14 Apr 7449

"All right, let's go! One (Him), two (Nim), three (Mim), whoa!

Vince, lord of the village of Midora, a pioneering village located relatively east of the Earl of the League territory, was quickly mingled with the village's civilians and slaves to take command of the opening.

Beneath his hanging voice, those who pull the strings hooked by the big tree stump and those who flock to the stump that cut the roots as far as possible work together.

A few others have turned their faces bright red so that they can float the stump at all using Tsuko.

How about 30 people in total, including Vince himself?

Most of them are scaffolding feet.


Some of the roots that were in the ground and had not yet been cut made a thousand cuts.

"All right, we're almost there! Let's go again! One, two, three, that!

Vince is also naked in his upper body and hands on the stump.

As lumpy muscles thrived on his back, sweats floating like beads streamed down his back.

There's also a big military horse at the end of the line in the middle tied to the stump, and one slave takes the reins and matches Vince's decree: "Come on! Hey, hey!," he tows as he strokes his horse's neck.

"Ugh... Ugh!

A scream similar to a barking voice pokes Vince's mouth out.

Bikikibuchibuchi, and the stump leaned pretty loud with a loud noise.

There is a grin on the faces of the men.

It would be a lot harder later if we got here, but not the ratio we've had before.

I can do anything with a few adults.

"... ugh, okay. Thank you all for your hard work."

Vince smiled and said as he wiped his sweat with the back of his hand.

"You finished early today."

"Oh, the boulders look like stalls."

The men around me also leak a sigh of relief into the opening work that went safely, whilst thoughtfully wiping their hands and wiping their sweat with the back of their hands.

The sun is passing heaven heavenly, but there is still room for sunset.

"Then I shall return to the Mansion. Come and collect this evening's allowance."

When Vince spoke to the men, he began walking to the mansion with a slave who was manipulating the only military horse in the village. Saddles are not hung on military horses, so they are both on foot.

"It would be nice to have a new stall..."

"Oh. I was worried because you sound like a pompous nobleman..."

"Josh was telling the truth."

"Really, no way, the nobles themselves are with the ora..."

Slave men of poor stature are having a conversation.

"Not at all. I was worried about him, but he's a worker."

"And that slave."

"But that Henry Tzu - that slave is not a slave to your stall. He's a slave to your lord."

"A slave who can manipulate a horse is also a big deal... well, was he a slave to your lord..."

This is a slightly better dressed civilian conversation. Some of them were wearing boots.

Early on in his assignment, Vince has begun to open woods that spread around the village in what he calls more agricultural land.

And for that reason, he had ordered civilian houses in the village to supply the workforce.

The allowance for popularization paid at that time is based on the 1000Z per day provided for in the Count's territory, but I wanted to have as many different facial rashes and conversations as possible, so I pay an additional 100Z for those who appear in popularity for the first time, young and old.

This prevalence allowance is not paid to the worker himself, but according to the number of people who have given up to the civilian households who have provided the workforce.

Of course, the amount is different depending on whether the person who participated in the popularization was a civilian or a slave, a man or a woman.

As a civilian, it was basically normal for working men to take part around because they wanted to send as many people as possible who were not wary of farming, but it was also one of the valuable cash incomes, and if they worked poorly, they might not have a voice at the next popularity.

It is also normal to want to be liked by the Lords, so it is not uncommon for some houses to come who plan to succeed the next generation of housekeepers, or even the housekeepers themselves.

On his way back to the mansion, Vince speaks to Henry, who walks next door.

"I'm sorry. My slaves are still missing..."

"No, I don't care...... If there is more farmland in this village of Midora, it will all return to your husband."

The village of Midora is also relatively old in the pioneering village of Count territory, so the agricultural land is quite large.

It also has a population of more than 600.

In the heart of the village, we have to walk a little further to the sheltered residence.

