April 18, 7449.

"Well, it's Lonzar. This is how Sir Cove says he ordered the fire, but did you feel comfortable talking about it?

At least I don't think I can deny what was instigated.

Sir Cove himself confessed that he had ordered it.


Not really.

Then I have no choice.

"Say something when you count to three. Heam……"

Ronzal's eyes look up at me with his hands tied behind his back and crawling, but don't be pathetic.


You've decided to be ready for something. Ronzal slowly closed his eyes and opened them.

"Mi, I admit it. Indeed, young, no, Sir Cove has ordered me to set the mansion on fire... I have been honest with you, so how about my mother, my wife, my children..."

Longzal's Fire Magic Mastery Level is three and is far too good for arson on wooden buildings.

Also, there is no response to Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

"Have you set fire to it?"

Check it out.

"Gu, ku..."

If you admit that you have set fire to your orders, you will have impersonated your slaves.

Why don't we just admit it so easily?

That's okay.

"Sir Cove. If that's what you ordered, this guy would have made a report after the mansion burned, right? What kind of report was it?

Sir Cove is a clean nobleman for once, even though he is an arson-abetting criminal. The testimony is sufficiently substantiated.

The most powerful thing as evidence is physical evidence, followed by the testimony of the nobility in order of precedence, and finally the testimony of those other than nobility. Testimony naturally also includes confessions.

Based on this evidence, the ruler must determine who is responsible for the case and determine the sentence.

"Ha... the... he said he set fire to the mansion. Even if no one has seen me..."

No response to Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

At least I'm not lying about what I'm saying.

"Wow, I set it on fire! Sorry! But only my family! Oh, my God!

You realized you couldn't get away with it anymore, and Ronzal confessed to arson.

You seem afraid that your family will be guilty, but earlier I said, "I assure you that I will not be tired of my relatives on this matter."

Oh, you think the only thing in this case is about the confession of arson instigation?

"Do you admit that setting fire to the fire did not involve Count Loughleague's slaves about the mansion fire?

Check it out.

"Gu...... yes. Admit it. I magically set fire to it and rumored like a slave had made the end of the fire..."

Ronzal made a clear confession as he turned bright blue and trembled.

"... honest whites or good"

Saving the hassle of torture is both a condition for relieving sins in the kingdom.

Well, I don't want to torture you, and I don't want you to let the Knights, who can be described as your direct reports.

"I offer to shake it out again. Firstly, Longzal, the executioner. That sin is heavy. Not only did he set fire to the Lords' Hall, but he pushed the sin into slavery merely by saying that he was at the scene. This is indeed a despicable and cowardly act. Therefore, in view of the circumstances of incitement from superiors who are reasonable to burn, but difficult to defy, the offense is also reduced and the death penalty is charged. The sentence shall be served in the place of judgment the day after tomorrow. Until then, he will be imprisoned in the cavaliers' cells, but only his relatives will be allowed to see him."

The act of pronouncing a death sentence on people is more spiritually tough than I thought......

However, even on the day of the original scheduled judgment the day after the slam, he was supposed to kill all the opponents or even those who had gone into a halt, and further convict the members of the Fools Regiment of scraping their wallets from their bodies of death.

I'm sure this will happen again and again.

... get used to it.

"Oh, um..."

Ronzal said something.

"If you have something to say, tell me."

I knew it when I thought it was probably about my family.

"My family has nothing to do with this. Therefore, there is no sin whatsoever. Then, if you need the inheritance of a housekeeper, you will be allowed to go out of jail only once with the knight of surveillance."

Although the lords who heard about my shanty always gave me a surprise look, there was nothing to make the scene noisy by asking why.

"Then Sir Cove. It was against Longzal, the servant of the house, who used the difficulty of defying him, the next governor, to instigate arson. You know that arson itself is a felony. If it had set fire to itself, there was still room for exaggeration. But the act of forcing the inferior to commit a heinous crime without polluting his own hands can be dismissed as planned. Know it's a few despicable steps, inferior to Ronzal, who accidentally dressed himself in wet clothes on a slave who was at the scene!

There will be a question of whether the executor did it with pleasure or perhaps, but I believe that whoever did the abetting is equally guilty, either way.

Of course, objectively, the executor also has the option of "not doing what is commanded".

There is, but there is also a position where we have to choose the option of "executing".

Naturally, but there are many other reasons and rationales that would be considered.

It's very difficult to judge, and you might regret it later.

But even if I'm wrong, I have to make a decision as Lord of the land and take full responsibility for that decision.

"I will strip you of your jazz. There will be no rebirth of the House of Sir Cove if there is no reason to do so in the future."

It is a very heavy sin for the nobles.

It is a substantial home takedown that does not even allow the governor to inherit.

That said, the House of Sir Cove would not cause a great deal of confusion in the city of Zondir because it is not in the position of being the squire chief of the Baron Cove family.

It seems that Sir Cove is already married, so he is no longer an associate, including his spouse and children, and becomes simply a civilian in the position of squire chief of the Baron Cove family.

