
Mizuchi jumps on Al's beloved horse Uranus pulled out of the horse house.

The only horse left on was Uranus on duty, because other horses, such as Mizuchi's Jade Dragon and the military horse usually used by Zulu, took a lot of time to prepare because they had the horse's gear off.

'Cause I'm gonna park my horse in the administration.

Reaching out to Calthron and letting him sit back, he said, "I'll fly, don't fall. Turn your hand around my hips," but whip quickly or instantly.

When Al heard the words with a look like he chewed up a bitter bug, he sent his gaze to Calthron to intimidate him.

It was like, "If you touch anything extra, I'll kill you." But it was just a sharp glance.

Without having to take Al's gaze, Calthron has no intention of imitating Mizuchi.

How familiar he has been in the past, he has just become a nobleman, because imitation that touches directly a man of the same stature as the elder of the kingdom of Lyle is not such an act that a young Calthron can do so much for fear.

"Where does Gigeralus keep surveillance!?"

Mizuchi asks in nostalgic Durou (Duroulish) without even looking back at the person in the back seat, climbing through the castle gate of Courtzil Castle from the inside.

"Of a pile of hay, about fifty, m or so away from, the house or the house of Zydritz, inside!

Calthron also replied with words he was used to speaking, but he is not speaking well because his upper body is shaking heavily.

"Hey! Hold on tight! I told you to put your hands around my hips! You can't fly with this!

Calthron, who was inclined to do all he could to shake it off and just grip the handle behind Mizuchi's sitting saddle, finally turned one hand to Mizuchi's waist after being so strongly told so far.

- Whoa! Ya ~ rake ~!

Generally speaking, the Dark Elves have many skinny people because of their fat resistant physique, even women, and almost all young people have a tight, tight body like a beast.

But only Mizuchi is due to his exceptionally fat prone physique among such dark elves, or he has a thin layer of fat over his muscles, and the size of his bust jumps through and is the bigger one.

That said, that's only a story based on dark elves, and if you try using the Pu "Hume" or the elite "Elf" as a reference, your abs are exactly broken into eight pieces, and you'll have a very well-worked impression, and you're far from the expression that bust sizes are stupid.

With only one hand away from the reins, Mizuchi turned firmly to his hips when he grabbed Calthron's arm, which had been stretched reluctantly, and let the other hand turn to his hips when he let it leave the handle as well.

- Mr. Mizzerit has always been like a woman on the ground...

He's only seventeen years old and a young calthron, but he's used to women.

But I was surprised to learn for the first time that there were soft parts of a woman's body besides her breasts and buttocks because only skinny women in the Kingdom of Lyle knew.

"Lay your face down and stick your body to me!

"Ha! ha, but!

Calthron was confused when he remembered Al's gaze, which he had just received.


I stuck my torso against Mizuchi's back to the urging words and turned my face to the right.

The nostrils of Calthron stink sweetly.

"My lord... also, I'm sorry... shit, what is this?... a sword."

I realise that the sword inserted behind Mizuchi's hips gets in the way and I can't completely snuggle my body together.

"Huh? What?

"Yes, no, anything!

Calthron in a hurry to reply.

"If the guys we've been in contact with leave the house before we get back!?"

"If it's possible, I'll restrain you, but it's multiple, and it's not good to get noisy, so I'll just tail you and find out where you're going!

It quickly fell off the range of the appraisal, and Al on the tannic side bit his teeth and sighed.

Al could see Calthron's clothes turning his hand around Mizuchi's waist peeking at his scalp.

I shook my head like a jerk and then I hung up on Ben holding back on the side.

"How long has Zulu been asleep? Just go wake him up."

Several slaves had come out of the barracks because of the horse's footsteps and the roaring Mizuchi voice, but because they could not see the faces of the slave-heads, the Zulu and his wife, among them.

Fatigued by daytime railway work and since sundown, Zulu, who had used his strength even more to meet his wife's demands, was exhausted and snoring heavily, and his wife, Elmina, had also been sunk by the attack of Zulu, who had an unexpectedly fierce way of setting fire in addition to the housework of Courtzil Castle, such as cleaning and laundry, but that had nothing to do with your husband.

By the way, I can't afford to enjoy the smell of Mizuchi's body, I'm just a calthron who was desperate and clinging to it, but I notice something strange and round my eyes.

- Then, stupid!? I've been at it all for over three minutes now! He said it wouldn't crush at this pace...!?

Calthron has no experience escorting caravans, but he doesn't know anything about horses.

Animals, not just horses, are limited in time to be able to walk at full capacity, for example, for tens of seconds at best.

