April 18, 7449.

Okay, well, I told Baron Cove, "If you like glass, you can take it home," but can you take it home safely?

Before the party started, me and Mizchi had ordered Ser Valute, the captain of the guard, to arrest a man named Joseph Lonzar on suspicion of arson.

About this man named Lonzar, but it was a real pleasure to hear from Sir Kibunal.

Ronzal is Baron Cove's squire, and he's not in the administration right now, but he said he saw him coming to Beglitz with Baron Parents and Sons, so by now he'll be staying somewhere in Affordable Lodging or drinking in Affordable Taverns.

That's my luck.

Yeah, of course, since the Value is not going to leave the scene, it's only a few of the Orthodox knights, other than those on guard here, who have nominated Claw and Marie, in addition to the few who ran out of saints saying they can be trusted.

I was keeping them both on standby just in case something happened because I was anticipating these times. It's a lie, though.

Naturally, mobility is important, so I haven't forgotten to order the knights to use the military horse I brought in on an exceptional basis.

Anyway, if the consequences in this setting following Ronzal's arrest suck, Baron Cove and Sir Parents and Sons could stay in the Knights' cells.

Lower nobles like barons and jazz can hit me in the neck or anything depending on my mood.

The crime itself happened before I took office, so if you tell me it has nothing to do with me, you're right, and once it's a catastrophic case because of the untimely end of the slave fire that Count Loughleague owned.

But if it turns out the real killer in the case, it's completely different.

About an hour ago, when I showed my lords' faces, I said, "There are mistakes for everyone, and if you are a person, you make mistakes" because this is the time to shine, right?

And the sin of arson is heavy. Under the laws of the kingdom, the death penalty in person is the lightest punishment, even if it is a fire.

Well if that's intentional against the lord's mansion......

Having listened to Sir Kibunal, I was somewhat sympathetic to the feelings of his predecessors and those of the Baron Cove family that he was descended from the Kingdom of Hamit, but it is not easy to forgive him for setting fire to hide evidence.

The perpetrator, Longzal, needs to be given a firm attitude to death, and the baron parents and children, who seem to have abetted him, need to bear the corresponding sins.

That said, I also intend to commute the punishment for the attitude of the other party and the content of the opening of the complaint.

"So shall we go with a toast? I'll leave the head to Baron Firefrid."

Now it's time Baron Cove nominated Xenom to do it before he sneezed out.

"... Then I, Firefrid, will take the head of the toast. Here's to your future health and further development of your territory, Countess and your wife, who have created the opportunity to greet you all this time!

I told Xenom in advance to ask for the head of the toast, so Xenom took the head.

Everyone mouths a beautiful clear glass of wine.

After that, it's a pleasant time to have a chat until the signal of the outcome that I was ordering Sir Value to give.

Mizuchi uses troop formation (partisation) to convey a code that means "calm down no matter what happens" to Zenom or Tris' successor lords.

Even briefly, I didn't take the time to explain it alone because they are a very significant time to interact with their predecessors, and even their predecessors are important places to interact with those I took.

So, in addition to the fact that I didn't want to get a little time for that, that's why I didn't want anyone to see me talking to you in confidence.

The party proceeded with a soothing mood.

My magic trick there with fine dishes and drinks and turning cast iron into clear glass.

Information on demons and bandits appearing in the territory.

A number of adventure tans by members of the slayer (Slaters) who had made a name for themselves as well-known adventurers in the famous Labyrinth of Balduk.

Mock battles played in the Knights and the aftermath before that.

Differences from normal farming methods that are taken for granted in the Dart Plains.

As the leader of the slayer (Slaughters), my feat dominated the labyrinth in just six years.

A beautiful story of the metropolitan Lombertia, unusual in this land on the border of the kingdom.

Talk about rare literature.

Only at one time did each of the predecessor lords laugh and admire listening around the proper successor lords.

Has it been 30 to 40 minutes since a toast was made?

Someone gave in to the conference room when someone headed to the toilet on the ground floor and eared Sir Valuate, who was sending an untrained Taratara gaze to a lavish dish in the corner of the room.

He's one of the squire who kept him standing as a guard.

When I sent my gaze to the Value, the Value nodded heavily and as soon as I put my hand on the sword pattern, I let it go.

Is the tail good?

But there's no reason we have to hurry, just give me a minute.

"Now, here's one thing I want to make sure of all of you."

He moves to the center of the room and raises his voice when he asks me to pour wine from the beautiful depths of the elf lord.

The fact that I spoke a little louder made the room as quiet as it had hit the water until then.

"Who hasn't heard the other day about the fact that the mansion I was going to live in was completely burned down by a slave fire?

Look around, but there's no response.

That's the face that everyone already knew.

Sorama, he's noble, skinny or dead, and he's more crazy not to know the big case that the lord's mansion burned down.

Well, if you didn't arrive at Beglitz at this critical time of the day, is it natural that you're hearing about it in the afternoon?

Some of them have painful looks on their faces.

Quite a few have a slightly nervous look.

I see......

"So you all know that? Mm-hmm. Well, I'm starting to rebuild a new one because I can't help what's burned, but they're going to finish it near the end of the year. So we are now using Castle Cote d 'Ivoire as a temporary residence..."

The expression of those who were nervous eased a little.

"Of course I have to go back to Court Jill Castle tonight... because the Beglitz Inn will be almost filled with squires."

I just joke and say it.

Of course, there's no reason enough to take Mizuchi's room with me.

"And so I say it's time for me and my wife to refrain from drinking. When you get drunk and ride a horse, your slave head is so loud."

Almost would have followed, but there was also a small laugh.

"Hey, I'm sorry I can't drink any more delicious wine on the day I meet you guys in the corner, too."

