27 Aug 7449

Dawn at night, Ralpha and Guine woke up before sunrise for a run to the point of relaxing their bodies before eating the breakfast that the Ser Zincase family had prepared for us.

When asked about today's appointment at that time, the two men said, "Today we will continue to conduct a checkpoint yesterday. Probably will be over after noon, but as soon as it's over, I'll be back to Beglitz. But by tonight we plan to be back in Mead Village again. In doing so, I will bring two slaves of the Count's direct woman, so I want you to let me also accommodate those two slaves in some house this evening," he replied.

Both slaves are Dwarves (Gnomes) with barriers to their legs, but they say they make them use [Inclination Sensing (Inclination Sensing)] to investigate the slope of their planned tracks.

Sir Zincase is a little surprised to hear so far.

- Whatever the new way to say Cenlo or something, I don't know if I need to get people out of my village to look down on it... that kid (Uncle Riegle), seems to know something that the Lords are going to hate.

and at the same time reassured me again.

- That's right, you're still the inexperienced Earl of Russia... When I heard about Kench, I was surprised that he would go through such a hassle to find out the size of the land, but in this way it would only be a one-time survey on the street. The Count only described me as a boulder and it doesn't look good for the year. The head seems to turn slightly, but my men are more of an adventurer. I don't even use rope, and I don't see him walking around all the lines and measuring his stride. Is it sad that my hands and feet don't follow my head?

Lord Zincase, who giggles in his heart, delighted Ralpha and Guineh by saying that he would provide all six accommodations and meals free of charge, including four slaves between Mead Village bases, just to "then let him look a little cooperative and keep his heart certificate better".

Having finished their breakfast, Ralpha and Guine joined Marr and Limby again to look around the village from the outside of the arable land.

"He said you didn't want all the rent or the money for dinner."

Ralpha says to Guineh, who descended from a large tree that can be bordered on the eastern outskirts of the village.

"Yeah. Nice guy."

Answer with a nico, too, Guine.

And they said, "Well, if you ask me about the rent and the meal, we don't need it either."

"At the behest of His Lordship Sir Zincase..."

Marl and Limby both seem a little happy.

"Right. I guess he's basically a good guy. What's it like, Guine?

Ralpha asked as he crossed the horse under the tree.

"Thank you very much. I think you're quite deluded. It's about 10% bigger than you heard, man."

Guine replies as she climbs her own horse with a bitter laugh.

When Marl and Limby, who heard the words, also put on a "I thought that might be the place" look and re-grip the spear, they run their gaze around them.

"You saw my face later when I received a copy of the map that Guineh wrote and a notice stating the amount of tax paid out of the area."

to, Ralpha said, leaking a laugh.

2 Sep 7449

There was almost a gaze on the planned track from Mead village to Halos village.

It took a little while because there was a river flowing beside the village of Halos, and they had chosen a place to cross the bridge to cross the river.

In addition to anticipating the future doubling of the bridge (although there are only plans to doubling it at stations that are to be placed in each village for the time being), I was told to look at its width of at least 10m, as I do not want to do any difficult work that would dig into the bottom of the river, and I was only told that it would be more convenient if the land at either end of the bridge was slightly higher than the surrounding area as an additional condition would be a measure when the river increased in water.

Ralpha and the others don't know much more about how to bridge the bridge.

But I know Al can produce tons of dirt.

You can also put out shaped rocks instead of dirt.

When Al asked me about the conditions for where I would hang the bridge, I said, "We can get dirt and stones out, so shouldn't we make sure we're closer to a straight line?" I asked the question.

When Al hears the words, he exhales in a deep sigh and is answered, "Wherever you cross the bridge, how can you do it to the high and low near the bridge?"

Because of this, Al has a depth of about a cup of river width at the bottom of the river, plans to sink a huge rock bed that is more than 10m wide and also more than 2m thick, and cross a sturdy stone bridge over it.

After installing the rock bed, leave it for over a month until it is fixed to the bottom of the river by its own weight, and then bridge it at the required height.

As for the bridge, it naturally forms with one giant stone.

It can also settle a little more later because it takes a lot more weight, but in doing so, it tries to adjust by adding a stone plate.

The bedrock will not be fixed horizontally, but it will be close to horizontal unless you choose quite a few places.

It was also the idea that if holes were left in the rock bed to sink, and stone bridges were placed to match the holes, there would be a durable bridge that would neither increase water slightly nor frighten.

Anyway, the track course to the village of Halos was also determined at a pace that exceeded the original schedule.

"Nice. Nice. It's a mess for the D.A."

After noon, Larfa says in a good mood as he enters the cultivated land of the village of Halos.

"Hey. But it's hot today, and I'm tired already. Don't do anything today. I'm off."

Since the end of last month, after taking a look down at the track course from Beglitz to Mead village and conducting the Mead village checkpoint, Guineh was craving a break because he was looking down at the track course to Halos village.

