April 18, 7449.

"Thank you for calling us. I accept."

Sir Kibunal's mother and son were summoned to the reception room while the large conference room was re-modeled to an extraordinary party venue.

Their complexions get worse again and their fingertips even look slightly shaky.

The reception is arranged with two sofas for one person in the back, which is the upper seat, and one for three people is placed in the vicinity of the entrance to the room across a low table.

This is the kind of seating arrangement only if it is used by me or Mizuchi at the reception of the administrative department.

"Hang up."

I ordered the couch for the three of us to be shown in the palm of my hand.

Kibunal mother and son were ordered by me to sit down in line on a couch full of three.

"Do you know why they called me?

Mizuchi, sitting loosely on the sofa alone next to me, asked in a slightly soft tone.

I discussed it with Mizuchi in the short time before they called in their mother and child, but Mizuchi still seemed to have doubts about their attitude as well.

"... well, that's..."

Sir Kibunal tries to answer as he swallows his restless spit.


For a few seconds, the response interval was dominated by silence.

Though I know it, can you put it in your mouth?

"Actually, I know you already know, but the night before we took office in Beglitz, the mansion where your former deputy Count Loughleague lived burned in a fire..."

Looks like Mizuchi started guiding us.


Young Osmand breathes.

He's a Knights squire, so you know full well that the lord's mansion has been burned down.

I didn't hide the fire itself, it was before I left for duty in the first place.

His mother, Sir Kibunal, has his mouth tied with a blue face.

Well, you know, that's the face.

"We have no choice but to rebuild the mansion until we find ourselves in the suburbs of Court Jill Castle."

Mizuchi started talking naturally as if he were going to do public speaking.

I'm holding my shoulders back, too.

"Well, that would be a lot of inconvenience..."

Sir managed to squeeze his voice out.

"Mm, not so much.... Anyway, the mansion had to be completely rebuilt because it had burned to the roof. Well, I say you can build it all to my liking, so I'm happy with that..."

Here Mizchi took his breath and saw Sir Kibunal.

Sir has a loving smile on his face... but that just looks like the look he's forced to make no matter what he sees.

"... hey, is there a problem?

The Ser flies a question that is pretty close to the core of whether he has cut a paralysis in the mistletoe speech he wears.

If it's close to the core, but the way Mizuchi said it, is there any wonder in this way of asking?


Smiling back, Mizuchi asked.

"Oh, no, I thought it was inconvenient too..."

"Well, if it was inconvenient, if it was convenient, did it ever come in handy?

"Oh, is that...?

Not only Sir Osmand swallowed the gokuri and spit.

"I came out of a burnt house..."

Mizuchi laughs and says nigga.

That's a sweet laugh.

If they laugh like that, I'll only laugh bitterly.

"Hmm? You know something?... No way?

It would be better to change the atmosphere because I can't help it longer.

Let me just say something awesome.

Anyway, there's a party waiting for us after this.

"You guys didn't settle down every time the paperwork came out earlier, did you? Thought you didn't notice?

Mizuchi's voice is getting cold too.

"Ah... but I'm sorry! From the ground under the mansion... I told my mother earlier that I had come out!

You couldn't stand the air anymore, Osmand jumped out of the chair half a yard, crawling and apologizing.

Even though I'm trained as a Knights squire, do you still mean sixteen lads?

"Squire Kibunal. Sit in the chair. And answer the question."

I said with my hands on the floor and looking down at the messy and trembling lad.

"You weren't there then, were you? How do you know anything came out of the ground? And you know what's in the stuff that came out? Don't cover it up."

Osmand is just shivering on my orders.

The Sir is turning brighter blue and dropping his gaze on his son.

In the meantime the magic of Diect Rai...... and.

"Well... I heard a conversation between my squire Death Dan and my squire Hamilton"

To say Death Dan and Hamilton is a squire on the lookout that day.

I also told you not to tell anyone as a stoppage for once, and I was confirming what you didn't tell anyone in the detecto rai...

"Look me in the eye and talk."

It's not perfect about Detect Rye. I only react when I say something other than what I think is a lie or a truth.

