April 18, 7449.

"Status Open"

I didn't dare look at Lonzar's status to make sure he was a real Lonzar.

Ronzal looks around the room with a frightened look on his face, his eyes struck with despair when he finds Baron Cove and Sir Parson in custody together.

It won't make much sense, but I'll also use the magic of Lie Breaking (Diect Rai) while I spend a little time pretending to watch carefully.

"First of all, it's Ronzal. I'll judge you later, so shut up and wait until then. Don't open your mouth until I give you permission, okay? If you start talking on your own, you'll see the venue as blasphemous and you'll be executed immediately."

When I said that, I ordered Claw to lower me to the corner of the room.

By the way, I'm letting Zulu pick up the example disobedience plan, which seems like it's time to come back.

Shall I buy you some more time?

"Then the judgment shall be executed again on the arson to the hall of the lord and on the abetting of arson.... Count Loughleague, who was revealed as a former deputy at the end of last month, is finishing the trial on this matter. However, since new facts have been discovered, it is again here that the judgment is enforced. It should be noted that, as a result of the last trial handed down, penalties have been imposed on slaves owned by the Earl of Loughleague himself. However, I hereby declare that I regard this as a disposition of unnecessary property by the owner of the slave and that I shall not question the content and outcome of the judgment."


I could tell you not to hold onto it.

It was worthwhile to set the day after tomorrow as the day of regular judgment because the nobles of the realm would gather together and practise the rhetoric in the place of judgment.

I was a little worried because the content of the line was completely different from what I had been practicing in advance.

"Now, in this case... the Lord's Hall was burned down in a fire the other day. As many of you know about this, only the main points will be told."

A lot of people got a relief look when they said the hall burned them all.

Especially when Baron Cove and Sir Parent and Child all said, "Then what do you say, this situation is too unjust?"


I hear you guys thought you were planted on the walls of every room in the hall about the disobedience plan stash.

Actually, you don't seem to know it was in a bottle under the floor at the moment.

"Let me also declare in advance that there is no place for me to include the burning down of the mansion early in my assignment to the territory."

I have to tell you this, too.

I don't think he's hitting personal anger because the mansion he's planning to move into has burned.

It was quite a luxurious and sturdy construction, but there were toilet problems, including around the water, so I had to demolish and rebuild wooden buildings that had been built for over a hundred decades.

"All right, bring Ronzal here..."

Lonzar pulled out to the center of the room as he was dragged by a claw with his hips hit.

On top of that I looked around the room again.

The Lords didn't seem to believe what they just said, "The Mansion burned, but I'm not mad," and some people looked at Lonzar with pity.

"Ask everyone who took the oath earlier. Then you know this guy, right?

Ask each and every one to confirm that all the previous Lords affirmed.

"This man, Joseph Lonzar, set fire to the Lords' Hall in the early morning of March 27, and subjected the sin to slaves who had been ordered by their former deputies to clean the Hall. Therefore, I will be sentenced to burning. Do you admit your sins?

I handed over the verdict in a quiet voice.


Ronzal is shaking with a bright blue face.

"It's Lonzar. The evidence is up. Would that have set fire to the Lords' Hall in the early morning of March 27th, and subjected its sins to slaves who had been ordered by their former deputies to clean the Hall? Answer honestly."

Now say it in a slightly stronger tone.

There's no evidence in anything, though.

The only certainty is the testimony of Sir Kibunal, who heard from him, "I am relieved now that the Lords' Hall has burned, so I have been able to conceal evidence". Is the rest about circumstantial evidence?

The timing of unlimited loosening of the security of the building and the fact that for a while only enough slaves have been ordered to clean are counted is a thousand things for those with motives.

If you're a state governed by the rule of law, you can't be guilty of something like this alone.

But this is the Kingdom of Romberto, the ruling nation.

The law is prescribed by the lord who governs the land, and it is not fair to anyone.

"Yes, yes... no. Wow, I'm such a big deal..."

Well, don't deny it.

It is understandable that as a longzal I have no other word than denial.

Even I would deny it first.

That's not all there is to it...

"So someone ordered you to do it?

Here's what you should hear.

"Yes, no. I just stumbled upon it."

I don't know if there was a misdemeanor in the trial on the Judgment Day I've seen in the past, or someone who admitted to the crime from the beginning if they hadn't shown physical evidence.

Because of this, the breath that Ronzal is throwing up when he talks is naturally reacting to the Lie Nursing (Detect Rye).

I had heard from Sir Kibunal that I was unsure as to whether Baron Cove or Sir Ronzal had ordered Ronzal to light the fire, but now I have my backing.

Ronzal was on fire when someone ordered him to.

"Deny it? I would now like to summon the witness... but ask everyone. Has anyone witnessed this man's crime on this case? If I were you, I'd make a name for myself."