"Yeah. Hiss will bring in slaves in the summer, and then if we train a couple of guys who seem to be muscular, we'll be able to patrol every week because they have squires. Twice a month is the best I can do now... Plus, starting next year, two of my servants will be coming from my parents' house. I'm sorry for Henry, but until about the beginning of the year, please say hello."

"Of course. Hiss will have eyes on people too, and he will gain quite a bit of combat experience in the labyrinth, so can I help..."

"Don't be modest. You're your slave (Adoon) middlehead (Imganger), aren't you? You were a knight, and you were famous for being quite an adventurer in that labyrinth."

"No, no... not yet, such as me. Than that, Master Gekdo, what you see over there is the hunter's...... isn't it Arventrot? Looks like you've got something to prey on."

Ahead of Henry pointing his finger, I see an arventrote of a tiger tribe (Tigerman) running a hunter in the village walking with his wife and daughter. A four-legged beastly prey hangs upside down on the stick the couple are in charge of.

"Oh? Is that... a white-haired deer?!? I'm glad I could harvest it here. I love that stew. Henry, I'm sorry, but I need you to buy me a place where I can run first."

"Okay. I'll replace it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please."

Henry rushes out the farm road through the middle of the field when he deposits his reins with Vince.

The higher part of the meat of the prey that the hunter has caught is, for the most part, bought by the lord for a fairly multieyed sum. By doing so, the rest of the meat will be within reach of poor civilians and slaves.

That night, White-haired deer stew was behaved on less than ten serfs owned by Vince, starting with Henry, in the Lords' Hall.

The Fourth Knights stationed in the village have stockpiles, and sometimes do something in front of themselves by calling them patrols, so it is rare for them to be prey to hunters.

April 15, 7449.

Count Riegle territory, Beige village. It is also the most physically distant village from Beglitz, the capital of the territory.

A place where I stepped into the woods from the farmland in the southeast of the village and opened just about two kilometers.

Carm, who rented a few members of the Second Knights of the Kingdom who were stationed in the village and went out on patrol, decided to take a small pause here.

He goes on to tell four people around him that he will take turns in ten minutes by standing a walking post, and he tries to make his way to the first walking post.

"Meck, I'm sorry, but water, please."

I told one slave with a slightly bad-ass look on his face, even though I forgot to say I would look back soon. It was more of a asking word and tone than an order.

I understand, Master Mishaus.

Mason Garhash claps over it when he puts a small bucket hanging on his hips on the ground.

Water erupted so much that a bucket could overflow from his bucket of palms as he concentrated to frown a little.

Meck can't use fire magic, so the water he puts out is raw.

However, the faces participating in the patrol one after the other take out the water bottle and stick it in the bucket, filling the water bottle with raw water.

"Hold on, it's really a big deal that the level of water magic is four levels."

"Oh. Even with all this water out, it's still..."

"You can hang out with our Squadron Commander Geige."

Meck boasts four levels of strength about water magic.

Now the water is spraying out of the thick faucet against the little bucket, but the momentum can continue in enough quantities to fill the bath bucket.

It's a big deal not to have to carry this much water, but only to the extent that about a glass of bath bucket in a boulder will add to the farming effort.

"Ngu, ngu, ngu... uhh!

Drinking the water drawn from the bucket all at once, Rocco looks satisfied and dips the water bottle in the bucket again, filling it up to his mouth.

I'm done serving water. Meck also dips his own water bottle in the bucket and drinks it.

The water left in the bucket has diminished for that matter, but the four of us headed for the sentry drink one drink at a time, enough to fill the water bottle.

"When's the Centaur you were talking about coming out?

Sitting on a tumor just the right size, which was at the roots of a tree beside him, Rocco asked the young Knights.

Apart from the military patrols carried out by the Knights, they have thus begun patrolling the perimeter of the village about every two days from about three weeks before their arrival in the village, but only met major demons, such as Goblin and Kobold, Sabre Beetle, Giant Centipede and Dark Spider, which can be fought relatively safely.

"Whenever they say... I sure don't see you here these days, but if you're not coming, why don't you come"

The young man answered as he raised his helmet cheek and wiped his hands and sweat.