You wouldn't be telling anyone, would you? Yes, I haven't told anyone. Even if it is said, it is out if it has been eavesdropped.

But... Shit.

That squire forbade conversations with each other about the example.

That said, I'm sure he thought it wouldn't be something he could hide forever in the first place.

In fact, in just one week, the information has thus been leaked.

Even if it's not everything.

"I don't even know the contents. Just a bunch of old parchment paper...... true"

No response to magic.

There seems to be no will to deliberately deceive me about what I'm talking about.

"A bunch of old parchment paper... don't just ask that without knowing what it's all about..."

"Oh, that's crazy. What are you afraid of?

In response to Mizuchi's whining, I asked a new question.

"Ha... well, the..."

Osmand still mumbles as he looks up at me from the floor without even trying to get up.

"My lord. My son said something strange... I'm sorry. But..."

Sir can no longer watch his son being questioned, or he has pinched his mouth to shelter.

I also get the feeling that it's reopened somehow, but its face doesn't seem to have given up everything.

"But to the extent that old parchment paper came out of the ground of your mansion, why are we so far? I don't understand."

I'm desperately looking for words to make it through this place somehow.

I don't know about the contents, but I think it seems like it will be stuck.

Or is it a manifestation of my desire to protect my son as a mother?

"Well, why not? Can't you imagine the Lord talking about what was written on that parchment?


You can't put it this way.

"Sir, then it's Obedient Osmand. Answer my question. Do you know anything about what was written on parchment?

"... no, I don't know"

"... I don't know"

I'm not lying.

"Well, can you imagine what it was written about?

Mizuchi asked.

Yeah, I guess so.

"Answer me. Do you have any idea what was written, even if you don't know what the paperwork came out of the ground?

"... I don't know"

"... I have no idea"

It's a lie.

But I was good at it.

They originally knew that there existed in the deputy's mansion a plan of past disobedience or a document containing matters that were inconvenient to Sir Kibunal's family.

I nodded small when I looked at Mizuchi.

Was this guy using Detect Rai as well?



"Yes, sir"

This is also a lie.

"Well, Sincerely. You don't look so good for that."



What am I going to do?

There is a medicine bottle with water in my pocket.

Shall I ask him if he wants to take the magic poison that kills those who lie?

Some hands pretend to formulate something just before I let them drink it and use poison (poison) magic......

... don't you have to go that far?

"I'll tell you one thing"

I don't want to compete with my predecessor's lord.

"O… I have some determination to be sealed in this territory"

He changed his posture, which was fluttering over the back of the couch, and told him that he would put his right elbow on his right knee and put his jaw on top of his fist.

"First of all, the inhabitants of this land, about everything."

The two of them are looking at my face as they embark on and start talking.

"Everyone wants you to be happier than ever before. I want to make a rich life, a place where I can have children without worries, raise them, laugh and live. It's me up there, of course, but down there we're all up to the lowest bitches of slaves. This may be misunderstood, but let's not be afraid of misunderstandings here. Nobility wants to be a land where people can live their richest and happiest lives in the world as nobility, civilians, free people as free people, and slaves as slaves... not as they can. I'm glad you always see it that way and don't stop walking towards your goal."

Mizuchi's hand was layered over the hand he was putting on his left elbow.

As far as I'm concerned, there are still unconvincing parts about my birth status, such as being a nobleman or a slave to civilians.

In Japan, with the defeat of World War II, the very existence of nobility disappeared, leaving only a few royal families, almost all citizens are considered equal, and I myself was born and raised in such times.

It doesn't matter now because it's a completely different story about the existence of various disparities apart from identities.

In particular, it would also be possible to argue that inequality is equal in that sense, as it would apply the same law equally to any existence, whether it be rich or poor, but politicians or whatever.

But happiness or unhappiness, the reincarnated oath was not as mature in society as in Japan in the twenty-first century, and, on average, many places were left in the peacetime, in the Nara period or in the flying bird era if they were bad. Good, Kamakura, to a lesser extent, Muromachi and other parts leading up to the critical Ando Taoyama and Edo periods.

