
The two captured were put on Uranus' back.

But I was politely covered in a big borough cloth, so I looked at it and it just seemed like I was putting something on my horse's back.

I wonder if you can see the ground at the foot of the horse even for the two of them on the back of the horse...... oh, are your eyes covered with webs?

That you only have the nose and mouth open you need to breathe?

Mizuchi says his ears are also covered with the web.

When that happens, the earplugs of the soft material become packed, so you can barely hear the noise outside.

As we had met in advance, Zulu received the reins from Gigeralds and left the castle.

To walk around the perimeter of the castle appropriately, to kill time, and to do the planting.

"How long have you been seen?

Ask Mizuchi as he looks behind Zulu.

Confirm the number of witnesses and, if possible, who saw them.

"I hardly think so, but there's a total of four Knights squire who were guarding the administration and maybe seven or eight drunks? I think only the Knights know who the contents of the luggage are."

I don't care about the Knights squire who is a guardian.

But being seen by nearly a dozen drunks... well, I can't help it.

The cloth was also covered, and even if they saw it under the cloth, it was rolled up on the web, so the only person who could tell it was a person would be someone who knew the magic of the web and had seen someone in that condition.

"Have they seen you?

I'll have to check this too.

"Are you going to be such a jerk? Mizuchi is not very quiet..."

"Okay, okay,"

"Besides, the Dark Elves are pretty fucked by the third ranked warrior."

"Oh yeah......"

Apparently, Mizuchi and the others don't even have a talking voice.

"Then it's time to go with the play...... Calthron, Guigerals. Work another one. What, you can meet my sword while you move around appropriately. Oh, then raise me even as crude a scream as you can. When they kill you, I ask you to cut the demon out loud."

Give short instructions to the two in awe.

It's an easy job for anyone to get out and join the fluttering Zulu, be a gourd and do two kidnappers, get shot by me and become a corpse.

"Just pretend you're dead for a while. I'll give you a special bonus when it's over... there's still a liquor store near the administration, and you can stay as long as you want until about noon tomorrow."

I gave each of them a special reward of 10,000 Z. I received a Dragon Slayer from Ben and returned to Heaven's Watch.

Let's get dressed first and then... Um, a camouflage (sausage)? Yeah, the charm of the person, Charm Person, comes first.

... I should [appraise] and check their level before that, but now my level is over 30. [Appraisal] can even be done after magic, because there will be no more than 20 levels of guys who are intermediate or have that liaison (connection).

Witchcraft such as Succession and Charm People cannot be resisted when there is a large difference in level between the operator and the subject.

"Oh, shit!

The Lion tribe (Lios) in front of him shouted out loud, making a dozzling noise and falling on the side of the road.

On the side of the road, in addition to Zulu, who has already fallen, two others, Calthron and Gygeralus, are rolling.

Unlike some radish actor (Bastral), the three played a great stand-up and scattered brilliantly.

"I'm taking this horse to headquarters, and as soon as I get some of them back, get rid of their bodies."

Order Ben to take Uranus.

"That was a disaster, then."

I called out to the two people who dropped me off the horse while I was wrapped around it on the web.

"This weird thing, I'm gonna magically erase it, so wait a minute."

and put him to sleep in the magic of Sleep Cloud.

Immediately use the anti-magic field to solve the web and sleep cloud again while still asleep.

I did a brief physical exam with the Zulu and the others who came up.

Anything that looks like a weapon can be described as a well-trained intermediate around not even carrying a single knife.

As a result, they were both Pu (Hume) and had ages of 34 and 30, and levels of eight for both.

They both tell the story that it is not my people who belong to the very ordinary [Duke of Lomberto Family Clerk/○ O Family Principal], but I cannot refuse to accept that they are between kings or liaisons (connections).

It is said that there are less than 3000 civilian houses in the Wang capital Lombertia, of which about 30% belong to the [Duke Lomberto Family Clerk].

Of course, some of them belong to the Knights of the Kingdom, as their affiliation indicates, and some of them will serve the Royal Family directly as real squire, but the majority of them are just people with titles just for that matter, as their ancestors did.