I think the four slaves following them are only a few times a year, such as on holidays, so I look a little happy with Guineh's phrase, "I'm off today".

"The schedule is going well, and we're off tomorrow?

Ralpha asked.

"Mm-hmm, that might be good too. I'll take a walk around the village."

In response, Guine looked back at the woman in the gnome who was putting her behind her horse.

"I've taken you around here for days with bad legs, so take your time with Samantha today and tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Akdam"

Unaccustomed to the horse, Norm's middle-aged woman answered with her hands around Guine's waist disappointed from fear.

Lord Gaenun, lord of the village of Halos, is a late twenty Pu (Hume) man.

He inherited the throne from his mother a few years ago, and since then he has ruled the village of Halos without much.

I'm married and I'm having two kids, and I'm growing up fast.

The first-born daughter, who asks for traces, was also allowed to attend the training of her squire from this year on, even happy to see her child grow up waving a wooden sword every day.

It also turns its head quite a bit and encourages the village farmland to grow many crops, besides wheat and cotton, such as tobacco and vegetables, root vegetables and legumes, which are not made by other villages, and also pioneers routes to wholesale them to merchants in Beglitz and Zondir.

Some crops sell well, of course, while others do not sell at very high prices.

For his status as a nobleman, he has repeatedly bowed his head to the merchant, and has also studied which crops are not very handy and can be sold well for that reason if he purchases seeds of crops that appear to be in high demand.

It should also be noted that, as part of the exit of the heavy ministers of the former Hammit kingdom, we are also concerned about how to delude the tax on the nobility that governs this West Dart region, and, deductively, on the Kingdom of Lomberto, even with a considerable tax evasion as a matter of fact.

Sir Gaenun looks like a smooth sail, but he also has some troubles, grievances, and dreams in his life like that.

That one day.

A visitor arrived at the mansion some time after he began his routine afternoon audition.

Visitors were led by one young woman, one man in every five women being a group.

The woman says she is the captain of an investigation team reporting to Count Riegle, who will rule the West Dart region, and asks to see the Ser.

He showed the maid of the mansion and his retired parents a power of attorney issued by the Count and said, "I will survey the village plots over the next few days for Kench, so I will ask them to arrange a row of inns and meals in between".

Upon hearing the circumstances from a maid who had rushed to the archery of her squire, Sir Gehnung wondered, as did Sir Zincase, who ruled the village of Mead, "have you finally come?"

However, unlike Sir Zincase, he had no idea of trying to mislead the area of cultivated land.

As far as he was concerned, he thought that "plots would be thoroughly investigated, and if deception were exposed, it would not be something that I knew would be said to that harsh looking lord".

It should be noted that the tax does not matter what crop you are growing because last year's wheat harvest will be determined as a factor depending on the area of cultivated land.

The tax evasion he is carrying out is a hidden field that he has taken over from his ancestors, who have crossed the river from the village and have also opened four kilometers to the southeast.

The further south this West Dart region becomes, the more fertile it becomes.

Difficult to open, a hidden field that cuts through the woods, but its area has doubled in his generation.

This is nothing more than not fixing it and dealing with the serfs you own, but it is only a matter of not reporting on the fields you open, and it is not illegal or anything in itself to offer the serfs hard labor.

In addition, the barral streets leading to the village of Damon must be taken off into the woods that thrive to the south, even though the hidden fields may be quite a distance away from each other.

Even the villagers know only a small part of them, and they can only go through hidden paths.

- It's far over there. There is no reason to be noticed.

I was thinking.

Of course, the crops grown in its hidden fields are easy to preserve and easy to cash.

It is bought by the Chamber of Commerce, which has a No. 2 license based in the territory of the Count of Dazur in the north, which is visited about twice a year.

The price was somewhat beaten down, but it was certain that it would still earn quite a bit.

Sir leaving a wooden sword with one of his squire and returning to the mansion wiping sweat with a luxury towel.

There are four horses in front of the mansion, and middle-aged women and young men descend the horse and hold its reins.

Looks like some of them are only about ten years old.

- Are you a slave to the investigation team?

That's what I thought, only gave me a glance at the foursome bowing his head and the Ser entered his mother's house.

Two young women were waiting for him in the reception room.

One looks like a Mountain (Dwarf) and the other looks like a Pu.

"Nice to meet you, Sir. My name is Associate Sir Ralpha Firefrid. My father is looking up to Weed, Zenom Firefrid."

Saying so, the young blonde smiled and offered Gaenun the back of her right hand.

"Oh, oh... I am Gaenun, who reigns over the village of Halos..."

Gehnung is somewhere out there, even as he says hello.

- I like it... Beautiful blonde hair as it flows...... modestly swollen chest...... small mouth...... wide, tight open eyes......

Wipe the palm sweat with a towel and reach out to check the woman's status.

- Nice eye and nose balance... not very deep carved, but that's good again! Father is Weed's fat guard...... that Dwarf...... That said, I have an adopted daughter...

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