April 18, 7449.

It was just a little after 22: 00 that Mizuchi appeared in a long robe that wrapped her whole body softly in the corner of the unproductive tavern on Beglitz's main street.

It's after 20: 00 when the judgment is over. It was not until 21: 00 that the Zenoms, who returned to the Inn once after that, returned to the administration.

Mizuchi doesn't go riding like that because she was wearing a dress, so it's not too strange in time because she changes into horseback riding clothes in the administration and then goes home.

Just a brief meeting was supposed to slow Al and Mizchi back to Courtzil Castle so they wouldn't be suspicious with Zulu.

But no one followed them, and Al's life led Mizchi to join the Zenoms one foot away and accommodate the other's movements.

Having confirmed that Zenom, Lorrick, and Carm were being consolidated by force formation (partisan), Mizuchi first came to this store to rendezvous with the larger group.

"That was pretty quick..."

Lorrick says, looking a little surprised at Mizuchi, who stood by the table at some point.

Although Mizuchi understood that he was approaching in troop formation (partisation), a slight gap distracted him from troop formation (partisation) because he thought he had entered the store.

It was Rolic who pulled the chair for her, always unable to hide her surprise at the fact that no one noticed her coming this close.

"Thanks. Now Tris and Mr. Vince?

It is, of course, the name of the person who is heading out for surveillance of the subject that Mizuchi asks as he lowers his hips next to Loric.

"Oh. Henrietta is two blocks away, right? Tris, Vince must be looking at the back. I'm putting two of them on each liaison."

Xenom reached for Mizuchi as he answered Mizuchi's question.

"I'm sorry to drain you."

"Oh, me too, please"

"I'm sorry, but can I, too?

At Zenom's request, Lorrick and Carm have also asked me to hang the magic of detoxification (Remove Poison).

It's possible for Tris and Vince to use this magic too, but considering the MP recovery time they only use it on themselves.

I guess that's why they're watching out for drinks first.

"What about the squire?

There were only their former killers (Slaters) on this occasion, and not one of their squire, who should have accompanied them all the way to Beglitz, was visible.

"The rest of the squire's got Ginger all wrapped up to show the neighborhood to the guy with the land map."

Since the former Lords of the Slaughters benefit from Mizuchi's troop formation (partisation), it is possible to say that Mizuchi, who has some knowledge of Beglitz, can give instructions even in the worst case, so it is an appropriate decision.

"Sure about that?

Xenom confirmed to one of his squire.

"Yes, I'm sure, Mr. Roomshade. He's a Foronzo, definitely one of Zondir's squire."

One man came out of Henrietta as Zenom stood watch.

And when he squeezed the shutter of the lantern to mind his surroundings, it was there that he went into the back road.

"All right, you stay behind and see where you're going. Don't use the lights so you don't find out. Just leave infrared vision."

"Okay. Dear Roomshade,"

The dwarf (halfling) squire ordered by Xenom gently takes off his shoes.

Behind his barefoot feet there is a surprising growth of short, dark hair, a halfling characteristic.

The way it left the scene without sound seemed even more so from the edge than from Foronzo.

"You're on the table. Tell Lorrick about this and get back here right away. Tell Lorrick to send one of us to report."

"Okay. Dear Roomshade,"

The other squire ordered by Xenom walks away from the spot for a preaching order when he tightens the belt of the rubber sandal he had been loaned for tailing.

"Well... Has Al moved as he expected? He who walks like that thinks something is wrong..."

A few minutes after Foronzo left the inn.

Xenom was whining to himself without telling anyone as he rubbed his proud jawbeard.

"Dear Roomshaped, I have told Mr. Falergers"

The squire I put out in the preaching came back.

"Thank you.... hmm? Is that...?

Looks like the lights came out again at the back door of the inn I was watching.

At the same time, it makes some noise.

"Oh, the stall. That sounds like you're preparing a horse..."

"Shit, a horse... That's not good. Hey, wait. You're not just a horse... a carriage?

The two watching themselves as they shrunk in shade heard signs of horses and the sound of them starting to prepare carriages.

"What do you want to do?

"Go while you can. Hurry up and tell your wife about this."


After a while the squire ran away from making any noise, a two-headed carriage was pulled out of the back door of the inn, and a horse was also prepared. The carriage is equipped with two Bulls Islanders that boast considerable brightness as lanterns.

Apparently, he's going somewhere on the night lane.

"Then, young man, by morning I will definitely bring them all. You can use your mansion carriage, right?

"Mm-hmm. I asked for it."

On the platform sat a man, two or three words with a man standing beside the carriage, and when he exchanged words, he waved a whip at the horse and set off the carriage.

