19 Apr 7449

I'll be back all the time.


"The lights!

Serving the Baron Cove family, Darvis was on the lead carriage paying attention to lantern-lit road conditions using demonic props, but never missed a big light that suddenly lit the boulder at the end of the road.

"Is that the signal?

Says a squire sitting in the seat next to Darvis.

"It's an emergency call of lords and youths," he said, hurrying to gather Zondir's squire, giving priority to those who seemed to have strong arms among them, and put them in the carriage.

I was also worried that the number of participants might decrease when I talked in detail, so I only talked about rendezvous with Sir Cove and Foronzo on the road.

Of course, there were those who were unable to participate because of ill health and so on because of the sudden convocation, but they had succeeded in bringing together the vast majority of those with squire and service experience.

The lights are still 200 m away from here, but the rendezvous place I had originally consulted with Sir Cove should have been further ahead, after entering a tobacco field extending north of the city of Beglitz.

Darvis, who was stopping the carriage once to observe with caution what the lights were, also thought it was a signal without having to hear the words.

If you look closely, there is a rather large carriage parked behind the light, and you can see two figures in front of it across the light.

"That's young and Mr. Foronzo, isn't it?

We're both tall when we're in the street.

"Didn't you procure me because I didn't have enough carriages?

The squires, who were staring at the lights as they rode themselves out of the seat behind Darvis, also spoken.

If you ask me, everyone knows that this passenger carriage used by Baron Cove, lord of Zondir, and the carriage of carriages cannot be loaded with people with servants and military experience in two or three cars altogether.

Not everyone Sir Cove, the squire chief, wanted, but the number of people going up to five or six, so it's natural that we'll need quite a carriage.

Darvis calmed down and whipped into the horse.

When it progressed for a while and approached about 100m to the light.

In the air about halfway between Darvis and the lights, the flames disappeared as soon as he thought they had spread heavily along with the roar.

"What the hell is that!?

"It's too big to be a fireball!

"Ugh, the horse! Hey, hey!

"Oh. During the last fight, I know because I've seen a guy called a real fireball. That's different. Isn't that fire magic?

"Mm-hmm. It was a moment."

"Hey, calm the horse down!

"Isn't that the signal of youth?

The squire of Zondir, who was riding three carriages, said spoken, and some forgive the horses that were about to come out of the carriage and slam.

I didn't even think of Darvis as a fireball.

"Steady, you seem to be putting in quite a bit of youthfulness..."

I knew Sir Cove could use fire magic.

I guess he infused more magic into it than usual to make the flames bigger.

There was also a loud noise, so maybe it was combined with wind magic.

"... have you finally calmed down? You're in trouble with your youth."

One of his squire, who finished forgiving the horse as he told him to do good, stroked the horse's neck, while not returning to the carriage.

Horses will feel safer if they stay with us for a while.

"All right, let's go"

The three carriages started moving forward again.

And the light was about 20 meters away.

The two figures were silhouetted and hard to see because of the light on their backs.

"Young! What the hell is that!? It's too conspicuous!

While I'm sorry, Dervis' words just got a little prickly.

Darvis slightly regrets that he could have said it a little more hornless, drawing on Sir Cove's feelings, which would have been deviant.


One of the shadows screams.

- Hmm? It's not like a young voice...?

That's what I thought, Dervis, but I reconsider that I may be distracted and have a strange voice.

"Yes! I've brought five or six!

I said proudly and happily with my chest up.

He replied to my words with a delightful voice.

Sure, the number of Zondir squire houses was 21, so I guess the account is that the majority of houses took part, given that they would also mix themselves, their successors, their predecessors, and their brothers?


How did you convince him to do that?

Or is it Sir Cove's virtue?

However, there are many: five or six.

Too many, too many to ignore.

Given the future, it is not a good number to dispose of it lightly.

I can't solve it at all before then.

They use a very ordinary carriage, not even a special large carriage made by me.

A passenger carriage that doesn't have a wall to lead, but it looks a little fancy with a lid, and only a small number of people can ride it, right?

Some kind of crowded train in India with more than 50 people on just three carriages?

You don't look that way, do you?

I shifted my body a little to make it easier to see my silhouette and made a big move.

When the carriage slowly began to move forward and came as far as 10m.

Looks like we're finally realizing we're not Sir Cove or Foronzo here because we're carrying more intense lights on our backs than the Bulls Islanders.

The value went one step further and said, "Stop right there! scream."

