14 Jul 7449

Just before 9: 00 a.m.

McDuff Embry, one of the heads of the turbulent wave, the King's direct intelligence agency, stood in front of the Green Chamber of Commerce, halfway down Bail Street.

The status has been disguised and is now named Larsoille Kimberly.

"Excuse me. I was at the Kimberly Chamber of Commerce yesterday, but about the pork..."

I spoke to Anna, who was sweeping in front of the store.

"Ah, welcome. I've been waiting for you. Please wait a moment."

Anna rushed into the store to tell Surge that she had a visitor.

Embry was a little surprised to see the surge that came out with a loving face.

He also knew about the existence of this cat tribe (Cat People).

He is also a celebrity who has been a skilled labyrinth adventurer for years belonging to the Killers (Slaughters), and unlike other members of the Killers (Slaughters), he has checked in and out of the headquarters of the Green Chamber of Commerce quite often.

However, his status was not that of an employee of Ping, nor an understudy, and his area of work should have been considered a guard, as were members of other killers (Slaughters).

In my spare time, I only looked like a hobbyist scratching lutes and handmade strings.

I didn't even think I was entrusted with a very important position: purchasing raw materials.

I was thinking that you would be either an understudy woman named Yoturen, an ancient stock employee, if not a man named Eisenside at the head, or an understudy woman named Catherine Bastral, the man's wife.

Especially since Catherine is still young and inexperienced above the slave ascent as well as Surge, I thought it wouldn't be the first time.

- But there's this guy I thought was just a lower end...

Embry regained his temper as he slowly exhaled the Cat People man smiling in front of him.

... dozens of minutes later.

"Really, a sample (sample) through some butcher... No, I understand. If you do not know the flesh of the pigs in my Kimberly Ranch..."

Embry is in a deep panic as he wipes his spraying sweat with a handkerchief.

I never thought that standards of quality existed for the adoption of pork.

In the butchers of Wangdu and elsewhere, they are not so confined to flesh unless they are also upscale shops for some noblemen.

For the most part, this part of pork is priced at about 100g, and this part is priced at about this price. Regardless of the part, it is not necessary to check the quality of the meat.

In fact, the price was only asked about the weight per head in the proper butcher who took the try and wholesale sale.

- It makes sense that Balducki is so delicious. I see......

Besides, I didn't even know that I had to finish dismantling pork to wholesale it to the Green Chamber of Commerce.

As a matter of fact, all meat purchased by the Green Chamber of Commerce is purchased through the butcher shop, but the turbulence organization did not grasp it until then.

Greed was overwhelmed by going directly to the ranch to talk, so he was thought to be using the butcher only to strip the intestinal membrane of enough meat from the ranch.

However, the reality was that there were direct negotiations with the ranch about the quantity purchased, etc., but they did not use a single pig as a whole, so they bought only the necessary part of what had been dismantled in the butcher's shop.

Because there is a convenient object called a grinder, I assumed that I used all the pork in one head.

- Is this... bad?

Embry nodded in a hurry but managed to smile.

Kimberly Ranch pigs have been appropriately bought and fished to be numbered anyway, and no one has confirmed the flesh quality because they haven't had a single pig yet without even thinking about even flesh.

"Yeah. What we're looking for is a rose, shoulder or neck. And then there's the fat. I'd really like to use a loin or something, but the boulder has a price..."

Whatever the roses are, the shoulders and neck are lean meat and the flesh is a relatively inexpensive area because it is slightly coarse and stiff.

Embry is also in a hurry when he hears this line from Surge.

- Can't you even wholesale them all to the Green Chamber of Commerce... Damn, I have to go sell it to other butchers. I'm gonna have a huge deficit! When that happens, I'll have a boulder, Your Majesty.

Of course, many have non-intelligence full-time jobs in turbulent wave organizations as well.

Some people go out all year round to gather information and work, but there are more overwhelming people called "grass” who run tailors, tanneries, merchants, etc. to blend into the city well.

Since the organization was established, however, there has been no history of ranching and dyeing livestock production.

"I will buy meat of flesh whenever I can supply it regularly that meets the standards before me. Tell us which butcher to wholesale"

Embry gets busy circling his thoughts, nodding vaguely at Surge's words, but he doesn't suddenly come up with a good idea or anything.

I take my seat when I strike the right gavel and say, "I'll be back out with a trial by the end of the week" and close today's negotiations.

"Ah, Mr. Bastral. I have hair on my shoulder..."

When he left the store, he even collected the hair of a man of the same race, who had been a habit for many years, carefully bowing his head and returning home.

I stare at the bastral hair that was tangled in my fingers as I pretended to throw it away, walking down Bail Street where people go.

- Try your luck. In case it suits me, at some point...

I don't have any plans today other than to go back to the ranch and work out a good aftermath, so it's also insignificant to continue disguising my status.

