
A day that feels a little hot in October.

A letter came from Wang Du.

Two of those, too.

It seems that the same merchants brought it to us, so they put it out almost simultaneously.

It also seemed to arrive with something that Mizuchi had personally ordered since he was still in Balduk, and Mizuchi went back to Court Jill Castle with some big baggage, "This is so expensive because it's really a special order for one item, and I'm going to take it to the castle once because I can't leave it in this kind of administrative department".

As far as I'm concerned, "Is this administration as dirty as you say? I felt."

Oh, dirty, you didn't even say... well, I guess it's so thoughtfully made clothes to restrain you by then.

That said, one of the letters came from my sister, and the eldest son was born, so she just gave it to me.

Because of that, they named him Marsilio.

Is his nickname Martz?

I did decide to give him something superior from the yarn I was making out of Beglitz because I was also allergic to not giving him anything to celebrate.

Wang Du would have a good cloth maker, and your brother-in-law (Marty) would make good clothes because his job is to be a tailor.

The other is a report from Reynolds, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, and Bastral, who is educating him and his family.

Naturally, there is a wax with my family crest on it, and it doesn't look like it was opened.

Well, I just opened it up and it shouldn't say anything weird, so I guess there's nothing I can get other than to grasp the management of the Chamber of Commerce.

If someone else sees it and it's bad, they'll leave it to Barkud's caravan.

There was also a newspaper here about the birth of your eldest son, but the main thing is only business.

As for the sale of rubber products, there seems to be a lot of voices from the aristocrats with territories who have come to Wang Du for some errands, and things are still going well.

After all, even the Knights of the Homeland in each realm had a strong voice in wanting to buy protectors, and it also said a demand that the number of production lots could be increased by one.

As far as I'm concerned, it might be difficult because it's time for me to wear another one or so, but both my father and brother agree with me that "buying other armor vendors' grudges by overproducing them in bulk is not a good idea".

At any rate, it is not an exaggeration to say that even today's production is the largest producer of luxury armor, such as domestic metal armor (plate mails) and stacked armor (sprint mails).

Well, we've almost reached the First Knights hopefuls, so we'll have some room to turn to the Home Knights in the future, so we'll figure it out soon, won't we?

Since other rubber products have also been increasingly contacted by local nobles and others, more and more recently they have been asked to wait for delivery or, in some cases, have had to refuse.

This one will be able to solve some problems if the area increases enough for the rubber plantation that is going on in my territory to be able to export raw rubber to Barkud.

I assume that Latex's production will be better than its consumption in the territory by next year at the latest, so I think it can be resolved by then.

That said, transportation costs both money and manpower, so you might want to pay your parents a royalty in the form of licensed Barkud production... don't you have to rush that far?

In addition, the Balducky business that we are leaving to Kathy seems to be progressing well and is extremely superimposed.

Since the production has reached its limit so much, the demand was written that not only the addition of grinders and slaves, but also factories, want to relocate to a wider location or create a second factory.

They say the reason the production has reached its ceiling is because regular deliveries to the Second Knights of the Kingdom have been decided.

This was due to the success of the sale that Bastral hung, but a report around July said it was likely to be delivered to the Second Knights. but there were no further reports, so it didn't work? I thought... you worked hard.

If you need slaves, you can increase them, and if you need a workplace, you can relocate or build a new factory.

If the reply were to say, "Ask them to be prepared so that they can do all the procedures immediately when they go at the end of the year," Bastral would keep the slave and factory arrangements going.

I'm going to go to Wang Capital once at the end of the year, but it seems like you should be prepared to crush it with the ritual of naming the slaves you bought or whatever.

But it's Bastral... maybe Cathy too.

I've said it many times, but buy yourself a slave. I've got enough money, so come on... I'm not even going to force them to bend it at my convenience because they have their thoughts and values. They also want me to accept that their not buying their own slaves is an expression of their heart that they are not going to be independent in Balducki's business...

Ramen is overwhelmed with chashu purchases, and although they are popular and can queue up every day, they seem to sell out early in the evening before.

He doesn't want to sell anything that is not finished as a bastral, although there is also a Sen. Chashu removal, and so far it has not been connected to the story of the second store.

... a ramen shop with no chashumen... I guess an oath would be nice, but what about that? Am I the only one who also doesn't feel complete when I think of it as a ramen shop, not a product called ramen?

However, it also says that the atmosphere is likely to get meat spinning preferentially from the ranch where I have started a new relationship, and the lead seems bright.

Several other topics have been written.

Let's start with a new business, or a new menu at the Balducky Division.

