April 18, 7449.

"Seriously! Oh, I'm a character named Kyoko! Maggie's! In Necama! Wow, I can't believe I'm seeing Mr. Junya... '

Tor said something in Japanese when he stepped into the store where he promised to have lunch with Mizuchi.

"Kyoko... Kyoko hey... sorry, I don't remember Maggie or anything"

Mizuchi also replies in Japanese.

Are the other slaves sitting at the same table shy away from those two, whispering and seemingly interested in a completely different chat?

'What were you talking about?

I also asked in Japanese as I sat down next to Mizuchi.

"Ah, good luck. Talk about old games'

'Good luck. Turns out you were playing the same online game. Mr. Mizuchi, he was such a famous player! I used to throw parties with you, but you were so strong!


With that said, Mizuchi liked the game.

"It was a long time ago. It's no big deal. '

'Again, be modest. When I say Junya, the strongest tanker in Flanness mackerel...... is that it? Even that guy... I've chatted with him before... Huh? Are you kidding me?

Thor says as he looks at Mizuchi with suspicious eyes.

'Uh, yes, sir. It's a trick. A trick. Sorry.'

"What, are you lying... relieved"

"To? Relief? Aren't you angry?

"Hey, a lot of people trick Junya, and I don't get angry all the time about it."

"Oh, yes..."

"Oh, by the way, do you know what the Crockett Crockel case is?

"Well, that was a famous case."

Sounds like a lot of solving talk to me, and I don't care.

I ordered white bread, pork steak and stewed carrots.

Seeing as I asked for it, the slaves around me are starting to order one after the other.

'That's a great topic, isn't it? In addition to the most powerful party of the day, many other powerful players played together. "

'Sounds like it...'

'Actually, yes. I picked up the nibble wand I dropped from the Greater Demon that day. "


"Hehe. I remember you very well. That was just after you doubled the highest level of haste, so the action speed was boosted to the max, right? So, the daemon was knocked down when I used the short jump to take the Greater Daemon's tag, and there was me where I dropped it. That was really nice timing. '


"There are many other factors overlapping. The same goes for the fact that the corpses of the Gnomes of Crockett Crockel Village never disappeared. They remained and the entire screen was messed up, and a few of the wreather demons surrounding them were summoned just before the Greater Demon died, and they all went into frenzy mode and threw up braces and it was just so big. He didn't seem to see it from any of the other players. '


"Oh, I egg roll, bacon and white bread, onion soup"

I've decided Saturday lunch is a day to eat with slaves, and I'll have the full price.

Like other slaves, Thor is asking for something a little extravagant just here.

Mizuchi looked down without even ordering and was holding his fist on the table.

"Hey. What about you?

When I spoke to Mizuchi, he told me to do the same thing as me.

I was starting to talk about farming with another slave by my side.

"Above all, the PC launch of the sub was also the biggest factor. A one-level subaca for the replacement was a great way to log into Diver City, as was a turnover ring on both sides just in case. I only used it once because every time I used it, I had a good chance of breaking it."

"That, you've used it before? Not a super rare item? Few people used it because it broke 99%... '

'Yeah, I didn't know it was such a rare item when I got it. But there's a bug. "


"Yeah, it's a description or a wiki. It just instantly replaces the position of the character who has the pair of rings and the character who used them, but it doesn't replace the position of the buff or anything that hangs on the character. In short, the haste that hung on my mage hangs on that character when I swap positions with naked characters on one level. See, that game changes the speed of movement and the speed of action depending on the weight of your belongings. So...... '

"The naked substitute character who exchanged positions can move tremendously fast...?

'Exactly. Well, it was a bet. Immediately I moved to the subPC to pick up Nibble Wand and trade fast. The log says the character picked up Nibble Wand. So, when I received it with Maggie's character...'

'What if I take it?

"You win the bet! Turnover ring, it wasn't broken!

'What do you mean...?

'Of course I'll use it again. If my Maggie wasn't there, she'd be suspicious. "

'... that's...'

"Hehe. I'll delete the sub-characters soon. The only thing left on the battle log is that the mysterious character picked up Nibblewand. It was an amazing item."

The food was carried.

This store is not very tasty, but it's a little multi-eyed.

I think it's a good store for the slaves.

"... oh"


"... ooh..."

"What's up?

Eat fast. It's gonna get cold?

"Oh well! I remember! That boss, how hard do you think you've had to take him down!? I used four tiger child elixirs!

Mizuchi stuck it in Tor aloud.

Apparently, he's angry about something that happened in the game.

"Ugh. Just eat."

Don't be cocky about such a game.

Lords are coming today, too. Come on.

'What? Elixir, with four... Mr. Junya? You lied to me earlier... seriously!? Awesome!'

That's noisy.

