, the crime told by the excavated evidence was a little over a hundred years ago now, and there is not a single person left who has survived from that time to the present.

At least three or four generations have passed.

At that time, babies and children were supposed to be that age, even if they lived longer than 100 years of age.

"What do you think I should do?

I answered the question with a question without any concern.

However, Mizuchi has no particular concern for the wind, and puts his fingertips on the jaw in a positive shape and mouths the answer.

"If I were in your position, I would execute you... I would be treated more generously than national law if I had just been sealed in my territory..."

That opinion is especially true...

"But it won't be that easy this time, will it? Anyway, if we judge according to national law, there will be only one of the lords who have been around for a long time, and 70% of our servants will disappear from their families."

That's right.

That's the problem.

If what this offense plan says is true (is it meant to be a blood warrant, or is it true because some of the plans had thumbprints pressed like a contract and still left something with a status visible as well), then my territory would be in trouble if it were to be judged in accordance with national law.

Anyway, with the exception of the northern village of Henson, the only remaining lords are the cities and villages ruled by my body, and all the other lords and the servants who live there must also execute a considerable number.

At last, the Knights also make up more than 70% of the kinsmen of the Lords' clan and squire, and even the officials of the Executive Branch will have about 30% of those kinsmen, so the immediate line will have quite a number of them.

If this were one or two of the villages, about 10% of the Knights and officials, it would be a huge struggle, but I still can't even manage to cover it.

But losing so many lords, military personnel and officials would quickly turn the territory into a lawless zone.

There are also slum districts in Beglitz, Zondir and Weed, but I don't think it's such a distant day for the entire Count Territory to slam.

"That's right... There's no way I can execute you. Well, it was a long time ago, and I don't like the fact that they're gonna suffer the sins of their ancestors right now."

"So you're leaving me alone?

"No, you don't do anything to boulders..."

I kept my mouth shut on Iron Boyle and the officials earlier, but you should have thought it would leak any minute.

Of course, there will be no such thing as today or tomorrow, but this kind of thing will always leak.

… and then…….

Surely all the lords in the realm will gather at this Beglitz next weekend.

The takeover is over, to greet me in anticipation of when I got used to the Lord's business.

"Either way, we'll have everyone here next weekend. I'll shake it out then. But I'm not even going to execute you."

"So what do you do? Fine?"

"Yeah. You've got your hands full of fines. But how about that, too? I'll think about it by the end of next week. I have to convince Ser Lanox that his name isn't on the case."

"Yeah. Oh, it's time to go to the Knights, huh? Shall we go out for dinner?

"Oh, is that already the time? What are we having today?

"Do you want a stew?

"Stew? Good. Let's do that."

13 Apr 7449

Wang Du, Gried Chamber of Commerce.

Ralpha and Kim came on a few errands.

They are both across the horse, but Kim could still see how unfamiliar they were.

Ralpha has been riding horses for years, so he is a familiar companion.

"Oh, it's Lar!

Sitting on the bench in the street in front of the store, Hannah stood up with her armor on the bench as she wiped away the dirt on the rubber protector's surface, a repair request brought in in the morning.

"Here, Hannah. Mr. Firefrid is a nobleman. You can't call me that! Excuse me, Mr. Firefrid."

Anna, who was wiping the rubber protector the same way next to Hannah, pays attention to her sister.

"It's okay. Don't worry about that. Already here?

down from the horse, Ralpha asked as he tied his reins to the horse-holding pile.

There's still a little time until the appointment, but they confirmed it just in case.

"No, Mr. Imulek is not here yet"

Imulek is a civilian who runs a meat ranch beside the Wang capital.

I was promised a meeting today about immigrants leaving next month.

"Yes, this. A souvenir. Eat separately from your sister."

Kim is taking a bag of candy balls out of her saddlebag and giving it to Hannah.

"Wow! Thanks!

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim. Thank you very much."

"It's okay. I made this because Lar said this was a good idea."

"Oh, this is Glenn's candy, isn't it? I love this!

"Me too ~"

With the voices of the two sisters on his back, Ralpha crept through the entrance to the Chamber of Commerce, which had been left open.

"Mr. Reynolds. Hello."

With his face on the Chamber of Commerce, Ralpha spoke to Reynolds, the superintendent who was in the store.

"Oh, this is Mr. Larfa. Hello. Go ahead."

Reynolds was in the middle of a lecture on accounting affairs by Surge with his wife Sarah, an employee of Ancient Stocks and mother of Anna and Hannah.

"Oh, it's that time already"

Ralpha's face made Surge seem to recall the time now.

