Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

The End of the Sixty-First Story Beginning

25 Jul 7449

"So, what's it like this month?

In the office of the Commander of the Knights headquarters, he asked the Deputy Commander, Sir Value, about what he had ordered from spring.

Briefly, about the simultaneous prosecution of the Gorotsky people who were nesting in the slum district known as Kendall Street in Beglitz.

"Ha. As of last night, there is one adult unnamed man, one female free citizen, and one civilian man. Especially since neither the free people nor the civilians seem to have a record of paying taxes."

In total, just three?

Gakun and pace have been dropping since last month......

By the way, there were as many as two or three achievements in May, the first month when we started to take control.

That dropped dramatically to seven in June, a month later, and this is the number for this month.

"What about minors?

Nineteen in May and fourteen in June for minors.

This month... zero.

But a total of six or six. In Beglitz, a population of 900, it would be time to limit itself to boulders.

For this reason, during the prosecution in May, two Knights and two squire are being held captive because of the discovery of adhesion with residents of Kendall Street.

They are now all locked up in the cavaliers' cells, but they have even needed to build more cells.

Still, because of the large number of people, I have only been given an area of about a tatami by waking up like an octopus room and sleeping half a tatami. At first noon, I am forced to exercise, and I also provide a crude but decent meal, so I have no health problems.

These guys will all be my slaves on next month's Judgment Day for sure.

"Mm-hmm. Okay. I'd say this is also a gift of the efforts of the Knights. Well done."

"Ha. Thank you very much for the compliment"

"Mm-hmm. Then we'll get the Knights' business back to normal"

Copy that, sir.

The value doesn't try to leave with the answer.

Digging up memories that something is still happening, but there is nothing left to let me report here and now.

"Uh, over the past three months, I've spent half of my Knights prosecuting... the number of prosecutions for crimes committed has not decreased. but the number of occurrences is now one fifth"

What? I've been saying that since the beginning, and you've been getting reports every time.

I overheard that Kendall Street residents were involved in more than 90% of the crimes that were occurring in the city of Beglitz, so I accidentally made the Knights try to prosecute Gorotsky.

Naturally, there is less room for general criminal investigation, so there are more labyrinths there.

However, it can be said that having been able to prosecute the criminals and the vast majority of their reserves, Gorotsky, has drastically reduced the number of crimes committed and, as a result, the security of the city has improved considerably.

If the number of occurrences decreases to one fifth, it will be felt by everyone.

Well, that can be predicted immediately if you are more than an intermediate level official in the Kingdom of Romberto.

Still, the lack of territory to conduct these simultaneous prosecutions is largely due to the lack of leeway for the Knights, a police mechanism.

First of all, we cannot neglect the training of the Knights.

Secondly, it is just a story that normal criminal investigations that take place in the living quarters of highly taxable civilians and free citizens took precedence over slums.

What am I talking about all of a sudden? Did the value become a little embarrassed because I saw the value with such a face, slightly reddening my face?

"It's a fifth, my lord!

"Yeah, but the prosecution rate for common crimes is dropping. Even though I knew it, it's going to be tough."

"I understand that. Recently, however, residents have praised the Knights for their achievements. Those who ever wanted to smoke the Knights became more loving."

Well, because I could have achieved an easy result to understand.

In short, common crime has a higher percentage of laborious things to investigate.

Murders caused by emotional injury, resentment, and thieves in distress.

In addition, although it is not a crime, there are complaints of business dealings between merchants.

These kinds of crimes are less important, and most people who find out that a crime has been committed will be convinced if they know the motive, the circumstances and other reasons.

Because, for the most part, except for stealing, criminals and victims often have some sort of connection.

By contrast, many crimes committed by Kendall Street residents are easy to understand, and investigations rarely take too much time.

Empty nests, robberies, fights, injuries, fraud, blackmail.

It also includes the opening of illegal casinos.

While this motive is easier to understand than the general crimes mentioned above, those who are victims of crime often feel like they were in a disaster that suddenly descended and gushed, and will realise a low level of security as it were.

