April 18, 7449.

"My name is Carmine Michaus. Until the other day I was in the Labyrinth of Balduk with Lord Gried. Like everyone else, I was recognized for my work, and I have just been given the title of Ser by His Excellency. I am not a newcomer to the right or to the left, but I would like to thank all my predecessors for their guidance."

Carm's greeting. Finally, the Lords' face-to-face meeting is over.

Wait for Carm to return to his original position and kneel.


"All right, you've all matched your faces and your names, haven't you?

I have some subtle expressions on my face.

Um, come on, even if you're noble, try to remember a little more desperately.

I don't care about nobility. I don't know if it's the first time we've met, but it's about the same number of people.

To the extent that I can remember the face and name of the person who greeted me, I'm more crazy that I can't.

Well, no.

I need to remember. You can say hello again later. Do whatever you want.

"First, then, I want everyone to take the oath. Take the shrine to this."

A cleric who had refrained in the hallway was summoned, and a simple altar was prepared before me in a minute of things.

Of course, Baron Cove started cutting his mark the first time he advanced in front of the altar before me or the clergyman said anything.

I don't care about the order anymore, either.

It's a lie, though.

Don't make a mistake... I'll send your ancestors' names to the King for example documents?

"See also the gods of Gangankai! I, His Excellency Count Riegle's minister, Hayloon Cove..."

The marked baron began his oath as if to boast a rich voice.

It's not as beautiful as Vilheimer's, who led the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), and he's no different than his cousin.

Well, if you send the papers of evidence too much, it'll be proof that the first deputy Count Courtzill didn't expose the treason.

Not only will there be fewer lords in the realm, but perhaps they will still be leading deputies somewhere. I don't want to buy the Court Jill family grudges, so it's not that easy to go public.

Besides, it's not my hobby to twitch back a moldy case and promote it.

"… don't forget to be polite, I will strive to crush for His Excellency the Count, and I will always be faithful with all my spirit"

It's my son Eston's turn next.

More than thirty minutes have already elapsed since the end of the affidavit of the twenty-five thus.

This oath actually doesn't make much sense.

At the time of my declaration the other day, everything in this realm was in my personal possession.

But I wanted to do this.

Either way, the ritual is over.

I officially need Bell and Ralpha to be in on it, too, so I'm gonna have to do it again after they get back, but that would be a good abbreviation for just them.

Normally I hear that abbreviations are more common because nobility in the territory and their heirs do not have the opportunity to meet together.

"Well, I still have a few more things to say. Let's start with taxes."

After the cleric who cleaned up the altar leaves, he coughs up and starts talking.

Everyone's expression changed only slightly.

"Beginning this year, pay more than 50% of the taxes in equivalent gold. In case of inconvenience, please let me know now."

The lords look at each other for a while.

Even in heaven there are not too many such systems, but it is not uncommon to have only a few.

I hear that many lords in the countryside have trouble carrying them and can pay for themselves with gold.

Of course, it's not forbidden, and the records show that most of the Lords here pay more or less a substantial portion of the tax in cash.

It's a hassle having to sell crops to some chamber of commerce before paying taxes, but because it makes it easier to pay the lords.

As a result, a standard quality of wheat is roughly Z1 million (one gold coin) per t in the market and equals taxes paid during the year when the product is not made or abundant. Well, that's 1000Z per kilo. This is ground in flour and becomes flour, and when you go out all over the city, the cost of shipping, the cost of grinding the flour, and the profit of the merchant add up to roughly double the price.

Sometimes when this is processed into bread, it is fermented and weighs about one or five times more, and the price of the standard quality bread is settled to about 2500Z. Note that I eat roughly 500-600 g per adult per day. The wheat conversion is about 300-400 g. Naturally, men who work in manual labor will need more, but there are women, children, and the elderly, so don't worry.

Just because it is known that the population of the territory is about 34,000 people, it is calculated to eat about 15,000 t of wheat per year. Especially since I actually eat soba and other vegetables other than wheat, such as cereals and legumes, and I eat meat and fish, there's nothing like wheat being consumed so far.