"All right, that's enough. I'm sorry, but you need to go back to sleep."

Ask Zulu and the others to become corpses again.

Confirm that the two Dark Elves are lying down and that their upper bodies are plunged into the grass at the side of the road.

Note that Zulu doesn't care.


As reported, they have a small wound to their necks.

I hung a cure-all continuously to heal the wound.

... Let's start with this guy.

Older people, use the anti-magic field again on a guy named Kendact Dargan and return him to mere sleep.

I immediately slapped him gently on the cheek and woke him up, and the moment I opened my eyes, the person fascinated "Charm Person".

The other Ezmund Bakeira likewise hung the charm person.

The two were followed by the magic of Paralysis (Removal Parallax) to solve the paralysis.

"Are you all right? Does it hurt anywhere?

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine...... G, Gried, no, Count Riegle!?"

"Hey, why...!?"

You must have seen my face because you rolled away the lighted stone.

They're both circling their eyes.

Now I guess I'm dazzling like a hero in their eyes.

That's also a hero I've known for years.

"Why do you say that? You think there's a reason to save my misery if I am?

I worry about a gentle look with a smile on my face.

Ma, I can handle some radishes right now, so I don't really have to worry about it.

"Yes, no..."

"Oh, the..."

Don't blush your cheeks gently turning away or nagging...

Hey, dirty. You're still bearded. Come on.

"There's a strange bunch of people out there chasing after us, and there's been a report that we caught two men by magic and got away with it. I was searching around Beglitz on Knights Out. Then they captured you in Beglitz?

They agreed to my questioning.

"Is that the north side of Kemunds Street?

Now we're both looking at each other.

I don't know if you didn't even know the name of the street or if you want me to delude you.

Probably didn't know.

"Then what's your name? Is that my territory?

They've honestly named their real names, but at the same time they've said it's terrible to forget about themselves.

Yeah. Sorcery is a complete success.

"Don't say that. This is a Knights rule, too. Forgive me."

I stand up for forgiveness for asking my name.

"You thank the witness serf. But I don't know if it's a pair that got caught... can you stand?

For some time, my body savings will hurt, either because I was paralyzed or because I was shaken by my horse's back while it was scrolled. However, I decided not to care because it was my reply that there was nothing hurting earlier.

"Okay, it's late already, and I just ran around looking for that if I were you... I'm a little tired of dealing with these guys. Then come to the castle today because it will be in these eyes and you will be tired, and there will be empty barracks"

When I forced the two reluctant men onto the back of the Jade Dragon, the Mizuchi horse I had ridden, I took my own reins and walked out.

"Paralysis will leave you all tense anyway, won't it? I can walk satisfied with those legs for a while, and it's late. It's faster for me to walk. Hey, I'm used to walking in Balduk's labyrinth. Even then I would know very well..."

"Um... so is that, but if you're a bad guy..."


Is it shallow?

Though placed entirely under the influence of Person Charm Person, the two followed Zulu's investigation.

"He's already dead. I'll clean up the Knights later, so I'll do background checks. Leave him alone. Or am I, the Earl and the Knight Commander, to investigate these people myself, and to do it now?

I began to apologize as soon as I strengthened it a little bit.

Hmmm, the magic should be working properly...... what is making you resist?

It is true that the status of the person who hangs on the Charm People has a subwindow and I can see an explanation for the sorcery.

However, if there is a level difference of 10, the possibility of resistance should be zero... [it is difficult to make people act against that sense of purpose even if they hang on to witchcraft if they have some kind of strong sense of purpose in mind] There were some texts to this effect...

Hmm. Why does that king (old man) seem quite admired, too?

From here, it takes about 20-30 minutes to walk to Courtzille Castle.

Suppose we stay a little closer in the meantime?

Sincerely troublesome, but the charm "Charm People" should be hung up again a few times.

If I had a stone with a light on it, they wouldn't notice my eyes glowing.

Of course, even if the magic effect time runs out, I don't remember these guys "hanging up magic," but I still remember having a close conversation with me.

I'd like to tailor it to a double spy if possible, but that would be too greedy.

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