"Where are you from? What about our young man?

The man asked in a cautious voice as he moved down to pay when he raised one hand.

His behavior seemed to signal, and armed groups in leather armor (leather armor) and clamshell (chainmail) jumped from the carriage of the passenger as well as from the carriage of the subsequent carriage.

They are handing knife spears to whoever was following them by the horse as they descended earlier.

I keep this dirty robe hood down, and the value is plain clothes because I'm not wearing any armor and they just woke me up beating me to sleep.

The cronies standing beside us are only clothes there. Good stuff (they're wearing quite a few clothes because they came out of the country village to see their lords), but they also seemed to think they were a line of country cronies because they weave coats and robes just like me so that the whole trip wouldn't get dirty.

"Get out of the carriage, too! Shiro!"

Value shouts her fingers as she yells at the leading man.

Hmm. I wonder if there are even twenty of us who let you in.

I mean, five or six of us, and the rest of us can't get through the carriage and walk?

- That you're a bastard!?

Darvis, yelled at by the value, was a little annoyed when he heard the words.

Of course, the reason for this was that he was suddenly yelled at without a headache.

To Sir Cove, the eldest son of the Baron Cove family, who is also his boss, the chief squire: "Longzal, who set fire to the Lords' Hall to hide the evidence, was condemned to death when the premises were exposed. Not only that, but the Baron family was demoted to the Associate Baron family, and I myself was stripped of my nobility as a Sergeant" anger when it was told was exactly what shook angry hair heaven.

It can also be regarded as close to Zondir's anger at the Romberto kingdom itself, which whisks the royalty and nobility of the old Hamit.

The other day, he said, "The evidence of the example burns completely, and in the future I can shake the major players to go alive," and he was also ashamed of the feeling that he was relieved to follow.

In such a fold, Sir Cove told me to "build up a rebellion plan and discuss the Counts and Counts of the League, and thereby make the Kingdom recognise the promotion of the Cove family to senior nobility".

If I tried Darvis, I would have let the mighty force say things, force me to blow a bubble at the senior nobility of the Kingdom of Lomberto, which annexed the former Hammit kingdom, and seemed like a great opportunity for the Cove family, the home, to take possession of this West Dirt region with fame.

With the Cove family as its culmination, the nobles of the Hamit kingdom are on the verge of assuming real power over the land.

He yelled at Shiro without a headache and felt watered.

- There's still a little way to where I heard you were going to rendezvous from the young... I thought the young man had spoken to the lord of another village. But who is this great guy? What do you mean, you know me as Baron Cove's squire?

"You are the name before you call people down! We're Baron Cove's squadron! And get that big, thin carriage out of the way now!

"Hey," Darvis said to the squire who got out of the carriage at the end of his reply.

The squire tries not to pull out the weapon until it is clear.

"Don't you know me? I am the Lieutenant Commander of the Knights of the League, Lord Value!

- Knights? The Knights? Was that some kind of signal to the Knights? But why in such a place at such a time...? It seems different because the plan is too small to be exposed...

I'm not sorry if there was a leak in the plan to raid the Count and take it over without saying whether or not, and on the contrary, it's more obvious than seeing fire that no matter how many Knights you are, you can't stop at such numbers.

Anyway, besides the man who names Sir Value, there's only one man down on the ground wearing a robe from his head, and there still looks like a few people on the carriage carrier, but there's no sign of him coming down.

- Shit, that's a bad time...

I don't want to get involved in anything extra until I make the rendezvous with Sir Cove, but it's not a good idea to be suspicious now.

Darvis regrets having spoken lightly "young," but there is nothing he can do about what he has said.

Rather, he was horrified that he did not respond to the word "young" in a busy manner.

While Darvis and his squires were busy spinning their heads as the value went out of line, the value said, "Did you say you were Baron Cove's squires? Just fine, I just requisitioned all of you. Help guard the big criminal convoy!" I just walked over to the three carriages.

Value's liver also seems quite thick as he walks flat against a group of enemies without even pulling out a sword on his hips.


The value sticks his right hand out to one of the youngsters who looks like a squire.

Young people test the status of the value as if they were barely pressured by its rigid behavior.

"Yes, indeed. I'm Lord Value!

The young man who checked the status of the value turns to Darvis, not the value, and says:

Very disrespectful behavior towards the nobility, but apparently the Value has no intention of blaming it.

"Was it? This is rude."

Dervis also gets off the stand apologizing for his disrespect for being reported to the young man.