"You don't seem to have a problem. So next... hey, give me an example."

I spoke to Sir Value, the captain of the guard who was standing in the corner of the room on an upright immobility.

"Ha. Here."

The Ser immediately lowers his back sac as he kneels before me.

When I took a bunch of paperwork out of my back sac, I offered it respectfully.

Sir returned to his original position while turning appropriately.

Sir Kibunal and his son Osmand's complexion changed slightly.

Hmmm... do you react to paperwork...

"This is a record of the taxes paid by each village last year. Zondir, for example… 554,8 million Z. Of which 419 million Z in cash, taxes on wheat totalled 500 T, 174 kg of gold, 3 T of silver, 15 T of copper, and others… a little, no, various. Baron Cove, are you sure?

When I said that, the color of relief seemed to have spread on Kibunal's mother's and child's face.

I don't see anything particularly unusual in the other Lords.

But... how many guys are going to look pale?

"Ha. Definitely"

Baron Cove answered flatly.

That's the tax I just paid last year.

A decent lord would remember it well.

"Mm-hmm. I mean, Baron Cove, who pays Zondir, should have earned roughly Z. 925 million last year. Of course, Zondir didn't just do agriculture, and I don't think it's a little less because there are mines. Well, when you estimate tax revenues in mine-related terms at 3 billion, about 8.9 billion."

"… ha. Wise eyes, I'm afraid."

Where is the wisdom eye?

If you calculate in advance, even assholes can say so.

"It is similarly recorded about the amount of taxes paid from other cities and villages and their contents... Hmm, let me give you another example. All taxes in Mead Village last year were paid by wheat. The quantity is 468t. Sir Zincase, you're not mistaken?

I turned to Sir Zincase and his son, who rule the village of Mead, and asked.

Meade Village is the only place in the territory that sometimes has close physical distance to store all of its taxes.

"… ha. Four, six, eight t. Exactly."

After a little silence, my son answered.


"It would have been tough to carry so much wheat. Thank you very much."

I was careful to be a merciful look and voice.

Wheat will be sown in the spring, but it will be sown in the autumn, but the harvest is in the summer, and we must deliver it by the end of the year.

If it is on the road surface there, you can stand one head and carry roughly one t load at a speed of three kilometers an hour in a four-wheeled carriage.

If that's only one set, it's four, six, eight rounds.

Of course, the carriage in Mead Village stands with two heads, so you can carry about one or eight t at a time, and it's close to Beglitz, and the return trip is empty, so you can go back and forth twice a day...

"No, my lord. It is the duty of the subjects, and there is also assistance in carrying loads from the administrative government…"

He rents out tax-paying luggage cars with horses, cattle, and donkey horses in the administration.

There are twenty-eight luggage vehicles owned by the Administration. All of which is designed to stand four heads on four wheels.

A carriage can carry three or five tons of load in one car, and a cow carriage can slow down a little, but five tons. The donkey horse falls a little and can only carry about two or five t, but the speed is not very easy to fall on the bad road, and it takes a little less breaks.

At the time of tax payment, these luggage cars are mobilized to assist in carrying the cargo.

Get people out of the Knights as escorts, of course.

Naturally, about half of the Knights' horses will also be taken for loading during this time of year, so the Knights' manoeuvrability is rattled off.

It would also be expected as a force of war for the six military horses I brought (ten belong to the Zenoms, and the forty-eight I use for the carriage are now going to King's Capital).

In particular, it is not necessary to deliver all the wheat harvested during that summer during that year.

It is assumed that wheat may be taxed on wheat harvested in the previous year because wheat is better preserved on an annual basis if it remains wheat without grinding it into powder.

The tax record book is filled in from January to June last year as 32t monthly, July 20t, August 14t, September 80t, October 60t, November 60t and December 40t.

In addition, there are considerably fewer luggage cars rented out compared to other villages.

"Um. So what is the area of work in Mead Village?


Don't you two shut up.

