2 Sep 7449

"The lord himself will guide the village..."

Ralpha spoke to Guineh, who was equally generous next door, as he relaxed on the couch in the guest room of the Lords' Hall in the village of Halos.

"... if you normally think about it, there's a place you don't want to be seen, and I'm watching you not to go there?

Guine answers as she trims her jaw mustache.

"Well, I guess so."

As for the two of us, we were originally going to rest and take our time tomorrow, but before we could talk about it, the Sergeant had left the reception immediately.

The reason the Sir left the room was to change his clothes to guide the village.

When he answered, he was in the middle of an archery of swords and spears around his squire, which certainly could not be described as a very good outfit.

Therefore, I thought I would talk about my future plans while I was talking to the public after I greeted him for the first time, but I'm not even busy talking to the public.

"Still, was something twitching because it was an archaic dirty outfit?

"We don't care about that. Besides, if you don't like dirty outfits, you should come and get dressed from the start..."

We both know it's insane that people who welcome visitors come out to meet us in dirty outfits.

Ralpha is also an Associate Duke, even though he has become a member of the nobility.

Compared to Sir, it's understated, so there's nothing like being angry about it even if they wait.

In particular, I was wondering if, if I were to try Sir Gaenun, the line of coming to the checkpoint would be accompanied by escorts from all the wooden officials in the administration.

At first, they dared to come out in dirty clothes to show off their differences in character.

But the investigation team found out that the nobleman (Ralpha) had led them and wanted to show them where they were dressed.

After waiting for a while, the door to the reception opened and the maid came in.

"If you have any luggage, we will take you to your room"

They were a little surprised to hear the words.

Unlike the village of Mead, close to Beglitz, the village of Halos is far from top notch but has decent accommodation.

About two weeks ago, they stayed on their way out of Weed to Beglitz.

Around six months ago, Al, who was traveling to Beglitz, also stayed.

There won't be so many guests, but pedestrians and others use it every day, and it's a very demanding inn.

And there are plenty of 300 meters from this lord's hall to the inn.

I don't know if this maid is a slave, but it's not sneaky to have her carry such a long distance.

Besides, it is everything in the saddlebags of horses such as luggage.

If you ride a horse like 300m, you can go in minutes, and nobody gets tired.

"Oh, I'll carry it myself, fine. The inn was taken by six people, including the slaves?

Ralpha said, smiling at an unfortunate maid who thought Sir earlier had told her to carry the load.

"… No, the guests are asked to stay in the rooms of the hall. The people with you took the inn..."

The maid answers with a slightly unexpected face.

Accommodation in the hall is apparently what the Ser ordered.

If Ralpha and Guineh didn't have an inn, they didn't have to know, and they were going to stay there because they had a properly open inn.


"Oh really? It's... uh, it's painful."

In my heart I said, "I floated the inn bill!" Ralpha replies, gargling.

In that brain I had already thought about the dishes and liquor served to my guests by the aristocrats.

It wouldn't even be luxurious, but it would be a much better menu than the tavern and diner across the street from the inn.

"Thank you. But the luggage is on the horse outside, so if you could show us to the stables..."

Guine also said with a little joy.

Somehow there was only one tavern and rice restaurant in the village of Halos that just didn't have the lager type of beer they preferred (there was only the upper fermented ale type of beer) or the baked shochu.

Besides, my favorite meat dish was also of a small variety.

It's still better if it's less, but I haven't eaten a bite because I was served amphibian meat living in rivers like Imori and Sanshouo and their appearance was so grotesque.

Chickens, pigs, etc. are consumed in the village or sold to Beglitz, so they did not come around to the tavern.

Instead, it was just a menu that Al (the old man) seemed to prefer, like a pale white fish that said Yameim or something that could be harvested in a river flowing by the village, or a juice that crumbled and furnished every shell with river shrimp, Sawagani, and seasoned with salt.

If you can eat chickens or pigs, that's better.

It was completed in one word in their brains.

"Um... I'm sorry, but if you're attached to me, please let the innkeeper... If it is claimed that only the Captain of the Associate Duke will be staying in the hall..."

The expression disappeared from the woman with the beard who looked happy, like Nobu.

"Pup. Guine, I'm sorry. Why don't we all have a nice meal with Marl and Limby?


'Well, me too, huh? Mixing with the lords' families to eat is a stiff shoulder. But I'm Holla, the captain, and no? And noble, no? I can't help it, can I?

Guine was eating up her teeth so much that she could hear the crisp toothpick, but somehow she opens her mouth.

"Yes, it is. Is that what you're saying?

When he heard the words, Ralpha reflected that he was feeling a little better.

When I changed my expression, I opened my mouth.

'Shit, don't be mad at me. I'll attract the Lords while I'm here. In the meantime, listen to your reputation from the villagers. The old man in the previous village only knew what a trinket was. "

When I hear that, Guine also returns to a sobering look.

'Well, it's true you can't help it. Fine, I'll behave for everyone this evening. That's why it's bad for the Ser, but I already drink today. You know what I mean, right?'

The words of Guine can also be understood by Ralpha.

He wants to go to the tavern and ask about the lord's reputation before the villagers know he's with the inspection team.

The inn is likely known to be a line of investigation teams, but it will still take quite some time for the villagers coming to the tavern to find out about it.

I didn't need any more words between Ralpha and Guine.