Do the offensive act of swallowing a man's hair and use mastery of disguise.

"Status open…"

Touch the back of your left hand with your right hand as you walk to check your status.

"Oh? This is unusual and good...... hmm?

Level of Magic Special Mastery that you didn't know when you saw Bastral status.

Having the magic skills of all the attributes has already been investigated, so it doesn't surprise me, and if you are a member of the Killer (Slaters) who is also said to be superior, you can snort at the high level of that skill.

The Sarjes Bastral status window in Embry's eyes showed much of what we saw when we were sure of each other while shaking hands earlier.


Except for one line that is added with a bloody color.

Same day, late at night.

in a room with the castle of Lomberto.

"Say it again"

The harsh-faced king commanded one of the heads of the turbulent wave organization to fall in front of him.

"Ha. There was a line called Inherent Skills, whose contents are Nu, Thermal (Nut) Resistance (Trelance). Skill level is six."

The head of a turbulent wave tissue that answers while lying down.

"Is that really the only inherent skill you have?

"Ha ha"

Confirming his reply, the king lowered his back when he returned to the raised chair, and when he meditated on his eyes, he put his arms together.

- There's no way Embry's telling a lie. But you think there is one inherent skill (In-Hearent Skill)...? In the legend......

King to silence.

- What are we gonna do? Ask me and I'll say slave raised civilian squire. Capture him and torture him... is that a last resort? Anyway, luckily those who bastral were cat people (cat people)... there are still a few cat people women over there... let them investigate just in case...?

The king puts his arms together, meditates his eyes and does not make it slight.

- He said he was reborn from another world himself... Though I was impressed with the idea of making it seem convenient to force people to convince me of their abrupt behavior and behavior. Shit, you mean that wasn't all... That bastard (kid), by attracting attention to himself (sorry)......

After a moment of silence, the king opens his eyes.

"Zydritz. What do you think of that?

I asked one of the other heads, similarly lylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylyly


Zydritz, who was hung up, stuffs his words as he lays low.

The head of a turbulent wave. I have only a poorer knowledge of what a reborn is like than a king.

but he also gained more knowledge with just one of the current exchanges.

Reborn people may also possess multiple unique skills.

Or it is normal to have multiple unique skills.

That is.

But now that I've gained that degree of knowledge, it doesn't really matter.

"I have no basis..."

Zydritz started talking when he prefaced.

"There's a chance there's more Tenseixas under Count Riegle."

As a Zydritz, I just thought that there was once and twice, and there was really no basis for that.

"Do you think so?"

But the king nodded thinking it was well thought out.

- Well, good. This one has his sister, and he's about to have a nephew or niece. The south wall is the better it is. Even with that, Embry's disguise is a big deal.

When the king was in a good mood, he decided to let the turbulent wave organization, which had succeeded in giving him important information, reward him.

July 20, 7449.

"Zondir's iron output last year is... pretty good."

"Isn't it enough to go with Weed? It'll take a year, won't it?

Mizuchi and I were talking in the Lords' Office of the Administration.

The topic is construction, which is scheduled to start next summer or so.

The construction is scheduled to be of a large scale to be carried out by citing the territory.

Its contents are the laying of carriage railways connecting important bases in the territory in order to increase the speed and quantity of logistics.

I have asked Guine, who has accompanied Ralpha, to look around to select the site where the tracks are to be laid, and I am not afraid to start full construction around next summer from the prediction that it will take a considerable amount of time to narrow down the candidates for the tracks.

But I didn't know what would happen to that, so it's just a “tentative” plan at the moment.

Naturally, the construction period is also completely unknown at the moment, and it cannot be said that we have started work on a trial within the grits this fall or so, without weighing the effort and time involved in it.

Also, for the route, the first step is to connect Weed with Zondier from Beglitz.

The second stage will then be to extend the track south using the appropriate village on the road as a relay point and eventually extend the track to the village to Gal.

For the time being, it is intended to take precedence by preparing a double line for crossing next to a suitable village or water field that will be a relay site, but ultimately a double line for the whole line.

Once this carriage railroad is completed, the movement of people and things within the territory will be active and the scale of commerce will increase. Together, there are expectations of expanding domestic demand.

Of course, there must be an increase in the amount of gold in circulation to support the expansion of domestic demand, so we cannot talk about it unless we increase our dealings with other territories (especially Heaven, where the amount of gold in circulation is different digits).

I don't go to make rubber products and export them because I have promises to my brother, but there are many other commercial seeds.

For example, you should have mass-produced and sold a grinder.

Alternatively, you can make and sell large quantities of dry noodles in a noodle maker made based on a grinder.

I think there is a high demand for udon pasta and soba noodles.

The guy who bought the sauce or something will make it on his own.

That's the one with no chillies, but in the beginning, you'd be uked to say that you only fed them with olive oil, garlic and salt.

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