Just lose some of the privileges I've enjoyed so far.

"Ah... gu..."

Has the Ser enjoyed the extra time, he is turning bluer than ever and shivering in a gust.

But you didn't even disappear to qualify as Baron Cove's next governor, so you don't have to be so humiliated.

Well, maybe it does seem like a big problem for a clan that governs Zondir that one aristocracy disappears.

"I will also officially announce the deprivation of the title of Sergeant in the Territory at the venue of the Judgment the day after tomorrow."

I proclaimed Sir Cove with a cold look at him.

"Ha ha"

Though he's lying upside down when he hears about my shanty, he hasn't missed having an unsatisfactory eye just before.

Sora, there's no reason to be satisfied...

Well, two more days, no, the substance is one day tomorrow... is there a jazz position, so if you want to sort it out by then, sort it out.

"And Baron Cove. I hereby declare that I am not guilty of incitement to arson and that I am not involved in this arson case. But you miseducated the next governor... No, Sir has already grown up for years. There shall be no responsibility for being a parent."

I'd say there's no sin whatsoever more than I've had the opportunity to re-say things about lies.

The baron said, "Ha ha!," he lays flat.


It's not over yet.

"The West Dart region… As a nobleman ruling the second-largest city in the land, we have to question its ability"

I'm not guilty of being involved in arson as a parent and as a relative, but I need you to take responsibility as a supervisor.

"" Become!? "

It was not only himself who raised his voice as surprised, but also his son, Sir Cove.

"Surprise what? That's the case the chief squire ordered his squire to make. If it was meant to be, wouldn't it be the first case to be tried?

Ma, it's too much for the Baron to say first of all, because of the content of the case.

Arson. Especially if that's something against the Lords' Hall. Talk about taking it to the Lords from the beginning.

"Well, didn't you say that you knew that there was some sort of document in the Lords' Hall that had something to do with this arson? On that day, there were only a few slaves in the hall who had been ordered to clean. The guarded former deputy also moved to the inn, where the security of the hall was diminished. It must have been a great opportunity for something to happen. As the baron of this league uncle, the first thing to suspect was that, otherwise who the hell was it?

Baron Cove's complexion should have been blue, but at some point his parents and children were all red.

"Status comes with responsibility. Parents and children, relatives or whatever, but with true loyalty to the lord... shouldn't you have begged the previous deputy or my judgment again, suspecting arson, even if the verdict came down that it was a fire by negligence?

Hey, while I'm at it, I'm being rude.

I don't feel like blaming the baron alone or something because my knowledge of the paperwork will be with the baron and the other lords.

But that's what nobility is all about.

The higher the rank, the greater the responsibility.

And I'm the only one who will judge it, the absolute existence of this land.

Something like that, but I also thought, "It's a slave kid's game of fire, motherfucker," until such a big old paperwork came out from under the ground.

"Therefore, Baron Cove's position as a Baron shall be lowered by one rank and made an Associate Baron. In addition, the tax on the city of Zondir shall be raised from 60% to 2% of the current rate and shall be 60% and 2%. This will also be officially announced in the realm the day after tomorrow."

For Baron Cove it is a reduced salary disposition of 5%, after demotion.

It would be a disaster, but to that extent, it would be better than a death row or a house torn apart, so bear with me.

Immediately afterwards, he forced Ronzar to pull himself into prison and declared an end to the judgment.

And I'll show the paperwork to a few lords who wanted to see the plan of disobedience, starting with Baron Cove.

"You can watch it if you want. If you want to see the status too, you can see it."

Having said that, I joined Mizuchi in the circle of the Lords of the Parents and focused on eating first.

Looking at the table with the paperwork after about ten minutes, there were still many Lords roaring when they saw the status.

There are a bunch of guys who can use magic, and if I were one of those guys, I'd be burning it all the time.

Think of the meaning of not mentioning one thing in the paperwork, gutless confession.

Is that too much?

Get out of the way.

His belly also swelled, so he approached slightly, and when he caught a bunch of documents together, he threw them unconstitutionally on a large plate with almost empty contents.

"Oops, my hand slipped"

I deliberately say it like a bar read while watching the documents get dirty with gravy and oil.

"" Ah. "

Oh, come on.

Then he concentrated and lit the fire without turning his hands on it.

It was hard to burn because it contained moisture, but I will completely ash it.

"Who, who burned it? It didn't look like anyone was using magic... but it looks like you have quite an arm owner. Hey, Sir Gaenun, don't you think so?

It was inevitable that the edges of my lips would be connected, though I was going to keep my faceless expression.

"Huh? Huh? Ha..."

Sir Gaenun, standing beside me and staring at the documents burning, looked at me with his eyes black-and-white and said, "You're the one who burned them..."

"I think it said something important... Ngu... Pfft, I forgot when I drank."

Said as Mizuchi looked around at the lords who remained stunned when he received the glass he had brought and sipped it down in a breath.

