April 18, 7449.


You found out I wasn't a demon because I spoke up, and who has done what Foronzo has done to reassure me a little.

"Eston Cove and...... Foronzo. Capture them for crimes intended to defy their lords. There is no escape. Disarm and surrender."

I forgot the name of Foronzo.

I don't care because I'm going to kill you the day after tomorrow anyway.

I could die here, according to the way I left.

Oh, so let's use the ability of the Dragon Slayer?

He said, "Attract the attention of hostile creatures that exist within a five-mile radius."

I've only ever waved in Balduk's labyrinth, and this is the first time I've dealt with people with this sword.

I'm also interested in whether people fall within the category of hostile organisms... so it's troublesome to call strange demons.

Let's stop it.

"What are you talking about?

Apparently Foronzo is a little bloody.

"Greetings to you..."

Bitter laughs leak, but I guess the other side was staring at the lantern lights until just now, so you won't see my face with this starlight alone.

He raised his shining self high on emerald green and cut off the cigarette in front of him.

In the dark, I don't feel any resistance from the dragonslayer (Dragon Slayer) who left behind flashy remnants.


Get it all together... put your lord on, Deco assistant bastard.

It was Sir Cove who said it in his voice as if he had chewed up a bitter worm.

I don't think you've ever shown yourself as a slaughterhouse dragon (Dragon Slayer), so did you judge by your voice?

We haven't had much conversation, but you have a decent memory.

"Oh, my God! Young! This is an opportunity!

Foronzo tells Sir to be brave.

You're just gonna take me down for two...

Oh, hey, this one licked me too.

What, you think the Count, the lord, came alone?

"Right. Do you only resist? Then come. I'm unhappy with your criminal's filthy blood, but it makes this sword rusty."

I can feel the Xenoms approaching my troop formation (partisation) a long time ago.

There won't be another 50 meters to get here.

And because I used Audible Glamour, you see, I don't even seem to take into account the sound of scratching tobacco leaves anymore.

"... a lot of passives. Then you'll be held hostage! Foronzo!"

When Sir Cove ordered him to bark, Foronzo crouched into the tobacco field with his pants.

You're gonna tell me to hide myself and get close to my blind spot.

I raised my sword to the upper level the moment Foronzo's head hid in the field.

The left hand is accompanied to hit the pattern head.

An amateur has a country squire with a hairy degree.

They'll slash even one of your arms the minute you make it.

... or whatever some villain wanderer might say, I could see Sir Cove stretching his right hand out to me.


Even you, fire magic and wind magic are on two levels. There's no magic on three levels.


About ten seconds have passed.

Wouldn't you hurry?

"Not yet?

I thought it would be too long and there would be a defect, so I said it.

You don't hear the Ser because he's extremely focused on his spirit for sorcery, though.

Because of this, Foronzo seems to be turning around hiding himself and leaning against Jiriziri and me.

Pay attention to slightly shaky cigarettes on the right side of your vision.


A magical light gathers in the palm of the Ser.

Well, you don't know when to activate it, so when you can turn your hands on it, most guys either do the magic that gets unleashed, or try to play it if you have a shield or something.

If the first shot is released, you can also guess the time you can shoot the next one, so usually not even one or eight bets. Few guys hesitate to go in.

When I wet my lips, I slightly removed the power of my sword-fitting hand.

Timing matters.


When the magical light gathered in Sir's palm scattered in a puff, a flame in the shape of an arrow was emitted.

A flaming arrow!

Swing your sword down to slap off the flaming arrow (flame arrow) that flies down.

At the same time, deploy an anti-magic field about a meter in front of my chest.


Great timing to fall in love with!


The flaming arrow (flame arrow) unleashed by the Sir the moment he deployed the anti-magic field was inhibited by a small, light purple plate and disappeared.

Of course, the anti-magic field is also erased at that moment.

This time it would have seemed like it had been cut off with a sword.

Guys, did you see that?

