April 18, 7449.

I want to put Keri on before the date changes for this damned bad thing.

After rendezvous with Zulu and the Kroes, leave Mizchi and Zulu behind for Baron Kove's surveillance.

I thought I would ask Mizuchi about adjusting the timing because of the possibility of assault, but I would consume the number of orders for troop formation (partisation), so I stopped it.

Except for the two of them. The rest get in the carriage and travel to the north of the city of Beglitz.

It's about whether Tris is two miles away or not.

Certainly the field up north...... oh yeah.

You're letting Zydritz do cigarettes and wheat.

Especially for tobacco, this region of West Dirt is also a region of warm climates located in the south of the country, so sowing seeds in the fall of the previous year and harvesting the leaves below will be roughly at this time.

In other words, the leaves under the cigarette have been pruned, so if you crouch or crawl, you can move without shaking the leaves at all.

I'm glad it wasn't my predecessor's squire's field at all.

I wouldn't be too heartbroken if I'd vandalized him somewhat in that field.

I immediately arrived outside the city.

It briefly explains the situation to Values and Claws on the road so far.

Private houses are also sparse, and the two strengths ahead from here are one side of the field spread.

There is no house with a light leaking out the window.

Especially since there are no slaves, including peasants who are up at this hour because the time is now around twenty-three o'clock, which is normal.

"Everybody down. I'm going on foot so they don't notice me from here."

Even if you're careful and go slowly, you'll have less than an hour to watch to rendezvous with Tris.

Critical. Can we clean it up by the end of the day?

"My lord, that's fine, but where is he? It's not like he's still here."

The value raises questions, but naturally.

The Lords' squire also looks at me with a strange look on his face.


Has my voice looked grumpy because my chest shit has been so bad since just now?

I don't think my voice sounded so bad because I pretended to be as calm as possible.

But was it just a little stuck?

But I don't want to explain Mizuchi's unique skills if I don't have time to explain it right now.

"Then, listen carefully... it depends on the situation, but it's almost hunting. Remind that licking rotten country mon of the horror of the slayer (Slaters). But don't kill yourself, okay? You can let him get hurt, though. I want to keep you alive till the day after tomorrow."

It's time to show the Value how I do it.

Everyone's atmosphere changed openly when they declared rampantly with their helmets on and jaw strings tightened.

Xenom smiles lightly and puts his hands on the Demon Axe on his hips, and Lorrick's elegant atmosphere gets sharp as if it had disappeared somewhere.

From Vince and Carm there is no more expression, and even Ginger has a tongue lick.

Claw and Marie both looked at each other just a little bit later. I knew better that my eyes would be sharpened.


You're moderately nervous but still calm.

That's it.

"Xenom. Ask for the command of a killer (Slaters) other than Claw and Marie. Go around and circle in from their north side. The rest are with me."

Put Xenom in a separate unit. I'll bring Value and Claw, along with the squire Xenoms brought from the realm, to rendezvous with Tris.

I'm not going to hit you at the same time at the right time, so I just told you to take a look at each of them and act appropriate if you think it would be best.

"Then I'll go first. Marie asks for a carriage. And then..."

"I know. It's been closed for a while, isn't it? But I want one just in case."

Marie unfastened the knife sheath that she wore on her right thigh as she said so.

Yeah, if you had noticed, you wouldn't even have to say it all.

Value peeled her eyes and opened her mouth at my tone, which suddenly changed, and Marie's way of speaking to answer it, but she hurriedly closed her mouth with one of my glances.

"Okay. I'm pretty sure it's time to set up moxibustion, but, well, be at ease. Then you, follow him."

Ordering one of someone's squire, I took the Values and walked out the streets stretching north.

After a long journey, I intend to join Tris through the appropriate roads or fields.

"Shall we go, then? In the meantime, I'll go around 500m north of Tris. From there..."

Xenom started giving Ginger some rough directions on the journey.

Mine travels shorter than Xenom, but the speed of travel slows down no matter what, more than taking an amateur with a squire to the point where he has hair.