- Are you the deputy commander... I'm not going to kill nobles, and I still have a few Knights. I'm not even going to let a boring injured person out here. Besides, did you overdo the fact that being in this place is a hassle to young people... I can't help it. Do we have to put the rendezvous behind us?

"By the way, it doesn't seem to be a Knights reinforcement, have you seen the Knights?

The value asked Darvis as if he didn't care what.

- That said, he said a criminal escort or something. The Knights reinforcements seem to be getting closer, and it looks like we should just get this over with.

"No, I don't know...... by the way, when you say big guy, did you catch even one of those Gens flavors?

A gens flavor is a criminal group like the son of a bandit and a bandit who ravages the West Dirt region with this reagle county territory and neighboring Count Lancel territory.

The Knights also tended to lag behind in their investigations, mostly to the extent of attacking small numbers of caravans, in order not to commit murder or commit felonies at that time.

Street policing is also an important task, but it is more important than that to maintain security in cities, villages and other downtown areas, and to rid the Dart Plains of demons, because they have to be handled from those with higher priority than limited manpower.

The Knights are moving in the middle of the night and it's not a very unnatural line if you hear they've caught a big criminal.

"Hmm, big guy, not at Gens'. That sounds like something I said earlier about five or six people... you don't see that many of them?

The value questioned the number of people.

"You guys, line up once. Five of us in a row!

A value that commands the Great Upper Stage.

Darvis replies, "Only twenty people, including me, could get in the carriage..." but they end up aligning it once according to Value's words.

At that time.

Soon a man in a robe, who was closing in beside the value, raised his right hand towards the Darvis and the others.

In the end, the value did not develop into a rough affair.

You were in a meeting assuming that it would be quite a lot of different situations, but you're also quite a man who can use the prestige of nobility and the position of deputy chief to choose to act intimidating so that they don't do anything.

I heard all about Gens as a report, but as far as I'm concerned, I was driving him into the corner of my head saying he was a little villain who wasn't enough to take it.

I want to evaluate the results more than the process in these hard to read cases ahead.

Even if we don't kill them, both residents, we're not going to have to imitate them to make them hurt, and I'm glad we did well at anything.

With that in mind, I only took out my neck and buried my squires trying to align them with dirt.


Cove family squires shouting surprises in their mouths.

Did some of them even try to use magic, or it looks like they started focusing on me or Value.

I hit the stone label on my forehead and disturbed my mental concentration.

"Shut up!"

Quite a few people shut up when the value shouted out, but naturally some complained.

Confirming that I had buried it with dirt, Xenoms, who had stopped by, quickly climbed over the dirt, smacked the complainants and shut them up.

Many of the squires seem to have cooled their liver and black-and-white their eyes to the slayer (Slaters) who suddenly appeared.

I lift my hood, my helmet-worn face up and start talking.

"Listen carefully, you bastards! As the Value said earlier, I will temporarily requisition all of you!... don't worry, I'll get you out of the dirt right away"

I don't want to stir up anxiety in jail, so I say it in a calm voice so that the last one can forgive me.

But some guys still look unhappy.

You won't have much choice.

"You will guard the Great Sinners from now on when escorting them to Knights headquarters!

Xenom will come next to me.

She said she talked about something, so she broke her hips and lowered her ears.

"The guy at the far left. He's the one who took the carriage from the inn to get it."


I don't think so, because I was in the lead carriage, but clams were attached.

"Well, there are three great sinners. One is the main perpetrator of the conspiracy, the two remaining are his accomplices. First of all..."

That's when I said it.

The owner of the leading carriage, buried at the edge of the front row, looked at me like he was surprised.

I don't know about this guy's face, but his face was that he realized I was Uncle Leaguer.

What? Is my face unusual?

Or are you full of happiness to worship your lord's honor?

I could see that your Lord breathed in to raise his voice.

"Ki, you are the Earl of the League! What did you do with Sir Cove, young man?

I resent the fact that you were in the right position at the end of the front row.

I could have done it instantly by slamming Fire Arborest in the face, but it caught my mind.

Vince punched a sword pattern all over the face of the man who was still buried.

"What is the way you speak to His Excellency, Count?"

The man who was beaten in the middle of the face seemed to have his nose crushed and his teeth broken several times.

The young man next to you seems to have lost his mind while buried, having lost his back to the tragedy that happened on the side of a few dozen centimeters.

Whoa, violence is squid. Let's go easy.

... Nothing like that, though.

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