Of course, but no one comes out.

Of course Ronzal had this, and Baron Cove's parents and children had a blatantly horrible face.

"The matter is suspended, followed by a trial on a related matter. Let's have an interesting story before we do that. It's a burnt mansion, but naturally we already know that work is under way to build a new mansion. The new mansion is designed for me and my wife..."

I tried not to wear it a little bit and magically watered and drank it in an empty cup that had not yet been glazed.

Oh, simmering pigs, I wanted to eat some more.

As long as I drink water, I can still eat something on the way to judgment on boulders.

"As you can see, I'm good at magic, and so is my wife. So a big bucket that stores water on the roof, I call this water 'tank', but I make it. He also makes" sewers "to flush sewage used in baths and dishes into the river. I was digging back big under the floor because I had to embed pillars and stuff to do that... an old big bottle came out from under the floor the other day"

When I heard that, not only Baron Cove's parents and children, but also a few of the Lords gave me a slight look.

"Hmm? What's up? Sir Zincase, you look pale."

I happened to speak to the lord of Meade Village, who met me.

"Yes, no, nothing...... oh, no, I'm not feeling any better, so would you mind if I exited once and came outside for some air?

"Oh, this guy, you're going to run away," said the nobles around him in Jinkase's words.

Do you want to go?

"You're a little off the sidelines, but it's not a good idea for someone who took an oath on the way to justice to leave.... No, if you're not feeling well, you can hang a healing magic trick?

I worry about the tender expression of compassion for my ill men, and say it with a voice that sounds like I feel sorry for them.

"Oh, no. During this time…"

Hate to be touched by me, or did you think you could catch me when I approached you, Sir Zincase has refused healing magic.

"Then let's hope for a while now. Well, a bunch of old parchment came out of this bottle. It was written about a hundred years ago."

The complexion of more than half of the people here is not excellent.

Your lord is very worried that all of a sudden the health of the nobles who rule all over the place will be worse.

I want to make it easier for you.

I was informed that Zulu had returned because my wish had passed to heaven.

My slave-head brought important evidence when he was guided by a guardian knight.

When he comes before me proud of his majestic body and turns his chest against it, Zulu kneels down and offers the wrap.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's a good opportunity, so I'll introduce you to everyone. This is Zulu, where this man is my slave-head. Remember, there will be a lot of people looking at each other in the future."

I let him clear a corner of the table and spread it out when I put the wrap there.

"This is the paperwork that came out then. You can still see the signatory's thumbprint status. Of course, I can read what's written. Hmm? Sir Gaenun, and Sir Muir isn't looking well either, is he? Are you ill?

Apart from them, many are bright blue and sweaty.

"Ha. The..."

"No...... it's ok"

Right, are you okay?

Then let's just go next.

I decided to change the atmosphere a little bit.

"A lot of other people don't look good.... Sir Mees, can you imagine what it is written here?

The dwarf (halfling) village chief of Burri was a little out of position to keep my gaze out of sight, good thing he was short. I don't care what you eat, so I'll nominate you.

"Ha. Yes, no... the..."

You can't cut the boil. If you don't answer properly, you're not responding to Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

"What's up? Answer me properly."


I shut up.

Ma, look.

"Baron Cove. How'd it go? Even Sir Cove can do it. Can you imagine what it says here? Or, you know what?

Speak to the fate of a valet or guardian knight with his sword poked at him.



We both remain silent with our blue faces.

Isn't that easy? I know how to get back to you. Either?

"Answer me as I count to three. Heam……"



I don't have the right to remain silent.




You're not going to make it that easy, are you?

I get it.

"Hmm. Aren't you willing to respond? This is troublesome. It's important..."

This is a signal.

"Or, my lord. Please forgive me for speaking."

Sir Kibunal's son, Associate Sir Kibunal, opened his mouth.

That's right. Become a bummer.

"Forgive. Say"

Grant permission to speak.

"Yes, what the hell is important? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the mansion's arson..."

You put it right. Ray.

"... Kibunal, you're right. It doesn't matter."

"Right. What the hell does it matter..."

Baron Cove's parents and children look a little shabby, but he's still on track like a fish that got water.

... let's not ask him if he opened his mouth without my permission.

"Well, does it seem irrelevant? How about everyone else?

I asked each and every one of them.

Was it easy to answer this time? Almost all the Lords say they have nothing to do with it.

The only other people who answered "seems to have a relationship" or "has a relationship" were Sir Kibunal and Sir Galosteren and his wife, who rule the village of Zorgay, who were the last to ask.

It seemed unexpected from the vast majority when Sir Kibunal and Sir Galosteren replied that they were "related," even in Azumi, but they were firmly breasted with a slightly blue face.

Regardless of Sir Kibunal, did Sir and Mrs. Galosteren think they could not vomit any more lies than they were sworn in?