"Then let's go on tomorrow. I'm going to the factory. Nice to meet you later, Mr. Lal."

Surge left the store saying "bye" when he rounded up the parchment he had used for the lecture and handed it to Leila.

The reception set vacated by the conclusion of the lecture will now be used for its original purpose.

Today there will be discussions with a man named Imulek, the rancher, and then Karrim, the armorer.

The contents are: How big will the packages have to be transported to immigrants?

For once, it was the contents that Al was packing before he left, but it was necessary to check to see if there had been any changes since then.

On another point, they also had confirmation that Al had ordered them to do.

The rancher's imilake arrived a little later than the promised time.

Portable watch demon props are a common story in oaths because they are quite luxurious.

"I had a meeting with Lord Gried before, and I have a few changes from the content."

His luggage was very large and was estimated to be roughly four cars for a six-headed carriage manufactured by Al.

The contents include a total of six members of his family, fifteen slaves owned as pastoralist children, and a set of other family possessions.

And it's the most important bull horses and pigs.

There are four female cows in two bulls where the cow is a breeding cow. This will be for one carriage.

Horses are similarly seeded as military horses, with three large stallions in three.

Moreover, the calculation was that four sheep and four goats would be buried together, but that would bury three carriages.

"You want to take pigs too...... can't you?

Since there was only one pig he wanted to take, he explained and convinced him that the area per head would be somewhat narrower instead of changing the compartment of the carrier to be modified as an animal carriage.

"You can walk a horse or a cow... then you can increase the number..."

That's what Imuleke said, but the two of them said from Al, "Don't think about letting me walk and carry a cow horse for meat. Never admit it even if he said so. Because the flesh will change," I had to politely say no.

If I really wanted to carry more bull horses, I convinced him that I would need to hire Imulek himself about the escort as well, because it would be separate from the carriage fleet and the speed of travel would be very different.

After Imulek returned, Karrim, the armorer, arrived for a while.

"There are no changes in plans. The number of people put me in, five adults, two children and seven. Also, the luggage is enough for one of those carriages."

Talking about moving in with Carlim wasn't that long.

"Well... so, here's an example..."

That's what Carlim says and takes the little bag out of his nose.

The bag's mouth was opened and the contents removed on the table.

In total, it was about ten sheets, about three centimeters in diameter, of black scale.

The scales are affixed with small bills on each piece, and the colour luster looks slightly different.

Karrim picked up two pieces of them with quite different tones and surface gloss, and showed them to both.

"This is the scale of Wyvern before, and this is what we did with it."

This is what Ralpha and Kim were ordered to do by Al.

"Status open...... Phew. You're going to turn quite a bit."

"Show me too. Status open… [Primary Wyvern Scale]. You sure are soft."

The two first look at Wyvern's scales, touch them, make sure they feel tight.

The scales give a hard impression, but when twisted with a lot of force, they exert the elasticity there.

"It plays almost entirely about a normal crossbow arrow (Quarrel), released from a distance of about 10m on that Wyvern scale. Some things get a little scratched when you cut five meters."

We had both heard that information.

I also felt incredible the first time I heard it.

However, after the Wyvern scales were tailored to armor and shields and wrapped around the prince, and even given his unique name, he was told that he was valued at billions of Z. in one piece, and eventually became the consideration of the territory.

When I heard that, I finally said, "There are materials like that in the world. That's why they recognized the astronomical value," he was good at.

"Here you go, too"

The other one I received from Carlim doesn't look very different from Wyvern's scale right now if it feels like I've seen it all the time.

However, if you look closely, there are obviously different colour lustres, as well as decidedly different parts.

Wyvern's scales, if you look better, have some kind of pattern emerging on the surface, but nothing of that kind has emerged for those who have just been offered it.

If you look at the light, you can see that the scale itself has a very normal pattern, like a tree wheel.

Wyvern's scale tone also feels black in its entirety but slightly transmits light, whereas the object now has the impression that black paper is buried inside the scale and coated with special materials such as clear glass on its surface.

Also, despite being about the same size and thickness, this one seems a little lighter than Wyvern's.

"Status Open...... Phew"

"Status open...... well, I knew it"

In their eyes they saw [the scales of longarzamruzolfalene].

"Toughness seems to be slightly better when compared to your Wyvern scale."

When they hear it, they have a nymphomaniacal grin.

Because it was expected to have a high value for sure.

Because I thought that if they were to be a major source of income for the lords of the land in which they live, in whatever form they might take, they would all be restored to them in an appropriate way.

"And this is what I changed the way I handled it, little by little, to match this scale. Please make sure."

Carlim carefully arranged them on the table, one by one, looking at the marks on the bill.

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