4 Jun 7449

Good early summer weather morning.

A division into Corydoke streets en route to the west of the Kingdom of Lomberto from Zaridor Street to the south.

At the branches of the street there is a small village and a water field.

"Let's take a break over there"

A lady from the young Rabbit (Bunny Man) riding similarly spoke to a tiger (Tiger Man) woman riding next door.

Dark blue hair extends from the helmet, but glossy because it's wet with this cheerful, sweaty sweat, or a few sticks to the neck muscle.

"Um, I just took a little pause and it's a little early, okay?

The Tigerman woman answering is peeking at the tip of her shorter red brown hair from the side of her helmet.

"Yeah, 'cause the next big water field is pretty far away"

"Okay. Everybody get some rest!

A Tigerman woman turned around and shouted, stopping her horse immediately.

Apparently, they're both leading a big carriage squad.

There doesn't seem to be any visitors to the village water field, and they seem to be able to relax and rest for a while.

The area of the water field is taken quite wide because the caravan rests all the time.

In all, it has as many as seven large carriages, and more than ten horseback rides as if to escort them. Combined with people sitting in seats made on carriage carriage carriages and people on foot, the vast majority of the carriage fleet was still spread out as vacant land, even with a total of more than a hundred people soaking in.

The Bunny Man woman uses magic to fill with water and ice when she hands on the water bucket that she has in place for leading luggage and personnel carriages.

Regular water breaks are mandatory because carriage crew members can always replenish cold water by unplugging the rubber stoppers at the bottom of this barrel, but horses do not go that way.

"How's the livestock?

A bunnyman woman asked the man in the carriage carrying horses and cattle.

He had just come to draw cold water into his water bottle.

A young Puppet (Hume) man, with raw white skin that hasn't burned much in the day, but his body looks well trained.

"If you're shaking at this rate, it doesn't look like there's a big problem."

He answers as he looks up at the middle-aged man who seems to be watching a cow horse placed on a partition carriage, parked a little further away.

The man watching the cow horse is the owner of the livestock, watching carefully as he rubs each and every one of his legs unharmed.

"Yes. Good. I can slow down a little more because there are a lot of walks, but I want to get there by August so I'm going to slow down any more... Anyway, please be polite."

The woman also looks up at the livestock and says:

"Yes, I understand. Lord and Lady Carostaran."

"Nice to meet you. Tell Limby too."

After a brief conversation, the woman began to talk to a man from the Dog Race (Dogwart) who was running another carriage.

It is such a fold.

One woman was brushing her own horse.

She's a young fumed woman with golden hair stretched out enough to reach her waist.

He is dressed in used leather armor and raises a hand axe (tomahawk) on his hip.

I'm not wearing a helmet because I don't want to sweat in the early summer sun, or because I simply don't like my vision narrowing.

There was just one Buddha on the top of the line whining about something in the line about what the hell was unhappy about.

"Oh, yeah? I'm the captain, right? Why did Bell decide to take a break... until Kim..."

I found the flea that was on the horse's neck, so I take it and I ramble it down with Dan making a noise.

"Heggs and Daniela won't say anything either..."

The Lord of her name is a group of men and women made up of a formidable mountain tribe (Dwarves) who usually admire her as a “lady”.

But since I left the city of Balduk a week ago, I haven't particularly pinched my mouth on this matter.

They were just so desperate for horseback riding that they couldn't get used to it all together that it was hard to get around to it, and that's why they didn't notice such a trivial matter.

"I need to say a few words to you..."

The woman turned her legs toward the bunnyman woman and the Tigerman woman, the dogwart man, talking when she spoke to the slave who was coming to the horse pulling the carriage beside her to drink water and pressed her to take care of the horse.


The three men, who noticed the woman's voice, saw the woman in unison.

"Isn't that a little too much rest? At this rate..."

Then the dog wars man comes in and opens his mouth.

"I don't have a big water field for a while, so I can't help it. And don't worry about the captain."

The bunnyman woman and the tigerman woman are also nodding Yeah yeah when they look at each other.

"Really? I hope so..."

