21 Apr 7449

At dawn of the night, yesterday's festive mood disappeared from the city of Beglitz.

The square in front of the administration is exposed at the penitentiary gate and in front of Eston Cove. Passers just stop for a while, and it feels different and idle from yesterday.

"You kind of suddenly miss me," he thought, looking down from the Executive Office conference room.

Some time after yesterday's trial, the predecessors returned to their territories, and only Associate Baron Cove still remains in Beglitz.

but he is not here because he is in the inn laboring for his grieving wife or his daughter-in-law who lost his husband, his son.

The only ones here are my children, my successor lords and their henchmen.

They must go deeper in their relationship in the future.

So today, when my predecessors disappeared, is the day of exchange.

Yesterday and yesterday they also interacted with their predecessors, lords and their squires, so they couldn't take up time.

Besides, my brother arrives today with people from Barkud who will be my squire.

I guess my successor lords also have a grudge of wanting to know my squire.

From my point of view, my predecessors, my successors, and the servants who serve me directly, I really wanted to see my predecessors because everyone would equally be my ministers, but seeing that there was an example of an attempted treason and many of my predecessors were greatly shocked, I decided that the face-to-face meeting would be another opportunity.

It's not like I'm in a hurry.

The meeting room is lined with snacks, like the other party, so that they can be welcomed in a standing meal format.

The nobles, starting with Xenom, are the killers (Slaters) and those who have eaten the same kettle of rice for years, so they leave it alone.

The subject matter between the time my brother arrived was the sympathy they brought, so to speak, of their predecessors, but this does not seem to be a major problem except for the Weed's squire, which has been rooted locally for generations.

All the successor lords, with the exception of Zenom, have entrusted the development villages, but the history of the four development villages in particular has not been very long left to them.

The most historic, even the village of Midora, entrusted to Vince, is only a little over sixteen years old, or similar or close to the villages of Rad and Beige.

It's only been eight years since I went to Gar in Tris.

Therefore, even when it comes to the squire that remained in the village, the majority of them were the third sons of some nobleman or leading squire until they immigrated to the land with them, and some of them are exadventurers.

For someone like that, a murderer (Slaters) native who dominated the Labyrinth of Balduk seems to exist on the clouds, and that's the only thing subject to respect.

I have zero experience as a lord, and I don't know if it's that big of a deal...

'Cause it doesn't have to be after some track record, and it's like a completely different talent or professional sportsman (in this case, it might be more appropriate to say professional martial arts champion or legendary mercenary) is the head of the municipality, huh?

Well, they're making territorial management easier, so that's a very welcome thought.

While doing so, several carriage convoys entered the square in front of the administration.

The number of people is also quite considerable, I wonder if there are nearly a hundred in all.

It's my brother!

"You've been splendid, Al. No, Countess."

My brother (Farn) did not touch Cove's exposed neck at all, but looked up at the administrative building from the square and said:

"Thank you, brother"

Some faces are nostalgic in the wagon carriage.

The Ryogs are headed by Diane.

"Dear Al. No, sir, the stall. Thank you for your patience."

Diane says thanks to her minister before me.

My husband Luke is also kneeling with a grain of Samson next to him.

The same goes for their parents Rosral and Wendy, and their sister Sonia.

Note that Diane's grandparents are old enough to stay in Barkud.

"Sonia's welcome."

The maid of honor of her parents was taken over by the daughter of the Eklotalon family, a squire of the elite (elves).

Sonia can do the maid, but she got married last year and is a slave to the Ryogs.

Diane would have also brought it as a force of war, and since it's like strangling herself, such as I'm forced to take it away, the maid would choose from the appropriate civilian children.

Others have come from the village of Burdett in the neighbouring village of Burkud as my squire, two families from the city of Dorrit, one family from the city of Denzul, and five families from Keel.

In total, there were about fifty slaves brought in by their servants, seven of whom belonged to the Ryogs. The Ryogs have let go of almost all their slaves when they become in charge of the rubber, but it appears that they bought it back because its releasing destination is another squire in Barkud. There were faces that I knew about Anne and all that.

Because Halitide, who ran a whorehouse in Keel, is not here because he plans to come around the beginning of the year.

