April 18, 7449.

When it was time to replace Henrietta's surveillance.

"I can't help being confused, so I'm just gonna check on you."

Said Mizuchi as he stood up when he drank out his completely warm bean tea.

Is that it? The cage hand...?

Oh, this guy, he's only wearing armor, and a torso.

The saddlebags didn't notice because they don't deform that way.

"See how it goes...? Are you saying we're going on reconnaissance?

Speak up like Vince says, "You won't have to do anything extra right now," though.

I agree.

"Mm-hmm. Well."

"Hey, I'm keeping an eye on you, until you have a clearer move..."

I tried to retain Mizuchi, who replied without prior notice.

I want to avoid making a futile move and not being able to send orders by key troop formation (partisation).

"Hmm, shouldn't we listen to the conversation?

"That's right... Huh?

Listen to the conversation?

Mizuchi continues as he hoists the edge of his lips for an invincible look.

"It's in Beglitz, including Henrietta. I remember all the structure of the inn, so it's okay."

Huh? Yes, when... is only possible around the city.

"Structure? Even a bowl in the hallway where the spacing was known..."

Carm also said something like "stop it".

"It's okay, 'cause I don't get that kind of a bummer. But it's important to listen to a baron or a jazz conversation. Besides, even if all three of them were asleep, it makes sense just to make sure."

"Hey, you..."

"You forgot? Sneaking in is a treat. If you're having a bad consultation... don't do anything and I'll be right back."

Do you even dive in behind the ceiling?

"I get it. Be careful."

I didn't forget anything... but I did.

Mizuchi slowly blended into the darkness of the night.

"Don't worry about it. If you're asleep, you're asleep. My reading just came off. I apologize for the luxury and flavor of my servants."


If you're not going to defy me, it's better that way.

If you're going to come in disobedience, I want information, no matter how small or small.

If you mean it, you won't let me read the signs, either.

Then I won't hit the heck out of it in case that parent or child finds me.

"Shall we do that and take turns watching? Now Lorrick's on the table, and Zenom's looking behind it, right? Tris wants the table next, Carm wants the back."

"... then Foronzo. It's time for us..."


Sir Cove took his seat by confirming his lower back sword when he spoke to Foronzo, a faithful squire.

The squire also made sure of the sword on his hips and left the room after the Ser.

Of course, it's not Mizuchi who misses the move.

They moved behind the ceiling without sound and confirmed where they were headed.

- Follow me.

Orders arrive in Tris' brain shortly after he switched watches about ten minutes ago.

I only sent orders to Al after adding a cipher that identifies Al to everyone because it also means informing everyone about the trend of Lords (VIPs), but I only sent them to Tris to save more than the maximum number of times I could send orders.

- You mean coming out of the front door...

Tris, who swallows his spit and slightly sits back on specific orders.

Soon Sir Cove emerged from the front door of Henrietta with dignity accompanied by his squire.

"Is that it..."

Tris and the two squire he brought in confirm their appearance as they lurk in the shadows.

Because of this, Carm and her squire were watching over the back entrance.

"You're Sir Cove and your squire from your outfit. Does that mean the baron's still inside?... well. I'll be right behind you. You go get this. You wait."

Trying to whisper, Tris ordered.

"Ok, Dear stall. But you can see it well at this distance."

One of my servants tells me he is impressed while conveying his intention to understand.

"Hehe. I spent every day in a dark Balduk labyrinth. Different ways of working out."

While tapping lightly, Tris also felt there was an urgent need to level up his squire with infrared vision (infrastructure vision).

At the level of Tris, his infrared vision (Infrastructure Vision) makes it possible to foresee long distances of more than 60 m.

When he sees that the two men who came out of the inn are far enough away, Tris goes on to tail the two, and one of his squire begins to move on to report to the Al's, who are waiting for the gablets.

"Young, by the way. Anyway, did I tell him about the young man's feet?

Foronzo asked Sir Cove as he hung a small lantern and walked down the night lane.

"Mm-hmm. Of course I'm asking for your weaponry. Hey, you don't have to be in such a hurry. Walk more carefully because your feet are dark.... it will be time for him to arrive, and we still have time..."

"Hehe. I didn't mean to be in a hurry. I'm in a hurry."

"Are you nervous?

"Nervous? I'm not kidding. I'm just a little excited."

"... well. 'Cause we're supposed to meet in the northern cigarette fields... hey, light up your feet properly"

That conversation doesn't reach Tris' ear as he follows the two rear 50m positions.

Tris' squire came down below us waiting at the gablet to report.

The report says Sir Cove and his squire took him up and walked north, and Tris followed it.

"So there's one baron in the inn?

Says Lorrick as a little surprised.

Tactically, having a head alone is an opportunity.

Although it is not decided to collide because it did not clearly indicate a willingness to defy, so it is neither tactical nor shitty.