You say that but you don't show much convincing.

"Your husband said we should take care of the details... When the captain looks worried, everyone wonders what the hell's wrong with him."

said the dog warr man, clapping his shoulders.

"Mm-hmm. Oh well..."

A blonde with a slightly hazy face and a snort.

"But come on, tell me in advance when you're taking a break."

But I tried to lean my neck slightly and said from the side of the man to the two women.

"I'm sorry, Lar. Me and Larry just went back and forth this past time, and I thought Lar knew because he said he used to go by when he was coming to Balduk with Mr. Xenom and Al..."

When I heard the words of a bunnyman woman with a voice that seemed sorry, Larfa said, "Huh? Ugh, yeah... no, I've seen that before..." I look around like I panicked and clog my words.

"I'll be careful next time."

Looks like Tigerman's lady dropped her sip, too, to mention it in a fashionable way.

"I plan to take a break as a captain too. Come on... okay."

When I said that, I turned my heel back.

The three people who saw the condition give an indescribable look.



"You're totally free..."

"Give Firefrid some work too..."

"That's right. What do we do, Belle?

"That being said, nothing now..."

"I wish even Goblin would come out..."

"This number. I won't stop coming."

No matter the face you give up, let it seep even a sense of impatience somewhere and the three stick their foreheads together.

"You have no choice. They told me to go somewhere a little less visible, but I'll leave it to Lal tomorrow or so."

I nodded to tell Kim and Larry to do the same when Bell made the decision.

27 Jun 7449

"Huh. Nothing happened today... it's boring ~"

Ralpha, at the head of the carriage squad, was alone as he was rocked on the back of his horse.

"Damn... the sun gets stronger every day..."

She had also been wearing a helmet for about three weeks.

My face is the only part where my skin is exposed because I originally have long sleeves under my armor and gloves, so I wear only a few items with shelter (hiccups) and worry about sun protection.

"Only pedestrians or caravans meet on the road...... That's okay. He told me to stay here. He's walking, so I'm not going anywhere."

With the reins in his mouth, when he took out the handkerchief, he lifted his helmet slightly with his left hand and wiped the sweat floating on his forehead and face with his right hand.

I handkerchief and grip the reins again.

An irreplaceable, path in the woods.

Look forward, there's no one there.

When you look behind you, Ralpha's face is lined up similarly.

"This is coming..."

When I cleverly pulled only my right foot out of the saddle, I assembled a single horseradish and widened the map.

Approximately the current location will give you less than a kilometre to the next resting point and the place to be explored.

This speed would take nearly half an hour.

It only goes very slowly because it matches the speed of the foot of a slave walking on foot.

In any case, five of the seven carriages are buried with livestock, one with armored blacksmith equipment and luggage, and nearly half of the rest are buried with luggage.

About half of the last one is seated and left with people sitting, but not even 20 people.

It was in late April that the Bells led the empty carriage back to Balduk, but it was also around the end of May that they left because of the more hassle than they thought in retrofitting the carriage, etc.

I'll take the map, and I'll put my right foot back on.

- Oh, I want to fly my horse to the water field first!

Trees that run horses and disappear left and right as they flow.

The wind hits your cheeks and the sticky sweat dries in an instant.

Such an idea makes Ralpha head.

But there's no way the captain would do that on his own.

I have a big part in taking everyone in this carriage to the West Dirt region without missing a single one.

At that time.

A breathtaking sound approached from the rear.

"Hih, hih."

"Huh, huh."

Meath and Gel of the werewolf (Wolfwer) are getting off the horse and running.

A member of the former Killer (Slaters) who belongs to this carriage squad sets the time and runs around the carriage squad in pairs of people.

Ralpha also ran with Bell for two hours immediately after leaving each day.

The length of the carriage fleet sometimes exceeds 200 m, as there are seven carriages standing six heads in a row and horseback riding and walking people.

The two Wolfwers came close without slowing the pace and ran through Ralpha, running back to the other side of the carriage and disappearing.

"What's next, Marl, Limby and Rutz?"

I heard myself whining bossly, feeling thirsty and including the water from the water bottle in my mouth.