There is also a high rate of labyrinth if you can't catch them in the initial investigation, so I guess that was a response to shifting them in the direction of increasing the prosecution rate by closing the investigation with Bassari.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you didn't think it would work this well for me.

"Oh. Right. I don't mean to take it, but five years from now, I'm going to split the Knights in two. One is the Knights as an army that directs security and the military, as a lookout in the realm, demonic exorcism, tax-paying security and wartime power. The other is the Knights of Police, who specialize in criminal investigations in the territory and serve in the maintenance of law and order. This one will be divided into several more departments...... Any of our current personnel who may be qualified will be transferred to the Knights of Police as a matter of priority."

"Ha. By the end of the month, we will have a list of people who may be suitable"

"Mm-hmm. I asked for it."

I dropped off the back of the value I left the office and began to look through the paperwork at hand.

"Phew... done"

In a room in the slave long house of a few lords, Thor exhaled as he stroked some of the pieces of metal sitting in front of him.

I just finished making one template.

Six families can inherently live in this slave longhouse, but only three clever slave children are now living in this longhouse, appointed by Thor and his assistant.

The empty room is in a warehouse.

"Good day, Mr. Thor"

One of the assistants carried the mould that had just been made.

The other two use tungsten yasri to brush the interior of another template.

The mould they are making now is a template for making gear.

The template for making the ground beef machine was so complete that he was aiming to use that experience to make a simple press machine this time.

As a result, it was determined that the grinder template was worth 5 million Z, and Count Riegle, the owner of Tor, said, "Pay it now in cash or keep it in the pool until it's the amount you buy yourself back, what do you do?" and had Tor choose how to pay the reward.

Thor has chosen to save after reflection.

"It's time for dinner"

When he heard the belly beeping of his assistant, who was polishing the gear type, Tor stood up, putting down the chisels (fleas), the chisels (glasses), the hammer, etc.

Thor, who gets 10,000 Z. per week (50,000 Z. per month), doesn't have trouble choosing a menu if he doesn't luxury.

The level of restaurants eating meals is also different from the assistants who only receive 600Z.

In particular, the 600Z weekly wage is average as a slave to Beglitz, and there is somewhat more than enough to eat and drink the best there is.

Because prices are different from those of Wang Du or Balduk.

Tor, who walked out of the city of Beglitz alone, said, 'Uh, eat that... rice balls. Tuna mayo......' he whined small, thinking in his head of the plum rice balls his grandmother used to grip for me, swallowing the saliva that came out in large quantities.

I found out I was going into the store I had chosen for lunch, and I was called in.

It's Claw and Marie.

"These are all. To Mr. Balladik, ma'am. What's today?

"Hey, it's pork steak and pumpkin soup today."

Claw answered as he spooned in the soup dish.

"Oh, pork steak? Nice. Sister, I have a lunch set too"

Tor to order as he arrives at the table and gives the store waitress four pieces of copper coins.

"Hey, wash your hands. It's black."

Marie cautions herself as she returns the white bread she was about to eat to the plate.

Thor's hands are stained black like metal powder stained, how unclean they seem.

Tor, who also had metal powder attached to his trousers, washed his hands when he went out to the water field outside the store with a face like, I can't help it.

When I got back to my seat, it was just when the lunch set Tor asked for was transported.

Thor and Claw begin to get interested in talking about games from their previous lives as they dine.

Occasionally, Mizuchi is added here when the timing is right.

While watching it Marie slowly sips bean tea and nourishes her English for afternoon training is the usual trend here these days.

"This shop, the food's there, but you don't have a lot of boiled beans."

I have a reputation for claw whilst sticking boiled beans in an unpleasant way.

Boiled beans are a common menu that is eaten anywhere in the Kingdom of Lomberto and, for the most part, simply boiled soybeans in hot water flavored with salt and pepper.

There is no land that is not very tasty but cannot eat this as a valuable source of protein for the common people.

"Oh, let me teach you how to make 'Edamame'..."

Thor groans bossly.

