3 Sep 7449

Finally, a Dark Elves (Dark Elves) caravan came to the Grits.

The population of the Kingdom of Lyle is considerably smaller than this Beglitz, so is the number of caravans touring the surrounding countries.

The effect of selling sausages inexpensively or asking for Dart Plains surveys and spending quite a bit of money has finally emerged, starting delivery to Tukelin to get more new destinations, Beglitz.

"We're out of time, Count."

And now.

The middle-aged man leading the caravan... advancing the winning class old man elsewhere in front of me and bowing his head is the head of a warrior class named Zagerfol, who was Mizuchi's boss.

Unlike when I met him before, he was polite because I was a senior aristocrat with territory or before, but I still feel strange about the slightly old-fashioned pronunciation.

"Chizmag... the Countess seems to be well and above all,"

He also says hello to Mizuchi, but it's a little funny that he's trying to preserve the majesty of being his boss.

Anything, they say noble classes don't exist in Dark Elf society.

There exists what is called an elderly lineage that is close to it, but they say that they will not be given that much respect except for those who hold active elder positions.

However, Mizuchi has been considered equal to the current elder by the Queen, so it must have become irrelevant to the fact that he did not face each other in a busy manner.

I know it sounded a little more like a great way to talk when I met you before, but that was the moment I saw your face, Mizuchi started to snap in surprise, so it just went together, right?

Now Mizuchi is acquiring quite a bit of standing and doing as a countess, and maybe he thought it had to be quite verbal because he hasn't panicked and pecked like before because he also heard that the caravan had a warrior chief by the touch.

That said, I didn't expect this Zagerfol first warrior chief to accompany the caravan this time either.

With that said, I heard there were about five escorts per carriage... but with the exception of the chief caravan and warrior chief, it's nearly a dozen big places.

"It's been a while. First of all, we have snacks for the caravan, so please come here."

I took the lead and guided everyone as I was preparing Balducky for the Grand Chamber of the Administration.

The large conference room had been prepared at a time when there had been a foretaste from the caravan, so snacks were already ready.

"First of all, I'd like a baldukki made in this land."

Atsuatsu sausage was transferred from the pan to the plate and served in a row.

Of course, it's the gibberties that are boiling.

It's a vegetable sausage that doesn't add anything mixed, but I think it has a non-inferior finish to what I'm making in Wangdu's factory.

"Now, let me introduce you to a new food that was developed by our Gried Chamber of Commerce while you were serving it. Yeah, of course, you'll all be having it on this occasion, but you've wanted to see it from the beginning of the cooking. Hey, get started."

Giberti started by boiling water in a new pan.

"Of course, you can magically serve hot water first. But I use the stove because this food needs to keep boiling water for a while."

Hot water boiled by the time everyone finished eating baldukki.

Giberti puts the ingredients that were prepared on the table in a splash pan.

The soba noodles are made from 80% soba flour and 20% flour.

However, it is shaped into a rectangular shape of one centimeter wide, one mm thick and seven to eight centimeters long.

I borrowed a little from the mountain, which was dried noodles before boiling, and handed it out to all.

"I make this from a well worked dough with water and eggs added to the soba flour and flour. It was then shaped this way and dried with a special method. If it's about one thing to eat as it is, it's no harm, but it's not delicious. So now pay attention to its volume and weight."

More soba flour as well as flour is used to shorten the boiling time.

Well, there's some pasta in Italy called Bigoli or Pizzocelli mixed with soba flour, so it wouldn't hurt to call this that, too.

Of course, I could have made udon or a decent soba noodle (I actually tried to make it), but I don't really care how I eat it because I don't have soy sauce.

In my previous life, I had eaten a guy named Taeko Cream Udon, but I didn't think he was suitable for everyday eating.

Also, I liked sauce-baked udon, but the lack of sauce is deadly.

I managed to eat something with mayonnaise and sake, but I still don't know what it is, it's one of those unusual dishes and this one wasn't enough to want to eat at least once a month.

For this reason, lasagna shaped pasta is also common in this oath, but there is no dry noodle to be called even dry pasta.

This has nothing to do with the presence or absence of wheat of the durum species, because it is difficult to dry it successfully for very long periods of time when it has simply been dried over heaven and sun, and in some cases it can rot.

It is presumed that the circumstances that said so have not made the dried noodles common.

It should be noted that this dry noodle is magically dry all at once without corrosion.

Yeah, Diane and the squire from Barkud were allowed to develop dry noodles until they could make rubber.

Well, there were people who knew exactly what dry noodles were like, starting with me and Mizuchi, so I didn't have much difficulty.

I'm also starting to make fried noodles now.

I knew the soup would struggle, right? I don't have soy sauce. I can dry the fried liquor, but I don't have as much punch as soy sauce.

"... you can do it in about seven minutes. Until then, try the prototype Bardukki, which has not yet been released in Wangdu."

The sausage made using the intestinal membrane picked from the colon of a pig about 10 cm in diameter was thinly cut into rings.

In addition to pork, this one is mixed with a small chunk of analog cheese called boiled liver and cazotto at the tip of the pinky finger, so the cross section has a bit of an interesting color.

The Dark Elves are excited about the fat sausage they eat for the first time.

While doing so, the soba pasta boiled.