"I don't care about such dirty paper cuts, etc. You should be thankful that the trash-burning killer saved you the trouble. Hmm? Sir Galosteren, do you remember what that was about?

I smiled niggardly at the elite (elves) who were looking round their eyes and alternating between the ashes on the plate and my face.

"Hmm... ha. haha...... ngoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I remember earlier, too, but I forgot about the drunken clap. My lord, I'm sorry."

After that, even Sir Lanox, who had nothing to do with the paperwork, drank alcohol and said he remembered nothing.

Hmm. Can you read enough air without difficulty?

I heard you don't have a very good reputation, but this needs to be well investigated again.

"Well, a little early, but let's open it up here. Tomorrow I will greet my servants and family, and the day after tomorrow I will be judged. Then will we see the trial the day after tomorrow?

Judgment is an important spectacle.

It's like a festival, and there are many spectators from nearby villages who have managed to do their time.

After the Lords pulled up to each inn, Zenom, Tris, Lorrick, Vince and Carm returned to the administration even though they had said nothing.

"Cove, watch your parents and children so they don't know that. That face is up to something."

Everyone nodded at my instructions.

"Father! What are you going to do!?"

Sir Cove spoke to his father, the Baron, when he returned to a luxury inn there called Henrietta.

The execution of the sentence itself is the day after tomorrow, so until then it will be the Sergeant and the Baron.

"... I can't help what I've done. Your stripping of the throne is convincing... and it's a miracle that there's no whipping."

The baron looks bitter and says.

"But he said to raise taxes, etc. after descending to his father's nobility...! Aren't you sorry for your ancestors, such as the Cove family's descent into the royal family of the original Hamit and the descent into the Associate Baron...!?"

There are blue muscles floating in Sir's temples as he talks.

"I can still convince you if that's for a good reason too... what is that reason?!?"

When he saw his son telling him to throw up outrageously, the baron gave him a frightened look.

- I do know I might have raised you the wrong way...

"Don't you think so too, Father? I can still stand it if I'm the only one! but......"

"Enough is enough. More than that, Eston. Do you have any thoughts about Ronzal? Is that the first thing you're gonna say back at the inn?

"What do you say!? Isn't it an honor for a squire to die for his master!

"Even this way of dying?

"Yes! Besides, wasn't Ronzal's family and house appeased! And yet why is our house...!

"Are you dissatisfied?


"Then why didn't you say that on that occasion?

The baron looked at his son with harsh eyes.

"... Hmm. Can't you answer that? Then you'll start a rebellion?

"Hanra...... Rebellion? Yes! Now is the time to rebuild the Hamit Kingdom! About thirty knights and so on of the Knights, and a third of them are always on the lookout in the realm. In contrast, there will be 21 of our squires, and 60 of them will gather soon, including trails and brothers. A lot of people are good at crossbows like Darsh and Kane, and they're all war experienced."

"Stupid. Knights aren't the only knights. There are many servants, and His Excellency the Count is a dragon slayer. It's not even a battle."

"Phew. Father, you don't need to fight anything front-cut with the Knights. Didn't the Count say he would return to Castle Cote Jill every night? How much of a dragon slayer would you be if you raided in the middle of the night..."

The baron who heard it shook his head and opened his mouth.

"Indeed, the Count is in Castle Code Jill with only a few slaves and a couple. If you assault with 60 men, you may win. But then what? The Knights of the Kingdoms are stationed in the realm, right? Altogether, more than a thousand Knights attack in fury. There's no way I can protect you."


Sir seemed oblivious about the existence of the Knights of the Kingdom.

But after a short silence, he opened his mouth again.

"... hehe. It was a great help burning the disobedience plan. Let the Knights of the Kingdom be on your side just like that. Today, that Count is committing a great loss."


"That's right. I burned important documents on my own. That document was a plan of disobedience to the kingdom, a sentence to our nobility. Because we refused, we tried to burn it and destroy the evidence. You sue it to the kingdom after you slaughter the Count. As a reward for preventing disobedience to the kingdom and saving your predicament, Father, I hope you become Earl of the League! The other lords will wipe their mouths and obey if the Count dies and we are in that position!

"Stupid! Is that... is that insane?"

"Father, don't you understand Father? That Earl has the Cove family in the way. We're going to continue to make it difficult to lower the title, let alone deprive Zondir of his reign!

There was something the Baron thought when he heard that.

The plan of disobedience did contain the signature of the ancestors of the Cove family and stated that, as the Hamit royal family, they would allow a complete backup of the disobedience.

If you read that, you would answer that it is obvious to anyone to ask that the leader of the substantial rebel group was the Cove family at the time.

It is also logical that, as lords of this land, I would want to do something to destroy such a bloody house if I knew it was going on.


"Well, it's too late for this evening, and that's fine. We'll discuss it tomorrow."

The first thing my son came back to his room to do was order one of his servants from Zondir to go and buy paralytic drugs as a gift.

"Don't you regret your father!... you won't let your father talk until you're done. If I'm done, Father will appreciate my actions."

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