If you have to walk longer than that, you can't have a body without deliberately slowing down the pace along the way and giving some of them a break.

- Right. This is the guy named Army Horse... all I know is that he's a walrus for loading... and there are some amazing horses in the world!

The surrounding sight shifts from farmland to downtown Beglitz, where buildings line up, while Calthron makes his eyes black and white and impressive.

While I was even more impressed with the speed, I arrived at the square in front of the administration.

Even the Knights, who were guarding the gates of the administration for two, quickly put up their spears when they admitted to the military horses who rushed into the square with great momentum.

It's a bright evening on the moon, but I don't know if I'll be too close to see who the rider is.

"It's me! Put the spear back!

Because of the Countess's voice from the horse, the guards held the spear in the front of their bodies and hurried to salute them.

Mizuchi jumps off the back of the horse and deposits the reins with the guard when he parks Uranus with a bright handrail.

"Keep it there!

Sooner than the guards respond, Mizchi runs out to the north of the city with a mysterious passenger.

Mizuchi and his companions disappeared into the darkness of the night at a speed that was unthinkable to the ordinary man.

"Hey... now..."

"Oh, it's Master Mizzerit, isn't it?

"This horse belongs to His Excellency too..."

"That outfit..."

"You saw it, didn't you?


"Keh, about half my ass...... gokuri"

"And my back..."

"But you're early. I can't see anymore."

While the guards were face-to-face and having a slight conversation, the two were so invisible that in the space where the guards stood, only the nose of the Uranus, Burrough, was wooden.

"Ah, there it is! In that haystack......!

Calthron pointed to one of several piles of hay as he whispered.

A short distance from the haystack mountain was a house built, and I could see the light leaking from the window gap.

"You're too close..."

Mizuchi shrugged as he saw the positional relationship between the house and the hay.

I don't want Zydritz to distract me, so I'd better get away from home to get things over with.

"If you still seem to be here, call Gigeralds. If it seems like the contacts are already home and tailing, we'll follow them, but we haven't met anyone so far..."

It would be a bit of a hassle if they were even in some inn or drinker.

"Yeah, in that case, we're deciding where and when to meet."

In that case, unless you are blessed with extra luck, you will be wasting time until that time.

It should be noted that there is no assumption whatsoever that the tail of Gigeralus will be exposed to the contacts and that he will be wound up or developed into battle to be shot.

Even Mizuchi thinks there's not a single Dark Elf warrior class ordered to run away if it's enough to kill.

But those worries ended in concern.

Gigeralds was still lurking in the haystack and kept watching.

"Do you both have a holctoxo?

The two dark elves shook their heads (wearing them) and responded.

In the first place, I could also peer at the look of what a holctoxo was.

For this reason, Holktoxo is a paralyzing drug preferred by Dark Elf assassins.

It is a poison that does not use mushrooms made in the Kingdom of Lyle for raw materials, but boasts considerable immediacy, and is a very powerful paralytic that can be unconscious in just a few seconds if it can also be poured into blood vessels close to the brain for good.

Note that it has little effect on Auga.

"Hmm... Third Place. Then why don't you know..."

Mizuchi finally remembers what he learned about Holktoxo in the final education course of the first warrior class, and continues his words as soon as he squeals only in his mouth.

"Horcoxo is a powerful paralytic. Use this."

Mizuchi gives further instructions as he takes a small vial out of the swelling of the right thigh and hands it over.

"Gigeralds, you keep watching here until you come out. We're over there... you know? Ambush between the farm tool shed and the slave house. When you're in time, I'll restrain you on the web, so use a blow arrow or a dart for your neck. Bows are too powerful, so no."

I use poison drugs to restrain them, so I don't need power in my weapon.

"Gigeralus looks from me. On the right or back side, Calthron asks for the other side of it. If there are more than three opponents…… use the Sleep Cloud with an increased range of effects. But this one takes a little while to activate, so it's possible that it's not in the range of effects well when activated. In this case, I'll give up holding him quietly. restrain the web in a row as no way to make some noise or scream."

Mizuchi looks at the two snorts and confirms he understands.

There's a lot of calm going on for her. There's something important missing, but the young spirits were exalted too much by wearing a new outfit that she just grated, so she lost her mind.

The two dark elves were aware of it, but the great idea of defying the elders, etc. does not even possess fine dust.

"The three of you will stay in the middle, the four of you will stay in the middle, so finish as quickly as you can. I throw darts too..."

One dart I took out of somewhere while saying that.

I soaked that tip in a vial of paralytic medicine that I gave to Calthron.

"Then about the position."

The three of them scatter instantly to the holding area.