Ghiberti, in a small bowl, boiled soba pasta with a soup seasoned with salt and pepper in a dashi simmered with separately made chicken gallows and pork.

Me and Mizuchi fed them all.

"Please use chopsticks instead of clues because they are hot"

Chopsticks are rare in oaths, but there are no problems because they seem to be common in the Lyle kingdom.

"Mmm. This is what happens..."

Warrior Sergeant Zagerfol carried the dried pasta on hand and the cooked boiled pasta to his teat with a roaring voice that impressed him.

"Oh! It's soft and tastes good"


"I don't care if you have any other meat... Balducky."

Sounds popular.

But I hope you realize what's important.

"This can be preserved for at least six months in the dry state before boiling. If you store it properly in a moisture-free place, you'll be able to eat it for about two years without any problems."

I couldn't help it, so I told him that only the captain of the caravan and the warrior had peeled off his eyes and compared the dried noodles at hand to the short soba kishimen in the bowl.

When I spoke to a major flour miller during my lifetime at a food trading company, I was told that once I had dried pasta, udon, soba noodles and barley noodles, I would be able to eat them for about five years, unless they were also somewhere too hot and humid.

He said that Japan has expiration dates and various legal issues, so it really has to be displayed quite shortly, but he said that dry noodles are a strong aspect that has developed as a year-by-year preserved food.

Indeed, there have long been foods that have dried cooked rice (when eating, they are boiled in hot water or eaten back in water). you can eat it as it is), and I have also heard that its shelf life spanned several decades.

Similar items should still be commercially available today, but they can only write down the expiration date for a year and a half.

You can also eat cans for decades unless they rust or swell, but this one is limited to three years because of the law.

The militia canned rice is also consumed in large quantities before the expiration date.

That's the difference between the expiration date and the consumption date.

Next, Ghiberti cut the water from the boiled pasta and transferred it to a frying pan, tangled with olive oil, garlic and salt, then began to saute lightly with finely chopped bacon and small chopped balducci.

Split it into small plates, too.

Mizuchi adds a little bit of the elongated carved vanilla named Mizuri, which looks just like Zisu, to it, adding colour and flavor as accents to complete it.

This one was handed out to everyone by me and Mizuchi.

"This is... nice"

"Yeah, yeah. Bacon, balducci, luxury."

"This...... status open. Measley grass. Smells good."

"Good, good"

This one sounds very popular.

"My Count."

The warrior chief spoke to me.

"How much is this food…?


After all, is the warrior chief interested only in being a soldier?

"I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking about tripling the price of the same weight of flour"

I use slightly more expensive eggs for ingredients, but the majority of them are cheap soba flour, so I make a lot of money.

If the extruded noodle machine with the improved grinder is completed properly, you can also make more pasta in various shapes, so you can use this short stirred dried noodle as the base price. Others would be a little more expensive.

"Something that seems to make me feel so good in a simple cooking that I just boil it..."

"It's fascinating that you've been saving well for years."

The warrior chief and the caravan chief are finally starting to talk to Hisohiso.

"I'll give it to you for two-thirds of the price. Also, this is my territory. I don't think you'll be able to impose duties on other lands in the kingdom if you provide proof of sale and a duty-free item book here."

There is not so much demand in the kingdom of Lyle, which is less than half of Beglitz in the entire population.

I know the quantity in the first place where I sold it somewhat cheaper, so if I can sell thanks, that would be better for me.

Yeah, of course it's up to consumption within the Kingdom of Lyle to issue a duty-free item book.

If you're going to buy more than that and sell it on other land, there's another way to do that.

It's easy to impose export duties like Balducki, which sells in the Wang capital.

By the way, I thought there were a lot of troop escorts in addition to Sergeant Zagerfol, but soon it turned out why.

He said he would lend four men and women as mercenaries.

Since this is the first time, it seems to be the truth that the warrior leader himself came with it as a pull rate.

It should be noted that the rate is Z4 million per person per year and meals and accommodation are provided.

If you consider it merely as a mercenary, an amount that is not nearly double the market, but would naturally be valued considering that everyone has quite a few magical arms and is familiar with some sorcery.

Plus, the amount of magic is pretty good for everyone.

As a result, all four people who lend themselves to me as mercenaries seem to know about Mizuchi in their late teens.

Also, as a warrior class, they belong to the lowest third ranked warrior class, and all four of them had only two kinds of elemental magic unwittingly, but I still think they're quite a bit more powerful.

That evening, shortly after the caravan went to the inn, they were giving jobs to the young Dark Elves they had hired as mercenaries.

"Uh, was it Gartholos and Dalzolos? You guys join the Knights training tomorrow."

The two older of the four are both eighteen years old and Gartholos is a man and Darzolos is a woman.

Both parties are already married and make money leaving their families behind in the country.

"Then I ask the two of us, Calthron and Gigeralds, to do something else first. I'll take turns from January to February."

The younger two are seventeen years old on both sides.

between unmarried men.

I ask them to look around after the Ralphas as the second line of the district about Ralpha and Guineh, who will face about once in a few days or so.

It also means that they know what our territory is like and how to spend time with the outside world, how to deal with the people and nobles, but it also means restraint on the Lords, and an appeal about the accuracy of the maps that have been created.

Ma, there are no more suitors than Ralpha and Guineh in the sense of making maps, but thank goodness they're the only ones...

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