It should be noted that Mizuchi and Karm are approaching rapidly around Henrietta for troop formation (partisation).

If anything happens, they're supposed to send me orders, and if nothing happens, I have to come back honestly without rendezvous with Carm. It's weird.

"Then why did Mizuchi and Karm..."

Are you with me?

When I tried to say that.

"My lord, you all come here."

When one of Carm's squire came into the store, he knelt down and said:

"Your wife is here for you."

Are you calling?

The squire went on to tell him, "You two were inside the inn a while ago".

Even if Sir and his squire left, there should still be a baron in the inn.

"What's going on?

That's what they only told me to call my squire anyway.

"Looks like Tris is tailing you, and you should go"

"I'll settle the accounts here, so everyone should just go."

That's what Ginger and Xenom said, so I sweetened my words and headed to Henrietta.

"Or, my lord! Sorry! My son, Eston, I'm sorry!

As soon as we got to Henrietta, we were immediately put through to the room where Baron Cove's parents and children were staying.

When he walked into the room, he looked at me, and the baron just knelt down and apologized in tears, and he couldn't talk properly.

Still, from what I asked, Sir Cove and a squire named Foronzo conspired to give the baron a paralysis pill, depriving him of his ability to act.

Sir Cove didn't care about my judgment and seemed very difficult to accept about becoming a civilian from a nobleman.

If we celebrate the day of judgment the day after tomorrow without doing anything, we will be judged as planned and become civilians.

So I set a scenario for a one-shot reversal.

But the Baron preached a pointless confrontation with me, a dragon slayer, whatever the scenario filled with holes.

Sir Cove just didn't bend his opinion when his father praised him, or he powerless his disturbing father by mixing paralytic drugs in his drink.

Initially Mizuchi snuck into Henrietta and checked the room, thinking that the baron had already slept, he lurked behind the ceiling of the room where Sir and Foronzo were and picked up the conversation carefully.

In the meantime, I heard that I had dressed my father, the Baron.

After a while, Sir and Foronzo left the inn, so they tailed Tris just in case, and when they called in Carm, they used the magic of Paralysis (Remove Paralysis) to free the baron while letting the baron stick his sword in.

I guess you didn't use troop formation (partisan) orders to get us here to save on the number of orders.

The number of orders is limited unless troops are once disarmed (partisan).

I don't think we have time left for orders.

If I disarm them, I won't be able to grasp their trends, beyond being away from Ralpha, Bell and Bastral.

But I didn't expect my squire to obey honestly even with the assassination against my lord, treason...

Usually Sir Cove, who holds up Zondir's squire as squire chief, seemed to have established a lot of courage as well.

Anyway, I understand that Sir Cove is going to target me tomorrow morning during routine runs or on his way to serve.

Surely there would be no other way to aim than at that timing.

What, are you seriously willing to treason...

I was wondering if it would be enough at best to come to my petition with all the other lords to bow their heads or put pressure on me to get rid of my judgment or make it a little lighter.

You're being licked, me.

Hmm, if you do something serious, you have to dispose of the fact that your opponent survived.

"Baron Cove. Oh, my God, are you dissatisfied with my judgment?

I guess not because I disagreed so much......

"Meh, there is no annihilation! We just want to thank you for your generous treatment!

Baron Cove is lying flat on the floor.

"Was the number of Zondir squires twenty-five..."

"Yes! Yes, sir."

It's kind of a pity that noble old man is also reacting to whining solitaire.

"I have no mercy for those who come with their blades against me."

The baron dropped disappointingly, but nodded loudly as he wet his eyes in tears.

"Give up on some of the two families more than this has happened. And so did my son."

The Baron's tear glands broke.

Well, it's like I declared I'd kill your son.

"My lord, thank you very much for your generosity even through this term. I will never forget this Cove."

The baron gave a resolute look and said one word at a time, clearly.

"Shannon will offer again the day after tomorrow.... Let's go."

"Tris is stopping..."

Looks like Tris stopped moving just now.

"... more rebels than this, crusade Eston Cove. Mizuchi, pull Value, Claw and Marie towards the Knights. There must be two carriages available. That's fine. Oh, I don't need their gear."

Mizuchi nodded one and ran away.

"And you, you know where the administration is? Go immediately and bring my slave head. It's the Lion Clan (Lios) in front of the main gate. You'll see if you go."

The squire also runs away quickly.

"Shit, don't get annoyed..."

See the north direction where Sir Cove would be following Tris and poison one.

Is this the first sword you wield when you move to the territory?

I'm so angry.

It's not like I had a problem with this one, if it wasn't for me, maybe.

I fully understand that this should be taken humbly as one trial.

But it turned out to be a very backwards matter of cutting off the lives of my subordinates with my own hands.

Is there any reason why this is funny?

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