In such times "all men have equal rights at birth. It's odd to be discriminated against in the hierarchy of birth rather than in ability" or something, except for a king who reigns at the apex, who would be nothing but a total asshole.

Even if the king said so, I don't think he's an asshole because it's not hard to imagine what would happen if he said that.

If I was also born a slave and lived in a dying eye, I might have claimed that at the end of the day with a rash.

But if he was born a slave, though I think he used every hand to make an effort to crawl up to get it off of him.

However, as you already know, I was born and raised as a critical aristocrat with very good luck, so I made the most of being an aristocrat to enjoy the benefit of staying in peace, and I intend to do so in the future.

Well, as my personal soul, there are some parts of my identity society that I find unconvincing, but I'm totally receptive to reason, and I'm sure that's something that almost every reincarnator as far as I know will admit.

Anyway, what separates aristocracy and other strata of people in the earlier words… is also another declaration to myself.

"I also have ideas on how to do this. I will naturally give instructions on specific measures when the time comes, but now I will only tell you about the policies. The first step is to develop the industry in the area… This includes the creation of new industries, but I intend to make any effort to make living better than I have ever lived by growing economically significantly. Everything in the world doesn't work without money."

I don't feel like I'm saying too much, but the two of you are listening with a serious look.

You can light up a little.

"If there is money in the territory, and it turns around... the first to benefit from it will be the lords who rule all over the place, but if the lords are happy, the people under their shelter will be happy too."

When I saw Mizuchi, I looked at him.

Don't look at me. Look at you two.

"Next time, it's about the nobles. Predecessors, but all the lords are equal beneath me, whether we've known each other for a long time. Absolutely, your abilities and work will change your rating accordingly. That is true of civilians, free people, even slaves. Because of the territory, those who have served me will appreciate more and more"

That's right.

Earlier declarations to myself, I can't make discrimination by birth hierarchy go away, and I'm not going to make it go away until I can.

In my territory, at least while I'm in power, I'm not even going to legally grant human rights to slaves.

It's just a big mess.

But I'm not going to say that slaves should remain slaves for the rest of their lives, etc.

If you did the right thing, you wouldn't be stingy at giving them a new identity or status.

It's rare in the kingdom, but it's also a few precedents.

That said, basically, I'm not going to give you aristocracy or civilian status easily because it's going to be hereditary.

If the number of people in this hierarchy exceeds a certain percentage, there seems to be a lot of problems.

Above all, because once you've given it away, unless you flaunt it with an extra big failure, it's going to be difficult to take it away without having a huge impact on your surroundings.

If you want to do it, you can say that you don't care about eyesight with a power activation, and you can smash it to death.

What's wrong with the outside world?

"Then I'm on edge with my predecessors in the land. I want to take care of it. I protect the Lords for whatever reason. As for the laws that apply in this land under my authority… if I'm not convinced about the laws of the kingdom, I will change them as long as I can."

I said as I removed my fist from my jaw and fixed the posture I was leaning to the right straight.

I do not intend to change anything that involves values rooted in life, such as identity, but there will be less psychological resistance even if I have changed the sins committed by my ancestors, such as those suffered by descendants many generations later.

Those who feel psychological resistance in this case are, of course, those above the kingdom, starting with the king.

They're not stupid either, so even if they got the same proof as me, they're basically determined to crush it enough to force the Lords of today on the story at best.

Above all, you won't be able to seal it in your territory and cut me off immediately.

Even when it comes to treason, it was more than a hundred years ago, and it wasn't actually executed by the plan alone.

In the first place, I'm the one holding the evidence for treason, so if I don't release the evidence, treason itself doesn't exist.

Even if we change the law, the upper echelons of the kingdom say, "There will be a statute of limitations for all crimes. Because the new lord isn't free enough to listen to it and judge you for knowing about the theft ten years ago. Oh, and I'll lose the criminal syndicate, too, except for the current offender. It doesn't make much sense to kill a murderer's brother or child for a murder that was uncovered thirty years ago. I mean, the killer would be a civilian, but he would be a free citizen, but he's likely sold to some brother or kid, so it's hard to use his time and expense to find him," and he would end up saying, "It's your territory, and you take it personally".