A short distance away Mizuchi hammered me.

"No, I'm really sorry for you and your wife. But, my lord. It certainly makes sense that your lord's slaves should be worried. It's dangerous to get drunk and manipulate horses."

Baron Cove said.

He told me.

The other nobles start to say things when I smile back.

"I'm so sorry."

"Isn't fire a slave to the Earl of Loughleague?"

"Oh, I heard that. A child. Right."

"By the way, Lord Muir, your son is back, it's too late."

Lord Laheute, women can take a lot of time.

"Your Honor Loughleague had trouble cleaning the kids."

"That's right."

These guys......


With that said, it is Sir Lanox and his son who are silently eating and drinking at the corner of the room all the time without even joining the conversation.

My son was ordained an Orthodox Knight about six years ago and I hear he is returning to the village.

Some women were planning to get married, but they've still been single since they died in an accident or something just before they got married.

Sure, not a very reputable lord.

But they're also not going to treat me any more unhindered than they swore allegiance to me.

In addition, the example disobedience plan was not originally signed by the Lanox family.

"Ha. But the slave who lost his fire was brought to justice quickly by His Excellency the Loughleague. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a place to feel bad about it, but I'm not going to get angry about it."

When I picked up the stewed pork and took it to the plate, I took a bite with a fork.

Actually, it's the first time I've put food in my mouth since the party started.

It is not very tasty with salt pepper centric flavoring, but I am still grateful for the empty stomach.

That's the only reason I'm buying time.

"Right. But I'm glad I'm free to think of intervals. Oh, I'm thinking about the new mansion intervals. Hohoho."

Mizuchi also has the one who baked something like asparagus in his mouth.

"That's good, ma'am. But it's a little hard to have to refrain from drinking on a day like this"

Mizuchi nods loudly and affirms when some Sir Lady says so.

Tris and Lorrick began to crush the killer to get on with it.

Alas, I didn't say anything, but these guys... they must have somehow made a prediction.

Don't distract me. Be honest with me.

Look, the atmosphere on the field went that way.

Well, that's fine.

Xenom, Vince and Carm have strange expressions.

He said that even if he was drunk, me and Mizuchi could use the magic of detoxification (Removal Poison) or poisoning (Neutralization Poison).

Just fine.

Will you tell Vince?

"I hear you said something. Sir Gekdo."

I say with a nigga laugh.

"Well, my lord, there's a lot of booze in magic..."

Vince says a little strangely.

The aristocrats who heard it said, "Drunk by magic... I've heard of it before..."

"That's right. Certainly I am as much before breakfast as I am by magic to drain alcohol. But I don't want to drink too much right now."

I said goodbye to the simmering of pork while I was on the platter and carefully placed it on the table.

"Me too. Why do you think that is?

Mizuchi also says as he wipes his mouth with napkins elegantly.


Looks like Vince finally realized something was wrong.


When I ordered, the loyal Deputy Knights pulled a long sword (long sword) from Shirala's waist and poked it at Baron Cove.

Three other guard knights who were in the room also pull out their swords and surround Sir Cove.

"Yes, what the hell!?"

"Yes! What does this mean!

It's the guts I looked up at, hastily wolfing but not letting go of the glass by both names.

The other nobles know the circumstances, Ser Kibunal. Everyone is asking what the hell is going on except mother and son.

"Baron Cove, as well as Sir Cove, you two are under arrest for arson instigation against the Lords' Hall!

The vast majority of the nobles in the room turned bright blue when the Value said so.

"Stupid! My lord, what do you mean by arson?!? The fire is the slave of His Lordship Loughleague! The judgment is already over!

Protest as Baron Cove screams.

"Oh yeah, you didn't hear the value? It is not a charge of arson. Charged with“ abetting ”arson. Get in!"

Claw, who was holding back in the hallway when I ordered him out loud, let him bite the monkey cunt over his hands tied in the back and brought in a man who hit him to the waistline.

Marie is poking her sword at a man.

Behind it, Sir Muir's daughter, who had gone to the bathroom earlier, looked frightened and stuck around.

I guess I've caught Claw and Marie waiting with Ronzal where they returned from the bathroom until now to keep them out of the room.

"Kneel, Cora"

Claw slammed behind the man's knee when he said so.

"I am here with the captain, the arsonist, and Baron Cove squire Joseph Longzal in custody."

Marie reports to me that she looks down at Ronzal with cold eyes.

"Untie the monkey."

When he commanded Marie, he cut off only the monkeys under one sword with a bright sword.

The nobles just look at the complexion around them, and they are quiet.

"My lord!"

"Shut up!"

Sir Cove shut up loud and temperamental as he raised his voice in protest.

"More extraordinary justice than this! I swear to God, I swear to God, everything in this room is a witness!

The nobles say nothing, including Cove parents and children... they can't seem to say.

"I, Sir Tolkeris Karostaran, swear to the Law and to the God of Truth that I will speak only the truth"

Tris turns off his mouth.

"I, Sir Rottrick Falergers, swear to the law, and to the true God, that I will speak only the truth"

Looks like we're taking an oath from Tris to the right.

"I, Baron Xenom Firefrid, swear to the law, and to the true God, that I will speak only the truth"

"I, Sir Lucinda Kibunal, swear to the law and to the true God that I will speak only the truth"

"I, Associate Sir Osmand Kibunal, swear to the law and to the true God that I will speak only the truth"


"I, Sir Gonzoir Lanox, swear to the law, and to the true God, that I will speak only the truth"

"I, the Associate Sir Vendel Lannox, swear to the Law and to the True God to state only the truth"


Looks like the oath of all but three of them in custody, including the Knights, is over.

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