16 Apr 7449

Follow the cleric who tells you to come to the back of the house and go around the main hall.

"Oh, hey! Lakshaz! That's......!

He even named some kid in the main hall. A cleric of Grandpa's didn't look at me twice before he shouted up and stopped the cleric and me.

... right?

But you, you want a name?

Look, whatever the baby is, there's fatherly people out there, too, right?

By the way, people who work in shrines are called priests and priests. The pronunciation also remains Japanese (you know that Ragdarios is mixed with English and Japanese, right?). It's strange they don't call me a god or a palace chief, but I don't know that and I don't care.

So, there's always one in most religious communities that exist on Earth, there's no such thing as class... Apparently.

For once, people who have the skills to perform various rituals are called clerics and priests, and people who carry out clerical processing, cleaning and manufacturing more money than silver joo are called officials (bamu). Officials sometimes seem to have naming skills while they work, like a cleric candidate. It should be noted that the business details are simply different, and because there is no concept of class in the first place, there is basically no upward/downward relationship. And since there is no distinction between the general public and clerics and officials who should otherwise be called the Ping faithful, there is also no resemblance to the Protestant Church on Earth around here.

However, that is inconvenient when making a compromise with the lord of the land where the shrine is located, so some people, like the representative of the shrine, are like the chief of convenience. He's called the chief cleric (Sincanger) or the chief priest (Sicyger), and there's only one person in each shrine, mostly an ancient stock person. Of course, there are shrines where there is only one person.

Anyway, I'm guessing this man is the chief cleric that Grandpa's clergyman has sounded great.

The last time I visited the shrine, I was hanging out to see if it was a city or a village, and I couldn't see him.

"Chief Cleric. In the middle of the ritual, I'm sorry. But..."

"Wait a minute. I'm sorry to interrupt. … status open. Named (named), Massasoit, as the proxy of God in heaven"

Looks like the Cleric Chief decided to finish the naming ritual first, blocking a cleric called Lakshaz from trying to say something to the Cleric Chief.

I knew it because I've done it several times, but I [appraise] the baby.

A column with the name that was blank in the open appraisal window was filled and dated today.

The father like man of the baby went home with his head down when he checked his status.

Lakshaz, who dropped it off, gives the clergyman some ear punch.

It was my first meeting, so in the meantime I had nothing but to bow my head to the Cleric Chief with a loving laugh.

The chief cleric's eyes opened wide and he said, "Oh, my God, such..." and he looks at the luggage that Lakshaz and I are holding over and over again.

But he immediately said, "I understand," and said, "My lord, greeting you later... please come this way first," he bowed his head to me as though telling me to follow you as well as Lakshaz, and walked out toward the back of the house.

Sitting between the boards in the back yard, Lakshaz spoke as he exchanged his first face-to-face greetings with the chief cleric again.

According to Lakshaz, he received God's revelation earlier.

That's a lie, but I don't think a cleric would lie inside the shrine.

Note that I've only met God once a long time ago, so I'm not willing to deny it in general.

Looking at me with a strange face and listening, Lakshaz kept talking.

In the revelation to Lakshaz, they spoke to a large extent about:

-The luggage Lakshaz had was a gradient obtained in the Labyrinth of Balduk

Only this item is my complement because when I listened, he opened the bag and showed me the contents.

-The person with the special skill of naming is a treasure ball in the divine domain (a slope ball?) touch (they don't have to be direct) and receive divine revelation

By reason......

No clerics or clerks bore their hands when depositing them at the shrine in Balduk.

Properly worshipping the slopes at the altar of the shrine will increase the shrine's character and enable it to manufacture money (there was nothing like teaching me how to do that)

There is no rating for clerics, priests, or clerks, but there is one in the shrine itself...

-Then we will need more manpower, so we will need to increase the number of staff, including clerics, but naturally it will be difficult immediately, so for the time being, we will request support from the surrounding shrines and outshine them.

This doesn't really matter to me. Hmm, what the hell.

· Also, when a family member who brings in treasure balls brings in precious metals and demon stones that serve as raw materials for money, exchange them for money that they manufacture at a better rate than usual.

In short, the contents of this shrine (Beglitz), where not more than a dozen priests and clerics can be combined, will allow the casting of high amounts of money.

The purchase of precious metals and demonic stones, which is therefore in the last item (?) The rate was a good rate there.

Not as bad as I was hearing rumors.

A few per cent above the general buying rate would be a fair bit of special treatment.

I can't even make a little money if I buy it directly from the adventurer and Mizuchi brings it in, but I know how much demon stone the Beglitz adventurer brings into the magic prop shop.