"For example... don't you think it's strange that modern descendants suffer the sins of their ancestors in the past?

The two faces changed.

"Anyway, it has to start if the right report is to be made to make the assessment. For example, if a soldier had raised martial arts on the battlefield, he would be in trouble if his declared results were incorrect? What do you think, Kibunal squire?

I asked my son a question.

"Ha. Your Excellency is right. But there's also a lot of confusion on the battlefield..."

That's not what I'm talking about, dumb-ass.

Sir Kibunal also has the expression Ahhh.

"I'd be in trouble if you deliberately reported a lie martial arts."

"Hmm. It's completely different from being reported intentionally or unintentionally when you can't figure out the exact situation in the confusion and have no choice but to report it by analogy from various situations, etc."

Mizuchi's follow-up also seemed to make Osmand understand the stupidity of his own remarks.

I tried not to be intimidating because I wasn't going to blame sixteen kids for anything to this extent.

"So... I hate being lied to. You won't be able to make an accurate decision."

I flinch back at my back again.

"Let's ask again. Then do you know or imagine the contents of the paperwork that came out of the ground of the mansion? Be honest."

Sir Kibunal closed his eyes only once, but immediately began to look closely at this one and talk.

Having figured out the circumstances, Sir Kibunal and Mizchi told Sir Kibunal, "Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong," and went on to say, "The lord of Hash village seems loyal and I'm glad too. I didn't forget to say," Do your best to make Hash village bigger in the future as a lord ".

He also freed the mother and child from the reception, who appeared relieved by taking a few words about the future of today.

"Mm-hmm. Looks like you're totally ready. Let's start with a toast."

Three long tables are carried into large conference rooms, such as school classrooms, where food and beverages are lined up in a narrow area.

Cuisine comes out of the best restaurant in Beglitz, Camran, where it's pricey, and there's fine wine and shochu.

Except for dishes for dishes, large plates served, cups to add shochu and beer jocks, glasses for wine to be used for toasting (?) is only cheap to the extent that it is made of cast iron prepared in advance, somewhat better than wood.

Cast iron dishes are only sturdy and have the major weakness that they are not suitable for drinking wine because they change the taste and aroma of the wine even when used considerably.

Plus, heavy.

Except for that, it is common in medicine cans, pot cauldrons, mere glasses, etc., and can be said to be dishes such as those used by traffickers and adventurers because they can also be blunt weapons at times of need.

Still, I just let Tor make the mould, which is a lot thinner than the general product, and the design is somewhat elaborate. Save it?

Wine glasses to all the Lords who start to have black wine glasses with a subtle face (?) correct his residence and open his mouth to make sure he went over and take the head of the toast.

Erase the smiley expression and be aware of the awesome look.

"Everyone, where we are busy today, it has been a long way struggle. Now, as some of you know, let's introduce ourselves again before we toast. I was the Dragon Slayer who defeated the Lord of Balduk last year and dominated the Labyrinth. And, as I said earlier, I am even reborn into this earth from a world that has moved on. Let's show off one of my strengths like that."

Having said that, I approached Baron Cove, who stood in front of the center with a bottle of deep green wine containing quite a few fine wines.

Wait for him to offer it for easy pouring and touch the heavy looking cup he has.

And I used metal-glazed (glass steel) magic.

Cast iron cups transform into clear glass as they glimpse in the baron's hand.

The surface is rough because it is originally cast iron, but with each of its roughness it becomes transparent and doesn't feel a little more luxurious than a tumbly glass, reflecting indiscriminately the light of the light magic prop illuminating the room.

"Oh, oh! This..."

Perhaps the baron, who was surprised that the weight had also become lighter, accompanied the cup with his left hand and lighted it.

Don't drop it, I poured the wine on him.

"No way, is this...?

The baron, who would have only seen the green one if he said glass, is stunned.

"Glass. If you like it, you can take it home."

How many values does an oath that doesn't exist first, such as clear glass, have?

The wine glasses used in the Royal Palace were also light green at best.

Because they told me I could take it home, or else I turned the surprised baron into a glass by walking around among the lords and turning the cup they all had.

The liquor went over.


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