Xenom, by contrast, consists only of veteran adventurers.

Besides, Zenom and Carm have infrared vision, so even if we proceed with caution, they will be positioned to surround us sooner than we do.

Minutes after Al and Xenom disappeared into the northern streets.

Marie, who along with her squire was stroking the horse's neck and pretending to drop them off, was keeping an eye on that fruitful house.

Its eyes have already been darkly adapted for a long time, and you won't miss the shadow of someone who tried to leave the house because there are also stars and lights.

Marie suddenly shook and threw around her left shoulder as she pulled the knife out with her right hand.

The knife flies without sound as it rotates, poking at the ground beside the house Marie was watching.

There was a crisp sound that pierced the ground only the moment I stood.

"Er, is that Zydritz? I know you're there. Come out with your hands above your head. Take your time."

The squire was quite surprised when Marie suddenly spoke normally, but when she heard the words, she pulled out a sword (short sword) for the hips infantry.

"Oh, you're not going to come out?

With that being said, Marie glanced at her right palm toward the knife she had just thrown and was poking at the ground.

A few seconds later.

When an elongated object pops out of Marie's right palm, it flies through the air and hits the knife, scattering a little bit of splash.

"Next time, I'll light a fire on the roof of the house."

Blackmail after showing off the water arrow.

"Oh, wait!

It was Gallon Zydritz, a man of the great lion tribe (Lios), who eventually emerged from the shadow of the house.

I lift my hands over my head and walk slowly as if I were going to be hail.

He is dressed in black clothes and even wears shoes made of thin leather.

"Stop there. Get on your knees slowly...... yes. Stay down and spread your hands and legs."

Marie ordered her squire to look through the gallon's body when the gallon lay low on the ground as Marie ordered.

Marie pulls the long sword (long sword) out of her hips and hits the gallon's neck, especially when she finds out she doesn't possess a weapon.

"Hey, what were you trying to do?

Marie asks in cold voice.

"Yes, no, I'm in the toilet..."

Gallons responding like they panicked.

"Hmm, yeah. I hope so."

Marie says as she perfectly hits the gallon's cheek with the sword flat lying down.

"Ho, it's true"

"You, don't you know that the Count doesn't like lying? I don't like lying, either, by the way."

"Well, I can't believe you like to lie..."

"There's no way you're here."


"I'll ask you again. What were you doing? You're far from your majesty, aren't you? If you do anything too strange, you're going to put mud on your majesty's face, right?

"Shh, excuse me. I wondered what the hell had happened because people and carriages had been passing by earlier..."

"So. curiosity says it kills cats too. It's not a good idea to try to stick anything in your neck."

"No, no..."

"Hey, I'm honestly sorry while we're growing up. And when? I don't like torture, and I don't want to, but if I don't admit it much forever, I'm gonna have to."

Marie is getting tired of talking like she's about to.

"The Count and I both know where you're connected, and I'm not really interested now. I don't care how you get in touch or how you do it. You can do whatever you want because I don't even care what you're reporting to your real owner. But..."

Succeeding to one breath here, Marie lays down and sticks her long sword to the ground on the head of the gallon's nose, which lays flat on her side.

"If you're going to do it, at least try not to get noticed over here. You don't seem to be aware of your movements. I don't want you to lick me too much. I don't know where you lived before you got here, but if your majesty's remote, you know about the killer's (Slaters) name, don't you?

Gallon snorts in a gagged motion as he looks at a long sword stabbed in the ground at the tip of his nose.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to eat anything else. I just... I just want a little more respect if you know a killer (Slaters). If there's anything you want to know, don't just steal it, just bow your head and ask."

That being said, Marie pulled her sword out of the ground and tucked it in her sheath.

"Stand up. It will be obvious when the judgment comes the day after tomorrow, so make yourself comfortable today. If you want to see the Count or our sword moves, you can always see them as long as you come to the Knights, and you can see as many as you want because they won't interfere. Well, I'm not very strong. But, of course, if you're working in the field, please do it properly."

