2 Sep 7449

"What? You think I'm sick?... well, okay"

Sir Gaenun, who was told through his maid that today's inspection was unnecessary because a person fell ill to the investigation team, was only slightly discouraged.

I decided to keep dressing because I was about to finish dressing, and I went into the room and encouraged the frightened maid to continue.

"Well, the captain has agreed to stay at home, hasn't he? Mm-hmm. There must be no missing entertainment. Make sure you serve the finest tea."

A maid who understands Sir's life leaves the room.

"Hmm...... Call Zola."

Sir started clamping his own buttons when he ordered the maid who was helping him change.

For this reason Zora is the First Lady of Sir Guernoon.

The daughters who will succeed the Ser are not yet adults, so they are present with the Lady at the Spring Greeting, and the couple are known as Osidri couples accompanying the couple.

She should still be auditioning with her squire.

Zola came in a few minutes.

"What's up?

There is sweat on Zola's forehead, and all parts of her archery clothes are dirty.

"I'll be staying with the captain of Kench's investigation team for a while. You, too, get dressed and face the reception right away."

Then I tell the maid who sent me to get my wife to help me change that dress.

'Cause I'm going to the guest room first.

Sir left the costume room early and headed for the reception room.

- But I heard that my adopted daughter is a Pu (Hume)...

Sir thinks as he heads to the reception room.

- Did you say La, Rufa? If she is the adopted daughter of Baron Firefrid, is she one of those who was diving into Balduk as an adventurer (Versatiler)...... The Countess was also a great beauty...... I know that because she is a Dark Elf (Dark Elf).

Mizuchi looks less than a dark elf, but is nevertheless neat than Hume.

- Speaking of which, the Mountain (Dwarf) woman who was with the Associate Duke was also... to the point where no one believes it's Dwarf if you shave your beard...

Gühne's body is disappointing if compared to that of a general woman, but she is so slurred that she does not think she is a Dwarf woman, and although she does have Dwarf characteristics about body area balance, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is somewhat close to Hume.

If you shave your beard, it will work well as a slightly disappointing, if you say so, healthy looking fume.

- Hey, that woman's in Balduk with your Excellency too...? No, no way. You don't have that, do you?

Regardless of the Count himself and his wife Dark Elf, Dwarf woman in addition to the Associate Count of Hume.

Generally speaking, I don't think all four young people are super-class adventurers.

I only know it from what I've heard, but Balduk's labyrinth is a very dangerous place, not a monstrous one.

Even veteran adventurers who have been challenging for years have easily lost their lives, and it is natural that even those who are early to become known as super-class take nearly a decade, and they also heard that it is only a very handful who have been blessed with excellent talent and the finest of luck.

Sure, I hear that arm rhythm is an important element, but I also hear that more important than that is the depth of caution you never get caught off guard, the mental power you never give up in any kind of predicament, and the experience and knowledge you gain from repeatedly challenging the labyrinth.

The leaders of a group of adventurers who challenge the labyrinth combine them all and it is not uncommon for members and all of them to be wiped out before they become first class adventurers.

- Adventurers are more...

The Ser has also met many adventurers in the past.

Those temporarily hired as mercenaries by the escorts of the caravans and the Royal Army, and those still hired as commissioned by the Kingdom to investigate the Dart Plains.

Many adventurers went through this village of Halos.

Of course, the vast majority of them were just like the ones with the hairs growing in Gorotsuki.

But I've also met some of the people I call first-rate in it.

Its leading adventurers are all young but mid twenty, mostly over thirty large ones.

I naturally took it for granted, even as a Sir.

So I was surprised from the bottom of my heart when I first met the Count on my way to duty.

I was wondering if you defeated the dragon that you were deep in Balduk at this young age.

In particular, he gave the king the countenance by offering the treasure he had earned in Balduk, and put it in a place described as an "exception" to the shelf of memory, wondering whether he would be young and good with the people who would also be entrusted with the territory.

Still, I was licking it initially.

Though I admired the grandeur attitude that did not suit my young appearance, there was also a large part of the interpretation that was making me high whether I was a young man with little experience in life.

But then, when I officially greet him, I think about it again.

The use of advanced magic moves without creation was reminiscent of the great wizard who appeared in the fairy tale, and the Ser was also impressed by the judgment he had devised to prevent sins from being inflicted on his kinsmen and relatives against the general law.

In addition, the House of Sir Guernoon is relieved to grip that descendants are not guilty of attempted rebellion committed by their ancestors as well.

Normally, most of the aristocracy in the West Dirt region would have been destroyed and a new lord brought in from somewhere, which by now would have been the extreme of confusion.