"Well, that's true. But, you know, I'd like to reduce the damage to the field a little bit before it does. Hey, Meck."

Rocco sat on the ground beside him and waved to Meck, who was talking to some other young man.

"That's true.... By the way, is it true that Centaur has a person's upper body growing instead of a horse's head?

All the young men of the Knights agree to Mec's inquiry.

"Oh. I don't fall horses like a knight, and I can run pretty fast in the woods. There's always more than one when you show up, and you're smart enough not to compare those demons. It's a pretty powerful enemy."

"But I hear that both Mr. Kainestan and Mr. Garhash are very strong, as well as Master Mishaus. He even knocked down a bunch of those orgasms..."

"Well, it would be comforting for a demon opponent."

When I heard that, Rocco said, "Ha ha. I'll take care of it," he laughed softly.

At that time.

"It's a demon! Ke, Centaur!?

A little further south than where they were resting.

A warning scream came from the outpost that was in charge there.

In an instant, a laugh disappears from Rocco's eyes and he rises as if it were a spring trick.

When I stood up, the Demon Sword of my hips, and the Sword of the Rapid Aim, Sword of Aming, were pulled out of the sheath and fit in my right hand.

Meck had also thrown out a water bottle on the way tied to his hips and pulled out his sword, grabbing the handle of his shield and standing up.

"One stays here and directs the guy who's late! Follow the rest! Meck, we're going in two rows of columns (double trail)!


Rushing out to those who spoke, Rocco said, "Come on! Hold on tight!" She bursts into the woods screaming.

In its right neighbor, the mec has not slowed down the rate of advancement while bending over the branches of the tree that were growing in a low place.

They are followed by four young squadrons belonging to the Second Squadron, commonly known as the 252 Squadron, belonging to the Fifth Battalion of the Second Knights of the Kingdom.

He sickened in the direction of the sentry, which issued a warning as he raised the shouting of the assault in his mouth.

"Chilgows Dahe Day!"



"Ooh, ooh, ooh!"

The unfamiliar words are echoing.

When Rocco arrived on the battlefield, the squire standing at the outpost lay on the ground.

Around it are four or five centaurs (heads?) He was also there, and one of them was just about to shake a short spear he now had in his hand to stab a stop.

The Centaurs not only wear the upper body that looks like a person, but also apparently armor made of tanned leather to cover the entire body of the horse.

Rocco raised his roar.

Screaming but without slowing down the speed of the assault at all, we head towards the nearest Centaur.

Something chased me through it as I ripped the air off its side.

It is the magic warhead of the stone arrow (Stone Arrow) unleashed by Meck.

Sharp and pointy as an arrow released from the bow, the thin, long shaped stone pierced the neck of Centaur, who was wearing a short spear, from the side.

It is a brilliant magic move.

- That's good, Meck. You don't have to tell me what to do!

Stopping screaming and grinning furiously, Rocco thrust it into the chest of the horse body, not the upper body of a person, with a knife that returns as Centaur slashes off the tip of the spear that came out of him.

The tip of the sword, which went diagonally for a gap in leather armor, chooses the heart as it severs a sturdy leather string.

"Gah! Ah!

Centaur fell to the sidelines when he trembled with Bikun, and soon stopped moving.

- It doesn't reach the boulder to the upper body... but is it correct over here?

As for Rocco, I wanted to aim for a position where a person would have a heart, but when I decided I didn't have enough reach and changed my goal to a position where a horse's heart would have been, I stabbed the Devil's Sword precisely against a weakness in armor that was only as good as a hole in a needle.

Unable to pull the sword out, roll it to the side and slash it into another leg.


Centaur rolling with not much screaming of pain.

There, a squire running after him puts a spear in it.

A spear sticks out of another head at Rocco, who rises with a rolling momentum.

I used the shield on my left hand to play the tip of my ear and distance myself.

"Gem Egg!"

"Ugh! Kedamono!"

Rocco barks as he spas off the protruding spear.