The carriage went off while Xenom was wondering if we should stop that carriage now.

Zenom's stray is not because he said anything yet decisive, or because he did something hostile to Al.

- Laugh. Be vigilant.

Mizuchi's orders arrived on Zenom's head.

would be to tell Al that there had been some movement.

- Laugh. Be vigilant.

When I thought I had arrived at Courtzil Castle with Zulu, I received an order from Mizuchi, who had used force formation (partisation) to let go.

I, Tris, Bell, Zenom, Ralpha, Ghine, Rolic, Vince, Carm and Bastral are the ten men who belong to Mizchi's forces so that they can receive this order.

Just in case, Ralpha's in the labyrinth right now, so I can't get an order.

They will understand that the first order, the "Laugh" cipher, is irrelevant to Bell, who is picking up the second line.

You'd think something had happened to Guineh and Bastral as well, but they'd ignore it without getting too sick.

"Zulu, put your armor on. I hear there's been some movement."

I immediately ordered Zulu to leave the horse's reins to the slaves who picked him up, and I ran to get dressed too.

You heard me, and Ben and Ellie seem to have pulled right into the barracks, too.

When I take off my jacket and untie it, I throw it out as it is.

Take off your blouse, too, and drop it on the spot.

A slave will clean up and do the laundry soon anyway.

As he falls from his back into bed, he also takes off his pumpkin pants and pulls both legs out of his tights.

As they wore it to wear the armor hanging from the hanger, the two slaves rang from outside the room.

He wants to help me change into armor.

"My clothes are fine. Load your horses with Mizuchi's armor."

Twenty minutes later, I hid my whole body with a dirty robe holding my helmet aside, and when I came out on the surface, my military horse was fitted with an inflated saddlebag.

But Zulu, Ben, and Ellie weren't ready yet.

"Hey, tell Zulu to go to the administration and consolidate his security. Then tell Ben and Ellie to wait here without moving."

I jumped on the back of my beloved horse when I ordered the slave (kid) who was holding Uranus' reins.

A few minutes after flying Uranus at full speed from Courtzil Castle.

Enter Beglitz, slow down Uranus and aim for where Mizuchi is.

I'd really like to go for the Knights first, but I'm not sure what the other guy's movement is about, so I'm not sure I should be able to join Mizuchi and organize the information.

"That was surprisingly fast, wasn't it? I thought it would take a little more time."

Let's give voice to Foronzo, who is back in Henrietta, to labor (onions and rays) Sir Cove.

"No, my husband over there, he was still awake... This is it."

Foronzo offers a paralytic drug that was obtained without beating up the pharmacist's husband.

"And here you go."

I immediately offered him a medicine can as well.

There is hot water inside.

"Mmm, you're ready. That's Foronzo."

"Thank you very much. Paralysis pills seem to paralyze the oak with a few drops, so not too many..."

"Oh, I know... like this"

Taking the lid of the medicine can, Sir Cove draped a slight paralytic in it and put the lid back on.

"And this. It's a drug for paralysis. They say it's okay to take paralysis pills for an hour after you take this..."


Upon receiving the paralytic, Sir Cove drank up in a breath, and when he explored the nostalgia, he took out Kim Joo and let Foronzo grip him.

"Keep it."

"Huh? This, Kim Joo... Oh, thank you!

"Good. From now on, head to the Knights. Dojour's son is a knight, so we'll meet formally first. And then... don't you get it?

"Yeah. Okay. Well, there must be Zeros and Mazor on, Eccles and Zanotti."

"That's right. Reinforcements will also arrive tomorrow morning from Zondir. As soon as we rendezvous, we'll act, so make sure we're armed. I hear the Count doesn't come to the administration until around 9: 00 every morning."

"You're aiming to leave the castle."

"That's right. I asked for it."

"Yeah, I'm coming"

Just to say, without seeing Foronzo bowing his head any longer, Sir Cove headed to his room where he was staying with his father.

It is an abdomen that makes tea while chatting and binds the actions of my father.

Foronzo, with his head up, left the inn quickly.

Now from the grand table, go for the Knights without even squeezing the lantern lights.

In addition to Mizuchi, Tris, Carm, and Vince, there were only two of their squires in the unproductive Affordable Tavern called Gabretto.

Zenom and Lorrick are watching over an inn called Henrietta, and Ginger is taking the rest of his squire and letting those familiar with Beglitz lead the way and wander around there.

"Well, to the Knights. He went alone and came home alone, didn't he?

After joining them for a while, Lorrick's squire, who was keeping an eye on Henrietta's front door, came to report.

Uranus has put down Mizchi's armor before Tris ordered one of his squire to go and keep it in the inn where they are staying.

