April 20, 7449.

Cove, Foronzo and Darvis are tied up after being bitten by a monkey mole in front of the platform where I stand.

It should be noted that the trial of Ronzal, the perpetrator of the arson, has been done on an ad hoc basis within the administration the other day, but the execution of the sentence is after this.

There is no other reason behind Ronzal's execution because, although the crimes committed by the Coves are a major crime of treason, they would be slightly lighter on record because they were captured just before execution than the executioners of the arson, which is equally a felony.

An attendant from the Knights came to give me a letter with their guilt.

Don't look at what it says. But I know.

Come on......

"It's a folk grass that lives in my territory! And the nobles who will be my hands and my feet and control my territory! Open those eyes, and behold! Ask him not to say a word of my word!

Raise your voice several times today.

Hmm, you want that loudspeaker (megaphone) demon prop I used in Balduk's administration.

We get one or two a year from the labyrinth, but we never found them...

I was trying to buy a loudspeaker (megaphone) because it would be convenient to have one, but the loudspeaker (megaphone) is a pretty expensive piece of magic over 10 million, and soon the Balduk administration will buy it up for a more expensive price.

I know it's for use in the military and in the big administration all over heaven, but I want one or so of them to be turned around.

"More justice will be given to attempted rebels, Eston Cove as well as Gerdan Foronzo and Juslan Darvis than this!

I don't use the word "suspect” because I, the sovereign of the land, arrested him for the crime in question.

Because it is certain that the large number of sentences is criminal anyway.

The people who heard my proclamation calmed down with the scene only for a few moments, but they immediately spoke to Gayagaya.

In addition to the sensational charge of attempted treason, there will be many questions about Sir Cove calling him without a title.


He spoke from the bottom of his belly and shut him up.

He looked down at the three people sitting in the square in front of the altar, which was like a white state, and looked at the crowd sitting behind it with their intimidating eyes held.

"Statement of guilt! First, Eston Cove. The charge against this person was an arson instigation against the Lords' Hall, but he recently offered to deprive him of his jazz by way of extraordinary judgment. However, he plotted treason against my will."

I will also touch on the secret chamber trials held within the administration the other day and their results.

Arson instigation against Ronzal.

Demote Baron Cove to Associate Baron and raise taxes.

The deprivation of Ser Cove's nobility.

Death to Longzal, the perpetrator of arson.

Heavier penalties are inherently justified for all of this, but not only do we retain it at this level in view of all the circumstances, but we do not hold coalitions against relatives.

but many wild horses seem odd because they haven't touched on any of the example documents that are the circumstances.

I have no choice in this.

"Also, not only did both Gerdan Foronzo and Juslan Darvis follow Eston Cove's life and not only did they (likely to) use treason against the well-known, who belonged to our Knights of the League, but Eston Cove used them to conspire (just foolishly) with a Zondial-based squire offering for treason against me by taking advantage of his position as Associate Baron Haloon Cove"

In the crowd, blurry speech is also leaking from there.


"Cove says, hey, you're Zondir's fat guard, right? Wasn't he the baron?

"Idiot. That's my father's."

He seems to be an associate baron now.

"I know that guy."

It won't be enough to bother paying attention because it's not even loud.

That, unlike the murderer earlier, is the death sentence pronounced on anyone who hasn't killed one yet?

The guy who killed them both and stole their wallets was charged with death without any sentiment.

But a public execution for just aiming at me or Mizuchi's life?

I would have definitely been able to return it where it was executed, and wouldn't you have hesitated to kill it then?

... I can't let you down, me.

Is it better if you just notice?

I realized half my face was just a little cramped.

I don't know why, but I recall how I felt when I raised the dismissal of an employee who couldn't fix his or her life, late or unauthorized absence, and pronounced him or her after it was acknowledged.

Hmm. Compared to that death pronouncement (what we're going to do)...

"Therefore, Eston Cove, the main criminal of the treason, is sentenced to imprisonment and a prison gate! I also sentence my accomplices Gerdan Foronzo and Juslan Darvis to imprisonment! It should be noted that this matter is considered relevant to the recent trial and the scope of the sentence shall be reserved to the offender himself.

Then you'll plead guilty and serve your sentence?

He then ordered the Knights attendants, who had the lumbar ropes of the Coves, to untie the monkeys.

The three of them, naturally, deny their guilt.

I don't think it's a good time to hang out over this period, but, well, naturally.