Did you take a good look at me?

I was just a little excited and my nostrils widened.

Dashing toward the Ser as he swung his sword down again!

When I thought so and tried to take a step.

The lights lit on the heavenly edge of the narrow hat that Sir Cove was wearing.



The lights shine like bright white fluorescent lights to illuminate the area.

Light magic.

Hmm. This guy's got a good time too!

Tris or Lorrick?

Claw again?

If it was someone from the squire, I'll reward you later.

The rings of siege made by Xenom and Rolic are already as small as 20 meters in diameter.

I hooked up to a nearby cigarette when the Ser threw the lighted hat away.

At the same time, the cigarette on Sir Cove's right swayed from me.

Looks like Foronzo made a move.

Ser Cove is also going to come at me, waving his sword and cutting off his cigarettes.

Then you don't have to bother with me dashing.

Let's intercept him!

... but it's too late.

Oh, you have to be wearing armor. Is it hard to make that impossible progression?

That's what I thought. During the bundle, Vince's head popped out of the cigarette field behind Sir's right, and then his right arm was stretched out against Sir.

A blue and white magical light gathers in its palm, scratching it off so that it can play.

A water arrow (water arrow) was shot out of his palm.

Unlike Sir Cove, it only takes about two seconds.

Well, it's because I use it a lot in mock warfare and training during the Killer (Slaters) era.

Vince's unleashed assault magic struck and dispersed, making a flashy noise in the middle of Sir's back, aimlessly.


Sir looked back because he was still more than five meters away from me when he raised his manky voice.

"Ku, shit! They did it!

I hear that panicked voice and I almost erupt unexpectedly.

Foronzo put his head out of the tobacco field in a slightly remote position as to whether the Sir's cry reached his ear.

But the blue gas spreads without getting my hair in there for a while.

"Wah, young! Ugh! Whoa, whoa!

The cry of Foronzo, worried about Sir, is vainly interrupted along the way, with a voice that suffers from shortly afterwards.

That misery is Stan Cloud...... that's Lorrick.

Around the area where the blue gas is spreading, Foronzo seems to be throwing up and rolling around the gello with his eyesight, and the tobacco leaves are swaying in abundance.

"Foronzo! Damn it!

Sir Cove ran out screaming and scratching his cigarette.

Show me your back.


When I see it, there is an unexpected voice-out between them.

Put down the sword you had erected with a bitter smile.

It seems the Ser is trying to make his way for the street that should be on the left, turning his back on me but heading towards the left step by step.



I tried to relax around a little run and it was hugely cocky, its body instantly swallowed up by a tobacco field and disappeared.

From the position of troop formation (partisation) deployed in the brain, I guess Ginger hooked it up even on his feet.

Looking back, his gaze matched Claw's squeaky face as he stood up to take on a long sword of escape on his shoulder.

I was right behind me, about 3m away, so the look on Claw's face looks good sometimes when the lights lit me up.

Only for a moment I was worried that Claw had seen through my moves, but apparently the look was against Sir Cove, who showed ugliness.

Once I understood that, I was just a little dissapointed that you hadn't seen my moves this time.

"Ahhh! Hih!"

I heard Sir Cove screaming, but soon I couldn't hear anything.

"Eh! Ha, ha..."

They managed to escape the range of effects of the Stan Cloud. Foronzo exhales.


At the same time as something sounded hard to describe, this one shut up.


Did Carm even kick it up in the mouth?

Do it brutally.

By the way, the value was a little behind the claw, just getting his head out of the field, just like the rest of his squire.

They had a surprise look on their face and stared at me with an admirable gaze.



Give you guys a seat of your heart.

"Get me Marie. Oh, pull the carriage too."

Uh... Carm and this squire, huh?

Or was it Zenom and this squire?

Ordering a young squire who looked at me in his early twenties with the most sparkling eyes, he said, "Ha ha!" He left a good reply and crossed the tobacco field, and as he went out onto the street he rushed out towards the south.