"Yes, I was wondering if you didn't have 15 minutes inside..."

Really? One of the knights of the Knights must have been a child of Baron Cove's squire. I think there were some of those guys in the squire as well as the knights.

"Al, that's..."

"Oh. I know. But so far, there's no evidence. Well, I can go and tighten it up now..."

What Mizuchi is worried about will be rebellion.

It comes with an investigation that Baron Cove or Sir Cove, or both, purchased paralytic drugs.

Naturally, it would be obvious that I bought it to disable someone, but at the same time, they're not going to kill the disabling opponent because they're getting a paralyzer.

It may also be a disagreement between the barons and the lords, as the Mizchis say, and one of them got in the way for the time being.

"Mizuchi first. I brought you some armor, so you can go to the bathroom and get dressed."

"Mm-hmm. Okay."

Carm looked at me as Mizuchi disappeared into the bathroom with a bag full of armor.

"So, what do you do? Now there's barons and barons in that inn, and then there's only one squire? I know this is the easiest time to do it if you're gonna step in... but you think those guys are up to something anyway, don't you? Then..."


"That's abusive, Carm. I still have little idea what those two are up to. At least I don't think we should do anything until we clearly show our willingness to defy this one."

I was embarrassed as Vince sipped the bean tea.

"Mm-hmm. Sure, but I'm curious about the carriage that I headed north... and the fact that I'm going to Zondir alone in the middle of the night like this... I wonder"

For an elf, Tris questions while doing his hand to the thick jaw of the line.

"That's it. That. Like I said, didn't that go get reinforcements?

Carm says, but I guess I do, too, actually.

Especially, I'm not really thinking that, I'm just trying to think that because I have a habit of assuming the worst scenario.

Anyway, let's answer Carm's question.

"First of all, you think normally. The Baron Cove family was demoted to the Associate Baron, and the Baron family was crushed. I'm sure they don't think it's funny, but I do think it's a reasonable punishment. How about this?

"I think it's light. Instead, they should kneel down and thank you."

I was gonna ask Carm, but it was Vince who answered.

Carm just nodded at Vince's words.

I don't care if they're funny or not, even for me, but I wasn't willing to do anything more if this put up with me.

"Yeah, but the parents and the kids, they were scared at first when they turned blue, and they started turning red."

"Right. You obviously seemed angry about the content of the trial."

Carm says with a face that reminds me of that time.

"Well, I guess so. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother telling you to keep an eye on me, and you guys thought it was suspicious, so you came back after the dissolution, right?

"... I don't see that eye. My son used to stare at Al..."

Tris hammered as he put his arms together.

"I don't know if I'm going to judge you by your eyesight and complexion alone, but it's not been a month since I've been here, and I just wanted to respond in case. That's what they all thought, isn't it?

That's when Ginger came back.

"I kept in mind the perimeter of the administration, the perimeter of that inn, the road to the Castle of Code Jill, more or less. I hurried around because our stall ordered me to, but something happened?

Have you put your doubts behind you and done what Xenom told you first?

You were right about me.

"It's going to happen. Give up the booze tonight."

Vince replied if he praised his shoulder.

At the same time, I'm shifting my body from chair to chair and clearing the place for Ginger.

Mizuchi seems to have finished dressing too.

Like me, I don't look like the Countess just looking at the hood of my robe.

Sir Cove came in where Foronzo, back from the Knights, was waiting in his room.

"Hehe. My father can't do anything anymore. The tail is good."

Sir Cove said with a niggardly and unpleasant grin.

"That was good."

Foronzo rises from the chair responds.

"How about you? How many from the Knights..."

"That's what I told Camry. But... he told me not to do anything meaningless and refused to join the party. He seems totally freaked out by that Count, as long as he's pitiful."


"I had no choice but to stop talking and try to call the others..."

"No way?

"No, he only managed to respond to the pause, but he didn't even like to call the others, so he came straight home"

"Hmm, Camry? I thought if he was a true knight, too, he could leave it to the Sergeant once things were done, but he's a fool to wave a chance at a corner on a stick.... Well, you're right, if he's such a wretch, he can't have nobility. Tomorrow morning, there will be dozens of reinforcements from Zondir."

"There must be one countess and one combat slave, isn't there? How much of a dragon slayer did all the Zondiers say?"

"Oh, you'll be able to crush it without bitterness. You can expect a reward."

"Yes, if there are fewer joiners from the Knights..."

"Exactly. At dawn, when I became Earl of the League, I would also abolish the aristocracy that the Earl had brought with him within a few years. Which village do you want?

Foronzo said with a giraffed eye, "Wi, weed or something, what do you say?," he asked.

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