It was also understood that the judgment and its consequences were connected to the safety of the Count's status and the ease of later rule, but it was nevertheless certain that the majority of nobles, including the House of Sir Guernoon, had spared the worst result of the destruction of the house.

Thinking that if the Count had accommodated everything on the square, it would be so scary and dazzling.

At the end of the sentence, while the nobles were asleep about the rebellion that Sir Cove had planned, it was prevented only by the minimal sacrifice of all that was yet to be made.

Once again, when he found out about it, the Ser thought that exceptions were rarely there, and that he was lucky enough to meet even one person in his lifetime.

Of course, I don't think all three, other than the Count, are similar figures to the Count, and I know that there are various definitions of "exceptions".

But even though the directions would be different, it only became so convincing to Sir that the "exception" would come out gobbly and three or four.

I got there before the reception.

Sir knocked when he checked for disturbances in his outfit only once.

"Thank you for waiting. Anything you want to give me that makes me ill..."

Sir sat down on the couch in a meeting.

There's still no tea out at the table between the couches across the street.

"Yes. So I'm sorry, but I'm going to cancel today's inspection."

Ralpha answered as the Sir lowered his back and woke his upper body at the same time.

- Mm-hmm. I didn't know such a flattering young woman was a first-rate adventurer. You don't have a scratch on your face. All the adventurers I know are one or two of the wounds over there...

At the same time that Sir thinks so, he comes to the conclusion that with the magical arms of the Count, he would be able to heal wounds instantly without even leaving a trace.

- Wouldn't leave a scratch on your beautiful face... you should thank the Count for just that.

"I also asked about the matter..."

The Ser then explained that at this time of year, it was a time of push about sowing certain vegetables, and that he did not want to prolong the checkpoint, which would take time, so he also wanted us to go early about the pre-checkpoint inspection.

There are several other reasons besides what I explained, none of which is a big deal.

"Then let's stop the inspection itself. It wasn't originally planned."

Nodding convincingly at Sir's explanation, Ralpha smiles and says.

Hearing the words, the Ser regrets only slightly what he said lightly.

"Yes, no, we need the Associate Duke to understand where and how much arable land is spread before the investigation..."

Sir rushing to fix it up to get back the silence.

I wanted to be close to Ralpha if I could.

I can't even hope to marry her, who would inherit the Baron's family if I were a nobleman who can afford to live.

However, it is everyone's desire to be close if they can be of the opposite sex with the appearance of preference.

I thought the inspection was a good first step, but I dug my own grave.

"No, I don't want to interrupt farming by forcing myself to look around, especially because of your busy sowing season"

I don't actually want to do this either, because there's not much she can do where she went alone, regardless if she's accompanied by a visit or something like that if you try Ralpha.

Few, about checking the number of livestock when it comes to what you can do by inspecting them, but I thought you could just let them do that, even though that stuff is only Marl's Limby.

However, both Marr and Limby are escorts and patrons, so anything but mapping for inspection is inherently Larfa's job.

Even if you say you are a great captain, the truth is that there are only two teams of investigators.

There's no reason why the work of a captain in such a zone should just take command of the squad.

"Then, it won't take long for the inspection. We also finished the Mead Village checkpoint in a day and a half, so no matter how long this Halos Village checkpoint is, it will be enough for two days."

I heard that in just a day and a half he finished the Mead Village checkpoint. The Ser couldn't hide his surprise from Russia.

- What? Is Kenchi such an easy thing... More thoroughly... seems to have a small number of people, and I thought it was something I'd spend a lot of time on.

That's what I thought, Ser, but I immediately retighten my surprised face.

The maid shows up and puts the tea on the table.

In addition to the teapot, three expensive ceramic-like teacups were prepared, which in turn exited when they were poured into the cup with a good aromatic tea.

"That's a good smelling tea. Which leaves?

Ralpha, with his mouth on the cup, asks, and the topic moves on to tea.

And when Zola, the Lady of the Ser, comes into the reception room, she sits next to the Ser.

Greetings were exchanged and explanations were given not only for checkpoints but also for pulling railways.

At the dawn of completion, he said, he would be able to go back and forth between Beglitz and Weed without a day and a hang.

And carry dozens of tons.

I didn't really understand what the railroad was, but the Serene Lady seemed quite impressed and asks a lot of questions.

- You were right to let Zola out. You're smarter than me...

Hearing about the railroad, the Ser initially wondered if it would merely create a path dedicated to carriages, but when he heard what Zola was asking and Ralpha's response, he thought, "That's going to make it easier to pay taxes".

Charges are also naturally charged to rent carriages and horses from the administration and the Knights.

It seems that the railroads will be charged, but they will still be quite cheap.