He said he had concluded a regular purchase contract for beef from a ranch he had been dating for some time, even though it was a small amount of about 10 kg per day.

As a result, he began to manufacture and sell hamburgers (Baldergs), which had been warmed up at full capacity.

Because of this, this Baldague is a reduction of the word “something on land like Baldo or Balda” in Lagdarios, which is often used in turn to mean “from Baldo”.

The production volume is also small, so they sell it as a hamburger (buldergar) in front of the factory without selling it individually.

A limited edition of 10 cheeseburgers a day, Cazotto Balderger, seems to have been lined up with customers since before the opening of the store for that purpose.

When I went to the end of the year, I wrote it on my mind's note to eat it.

Also around the middle of August, I went ahead and told the Chamber of Commerce store, "I will sell the ground beef machine!" I had posted something like that to make them see the reaction, "but the morning after I stuck it out, they booked all ten units to be sold in advance.

The two were from another chamber of commerce in Wangdu, and the seven were aristocrats who had come as guests. What a Fourth Knights one is.

This upcoming grinder is made from a template made by Tor.

Now, the quality of the products I use in the factory will be reduced, and I dared not exchange the mouthpiece, and I set the price at 6 million Z., but I was able to confirm again that there seems to be a lot of people who want it.

I thought the seller would have another chamber of commerce for the most part, but it was a bit surprising that the nobles would buy it. Anything, it seemed like all the slaves who were sending Balducki out to buy it went back and reported it and immediately came to buy it. The use was that they all wanted to use it for their home cocks, and the guess was that they wanted to be proud of it when they came, at parties, etc.

The Fourth Knights are convinced that it is for the study of the food to be supplied to the troops stationed on battlefields and garrisons.

Because of this, there is no such thing as large-scale processing of ingredients in the Knights other than the Fourth, and the role of the Fourth Knights is to supply them with processed foods that take time and effort to manufacture, such as dried meat and bread, to the extent that they make simmering and soup on a troop-by-unit basis.

It should be noted that there is no such thing as a portable bread-roasting kiln as an outdoor cookware for the militia. Well, I could do that on Earth, because it's the nineteenth century. It's normal to bake bread or something and then carry it. Speaking of which, the village of Midora had a silly big bread-roasting kiln.

Also, if you're a shopper, they simply want to follow us and make a baldukki.

From time to time, it has always been said, "Unless something extra important is involved in the military, we should avoid monopolization of the business of normal goods, and we can't have monopolies forever in the first place. Because even when the rivals came out, it was just enough to support them," Bastral also wrote whether he would like to attach instructions on how to make a simple balducky or baldag when selling a grinder.

Yeah, that would be good.

Others have trained meat to be processed in advance to make it easier to use at our chamber of commerce when purchasing it, and have accepted several jobs from trading partners' ranches, butchers, etc., in the form of instruction on the hygiene of the products to be purchased.

Yeah. It's important that it's easy to use and cut in advance, and it's good to make sure our business partners know how to manage our manufacturing policies and hygiene.

It would be great if we were allowed to propagate hygiene concepts naturally and around us in this way.

I wrote to your sister that I would give her congratulations on the birth of her eldest son and a fine yarn from West Dart, and I wrote down general instructions to the Chamber of Commerce in reply.

The caravan I brought with me is two more days, and after staying in Beglitz, they will tour Count Lancel's territory to the east before returning to the King's Capital again.

You'll be fine if you tell them.

Is it supposed to arrive around the middle of next month?

That night.

The room we use as the living room on the second floor of the temple of Courtzil Castle.

Well, even though I say I use it as a living room, upstairs, there's only about this room and bedroom, and a walk-in closet stuck to it.

I finished the shower. Me and Mizuchi had a long time to relax.

I bought tea leaves from the caravan I came to today (they bought them), so I was thinking of spending some time between us and going to bed sipping tea once in a while.

"I knew the leaves from Raider smelled good"

Mizuchi closes his eyes and says with a lucid look as he sniffs the smell of tea rising from the cup.

Of course, brewed water boils well water properly.

"Hmm... that's not bad... but this is a good price for 40,000 Z. for 100G"

I'm a bean tea pie...

"Good tea leaves were pretty expensive in Japan, isn't that what it is?

Mizuchi says as she scratches her hair up with one hand.

It's a little stretched, but it's not enough to tie it up yet.

"Oh, yeah, if you ask me."

The time to say it's time to start having fun tonight.

There's only the two of us. I heard a knock on the little heavenly doors of Courtzill Castle.