- 30 minutes later.

And only two men came out of the house of Zydritz.

It was futile to consider the possibility of dealing with four of them, including the Zydrits, as the worst case scenario, but we should have to do it without raiding them if the Zydrits were mixed up in the first place, so we can also say that we were lucky not to get into that.

In particular, given the time, it was more likely that this would happen because it was too late for a couple of early morning civilians to walk, even though they were still young couples without children.

Anyway, the men, inferior in number, were quickly restrained after a busy resistance to the dark elves, including Mizuchi, a skill in using paralysis pills.

We decided to have a floorboard set in the courtyard of Courtzil Castle and wait for the Mizchis to return.

Four bonfires have been set ablaze in the courtyard, ensuring heating while at the same time the lights are slight.

It will still take time there for Mizuchi and the others to return.

I waited too long, so I thought I'd go back to heavenly guard and do it by hand.

But Ben and Ellie insist on seeing their strengths grow, so I thought I'd check them out for a while, so I decided to take a look at the archery in my spare time.

It stinks of trouble to use magic, but I'll even get more lights here.

I had generally grasped them because I have received reports from Zulu about their strength, but I can well see that they would have seriously encouraged the archery.

"Hey Ellie, it's too early to elbow there. If you get that far in when you're putting up a spear, drop the spear and pull out the sword before you hit your elbow or something. And then Ben, that's a pretty thought-provoking step."

He makes criticisms of two combat slaves sipping the tea that Zulu's daughter-in-law Elmy brewed for me.

"Yes. Okay."

"Yes! Thank you!

The two respond with their own faces.

"Okay, one more time. Ben doesn't have to force himself to hit the target when he drops his spear. You don't have to worry about that yet. Try to pull the sword out as quickly as you can. Ellie's is like discerning the moment Ben drops his spear. In your case, you'd better throw down the spear so Ben can get in the way of pulling out the sword."

It makes me perform continuous type auditions like a martial arts promise group hand, but it has not become a complete promise, at which time the movement of the individual is adjusted to suit the posture and circumstances of the time.

There is only a simple flow of promises to throw down the spear and challenge the melee if one of them is going to get in the way of it.

There are many different types of poking and approaching methods, and it is a form of auditorium that is close to simulation, from which the architect himself chooses to adapt to the situation.

Experience gained is lower than full simulation battles, but more experience is obtained subtly than promised hands or mere type auditions, and since the general behavior of the opponent is known, the advantage is that they are unlikely to cause major injuries unless their strength is wide open, so this unusual promised hand audition is encouraged.

...... yeah. Sounds pretty good.

"You're finishing up pretty good... you know?

When I saw the feverish archery between the two of them, I was impressed and I spoke to Zulu, who was holding back.

Zulu's credit for doing the auditorium between railway works will be enormous, and so on.

Ruby and Jess, small heads in dwelling in Courtzill Castle, had made them live in a slave long house beside the Lords' Hall in Beglitz, so Ben and Ellie's care has been taken over by Zulu.

No response from Zulu.

I must have taken it seriously and dropped asking.

And I thought, "Was I sleepy enough to stand?"

Sleeping in front of your husband is too brave.

He took off the gown he had hung and fastened his rubber sandal belt.

The clothes remain in bedtime clothes, but there are other laundered bedtime clothes, so you can dirty them somewhat.

"Hey, give me the wooden sword."

Zulu vs. Ben, Ellie and a bedtime sandal, but I'm pretty serious about it.

When Zulu became a troll, Mizuchi and the others came back with two guys on the back of my beloved horse wrapped around the web.

Apparently, it's even paralyzing him.

Mizuchi isn't very good at paralysis (paralysis) magic yet and it should take a lot of time to activate...

I don't care about that.

"Hey, what are you doing in the middle of the night? Sleeping clothes aren't dreary, either."

"A little too much heat in the archery...... hey Zulu, how long have you been asleep. Just get dressed."

Zulu is in big letters on the ground. Eh, exhaling.

Because Zulu's injury was healed earlier, the pain should have healed by now.

It's simply exhausting and falling.

Speaking to Zulu, I'm going back to get dressed too... oops.

"Then Mizuchi. What's with the clothes? Get dressed, too."

"What, why?

"Why, you... you're all in trouble for your eyes, aren't you?

"Huh. This kind of thing has never happened before. As I thought, it's easy to move."

'Is that some kind of cosplay?

"It was based on the unwitting costume of the moving Noi. You know that, right?

"What's that?

"You don't know!? Yubi Moriyama had a voice! The charade is also Koike...... '

Who is it...?

I can't help it...... Whatever you want.

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