Anyway, now my predecessor, who was formerly in Beglitz, has eighteen families in commercial and civil service relations with four families of agricultural entities. There are five families of squire pressed from the king or something. Claw's Balladik family and I can't come yet for a while, but if the bastrals add up, my personal squire will be... er, a total of 41 families.

There are quite a few peasants underneath them, so in total, it would be a protective position for a hundred people...

Oh, of course, there are quite a few ordinary civilians who are not squire.

That's over thirty families.

Anyway, there are a lot of first-timers even for me.

My brother is my brother and I am in the middle of delivering to Wang Du, so I have to hurry.

He said that if he unloaded the family of squire he brought in and their removal luggage, he would leave immediately without a single night.

"Sorry, I was thinking of putting someone on guard until I left the realm."

If we were going from here to Wang Capital, we would have liked to match Zenom to return because he is in the exact same direction, but Weed's squire is mostly native, so we would like to have some more interaction.

"Fine. That's it. Spend more money than you care, Chairman of Commerce. Besides, I need to talk to you. Just a little bit, okay?

My brother's consultation was about Becky.

They want both Zed and Becky to take the First Knights' entrance exam when the time comes, but in case they fail the exam, Zed's joining the Knights of Webdos is the established route. Of course it's possible for Becky, but his brother says it would be nice to be the First Knights to join the same Knights with his twin brothers and sisters, but if it's the other Knights, it could be sweet.

So when I did, Becky asked me to join my Knights.

There's no way I'm saying no.

"You're welcome with your hands up like that. I hate to say this, but in case Zed has, I'm gonna work it out for Becky to take over. But given your sister's case, I don't think the First Knights will let it go, but hey... Oh, for Christ's sake, can't you both come in to me from the beginning? I'm not ashamed to put it out anywhere, make it a fine knight. I promise."

It's not a bad idea to educate Zed and Becky in brilliance.

No matter how many reincarnated people say it's easy to have children with different races, I don't know what the odds are, and there's a chance that they won't be able to have children with Mizuchi.

Zed will succeed his brother then, but Becky... isn't that something to worry about now?

"Hmm. If your Knights are in line with the First Knights, that might be a good idea."

That's not what I'm forced to do. No.

"... That's right, your brother doesn't make kids anymore? You're younger than my father when I was born. Come on."

I was born when my father was 28 or 9. My brother is now two or seven years old. My sister-in-law is also twenty-seven years old. I have money, and it would be possible enough.

"Hmm, that's good too, but you don't have to have too many more kids... me, Shani, and I often vacate the house..."

"Ah... oh, sorry"

This time I came with the delivery to Wang Capital, but it was in the beginning of March that my brother left the house because he brought the movers.

Diane's Ryog family is the only one who brings some household tools when it comes to moving, and the other squire doesn't have any household tools.

Most of them were originally cold eaters at civilian houses around the country, moving almost as close as they were dressed, with just a few pieces of clothing, including changing clothes, and a few things around them.

That's fine because I can't help it, but in the future there will be more of my Beglitz in addition to Dorritt, Keel and Wang Du for delivery from Barkud.

As for the Gried family, which has accumulated quite a bit of gold, both the carriage and the luggage horse that pulls it are pressing to increase the number of caravan flights themselves.

More caravans, more supervisors.

Until now, parents, a couple of brothers and sisters, and Sean Timber, the squire chief, were taking turns.

After all, the number of days you can spend in a village per person is reduced because that rotation will increase.

Especially my brother and sister-in-law, who have become lords of both fame, will have to work at the core.

Even my parents aren't young anymore, so it's going to be hard to command a caravan.

In my brother's opinion, there are deliveries against the royal family, so the conductor of the caravan should be at least the squire chief.

Around here, there are differences in values with me before, but I want to be as close as I can to the noble, brother's values than I have become a great nobleman too.

"You don't have to worry about it. Don't make me look sorry for the Count Sir Rural, you piece of shit. You just have to stay with Don."

My brother slaps me in the chest.

Looks like we're done unloading all the luggage we have to unload from the carriage.

That's when Xenom stood next to me watching what was going on beside me.