There is no more time, and if you do that, the magic props store will just eat up, and the amount of magic stones circulating in the territory will decrease, so it will be difficult to use the light and stove magic props, so economic activity will be dull.

That said, it is huge that if you are willing to do that, you can make n tens of millions of z-minutes of currency that is possible to see the status just by going to Balduk for a few weeks. I wish I could get silver ore or something.

That's a waste of time going to the labyrinth.

If there's a labyrinth around here, you can go about three days a month.

I hear there is also a labyrinth, although a little northeast of Count's territory doesn't seem to be about the size of Balduk.

Especially since there are no crystal bars for the transfer, it seems that demons have just settled in natural caves.

The labyrinth (once named Der Engle's labyrinth) doesn't seem to come out either, so the Knights just put a few lookouts on it just in case and it's almost abandoned.

Besides, it's a magic item for magic props. Whether or not you get even 100 Balduk is because even if you get it, something less valuable seems to dominate - I'm not dealing with any of them.

Very rarely do poor people try to hit a mountain and come home hungry without even meeting one demon or something?

They say they've had fairly expensive magic props only once a long time ago, but it would be information gathered by people made up by local magic props stores.

Anyway, it's not a bad thing that high currency is created in the territory...

I can't say either if it tastes good or not.

Well, you can't even get a little. You've never been over it.

For this to taste good, you have a Balduk-like labyrinth in your territory, and after the adventurer (Gorotsuki) came together for a bunch of bunnies, you know, when you let a relative or something do a demon prop shop?

Whatever it is, it doesn't look like the shrine is currently adequately staffed, and the time to think slowly about utilizing it would be on a yearly basis.

Oh, wait a minute!

"Um... I'll just ask you one thing, do you have to pay for that treasure ball to this shrine? I brought it in with my promise to keep it in my locker..."

Ahhhh, the air was free to serve while it was flowing.

If this treasure ball is important to the shrine, it is not stingy to hand it over.

But I got it in exchange for Engela's life.

Giving it to the extent of the right to no commission saya (though it would be quite a big right if the size of the economy in the territory grew)... I'm not convinced.

"No, of course you don't have to. As far as I'm concerned, I do have a desire to be involved in the manufacture of currency, but this treasure ball belongs to your Excellency. Whatever shrine you want, you'll be fine."

That's what Lakshaz said and smiled a little lonely.

"Lakshaz is right. I sincerely regret that I cannot worship your gods in this company..."

The Chief Cleric also replies with a calm voice.

I seem to feel quite untrained, but I don't think I'm particularly problematic.

"No...... I'm just not sure I can make up my mind yet. This treasure ball was acquired by me when I defeated the dragon deep in the Labyrinth of Balduk… it's quite thoughtful."

I mean it.

"Was it...... When you decide, we want you to bring it to us."

I quit the shrine to make sure the rest of my luggage was delivered to the locker when I politely apologized for not serving their hopes right now.

After dinner in the city of Beglitz, I came back to Courtzil Castle.

Take a light shower before going to bed and go into bed with Mizuchi.

"He's like that sloppy ball..."

I talked to Mizuchi about what happened today.

"Hmmm...... I'm not surprised to hear anything more now, but if it's important like making money, you don't have to make a hasty decision. Take your time."


The possible expensive currency to see the status is the monopoly of the shrine, but you can make whatever you want about the currency below Ginzhu. I can make money just because I can make a large amount of copper that doesn't cost 100Z as much as a large sheath.

However, if too much is done, it is considered inflation and the value falls around precious metals, so castable ceilings and lower limits are set within each realm of the kingdom. Even so, the denomination is not determined by law, but by the shrine. This is how much currency of the denomination is this month, and this is how much currency of the denomination is, so that you can follow the general instructions.

You can ignore that instruction, of course, but you can't do it too big.

If you do that because of greed, the buying rate starts to fluctuate from the shrines in your own territory, and then from the shrines in the surrounding area, you will discover the fact that you did something that was not busy in less than a year.

It is not a crime, so I will not be tried for it as a crime (it is of course a grand crime in line with the great treason, except for the nobility of the territory), but if I am forced to replace or worse as a good and incapable of managing the territory, I will be stripped of my title and my house will be destroyed.

"Oh, is it the day after tomorrow? You're all coming."

All of you in Mizuchi are referring to the Lords who rule the cities and villages in their territory coming to see me up to Beglitz.

"Right. Because the house hasn't even built a pillar yet, and it's going to be face-to-face in the administration... what am I supposed to get there?

"Do I have to dress up after all?

"Hmmm. It's going to be easy to get dressed... is that me wearing those tights again..."