Meck, who was delayed because he unleashed attack magic, has also joined the fight.

- Hmm. Then this is the only person I'm dealing with. Sounds good.

The centaur, who was slashed off the tip of his ear, throws down the remains of a spear that turned into just a stick, hips (?) I pull out the song knife (simiter) that I was raising and strike Rocco.

- Yo... Ha... Tori!

Play the shimmer down from a position higher than Rocco's head using a sword or shield, and when you spot a gap, slash it for the leg.

Those who stood on the outpost in another direction while doing so also seemed to arrive, and the disadvantaged Centaurs show their backs and try to escape.

But it was pierced there by Carm's bow and eventually wiped out.

Soon after, when Carm saw his fallen squire to make sure he had breath, he asked Meck for healing magic.

The remainder of Meck's magic was considerably less, and if he used healing (cure) twice, he could not use magic until he rested, but human life took precedence.

"Heh heh. Hey Carm, I wonder where these demon stones are?

"I don't know. I don't know. But I have to pick them all up."

Still breathing one head in front, Carm answered, looking down cold.

"Gum, gum......"

Centaur complaining about something with a voice that petitions with a bug breath.

"Huh. It's not easy for a lord..."

Carm pulls out her favorite knife from behind her hips.

"Er, what did I say? Mizuchi used to say that, didn't he?... right. Be my experience."

Saying so, Carm stabbed a knife in the hole in Centaur's ear.

16 Apr 7449

The only shrine in Beglitz contacted me.

The day after we arrived in Beglitz, we went to the shrine to rent a locker, but there were only a few small lockers on top, so I was told that I would not keep all of the cash, magic stones, paperwork, and everything else I asked for.

At that time, I was unavailable to only keep the majority of the cash, high value demon stones, and important documents, but apparently the rocker expansion is over.

Chartered a carriage and even metal ore headed to the shrine filled with expensive items such as precious metals and bags of relatively small demonic stones.

Naturally, all the items are in the bag, so I just looked at them all the time and they don't look worth it.

When I spoke to the staff at the entrance, they said they had already spoken to me and asked me to bring them in immediately.

There's only one other person contracting a locker to put it in the shrine locker, so I have to carry all my stuff from the carriage that's parked on the table.

There are more than 10 kg of gold ore and platinum ore.

Zulu, who looked sorry only to the extent that he could be transported from the carrier to the entrance to the shrine, and the clerks, starting with the clergy, also helped me when they saw that I, the lord, was saying hi, so it was not likely to take as long as I had expected to save him.

That's how I was carrying my stuff in.

One of the clerics lifted the bag that was at the entrance and stepped onto the shrine grounds.

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

The clergyman stopped the movement by letting his gaze drift into the hollow as he held the bag in front of his belly.

I don't blink one, I have a frightened look on my face, my mouth stays open, and if I let it go, I'm going to drool even in my mouth.

Neither me nor the rest of the staff accidentally solidified to see how things were going.

and soon the clergyman looked around as he tightened his expression.

Admitting to my face watching what the hell is going on, I come over softly with my luggage in my arms and carefully bow my head.

"Dear Greed, I have an important story to tell you. I need you to get to the back yard right now."

The cleric has said strange things with a serious look on his face when he thinks he has raised his head.

Normally, anyone can enter the main hall of the shrine if they want to.

Opportunities such as raising money on a full moon night, or having a healing magic hang on a shrine bill, or simply visiting. I will also do some sort of naming (named) ritual in the main hall, such as rewriting the status at the time of marriage or purchase of slaves.

But other than the officials at the shrine go into the back yard, no, I've never heard of letting them in.

Another cleric or clerk who was surrounded by the evidence is frozen with a slight look on his face.

"Huh? Um, luggage..."

"Leave those things to them."


You think it's trivial?

A cleric, I suppose, but a shrine clerk, but as far as I could tell, due respect was paid to the nobles as well as in general.

You can often say something in front of my precious possessions as a lord.

But I'm kind of curious.

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