Ralpha said, "I apologize to Sir Gehnung for offering me guidance on the village because of this, but I want you to cancel your guidance on today's cultivated land because your companion is suddenly ill. After tomorrow, we'll come back to the favor together again," she thanked me for the trouble I'd be in for a few days from today.

If you are in Guineh, leave the solo hall.

There was also a youngest son who offered to guide him to the inn, but he declined and joined the four slaves who waited in front of the building.

"Um, what about Master Firefrid?

I can't see Ralpha, so Marl asks Guineh, who only came out with one.

"Oh, the nobles say hello just to the nobles. I'm just gonna leave Ral's horse in this hall, so keep every package."

Guine, expressionless, puts a disabled child slave on his horseback with Marr.

"Come on next, Samantha too"

As always, the frightening middle-aged woman's slave also pushes her up to the saddle with Limby.

"Let's go. Guys, I'm taking the day off already. You can ask Tallis and Samantha to do whatever you want for dinner."

It was Guine who finally smiled at Tallis' voice, who was honestly happy to shake.

For this reason, I am not saying this because I am blessed with the opportunity to eat as much as I want if I try to make it Marl and Limby, Al's combat slaves, but the ralpha-free meal that still puts it on something and says "eat vegetables" and forces me to eat large quantities of vegetables, didn't seem happy.

before that evening.

In the tavern and rice restaurant, which has only one house in the village of Halos, the view was seen that a group of five people stopped by this village on the way to work and were eating with pleasure.

"Oh, this! It's delicious, Mr. Guine."

"True! It's so delicious!

Two battle slaves stabbing a few small imories on a skewer to crush the baked dish.

"Marl and Limby aren't often disgusted...... such lizards"

Glyne pours in a cloudy ambient ale of superficial fermentation with a frown root.

Guine thinks amphibian imories and lizards are similar or brothers.

"Mm-hmm, this black imori, I'm really sorry. I was in Wadashi's hometown. Ha."

Apparently the middle-aged woman Samantha knows.

Guine looks at Imori's tail sticking out of Marl's mouth.

I heard a bone chewed up.

- Delicious, huh?

Guine wonders if she will reach for the skewer that remains on the plate.

But in the end, I decided to pinch the salt grill on Eil.

"The old lizard over here tastes really good too. I've never had such a delicious meat!

Tallis says a little out of tongue.

When Guine looks at Tallis, she cheeks up a roundabout of lizard-like amphibian thick tails as she greases around her mouth.

- If that... then I don't know the prototype, and about a bite...

"Mm-hmm. Then I'll have one."

I try to reach out to the baked goods of San Shaw thoughtfully.

I cut a tail nearly 10 cm in diameter to about 4 cm thick and just cooked it with salt and pepper.

The skin also remains.

A bite of Guine opens her eyes to too much aroma.

Soft, chewy, fatty meat around the bone.

The blackish skin itself occupies about five mm below the skin while the surface is crisp. The moist gelatinous subcutaneous fat is simple to taste but strong in flavor, and can be called delicious when combined with unusual toothpaste.


The fat overflowing in my mouth is not a beastly smell either, and I feel closer to that of a large fish such as tuna.

When poured in with beer while the aftertaste is still there, it seems refreshing and easy to eat.

"I can! I like this!

When I said it like I was impressed, I bumped into it again.

And the time will only come in the evening.

People in the village, or peasants like ex-combatants, start showing their faces in this store.

A group of middle-aged men also occupied next to the tables of the Guinees.

They also asked for ale and asked for stewed Sunshaw's feet.

In an effort to join their story, Guine began putting some tail steaks on the plate, an expensive menu in the top of the line at this store.

Marl and Limby whispered, "I'll get the information. Leave me alone if you don't have much to do. You guys keep eating like you're having fun," he said, turning around sitting on the chair.

"Um, do you have a minute?

Speak up to the Mountain Men (Dwarves) man who looked past thirty who was sitting right behind him.

"Hmm? Am I right?

Dwarves while holding a jock of beer did not ignore Guineh.

"I don't, it's called gne. Your brothers are eating. He wants to eat just a little bit."

While making Cena, Guine holds a plate of tail steak with her left hand and places her right hand on the man's lap.

And I said as I looked up.

- Now, now is the time for my beauty to shine! I'll do it!

"Momo, I'm not saying it's just that, am I? Here! Enjoy this for everyone."

Place the plate in front of the man, with his left hand extended and his tail steak on their table.

Keep your right hand on the man's lap and weigh a little.

- Oh, it's turning red. Cute!

On the verge of the dish being placed on the table, keep your right hand off your knees but only your index finger remains on your knees.

Place the plate on the table so that you write the word "of" on your knee with your right hand finger.

At the same time, slowly lick your upper lip as you gently stretch your tongue as you are uppermost.

- Look, it's sexy, right? I practiced with Lar.

The man looked a little barometric by Guineh.

"Oh, oh?


"Here, for the tail steak?

The men surrounding the table with the men also seemed to leak their voices unexpectedly at how Guineh was doing.

- Huh. Such a country mon, a chocolate chocolate if you put it on me! Later, with skillful speaking skills......

I'll be the best at it, Guine.

"Oh, I'm scared of kakaa, that kind of thing. But thank you for this."

That evening, the village men ran around the tavern with information that "a poor dwarf woman appeared rich but hungry for men".

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