It would be easy to calculate because the tax rate in Mead Village last year was standard in the kingdom: 1 t of wheat per ha of arable land (not necessarily wheat).

If you're noble, you can do as much calculation as you want, right?

You don't know exactly the area of cultivated land at your place before that, it's weird, right?

I thought maybe you didn't know, so I asked.

"… it's 780ha"

Oh, man.

"Well good. That's 780ha. Well, there's something strange going on here. Hey."

I summoned Sir Value again and let him file some more bundles.

"This is a record of last year's tax payments. This is the year before that, and this is even more the year before that. In this way, documents recording the annual tax payments have been kept in the Administration for the last few decades…"

The complexion of most of the lords was slightly shadowed.

"But what the hell are the many territories with little change in tax payments over the last few years? Hey, Sir."

I asked Sir Zincase, who suddenly looked pale in front of me.

The taxes payable from his village of Mead have hardly changed in years.

The area of agricultural land has increased subtly, but on the grounds that it was offset by the offering to the army of the unscrupulous, when calculated, it had changed by an almost constant amount.

Count Loughleague, a former deputy, was also a hassle to deal with and report, I guess he didn't know, decided not to notice and pretended not to see it.

Sometimes I thought the kingdom was solid because I didn't spend the rest of my life deputizing on the same land to avoid adhesion, but some of these people do.

Of course, I guess the majority of deputies are pushing with numbers properly.

Well, I probably missed it because it's the Earl of the Frontline League territory, and the kingdom feels thin, but I can't help it.

"There was a restaurant in Mead Village where you could eat, right? What about the taxes from that chamber of commerce?

The chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is Sir Zincase, so I'm not obliged to pay taxes in business.

"Ha... that, that was my management there..."

Do you know about the chamber of commerce that plays a role in the boulder?

"You were. I'm sorry about this. The Chamber of Commerce would be better. But you said the farmland area was 780ha earlier, right?

"... is"

"This record says 780ha five years ago. Is this sincere?

"Mm, of course. My lord."

"Well, couldn't you afford to open it..."

"Ha. Where I am immoral, I have no opening words..."

Have you regained some calm?

"My lord, forgive me for my remarks"

Hey, now Sir Cove, the Baron's son, is pinching words...

"... let me know"

"My lord, as may be said, the agricultural land opened is guaranteed tax-free for five years after opening, with the exception of a number of pioneering villages, in the case of our county territory"

I know.

The lords are nodding yeah.

"Well, here's the record, it's ten years old, but this one pays taxes on wheat 465 and 5t. The previous year seemed a little less unproductive than in normal years, but still falls within the standard range. Calculating agricultural land from the quantity of wheat is 776 ha. In Mead Village, in five years, from ten to five years ago, only four ha could be opened?

Sir Cove shut up.

"… ha. I can't afford to open up these days... because I can't..."

Sir Zincase's eyes wandered everywhere, swimming completely.

"Right. That's weird...? The other day, when I stayed in the village, it felt like it was bigger than 780ha. It sounds very broad when it comes to 780ha, but considering the road, it's much narrower than the horizontal and vertical three square, right?

"Oh, that's..."

Sir gets stuck in words.

Neither am I seriously going to push you into this place right now.

Clouding tea where appropriate......

"My lord, I hear you were revealed to be a noble adventurer"

Sir Cove. It's you again.

"If so, my lord, I wonder if you are neglectful of agriculture..."

Hmm? Surely I'm not that familiar with agriculture.

But I'm not even an amateur at all. I've built rubber gardens before... so I figured it would be about the extent to which my amateur grew hair.

"Farmland is not exactly made square. Of course, we care to cut and expand as squarely as we can so that it is convenient to plow…. Measurements…"

Because I stare silently, Sir Cove, who speaks out as an expert.

I can't hear you anymore.

Xenom is staring at the makeover with no expression, and Tris, Lorrick, Carm and Vince look a little outraged, but funny.

Well, I don't know if I can enjoy it, but I have to live up to my expectations.