Prices are also important, but above all they have taken quite a few manpower up to now to pay taxes, but I find it quite fascinating just to find out that if the railroad opens, the manpower it will take will be drastically reduced.

"You. Don't you have anything else you want to hear?

Seems to be the end of the whole question, Zola asked the Sir.

"Ah? Oh, no. Because you listened to me. But I want to make sure of one thing."

When Sir smiles back at his wife and replies, he asks Larfa again.

"Well, it's where you pull Tetsudo, but how do you decide?

"I'll check with you when you're in a kench. I'm sorry, but I'm not just thinking about the convenience of the village of Halos and deciding which part of the village to crush. Because it also concerns the previous village of Mead and the future village of Damon. Besides, we'll all pull Tetsudorosen against the northern village of Henson, so we'll have to think about connecting in that direction."

I thought Ralpha would be asked, too, and if he hadn't, I was going to tell him from myself.

Ralpha carries on the words.

"I will consider not to destroy the house as much as I can, and I intend to draw up a proposal that will not, for Your Excellency the Count to approve… I cannot promise you that I will never destroy the house, etc., as it is the Count who will make the final decision. Also, the field will definitely crumble to some extent, so please be sure to do so."

Then, for the crushed fields, Ralpha also does not precipitate the explanation of the detailed conditions, such as less tax but no compensation because the production falls.

Especially since I'm making notes and tapping into my head about what I absolutely need to talk about this, naturally.



The couple had listened in silence to the conditions mentioned by Ralpha.

- We don't compensate for crushed arable land, do we? I can't help it, but......

Sir was outraged that the arable land would not be compensated at all even though only the area for the railway line would be crushed.

but while it's also bundling, I'm convinced. Because I also had an expectation that it would be convenient.

If the railroad, which is to be made of the earl's liver, connects Beglitz to Weed, the village of Halos, halfway between them, will benefit greatly.

Fast, massive carriage convoys will pass twice a day.

Those who manipulate carriages and escorts will also eat and rest.

He also said that in the future the railway will also connect the northern village of Henson.

In that case, the village of Haros will be a need for transportation now more than ever.

- Hidden field harvest...... if you can carry that to Weed with Tetsudo, you'll get a little more money to buy it... but if you do that, you'll find out for sure. I don't know what to do...?

Mrs. Zola's had a slightly more realistic idea.

I'm glad I just sold it to the familiar caravan I've been doing.

But he says it is the Green Chamber of Commerce the Count has that manages the railways.

Then they threaten to grab all the information on who, how much, what baggage they put on and where they unloaded from.

This is important to the village of Halos.

- Right now, it looks like this guy hasn't noticed that much yet, but if you explain it, he'll understand it's a problem right away. Quickly this evening......

Zola doesn't feel comfortable thinking about the hidden fields.

A woman named Zola, who can even imagine checks on railway users, luggage, etc., can be regarded as a pretty good person among those born and raised in Aus.

That night.

"Whoops. Ha ha, I ate."

Ralpha, who slept in the bed of a guest room in Sir Gaenun's hall, had a big slurp.

I'm pretty sure she was quite satisfied with the dinner served at the Ser's Hall.

Cooking with pork and chicken was arranged on the table as I had hoped, and the flavour was good there as well.

In addition, alcohol behaved as well as fine wheat shochu, and the quantity had nothing to say to an adequate diet.


"Oh my God, I'm already..."

I'm a little preppy about what I'm dissatisfied with at the same time.

As the prospect suggests, this day was successful in nailing all the maids of service to the hall in addition to the Sir, his wife and two daughters, and the retired Sir's parents.

From the window in the reception room you can see the road that leads to the centre of the village, but as far as Larfa has confirmed, no one has moved from the house to the village until they move to the dining room for dinner.

Therefore, Sir's parents, who are retired, are not out of the house either.

All I saw was two girls who weren't even old enough to go yet, trying to draw a wooden sword in the evening and coming back.

In fact, the Ser himself blossomed in Ralpha and Square Mountain Tales in the reception room long before he could prepare his meal, and only took a seat for the bathroom or something twice along the way.

The same is true for the lady, who came back after taking her seat off but not for ten minutes.

No one has gone out of this hall since after noon until dinner, and it seems that the Guinees will be able to gather information freehand.

However, the result is good, but the problem is the process.

As for Ralpha, I was going to divert my gaze from the Guinees by talking about the adventure tans I spent in Balduk, the horrible demons, the rare magic tools, etc., and buying joy.

When I thought it would be something that complimented the meal, complimented the drink, and made it a soothing table.

The Duchess said so.

- You. Now is the time to talk.

The said Sir didn't seem to know what he was talking about at first, but as soon as his wife struck him in the ear, he turned blue and sat in the middle with the father of a retired Sir.

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