2 Sep 7449

"A new opening..."

In response to Zora's wisdom, Sir Guernoon, who consulted with his father, said he had "opened new plots".

"Hang on, you make everything three or four miles away. It stinks."

There is no text in the law of the Kingdom of Lomberto stating, for example, that new arable land should not be exploited.

But you shouldn't create a new place of residence on your own.

A new place of residence is a village or city, and mountain huts used temporarily by hunters, charcoal burners, etc., are not included in this.

It is a privilege that only senior nobles who own the area or who have been appointed to that senior nobility can create new villages and so on.

However, the expansion of existing arable land is recommended, rather than residences such as villages.

Normally it is common to open and open cultivated land around the village in the direction of enlarging it as it is, but it is not restricted because it can be somewhat enclaved for convenience such as terrain and water stools.

Also of course, it is forbidden to extend the city and the village beyond the territory of the senior aristocrats under control.

In particular, this is thorough in heaven, where the law of the kingdom becomes the only law, etc., but there are many other places that are a little more relaxed, such as in other lands where ex post approval is granted.

Even if the village of Halos opened new arable land a little further from the above contents, it is not a problem in itself. Tax-free harvesting on cultivated land will only apply for five years after opening, as usual.

As an official of the inspectorate, the land should also be allocated an area for carrying out the inspectorate to impose taxes beginning five years later.

It also makes sense to make a distinction between increased arable land by the time between taxation and the place where it was first opened.

"But he said it has a lot of area... it must have been a hidden field... too unexpected"

Of course, it's no surprise or anything.

The point is that concealed fields are a popular way to evade taxes on percentages, as they are just subspecies that under-declare the area of a field that is cultivated land.

If it can be well covered up, it is better at a time when exposure is less likely than merely under-declared, but it must be opened at some distance from the place of residence and cultivated, so naturally it takes manpower to hang water stools and other good land.

"Well, come on. If Guiney sees it, he'll shoot you anyway."

On second thought, Guineh is the only one who works, and Ralpha remembers that he just stuck to it and walked.

"It is Guine's eyes that do the test, and Guine's hand that writes the map.... What about me?

According to Guineh, the map information that unfolded in the brain can also be shown in front of you as it is, so that you can draw an accurate map just by showing it on blank paper and looking at key parts.

The cartographic arms that have been worked out so much in the Labyrinth of Balduk have come year after year that these days, if not too long, the straight lines and curves can be drawn as imagined.

For that matter, I also remembered Al saying that he has considerable attention to writing equipment and paper quality, but that it is normal for craftsmen to have a focus on their tools.

"He's a captain, and naturally he's a brain-worker, isn't he? This is how you and your lord are having a rough break. Besides, I have to worry about how things are going with care for everyone's safety, and it's tough. Ahhhhh..."

Looks like it's time to get sleepy.

"Tomorrow is early, and it's time for bed"

He also dived into the bed when he turned off the light magic fixtures that were probably the only ones in this room.

3 Sep 7449

I woke up before dawn, as usual. Larfa noticed that someone seemed to be making breakfast at the same time as she woke up.

"Mm-hmm. Smells good."

I searched by hand for the light demon prop switch that was supposed to be beside the bed, and as soon as I turned on the light, I opened the window and let some fresh air in the room.


Change underwear and wear the same clothes as yesterday.

There is no resistance to wearing clothes that have not even been laundered because they have been brought around to Xenom since childhood, unless they are so dirty, for a week in a row.

As a matter of fact, I used to wear underwear around without laundry until I met Al.

Instead of wearing the same thing in a row on the boulder, I just misled myself by rotating a few things.

Besides, even after I started acting with Al for a while, I slept naked and stuck with Xenom when I went to bed.

Having stayed in a particular inn for a long time, I am able to buy bedding clothes and extra underwear, and I am able to afford to ask for laundry services at will, and I am also turning my attention to the familiarity including underwear and clothes as if I recall my old life for the first time.

"Okay, and"

When you put the underwear you were wearing in the bag, you stick it in your saddlebag and wear a suspender with a belt.

You can't hang an axe that weighs a lot on your hips without this.

Remove the [Bloody Handaxe "Bloody Handaxe"] from the specially made leather sheath (sheath) and grip the pattern.

It's a magical weapon with special abilities, but unlike Tris' [Flame Sword (Flame Tan)], there's nothing like something echoing in your head just holding the pattern.

The noisy sound of "more, more prey” is heard from the axe when the attack is successful during the battle, and it just feels more powerful each time.

"... Huh!

Use the magic of the already accustomed magic sensing "Diect Magic" to see if it is replaced with a very similar fake.

"Yeah, whoa"

Return the axe to the sheath and hang it in the band of your hips.

There will still be some time before breakfast, so I decided to do a pre run exercise.

It's a simulated battle with an imaginary opponent using an axe.

"Over there next"

It is the tall trees standing on the outskirts of a farmland quite far away that Guine has declared.