- Shut up. Don't think I'm the same kind Lord Loughleague you've been deliberately missing out on! Don't lick me too much, okay? I used to walk around the Labyrinth of Balduk every day and make maps. Walking at a certain stride for hours before breakfast...

I want to say something like that.

If I told you, you'd atrophy, so I won't tell you.

"Fine, I get it. Let's just admit it makes sense."

Sir Zincase looks horrible, and Sir Cove looks good at doing it.

There is also a look on Tris' face that seems unexpected.

"There's also a line called missing tax returns. Man is not in God, and there will be mistakes and mistakes."

"Yes, people make mistakes and mistakes. I'm glad your generosity understands."

But there's more to it.

"You're absolutely right. But I'm not going to leave my mistakes as they are. Therefore, from this year to next year, all the" checkpoints "in the territory will be carried out. Let the people who do the" checkpoint "have my power of attorney, so they can do it for their convenience."

Only Tris and Rolic, who know what the word "test site” means, are going to laugh.

You saw that on the side, and Carm and Vince seemed kind of having fun too.

"Um... My lord. What is Kench...?

Sir Cove asked because it was an unfamiliar word.

Indeed, it was at the end of the eleventh century that King William I made the Doomsday Book, the land ledger that could be described as the fruit of the world's first inspection. In Japan, there were no authentic checkpoints until the fifteenth century, when Hokujo Hayayun went.

In Aus, no, there may not yet be a history of checkpoints being carried out on the Western Orad continent.

"Don't you know. It is to investigate which villages have an area of agricultural land, how high the harvest there is, how many houses are built and how many livestock, such as chickens and pigs, are kept. Together, the Chamber of Commerce in the Territory is also required to pay taxes based on books of account and proof of sale. I will look at the book entry laws and guide them in the administration, so a local lord of the chamber of commerce will have the chairman or head of the chamber of commerce, or an employee who is good at calculating them, appear to the administration once by the end of the year, regardless of whether it is run by himself or a relative."

The complexion of most of the predecessor lords, including Sir Cove, changed.

"… In the future, there is no need to self-declare information related to tax payments, such as the area of agricultural land. I'm glad it's easier. For that matter, it's hard for me and the officials of the executive branch, but I think it's all for the sake of relieving the work of the lords who rule all over the place, and for the sake of good governance of the territory, I won't do it."

You could have said something disgusting about it.

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

"Oh, and you haven't said it before. I have lived for more than sixty years looking like this. He lived in another world until he was four or five years old, and was reborn in this world. Keep the memory of your previous life. So you better not think of it as the way it looks young.... You won't believe it in Russia, but I think it's true. Don't worry, even if you think I'm crazy, I can't help it, so you can't make a public statement about it and you can't imitate me for insulting me."

The Lords are pompous because it's a story without too much clapping.

"What I direct and what I speak is based on what is elucidated in the world that is going considerably further than this Romberto kingdom. There is also a way to talk about the 'checkpoint' ahead. If you have any objections to the results, please give them a good basis. I promise to reconsider as many times as I can about reasonable objections and objections. Believe me or not, if you don't ignore me or obey me, you're guilty. Needless to say, you were sworn in, and this was natural. No, sorry, sorry."

Uh, and then...

"Well, I'm sorry I'm a little late, but we're all going to meet up. The opportunity for everyone to meet together is quite a lie in the future. I'll take the food from a restaurant called Camran, so I need you to vacate your room for once."

That's what I said and left the room with Mizuchi.

If possible, I'd like to talk to Sir Kibunal and his son Osmand during the meal.

I'm not going to bother to inject you into the King about the evidence property in the example unless you're still plotting treason, but it's definitely a steep spot for your predecessors.

Until recently, I was "the one holding the steeple (Kintama), and the previous lords didn't know about it. Nor did the Lords know the very existence of the steeple”. In short, I thought this one was in your favor.

'Cause at first, it's a matter that's been solved a hundred years.

When it comes to "we're being held by the Count in a hell of a steep spot," it doesn't work in my favor, but things change a bit.

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