Edamame is a simple dish where immature soybeans are pruned and salted or boiled and just shaken with salt.

The world before they were reincarnated, even in times, soybeans were propagated and made all over the world, and likewise consumed in large quantities everywhere, but very little land is eaten by such cooking methods of salt boiling while immature.

"Huh? Can't you make" Edamame "without" Edamame "?

Marie reacted to Thor's whining.

Marie didn't seem to know that edamame was soy.

Likewise, they didn't even know Claw.

"No, 'Edamame' was originally soybean, right? In Japan, the variety is improved for this, but soybeans are soybeans. My... your husband also said he eats occasionally... oh, I have to harvest it in an immature period, so I can't buy it unless I tell the soybean farmer who just has a field for that period. I ate a little when I was in the drain, too. I taught Doran's tavern how to make it. Huh? You've never eaten? Regardless of Claw, who was a 'high school student', Marie was a housewife, wasn't she? You don't know."

Then a soybean course by Tor was opened.

The mushrooms also mature and the fried soybeans are ground into the powder; crushing the edamame and adding the sugar makes for a chopped filling. That the stranded filling is processed in cold weather and sold as a specialty in the village of Birkood, where Count Riegle comes from, to become a treat resembling a lamb called yomo.

"I knew Yomo, but was that," Slippery Filling "... I never had a treat, and I never did because I thought it was just a colored cold weather when I went to Balduk"

Marie has her eyes round.

Tofu, soy sauce, miso and, naturally, fried oil are all made from soybeans.

Craw and Marie both knew about this neighborhood by the boulders, so they got mad at me for being a fool.

20 Aug 7449

Today is the second day of judgment since we have the land in our hands.

Offenders other than murder and other heinous crimes were fined and made all my debt slaves.

Altogether, there have been about 60 more slaves.

Receive empty houses and such in Kendall Street buildings and use them as slave houses until a dedicated slave long house is available.

I am going to let them labor to lay the tracks.

I think that more than half of them take up the fact that a lot of sloppy and unnamed people do not have a decent job.

About half of those who heard that if I worked with Kitin as my slave, I would get a solid weekly salary of 600Z were happy.

The other half don't know if it's not reflective enough, it's a natural laziness, it's dissatisfaction with the class itself called slavery, or what it is, but it doesn't seem dissatisfied.

The guy who runs will also come out. That leaves me no choice.

Naturally I didn't mean to miss it in silence, and I also declared that if I caught him, I'd show him off.

That said, first of all, of the streets stretching out to the outskirts of Beglitz, the halfway point between the Barral streets towards Weed and the Duslin streets towards Zondir was defined as the station.

Let's just cut a few hundred meters to Burral Street on Weed.

Cut down trees are used as pillow wood.

Production of H-type cast iron for track strips has also begun. Ingredients are inexpensive cast iron though.

It's not like a Japanese railroad where a vehicle runs for a few minutes, or even cast iron can hold quite a bit, right?

I'll think about it then if it seems to be decreasing fast.

We are now building short tracks of about 50 m in length to test them, and we accumulate know-how about the width of the tracks and the method of fixing them to the ground.

At the same time, he began to make switching devices for points, and also began to develop special carriages fitted with wheels for railways.

Studies have also been initiated at the same time on the format of embedding track strips on the tracks.

The main point is whether we should do soil like the Japanese tracks and lay gravel around the track strip, or whether or not to soil the track strip further after laying gravel between the track strips because the horse will tow.

I also feel that if I let the railroad horse wear Breeze Horseshoe, which is a breezy example, that would solve it.

You don't want to rely on magic items.

Hmm? Acquisition of land for tracks?

I don't need that.

This West Dirt land is all mine.

Some villages and cities will have to crush the fields, and it is conceivable that the lords of the land will revolt at first.

But I'm sure you'll appreciate the railway line coming right through.

Lords (assholes) who don't realize its usefulness and revolt forever will replace their necks with lords of another land under my authority, and will make them work in the administration as officials and take up another guy.

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