The result cannot be anything but death, because he is stabbed with a spear from both sides after being frankly admitted to it.

Even though it's a near zero possibility, it's a money if the punishment is mitigated by disputing it.

"Don't you admit it? Then I summon the witness! Call it!"

Because of the large number of people, Zondir's squires, who had solidified and sat beside the Judgment Place, were summoned by the Knights to advance.

Of course, the most important witnesses are wall personnel to hide the fact that a certain person is misplaced.

Three of the squire wore robes from their heads, like me the other day.

Zenom and Zenom's squire, now number two entirely in the West Dirt region, and Associate Baron Cove.

The three of them take the hood of the robe.

Regardless of Zenom and Zenom's squire, not only were the wild horses packing in the square when Associate Baron Cove's face appeared, but the three of them all closed their eyes and ceased.

And soon I get a desperate look, like I gave up on everything, and it drips.

I suppose you thought there was nothing more you could do than have Associate Baron Cove standing in the witness's seat.

And while I thought about it, Eston Cove stared at his father with anticipation.

There's no reason to know what Associate Baron Cove thought after that gaze, but you'll find out soon enough.

Let the witness take an oath and ask questions.

"... Baron Firefrid. On the night of the 18th, tell me what you saw and heard."

"Ha. I have witnessed where Cove would send Foronzo to buy paralytic drugs to disable his father, Associate Baron Cove. After that, we also witnessed the scene where Cove ordered Darvis to go get Zondir's squire."

Xenom replied even and dignified like a baron.

I was practicing hard yesterday when I first heard I was going to testify at a trial, in the form in which that achievement was shown.

Xenom's squire, who then ordered him to testify, also concurs with his master's words.

"So, Associate Baron Cove. Likewise, on the night of the 18th, tell me what you saw and heard."

Associate Baron Cove, who commanded me, looks up at me firmly and opens his mouth.

"Ha. S., who was my squire chief...... Cove was unable to accept the consequences of the extraordinary judgment handed down on the same day, and he asked me to be the flag of the rebellion against Lord Gried...... In contrast, I... honestly accepted Your Honor's judgment and told him to stop doing anything that was not beneficial"

Eston Cove's eyes wide open when he heard his father's testimony.

He rides himself out with a face that devours his teeth because he remains tied to the back of what is being removed.

I guess I tried to say something right away.

He looked like he was breathing heavily.


Sir Cove “former” vomits a serious word on the official spot, but soon the Knights attendant grabbed his hair and flipped him upside down.

The attendant looks like a bum as if he's confused about overlooking the interception of words during the remarks of an important witness.

I don't blame you for that much, so don't look like that.

His father, the Associate Baron, glimpsed his son over his shoulder, but immediately turned to me and continued his words.

"There was nothing particularly going on for a while after that, so I thought you accepted my persuasion and refrained from acting meaningless. But Cove, who showed up in my room, made me drink paralyzed tea by calling it a special victory to brew tea. Perhaps to keep me from turning around by showing my face when things happen… I was paralyzed and couldn't do one thing."

Associate Baron Cove said, staring at me with a resolute look that cut something off.

"After that, I couldn't even move until your wife saved me, and I couldn't report that a terrible plan was being implemented."

The Associate Baron's testimony seems to be over here.

It was followed by a few testimonies from Zondir's squire, but it was clear.

Then we have to pass a verdict.

... What did he say?

Oh, yeah. It was Watanabe. I remember my face well, but I can't really remember the name below.

"I'll say the verdict again"

Associate Baron Cove meditated his eyes when he heard my words.

Do you sentence your son to death in front of his parents?

But it's not just Cove's family.

There will also be families of Foronzo and Darvis here.

... did that murderer have a family too?

I don't know because he was unnamed...

Even if you were here, you might not realize you're on your own.

This will continue to happen.

Get used to it.

"I whipped Eston Cove once because of a guilty plea. But after that, you'll be sentenced to death and a week of prison gate exposure!

I guess I had a prediction.

The Associate Baron looked back over his shoulder as he slowly opened his eyes.

Eston Cove started begging for his life.

A Knights attendant is forced to bite the monkeys for three.

"Also, one whip to Gerdan Foronzo and Juslan Dervis for guilt denial. And then he'll be sentenced to death!

It screams like it belongs to a woman about 20 meters away from me.


I could see the Knights walking that way, closest to where the scream came from.

Those who do not rush out also look tingly and nervous.