Tris arrived at a point about 300 m away.

I've been keeping an eye on the area a little further where I think Tris is lurking, but I can't discover anything because of the starlight.

Let's hurry up and rendezvous with Tris.

It seems that some of the squire are quite tired because they have all traveled so far with their hips down.

Make sure you remember your name. I'll tell your husband later.

I need to work out again.

It should be noted that Claw, of course, is not disturbed by his breath as he also works out the value.

"All right. We're going through the field from here. Watch the leaves."

I commanded everyone in a low voice.

"Or, my lord, then the meal…"

When you get inside the field, your shoes naturally get dirty.

Especially since "watch out for the leaves" and such means the robe I'm wearing will also be muddy, you'll want to flatter me as a value.

"Don't worry about boring things. Besides, it's already dirty."

When I answered that, I went into an acre of cigarette fields.

Regardless of the armor, the robe I'm wearing right now has been completely dirty for years, even though it's a solid wash, and the hem is flaky.

There's a value on the back of me, but as expected, all the leaves downstairs had been harvested.

And I made a safe rendezvous with Tris.

There's nothing wrong with Tris because he realizes we're approaching.

I can see blurry, cantera-like lights about 50 meters up north with Tris pointing his finger in silence.

Over there.

It still looks like he's out north of the city's cultivated land, as I imagined.

Tris lurks in a cigarette field about a metre and a half high that we've been traveling to just now, and it's hard to spot if you give in a little bit.

The Zenomes are spreading semicircular in a radius of 200 meters around us so as to semi-surround the north side of the target.

It is lined in a semi-circular fashion with the north as its apex, but the western end is located clockwise from there at Zenom with Ginger, Rolic, Vince and Carm.

Located in the northernmost part of the country, Rolic would surely be in the woods off the arable land.

"Then let's go. You can restrain him all at once, but I'm willing to have to beat him up for about a shot or scare him in the heart. Approaching 20 meters first"

Took me a little while to get to a place about 20 meters from them.

They're putting it on the ground. I can clearly see the cantera lights.

It's like saying that if you had cantera lights in the middle of the night, you'd be here.

So, they're going to rendezvous, too?

That would be a landmark.

It's like bringing reinforcements in a carriage, so they'll pass because they won't be able to notice reinforcements even if they do, right?

"I'll go alone first. Don't let them get away with it."

That said, I get close to about 10m with a crawl.

They have their hips down on the ground.

You don't even talk, you both seem to be staring at Cantera with a blur.


Use Audible Glamour's magic around Sir Cove's (which I quickly found out because I appraised) back at maximum volume when I gently kneel down and correct my posture so that I can act immediately.


Sounds like when car tires flatten out echo the late night cigarette fields.



Sir and squire Foronzo were literally surprised to jump up.

Inspiringly, Foronzo looks around with his hands on his hips sword.

Then one more shot.


Now I rang him on the back of Foronzo.


Surprise seemed to surprise me, but now I didn't seem to get as far as exposing ugliness as I had just done.

The Ser also tries to pull out his sword and peek in to see if there's anything lurking behind Foronzo.

Of course, Foronzo was looking back as well.

But I didn't know you wouldn't turn off the lanterns over this period, so you're all dumb.

What do we do next?


I think I'll give that a try.

Phantom (Fantasmagolia) sorcery.

I reconsidered when I tried to focus my mind on trying to surprise him with another shot.

I'm bored.

I'm really bored.

I would not have had a bad impression if I had not originally had a fondness for Sir Cove.

Saying that the plan of disobedience had a name was a story of his ancestors, and I didn't even want to blame him because I thought losing nobility over that was stupid.

I blamed him for filing falsehoods and for abetting heinous crimes such as arson.

I didn't even feel a little sympathetic considering the circumstances.

When I stood up, I slowly pulled out my sword.

The dragon slayer (dragon slayer) is quite remarkable with its emerald green glow.

"Cove, Foronzo"

They seem to have noticed me without me having to speak up.

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