A little bit after that, just around the time I finished eating dinner.

One of the Knights' squire and duty guard of the administration ran into the store out of breath.

"Or, my lord, Sir Kibunal of Hash village has arrived"

The village of Hash is the closest village to here, west of the territory and southwest from Beglitz.

It is the only one in the territory facing the sea and fishing is also taking place.

Around next year, I was thinking of going fishing if I were to take a few days or so of wrapped up rest.

By then I was going to make about reels using tungsten bearings and titanium.

Yarn? A little naked, but silk yarn would suffice.

Says the lord of that Hash village has arrived.

"Mm-hmm. Okay. I'll be right there. Hey, he's here."

Mizuchi is still saying something to Thor.

Thor seems to be saying something back, too.... Nenabe? What the hell?

"Look, I have to get dressed, so let's go."

I say as I pull my pointy Mizuchi ear.

"Oh, it hurts! Okay, I got it. 'Cause I'm going."

Puffy swelled her cheeks, pointing her lips but Mizuchi took a seat.

Over the coming evening, the Lords will continue to arrive.

Well, what is Sir Kibunal like?

I do hear it with my aunt in her mid-forties.

The example disobedience plan also had the name of your ancestors.

...... hmm.

I thought I should see him if I could see him by the official face-to-face......

Neither Mizuchi nor I are dumb enough to show up on our faces about things like getting an example plan, but maybe we already have information.

Of course, I'm hoping it hasn't leaked first, just in case.

If the matter is touched upon from the other side, you may be compelled to make a decision on the spot as soon as you say hello.

There's no way I wouldn't do anything against another lord once I heard about it, even though I didn't know what was going on at the time.

Shit, there's a serious guy, like, hit me in the neck... or something like that on a boulder.

In all fairness, should we all face each other for the first time?

Yeah, I knew I'd quit.

Let's keep him waiting till time.

Anyway, I'm busy because I've just been sealed up in territory.

It would be just the right reason not to see each other until time.

If you think I can't do my job because of that, that's fine with you.

It's a good idea to think about it and determine what kind of dump you can't imagine.


The Grand Chamber of the Executive Branch is set aside for an extraordinary look.

There are some rooms (for visitors) during the original sight, but we have to use this room because of the area.

Still, I feel a little narrow when the lords come together from fifteen cities and villages in the territory because they only have the size of a school classroom, but it's not like that and it's better than putting up with it.

Right now, there are four escorts in the room, headed by Sir Value, my captain of the guards, the Knights' deputy.

Fifteen lords, including Zenom and Tris, naturally.

To the Lords, only one is allowed to be with them.

For the most part, he is the eldest son who is expected to inherit each lord's governor in the future.

Lords without children are accompanied by spouses.

Other people who are not allowed to do so, such as spouses and squire chiefs who are not accompanied on this occasion, are not here because they are taking time to say hello after tomorrow.

The room has all the lords.

I'm wearing white tights in my example pumpkin pants and waiting to be summoned by the clerk beside the knight escorting the entrance to the room with Mizuchi.

"The Honourable Alain Gried, Count of the Fourth Leagues who will rule this land of West Dirt, and Mizzerit, who will be revealed in the depths - no!"

The door was gently opened from the inside of the room when I thought a reclining voice sounded.

As they stepped into the room, the crowded lords knelt in unison and took their benefactory thanks.

Looking straight at it, of course, there were quite a few of them.

Yeah, two or five nobles, including their successors.

Xenom is alone because Ralpha isn't here, and everyone else isn't married, so he's alone.

Only Tris is married, but Bell is picking up a second line in the king's capital now.


I didn't specify the order of the Lords in particular, but nature and my men... it seems that all the new Lords are being driven to the back of the room.

Because Xenom is the only baron, or he was in the front row, but he's at the end.

Walk slowly so that you don't wear it.

Behind me there are signs that the skirt's hem is squeezed up and the mizuchi keeps creeping.

My coming in door is in the back corner of the room like it feels just right to head to the classroom classroom.

A different carpet is laid in the place where the teaching floor should be, where it is not about the throne where the king sits, but where only one luxurious built chair is available and there is no other furniture in the room.

Nor is the floor as tall as a throne.

I'd say it's only expensive for one carpet.

Slowly sit back on the chair and place both elbows on the elbow hanging.

Mizuchi stands behind my diagonal.

All of you, raise your faces.

The two or five of them kneeling in front of me raised their faces simultaneously.

I looked at both the faces I knew and the faces I didn't.

I don't have time to read the window slowly, so [appraisal] will be fine at this later meeting.

"Thank you for the long way. I am the Earl of the League, Alain Gried. And it's my wife, Mizzerit, standing behind me. From now on, I want everyone to know."

At the same time as I was done, there were signs that Mizuchi had lowered his head lightly.