"Ho. Sir, I'm going that way, so can I cross that field?

Ralpha asks Sir Gaenun, who has followed the test site, pointing to a section that now appears to be a fallow field.

"Oh, sorry, you just seeded..."

"I understand. Guine, through the acreage."

The precinct, which started near nine o'clock, now that it's around noon, it seems to me that nearly a third of it is over for the Sergeant.

"Um, Associate Sir Firefrid. Is this the kench?

"Yeah. I'm not going to go to the boulder all by the end of the day, but I think tomorrow it'll all be over, including the new plot of cultivation."

Upon hearing these words Sir Gehnung felt as clapped out as Sir Jinkase of Mead Village.

At the same time, he was wrapped up in regret, saying, "If this is the case, I didn't mean the hidden fields."

Even he thought that such a rude land survey would surely miss the hidden fields that he had struggled to maintain and open.

But at the same time, he even remembered his wife's words.

- There's no hand not to use if that's really all the hauling power that's dedicated to carriages. Hidden field taxes are between five and six million at best, right? It should be better for the village to be able to sell or sell vegetables that remain fresh than that. Even the delicious but fragile and abandoned cultivation will sell at a high price. Above all, what will that lord say when he finds out later that there is a hidden field...

Because I thought what my wife said was special, I was tempted to say that there were plots of land outside the village perimeter.

"... If it's good, would you look at the already finished Meade Village Gazetteer? I'm sure you'll be able to do it this evening, but if you look at it, your Excellency will know how much this precinct is."

With that said, I heard you were putting an end to the Mead village checkpoint before this village of Halos.

It would also be important to know what content the investigation was conducted.

Nor am I personally interested in the inner affairs of Mead Village.

That's what I thought. Sir asked me to show him the gazetteer.

"This is the Mead Village Gazetteer. It's close to the Memorandum of Understanding because we haven't finished the Qing Dynasty yet, and I have to make a proper document based on it and submit it to His Excellency the Count, so as soon as you see it on this occasion, you will return it."

That evening, a woman who visited me to greet me on the first day, Akdam, showed up at the end of dinner and said:

The Sir receives dozens of paper bundles she offers and quickly glances at the contents.

The contents appear to be divided into four broad categories.

One, about the population of the village.

This is described in a report from the Lords as 795.

I don't know if it fits because it doesn't look like it actually counted.

It seems that a proper investigation will be conducted someday because it is subject to headcount tax.

One, about the village livestock.

The number of chickens, pigs and horses is written with the confirmation date.

This is all dated a few days ago.

It could be wrong, but the divergence from real numbers would be small.

Not subject to tax in the first place.

One, about the village merchants.

Some kind of merchant is listed, with an opening notice in the administrative office.

They say there is no divergence from delivery in Meade Village.

Up to this point, I didn't even feel much of a problem as Sir Gaenun.

Ordinary officials will be able to investigate information around here as long as it is not excessively inept.

And finally, on the cultivated land of the most important village.

Here Sir Gaenun was so stunned that he slipped out of his hips.

One piece of paper contains a map of the entire village, and the building is also depicted in the form of its premises.

Other detailed maps divided to become a rather large single map by joining them up, down, left and right.

Without being omitted as one, the waterways, wells, etc. also appear to be accurately depicted.

In addition, surprisingly, farmland and the like are fairly detailed and numerical.

As for Sir, it's enough to wonder how he looked up the detailed numbers so far, but even a small field in the back yard of his wife's parents' house was listed with the numbers, and it was understandable that the numbers were plausible even against memory.

"Ultimately, we will draw up two documents, one to be kept by His Excellency the Count and one to be given to the lords of each village. If you have any objections, you will see them."

The calm talking dwarf became polite when he received the gazetteer from the Sergeant with a flat face.

"Well, I want to ask you one thing. What the hell... how the hell are you so fine...?

Sir asked the question, but it would be a natural question.

"We, along with His Excellency the Count, are mapping the majority of Balduk's labyrinth. Um, look at the big labyrinth, it's on foot. Exactly the same stride for hours, naturally."

Associate Sir Firefrid says with a slightly awesome look.

Sir Gehnung has to be a little overwhelmed when he hears the words.

Didn't you often use horses to move around the village?

"I would now like to add a few more words to what His Excellency Firefrid has said. They tend to think all that labyrinth is a cave, but some spaces inside are bigger than this village gets soaked in, so I'm used to making maps in those places as well. Nor is it uncommon to be attacked by demons during mapping. Fighting often occurs along the way or escapes at first sight. Even then, we're counting steps and strides. Huh? Isn't that why you can't? My life is at stake."

The Dwarf woman grinned and said as she stroked her moustache.

As a Sir who does not know the Labyrinth of Balduk, I cannot say a word to Russia to deny it.

And he goes on to say, "If you can't do that, you can't even get down to the lower levels, and you just die if you can't get it to the back," and he says, "Is that what it is? I was still convinced that it was not suitable for a young man and that he was a first-class adventurer..."

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