"My Lord Gried, I will escort you out of the realm. Don't worry."


"My Lord Firefrid......"

"What? You're telling me I'm not gonna be your escort?

Xenom jokes and says, feeling out of place.

That's not true. The quality of the escort is such that there is no more.

"It's not. Zenom has a squire..."

"Oh, meet me face to face. You can leave that to Ginger. than that......"

Xenom tries to lend me his ear, so I fold my hips and give in, and I say, "I don't necessarily have an idiot blowing things in on the way. Ah (...) of (...) Talk (...), now you still don't want to put it in your ear?," he said.

It's true, and I didn't think I had a choice.

You may be mistaken for saying this, but my Grid Chamber of Commerce has become something that must be for Barkud Village at the earliest opportunity.

So I just heard that I was born with a memory of a previous life, and I can't imagine a smart, discerning brother making a choice to separate me from him for that matter.

And if you were my brother, you'd wonder what was behind what I said.

I will definitely think about what the advantages and disadvantages are for me when I say things that don't help me confirm the facts.

As a result of the thought, there is only one conclusion that would be derived.

First, if I'm telling the truth.

Because of my brilliant brother, I immediately realize that even if the contents are true, everyone can't honestly believe it, etc.

And soon I realize that if I was blowing a horror, my surrounding reactions would be no different.

It doesn't matter if the rebirth itself is true or a lie at that point, and it comes down to what I really want to say.

The point is, "I want to seal my objections to what I say, what I do, what I'm trying to do, what I want you to do".

In other words, I have something that I would like to push forcefully without even listening to reasonable objections, even if at first glance I don't understand what normal people can't understand.

This is called "pushing forcefully on everything. I will not tolerate objections".

Listen to what you have to ask, adopt what you have to adopt. But there's a line I can't give away. I don't want to tell you why.

It means that you are declaring it.

You can imagine that it would be something big and objectionable.

At this point, we decide that "rebirth" is a convenience to seal the objection.

... In case they think it's true about rebirth, that's the only thing I can do, and if they blame me me for it because it's true, all I can say is, "I'm sorry I can't tell you until now".

Even if it does, at the beginning of the reincarnation, it gives me an opportunity to elucidate about the sense of crisis and what I had as a baby.

If this is your sister, "don't lie" or "I was born with a memory of my previous life. It's disgusting. You've been plotting a family before," or I think it takes a lot of time for the emotional side to come out first and clean up. Maybe.

Thank you for offering Zenom.

With the Baron himself on the escort, he will not be treated roughly, at least in my territory, even in the villages of the aisle, and he may be able to sleep under the roof.

It is also very helpful in the sense that it demonstrates the character of the Barkud caravan that will continue to be visited in the future.

"Dear Firefrid, I appreciate your offer very much..."

My brother says reluctantly, but you have to take it here.

"Don't say that. Let me attach as much as an escort to the realm. It's my ticket, too. Please."

"Hmm... right. Thank you, Lord Firefrid, for your patience."

"I'm on my way home anyway, and I wanted to make sure with my own eyes about the boundaries of the territory. Don't be like that. More than that, I'd be glad to hear even the old stories of Al on the road. If I hold the Count's weakness, I'll be able to make it a little easier in the future."

With that said Xenom laughed heedlessly, he could tell one of his squire to prepare a horse.

Xenom's always paying attention to me.

22 Apr 7449

Assign houses and farmland to new squire.

Of course, only the Ryogs let the rubber farm do it, so the water stool by the river gives priority to them.

We divide the farmland to be fair to the others, but there is no denying that there is a place like a poverty label.

It shall be my place for such places.

Of course, I took a pretty good spot.

As a result, the farmland allocated, but about 20% of the total, remains where the remaining predecessors were originally cultivated, so it remains there.

Other than that, about 80% of it is farmland for me and my successor's squire.

Between the end of last month and about a month, 80% of that farmland was not so desolate as to be taken care of not only by my slaves and my servants pressed by the king, but also by my predecessors and their slaves.

But it's true that I've put a lot of strain on it this past month, so I bounced the price because I'm not an instructor.

Thus my first month as Earl of the League passed quickly.

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