...... hmm. Surrounded by a large number in the middle of the field, and ultimately octopus beating?

Is this the hunt for the slayer (Slaters) who was said to be Balduk's top adventurer...... no, it's a hunt.

Well, Sir Cove, who hadn't noticed until he was approached, would have been terrified by the sorcery that rolled out early in the arrow succession or by the guys who appeared out of nowhere.

19 Apr 7449

The date changed for a few hours.

I also noticed any more roughing up the field on the boulder, so I was moving a little north to the area where the field was gone.

One carriage in the middle of the street leading north.

I laid it aside as if I were going to do it through, and I made a simple barricade.

Sir and Foronzo have broken the bones of their fingers and then tied them up and let the monkey bite them before throwing them into the carriage carriage with their sides like a barricade.

I've got four or five squires on the lookout. I can't do anything anymore just by roaring.

Late at night I could see the lights moving farther away.

The light source looks pretty bright.

That would be a Bulls Islander incorporating a small light demon prop.

Looks like you're here.

As Xenom said with a whisper in his ear, he blew his whispered fingertips.

"What do you want to do?

He asks how Tris will deal with it.

"Mm-hmm. I'll go as we just met"

When I said that, Xenom, Vince, Carm and Claw hid in the shade of a tree growing on the left side of the road about every 10m before me.

Tris, Ginger, Lorrick and Marie are on the right side of the road on the other hand.

In front of the carriage are me and Value, two or three squire.

I picked up some suitable stones when I crouched down the road.

I sprinkled it between the carriage and us when I hung the magic of the lights that extended the effect time.

With the big lights shining at midnight with only starlight, it will be difficult to calculate the angle firmly and find everyone hiding in the shadows of the trees.

Finally, it should be difficult to discern the faces of me and the Values with the lights on their backs.

Suddenly the Bulls Islander moving toward us due to several large lights appeared to be cautious or stopped moving once, but moved quickly.

I can't think of anything other than a reinforcement that Sir Cove called in from Zondir because there's no carriage to travel in the middle of the night.

Around 200 m away, the Bulls Islander was found to be attached to the carriage.

The carriage has a total of three cars, large and small, and one of the leading cars appears to be fitted with two Bulls Islanders.

They're hanging by your side with one regular lantern on the other two.


"Let go of me!

With that said, he stretches his right hand over the diagonal sky, grabs that wrist with his left hand and begins his mental concentration.

It took him nearly a minute to concentrate his spirit and work out his magic.

I haven't used much of this power, so it's a long time.

Focus your consciousness on your right palm, which feels like it's on fire as if you have heat when you bite your back teeth tight to complete your magic.

A blue magical light poured out of his right palm, and soon gathered together.

Immediately after that.

Unleash a sharpened mass of magic.

I just said 100m to the beginning of the three carriages that approached me.

Fireball large enough to exceed 70 cm in diameter.

Twenty times more powerful than usual.

It's like a mass of burning lava. It fired up over the middle of the other carriage and this carriage.

Naturally, an anti-magic field infused with 700 MP, which is instantly used, also unfolds underneath it.

Loud explosions and flashy flames colour the sky.

Ah, Maya.

There seemed to be no particular problem as it was the military horse I brought to tow the carriage pulled from the Knights, but the horse carrying the three carriages that hung the lantern did not appear to have been hammered to become a sedentary and calm character, and when he sounded frightened, he rammed with his forelegs raised to rise.

So far I hear the voice that your Lord is desperate to forgive.

At the same time, several people are jumping off the carriage carrier and rushing to the horse.

After a while, the horse finally settled down, and the carriage moved out.

And around 20 meters from me, your man stops the carriage again.

"Young! What the hell is that!? It's too conspicuous!

Don't you think it's a fireball?

I clapped it out.

Values and squires are so stunned and hardened that they don't even have a voice...



I asked him to scream.

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