The water bottle was filled with ice on the bell, but it had already melted quite a bit, and there was only a small amount of ice left that was smaller like a bean.

- Ah, I'm free.

Something boring doesn't happen.

At the very least, if I could see something that would change my mind...

I look around wondering if I can't even find one of the goblins.

One of them came to Ralpha's attention.

It's a carriage for loading.

The carriage was equipped with the only watchdog in this convoy.

The floor area is not very large because it is fitted with railings and a fence so that it can stand on it and have a look around it, but it is large enough for each person to sit out of the gap of the fence.

The heavenly side of the girdle is usually Guine standing to look around the surrounding terrain, but now without her, Heggs of the Mountain Nation (Dwarf) stands to give the girdle a glimpse around.

- I've never really cared, but doesn't it seem like a captain to look down on everyone from high? If you think about it, why is he standing so great?

All the good is hurry, and Ralpha calls a slave to pull the horse's reins, and he runs to the carriage with the sword.

"Hey, Heggs. There, on my behalf."

"Huh? Pretty shaky, huh?

"There's a fence, and it's a lot of bullshit."

He took a forceful turn with Heggs and climbed onto the watch.

"Oh, that's a good view!

He grabbed the fence that was all the way to his belly, and looked around, and fell into the view.

However, I noticed that whenever the carriage went through the depressions on the road surface or stomped on stone, it wobbled quite a bit.

Even though it has a suspension with air-infused rubber tires and metal coil springs, it shakes when it shakes.

- It's tummy height for me, but if it's a GUINE, it's up to about breasts.

As it was dangerous, he immediately sat on the floor of the jaw and dressed to get both feet out of between the fences.

The fence then went higher than Ralpha's head, and he also stopped feeling dangerous with some shaking.

"Phew Phew Phew Phew."

I also got totally in the mood for nasal rhymes and so on.

In front of two of those carriages, carriages with seats are progressing on the back half of the carriage.

Sitting in that seat are the owners of the livestock and the armor blacksmiths, and the others are small children among the families of the pastoral heads and craftsmen.

"Hey Mother, that!

A little boy speaks to his mother.

Of course he points his finger at Ralpha sitting on the watch of a carriage behind him.


The mother also saw the direction he pointed his finger in.

Nothing particularly suspicious enters the mother's eyes.

"You remind me of this last spectacle hut! That guy, he's like some kind of caged goblin."

"This! You mustn't point to people"

"'Cause I'm grabbing a cage with both hands, and I'm kidding."

Even around them, children in particular began to rejoice when they saw Ralpha in unison and slapped their hands.

"Oh, I'm waving."

You're laughing.

Sitting high, Ralpha was satisfied to see the children snuggling up a little while ago and paying attention over here.

July 1, 7449.

It is the Lord of this castle who is immersed in working alone at the Castle of Cote Jill, which is late at night.

Looks like he was doing some fine work.


A man who squeals satisfactorily.

I toweled my nosebleeds dripping out of my nostrils.

What the man took out of the barrel in front of him was a large number of thin pieces of silver and white that were not even 1 mm thick.

Hi. Sounds like some kind of metal crystal.

It was circular in the order of several mm vertical and horizontal, and was also constant in thickness.

The man used the magic of Transmute Rock to Mad to make metal pieces of the exact same shape at a certain thickness from muddy metal solutions.

I'm narrowing my eyes under the light of the magic prop when I pick up one of them.

"... if it's the same. You can fail hundreds of times."

The man gathered the thin pieces and poured them into a small box marked 'Germanium'.

"Next, make it with copper wire too... er, copper ore, where did you do it..."

The man who muttered so moved to the corner of the room as he rose from the front of his desk and began fishing for a small pile of ore.

"STATUS OPEN... STATUS OPEN... Oh, here it is"

Grabbing a stone about a clenching fist and standing up, he sits at his desk again, putting the stone in a new bucket and magically filling it with water.

"Do you want to... Huh!!

He began to stare at the copper ore with his hands with serious eyes.

This is how the night stays up.

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