"Well, there are a few things I'd like to talk to you about, but first I want to match your names with everyone's faces. Some of these people have known me for a long time, but many of the so-called" predecessors ”of the Lords who have ruled the city and villages in this land more than before have met now. Come to me one at a time and show me your status."

When I said that, the old man who was kneeling right in front of me before he said anything more stood up and approached me.

You pride yourself on being number two in this realm, or you're not even looking at Zenom.

Well, but you're right to think in common sense.

"I'm afraid to be the first to see you. My Lord Gried, I rule the city of Zondir, my name is Hayloon Cove."

He knelt before me and offered me the back of his right hand.

It's obvious when you look at the status, but it's certainly Baron Hayloon Cove that person.

A slightly fat Pu (fume) man. Four or four.

They must be descendants of Hamit's royal family.

"Um. Baron Cove. Make sure everyone else remembers their faces."

When I said that, I replied, "Ha ha," and slowly looked back as I took a step back.

I [appraised] him looking at the back of his head.

Quickly opening the subwindow of the Baron Cove family, it still says he comes from the royalty of Hamit.

When Baron Cove returned to his former position, kneeling here, he turned to Xenom because the rest of the baron was alone.

When Xenom, who got my eye on him, put his strength into his body to get up.

A young man, kneeling next to Baron Cove, stood up all the time.

I nodded to Xenom to wait.

"Nice to meet you. I'm delighted to see you. My Lord Gried. I greeted you earlier. My name is Eston Cove and I am the eldest son of Hayloon Cove. Excessively, I now give you the title of Sergeant to assist my father."

Because of my age, which is not very different from mine, or to the extent that I don't use the word "young", I see I have gained an official statement.

A middle-bodied Pu man. Two or three years old.

Thus greetings are exchanged in turn from the predecessor nobility.

No one is strange so far, starting with Baron Cove or his son Sir Cove.

Some of the heirs of the nobles have mixed faces that I have come to know.

Of course, because we are already face-to-face as knights and squires of the Knights and officials of the Executive Branch.

And some nobleman got up and approached me to show me his status.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Gried, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you. My concubine (I) is Lucinda Kibunal. Thank you for coming, son."

Next to where she stood, there was a young man who looked like a son.

I know your face.

He's a Knights squire and a man who is reputed to be a knight around next year.

But things are weird.

There is a little sweat on my forehead even though the room is not even very hot.

I also see Sir Kibunal, my mother, as somewhat upset.

He seems desperate to fix it, but if you look carefully, his complexion is slightly bloody and his lips are shaking slightly.

"What's the matter, Ser? You don't look very pale. You're not feeling well, are you?

There is also the possibility that you are really ill.

I look at her hands pretending she doesn't seem very interested.

… [Condition: Good]

"Yes, no, I don't. Oh, no, yes. I'm feeling a little better..."

The cause of illness appears to be mental.

"Hmm. It doesn't seem that bad, and I want you to be patient for a while now. Let's send him to the healer later. No, if you're good at healing magic, I'm good at it too, so I'll see you in person."

I said, staring into her eyes.

"Ha. Oh, thank you for your offer, and I sincerely apologize. But today..."

"Good. I can use Cure All instantly too. I won't let you have time. Back off."

It was his son, Associate Duke Osmand Kibnal, who came to greet him in exchange for her.

"Mm-hmm. I've been face-to-face with you a couple of times, and now I am. Show them your faces."

I swept through the status check.

Only a sixteen-year-old boy can't seem to hide his inner upset as well as his mother.

Still, without moving his expression outright, only the upper side is quite finished greeting him.

Do you know anything about these two?

Did the plan come out or was it something completely different again...

But I feel fear from that restless appearance.

Sometimes he's a Knights squire, and did he leak information from the lookout then?

But those two don't even know what they're talking about.

It was the disobedience plan that drove us out, and only two of us know for sure that the signatures and thumbprints of the prospective participants at the time were pressed.

Neither Iron Boil, the parent of the shop, nor Samuth, the official, have looked at it in detail to the extent that they have seen a chill.

I was using the magic of Ditect Rye to confirm it.

In short, it's just me and four people, Mizuchi, Iron Boyle and Samuto, who know something like a disobedience plan has been released. Me and Mizuchi are the only ones who know more about the content.

Other than that, the carpenters and the Knights watch know that a bunch of old paperwork has come out in some bottle (kame), but they shouldn't even know what it is.

I check my magic every day about the two Iron Boyles and Samuto, so it's hard to believe the information leaked from them.

Once again, the documents are strictly sealed and stored in the barracks where Zulu is sleeping, behind the drawer where his underwear is stuffed.

And what the hell does this mean to say?

Is there an entirely different factor and you're wary of it?

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