"Your husband, ma'am!

That's Ben's voice.

My slaves are waking up in the barracks around them, not heavenly guards, including Zulu.

And I wouldn't normally imitate knocking on doors at such a late night.

I was dressed for sleeping together but I'm glad before I got into bed.



Only weapons should be worn, even if protective equipment is impossible.

Quickly turning off the demonic props of the light, he grabbed the slaughterhouse dragon Slayer from sheath to sheath, and opened just a few of the bouncing windows to see what was going on down there.

but I can't feel any particular anomaly just because one Ben is here.

I spoke to Ben when I opened the window a little wider thoughtfully.

"Ah, my lord! A dark elf man named Calthron is reporting as soon as possible!

Ben looked up at me and answered.

Hmm. Looks like you made some moves...

And despite all this time, enough to soak up to me.

Mizuchi... where have you been? Sometimes it's because I darkened the room, but I don't know where he is.

In the first place, I don't feel like I'm in this room anymore.

Well, okay.

"I'm going down now. Let them through the courtyard."

When he replied, Ben said, "Yes! I said," I ran out.

Hang the light magic on the pattern of the dragon slayer you are grasping to secure the light source and light the light magic prop again.

The door to the room was open.

As usual, I can't make one sound. You do it.

Though I bought it to be majestic, when I hooked up a fancy gown that didn't look great on me young and went to the courtyard, a dark elf mercenary, Calthron, knelt down and waited for me.

"My lord, I'm sorry for the night"

"Fine. Never mind. What happened? What happened?

The other Gigeralus doesn't seem to be here, and it looks like Calthron is the only one who came to report it.

"Ha. I sat watching the house of the Zydritz, but there was a contact about an hour ago. As ordered, do not use any hand during contact. Gigeralds should be keeping an eye on him now. I'm one step ahead of you..."

Is that still the case?

But about an hour ago, about 21: 00...

It's time to say it's late at night in Beglitz, where there aren't many shops like Balduk and Lombertier.

"Okay. Do you know who they are? Looks like we can hold him?

"No, they weren't seen in Beglitz, they were traveling. Also, since it's a pair, I know that Gigeralds will break his bones to stay alive in the boulder..."

When Calthron said that much.

"I'll go."

Mizuchi, who came behind me at some point, said.

Looking back just to me, I'm standing with my arms around me dressed in black clothes to see what kind of early work I changed.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mizuchi changed her clothes quickly.

"That might be good too...... Hmmm!?"

I put my gaze back on Calthron and look back again, looking good and peeling my eyes off.

Calthron, kneeling in front of him, was dressed similarly to a ninja outfit like when he first met Mizuchi, but his outfit is still a design that seems to work if you insist on plain clothes.

But Mizuchi is wearing... what's that?

Oh, no, when did you make that?

Looks like Ebonite made little shoulders are still fine, my arms are round and my skin seems to be peeking a little else...... Mmm, what's with the chest open quite a bit too!?

Besides, as it feels somewhat tight overall and nasty, wouldn't it be easier to have too many parts of your body line out?

The forearms of both hands are fitted with a slightly boneless design armor.

The shoes...... appear to be fitted with plates like armor on the tibia and back of the combat shoes.

The knee is fitted with a knee with a crusty spike and this garment on the thigh area (?) with the only loose design but large chise-looking trousers on both sides of the hips, with a cloth hanging from around the lower abdomen like a foredrop to hide the groin.

The cuff is squeezed in the knee area and appears to be hemmed inside the combat shoes as it is.

The upper body looks like a sleeveless outfit with an open front, and underneath it, it looks like a clasp, but that only protects the torso, right?

I just noticed that something like a dark vessel has been planted everywhere in my clothes, starting with a bump...

"... hey, what's that!?"

I was blown by the wind and my forehead wobbled only slightly.

The clap made me see my inner leg.

He has cuts in the groin area as well as on the sides of both hips.

You sound like a garter.

Not if you're impressed.

No way, you're not wearing it...?

I stare at him even though he's out of line.

"Nfu. Sexy. '


It's not.

'Cause I'm wearing it right.'

Mizuchi says with a proud face for some reason while doing his hand on the magical song knife (spotter) pattern, which seems to be fixed diagonally behind his hips.

"Oh, well."


No, I'm not!

I don't care about that!

You can't have the Countess dressed like that!?

'What a true amazing beauty looks like... What?

The moonlight reflected on a horrible creepy bowl of gold, as if it had even grown in two ghost horns.

I think I'm getting kind of a headache, but is it really my fault?

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