"Was it a little cute?

"To be honest, because me and Tris are still young... what about Xenom?

Zenome wore white tights and pumpkin pants during my ceremony.

The mustache stretched, mummy, painful old man dressed like that and laughed in person, but he said, "My legs are tightened and I feel sick".

"I don't know...? Well, you don't have a problem getting dressed."

Mizuchi is certainly right.

"I have no choice. Do you... ha... you have plans for tomorrow?

"Always with you. In the morning I go to see the dirt with the officials. I'll go check on the house after lunch and go to the Knights. The books will take a breather tomorrow."

"Right...... it's finally going to be over tomorrow and I'll be sure to cat it"

17 Apr 7449

The Lords' Hall in the village of Rad.

After a routine run, Lorrick returns to the mansion, takes a bath of water, and then goes to the bedroom to change.

Sometimes I don't have enough clothes to have a clothes room or something like that, and small costumes are enough.

Ask the wife of a village clerk who hires her as a maid to help her get dressed.

"Dear Roomshade, here's tomorrow's meal..."

Looks like the maid of a skinny, mature woman was just packing her clothes for tomorrow for Rolic, who's about to leave.

"Oh...... hmm? That's good. I'm not the first to see His Excellency the Count. Um, look, make it a brown one."

The white tights and pumpkin pants, which were beautifully folded, and the front matching jacket, seemed dismissed.

"Yes, I understand. We'll be ready in a minute."

The maid immediately began to fish for the bamboo in the corner of the room.

- I guess Al will be wearing that...

Lorrick lifts his favorite long sword (long sword) to his waist while slightly niggling.

As I opened the door and tried to leave the room, I stood with a look of surprise as the slave of the young woman I bought in Balduk was now in exactly the position I was about to knock on.

This slave was bought in the Wang capital and was just the right place to take care of herself when she heard it had been sold to a slave trader by a certain nobleman.

The house was not very wealthy, so there were not many slaves, and it was a great attraction to hear that you could do a whole lot of work such as cooking and laundry.

"Your husband, your meal is ready"

He said he would be leaving soon, so breakfast would be a little early.

"Oh, I'll be right there"

With his sword raised, Lorrick goes to the dining room and has a prepared breakfast.

Only one, a meal with a slave, but Lorrick is used to it.

When I was a child who spent time at home, my parents, busy working as a grand aristocrat, mostly because they were eating outside.

Ever since my brother was born, we've been together, but I can't resist eating with someone fu.

"Well, this is delicious meat. Seems different from pigs and cows too...... what meat?

When I asked, pointing to the meat that was in the simmering, "It's the meat of a bird called a bund bird. I bought what the village hunter put up yesterday. Do you need a replacement?" She returned it and asked for another simmer.

- Ha!? I've been saying that I'm going to Beglitz today. This guy, anticipating that I only eat one meal...

Lorrick says with a bitter smile that he will only be a little happy with a decent slave.

"If you're still buying for everyone in the village, you can share the rest. But delicious."

Of course, working in a noble house in Wang Du, she only bought the portions that Rolic would eat.

Bundo birds are quite big birds, but if I buy too many because the edible section only converts them to chickens for about a couple of chickens, they won't get into the mouth of the villagers.

Bundo birds are also such a delicious and luxurious ingredient that she knew very well that slaves were usually too luxurious to speak of.

In case my husband, Lorrick, is away for a few days, so I knew we'd share it with the Falergers.

Lorrick, who was by birth a great nobleman, was neglected somewhere.

But it would also be possible to repudiate it as a good, coverable purchase.

"Looks like a hard to get bird, and I'm glad it fits your mouth"

- Is this why they sold it from the original house? This much, okay? Karim would be happy to eat this too.

I leave the daily cost of living to Karim, whom Lorrick was educating, and if he said it was good, it wouldn't be like overbudgeting his life this month.

At the end of the meal, the military horse was fitted with horse gear by Dender's hand and seemed perfectly prepared to leave.

I have decided to stay overnight on my way to Beglitz on this trip.

Of course I want to carve it firmly into my brain on the road, but since it involves two ancient shrine squires who were originally in the village besides the slave-headed Dender, I also had the purpose of wanting to know a little more about people for them who are still shallow with each other.

Only Rolic rides, and the other three are on foot.

They sometimes have demons on the road, so they're all armed.

"Did I say it's the village of Larks we're staying in today?

Ask the accompanying 30s squire.

"Yes, your lord is the one who says Muir has a jazz position."

A squire looked up at Rolic on the horse and answered.

"You did. All right, I want to get there before it's too late. We're leaving."

He began on the road stretching north from the village of Rad.

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