I guess it's the family of Foronzo and Darvis.

I wasn't aware when I was watching the trial because I was a wild horse spectator who was a witness in Keel and Balduk.

Speaking of which, some years ago, you had an old man who pronounced the death penalty on his own son...

"That's it, next time! Execute the sentence!

Penalties for treason are usually crucifixion or sentencing, or skewering.

Crucifixion is very impromptu, not dead for a long time. The direct cause of death on top is breathlessness, and skewering is too grotesque for my taste.

Apart from my hobby, I think it's too cruel to use on an attempted offender.

The Knights had been allowed to dig holes in three places beside the stranglehold table in advance.

He had also prepared three large crosses.

It would take a little longer for me to be ready, so I decided to execute Ronzal's hanging first.

When you go in front of the stranglehold table, a rope is already available.

Before that comes a longzal tied in the back hand.

Cheers come from the wild horses just like an unnamed murderer earlier.

Because the charge of Ronzal is that he wiped his mouth by impersonating arson and its sins as innocent slaves, and it is obvious to whoever sees it as a despicable crime in general.

Marie, who seemed to be on duty, climbed the longzal onto a stranglehold of easy workmanship about 70-80cm high and hung a rope around her neck.

Marie's holding back by the stranglehold table, waiting for my signal.

I slowly raised my right hand... I saw the mother and child reaching out in the corner of my sight trying to get on a rope that restricted access.

They are screaming something out of desperation.

The child seems to be crying.

Ronzal was looking at you, too.

With that said, Ginger standing next to me didn't see her lover when Hulkaine Hoomiz of Sunshine (Sun Ray) was hanged.

I cut my gaze and stare into Marie's eyes and move my eyes to Ronzal, who is screaming something.

I can't hear the cheer in the way of what you're screaming about.

Keep your hands down.

The moment Marie's knights, who stood on the other side of Marie, slapped Ronzal behind her knee with a stick in a behavior she was used to, and the moment she fell out of shape, Marie kicked the stranglehold off without getting her hair in.

Ronzal hangs.

Surrounded by cheers, I'll wait in the administration building until I'm ready for my next sentence.

Looking back, Marie was picking up a stranglehold that kicked her off with no expression.

He looks more like an executioner than I do.

"Good luck"

Mizuchi prepared the tea and waited for me.


Lie back in your chair as you reply and receive the cup.

"That's a great cheer."

I can hear the square cheering a lot because it's opening the window.


Then for a while, Mizuchi sat next to me in silence.

Thanks to this I was able to organize everything and grow.

"Well! Next. I'm coming."

He hit his knee and stood up and headed to the execution site again.

In the execution yard, three people awaiting the execution of their sentences were tied to a cross built on the ground.

The cross is quite large, less than two metres high from the ground, with a plate and the inmate takes the form of standing there.

Ankles, knees and thighs are tied crosswise, hands spread apart and elbows and wrists tied to the cross.

There is also a light rope wrapped around the neck.

My appearance gave me a louder cheer than my earlier hanging.

Excitement is near its peak when the seldom seemingly invisible sentence is executed.

Imprisonment and crucifixion seem similar and different.

Unlike crucifixion, where hands and feet are struck with a pile or a big nail and left unattended, the crucifixion is speared to death.

Executioners standing on either side of the cross must simultaneously stick their spears obliquely up from beneath the sinner's ribs, until the tips of their ears pop out of their opposite shoulders.

Then he twisted it once and pulled it out, and now he stabs the stop by sticking a spear up diagonally from between his neck and jaw.

On each side of each of the three crosses stands a knight with a spear immovable upright, waiting for my signal.

First look at Juslan Darvis' cross at the right end and raise your right hand.

The crowd, who admitted my hand was up, shut up breathlessly.

I waved down without losing my sight.


Dervis' scream echoes in the square.

Shortly afterwards a big cheer rolled up.

Stabbed through the neck to the opposite head, Darvis was freaked out and spasmodically desperate.

Equally crying foronzo became the dew of the prison.

And it will be Cove's turn tied to the cross in the middle.

Duty looks like Osmand, son of Claw and Sir Kibunal.

Cove's level is the only double digit in today's sinners, so his experience would be multi-eyed.


As much as I can think of something like this, it's proof that I'm used to it.

"Ha, thrive on the hamit kingdom ahhh!!!

Thank you.

Of course, it's towards Claw and Osmand.

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