If so, it seems to have a splendid personality as a nobleman.

Even if it's a calculation, that's fine.

It should be noted that Sir Lanox's parents and children, who had followed an extraordinary attitude without my involvement, were "unrelated".

As a result, all those who responded that there was "no relationship" between the questioner, Associate Sir Kibunal, and Sir Lanox's parents and children, have seen a reaction to Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

Now I have a general expectation.

Sir Lanox, I guess parents and children didn't even really know that existed because this plan of disobedience had no ancestral signatures.

The Lanox family was also supposed to be an aristocrat during the Hamit kingdom, but supposedly they had been clawed for some reason, or they had not joined the defiance plan that defiance would not benefit them, or refused to sign it.

Maybe for a completely different reason, but now is good, and it would be natural to think that you really have to know about it in the first place to have nothing to do with it.

"Huh. That's a lot of lying territory. I'm a little disillusioned."

From here on out, I change the gallery, the expression and the tone.

"Are you guys lying about your earlier oaths? We cannot allow falsehood to be spoken of in a place of judgment. The reason for this is because we can't get a precise trial! I'll give you a chance to say the right thing now. If you admit to lying and apologize, I'll leave the earlier matter to you. Know that everything will be irrevocable the moment I say something about the contents of this document! Come on, answer me!

Brain Tallinn, which is incomprehensible in this way, is not qualified as a lord and noble.

Besides, I want you to think about what you are doing at this time and in a closed place, not on a judgment day that is scheduled and made public to all the residents of the public.

How many people are going to apologize?

To be honest, I've already been an executor about Ronzar, and I've put wet clothes on a slave with no sins whatsoever, and I'm not going to overturn the death penalty, but I'm going to do about hanging him, and I don't think I'm going to do anything that would extend my sins to the clan.

Baron Cove, who instigated it, also admits to lying honestly here, and intends to spare him the crime of death if he speaks of sin.

Have I overstated it a little bit?

He's probably atrophied because he suddenly said “me” or something.

Well, don't give me a break because it's a closed space to say it's official.

"Also, I'm sorry... I lied... please be generous as I will change it from now on..."

Turn your hands off about the floor so that the Kibunal Duke at the top of the statement collapses.

Unnatural extreme variation, but that's also a hint.

"My lord...... I lied too. I falsely complained about my self cuteness and thought of plotting my lord...... Regardless of the son here, what about his wife and other children..."

Ser Mees also squeezes out a voice that contains a giving up view while shrinking that little body even smaller.

He put his hand on the back of his son's head next door and made his son say the same words of apology.

After his apologies, the lords apologize one after the other.

Of my predecessors, only Sir Lanox's parents and son and Baron Cove's parents and children did not apologize.

Regardless of Baron Cove's parents and children, Sir Lanox doesn't really know, so there's no problem.

"Sir Lanox, then the Associate Sir. If so, are you lying?"

I dared to leave Baron Cove aside about his parents and children. I asked Sir Lanox's parents and children.

"Ha. I swear on the honor of my Lanox family, I have nothing false to say"

A solid, core voice.

"I agree. But I'm wondering if it might have something to do with listening to everyone's words, no, I guess it has something to do with it. But like my father, I don't know anything about what's written in that document… I don't have any lies, falsehoods, or personal feelings about my earlier opinions, but I think it's a situation where I should change my opinion."

My son also stares me in the eye from the front and assures me.

Of course I have not responded to any of the magic of Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

The majority said, "It was a lie. Fire has something to do with underfloor paperwork," he says, sounding as if it's a fine answer.

"Well, Baron Cove, Sir. Why don't you? Apologize for lying and change your opinion?

asked in a quiet voice.

"... I'm sorry, my lord. Both our parents and children can imagine what would be written in that document. And I think you're probably right about that imagination."

"Chi, Father...! Gu...... ku. Wow, I lied too... sorry..."

It appears that this parent and child also retained their position as noblemen.

I'm glad to be honest with you.

When I stared at him with my eyes containing mercy, they looked at him with relief, like they unloaded a load of shoulders.

But it's quick to feel safe. I'm not done talking about the heart yet.

"Well, let's get back to it. Baron Cove, Sir. Which one of you ordered Ronzal? Tell me what you ordered."

I fall back from peace of mind to a desperate face.

You're busy.

"... I'll make it easier for you to talk. Guarantee that you will not be tired of your relatives"

So far, the two finally started making statements.

Looks like it was my son Sir Cove who ordered Ronzal to set fire to it.

But according to his statement, he didn't even order the sin of arson to be subjected to slavery.

He simply claims to have ordered him to set fire to the evidence for each mansion.

Lie Nursing is unresponsive.

And what I'm saying is, is it Ronzal's discretion to put wet clothes on?

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