
Well, it's an experiment.

What a dark thing to do with the subtle sound of human experimentation.

Well, it's like blaming me for killing him. Then it's not.

No, it could turn out that way...?

However, I will have to haunt my mind because I will not have the chance to see how much charm system magic I have hung against the average person who is not even close to me can provide dominance over the spirit.

I have to crawl over to thank these two people and ask them for forgiveness.

Though in my heart.

"And you're both well enough to be safe."

When I said that while pulling the reins, they said, "No, I think it happened. The M.O. that was attacked was vivid, because it wasn't long..." or "No wonder they were killing me. So much for the bad guys' arms..." or something.

"Whatever it is, I'm glad we met again like this..."

Or something like that. I kept walking for a while, worrying about my friendly attitude as much as I could, and came back to Courtzill Castle.

"As I said earlier, it's too late today. It just happened to me like that, and I need you to get some rest."

That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna leave Ellie with the horse's reins and get the two of you off the horse.

The two people down on the ground looked around in the castle with a suspicious look somewhere unconvinced.

When I look in silence, I also get the feeling that I'm looking at the horse house or checking the size of the barracks.

"What's up? Look so much everywhere. I know castles are rare, but there's no such thing as a little castle, and there's nothing like seeing it, is there?

When I told him that, he looked like he was upset.

... Hmm.

It seems a little different from a shallow or something like that.

Well, I don't think there's anything shallow or deep about this sorcery.

But more and more when this happens, the experiment should be carried out with care.

It will be a very impossible experiment for the slaves and the people living in the territory who bought it by hanging the money.

Me, Mizuchi's enchantments, divinations, and charm system witchcraft should be referred to as "lost witchcraft" according to Master Mira and Karl, and now there are few users of it.

Well, many of the magic skill levels required to use those sorceries are also quite high, so it's hard to imagine that even if you had the necessary skills, you'd be able to use them so easily.

But anyway, I'm not absolutely any more than there are real examples of Mizuchi and Dark Elves, and I understand that Master Mira and the others could have used them in the first place, so they would have been somewhere in the wider world if they had looked.

Therefore, it is necessary to observe in detail as soon as possible the condition of third parties who have been subjected to these sorceries (because they will not be able to realize that even if I am hung).

If we can then establish countermeasures or even countermeasures... no, we can't go that far on boulders?

Well, leaving those things aside is not so many opportunities to use these sorceries, etc., so even for me it will be a practice of collecting information using sorcery, and in some cases it will be a valuable opportunity to leave it to slaves such as Zulu to practice gathering information through torture, etc.


At first, you're gonna kill the dark elves while you tell them not to kill all those mercenaries?


No, naturally after I gained the certainty that I was the contact person to the wrong person (Zydritz).

I don't think so, but in case the hundreds of millions are left with the possibility that they have nothing to do with the two of us, I was going to let them go if it really didn't seem to matter, but that's how it goes...

But if you become a liaison officer and you get the certainty that you are an associate of the two parties, the first contact person you can notice, these people will be used as various experimental benches to kill them.

I don't care if these guys, or “work as a liaison officer," did anything bad enough to get them killed.

I also understand that someone (who would be the king first in ten eighty-nine) just ordered me to come to work.

Naturally, I imagine there will be a home or a family.

Feels like I saw them, they look good and pathetic, don't they?

But, you know, it's normal in the world to kill the mutineers as soon as you find them.

Regardless of whether you kill them instantly or not, many nations of the planet, even Japan, have sentences for espionage as the finest crimes under criminal law.

I don't have a track record of applying to that Zorge intelligence unit either.

So far there is a question of whether to call the local investigator or liaison to it sent by the kingdom center to my West Dirt region, which is part of the Kingdom of Romberto, a “spy"... but right now, the Zydrits, who are presumed to be so with a high probability, have not grasped any solid evidence so far, and apparently are my squire...

Regardless of those circumstances, this experiment must be completed as soon as possible.

Failure to do so could cause irrevocable harm to my family and to everyone who followed me one day.

Even if not, there could be great damage to the people.

I'm not sure. I worry about the future situation. There will be some opinions that it's too cruel to risk their lives right now (I don't mean it like that, but it's just a rhetorical expression), but the guy who can't worry about that uncertain future won't qualify as an exchanger.

Being the ruler of this land, I have a responsibility to all the people who live here.

I can't just regret not doing anything now and if I did it right then later......

Well, he's like happy to do human experiments and torture, if you don't think so.

If you try me, how will you get military and political information efficiently if you get prisoners in future wars, etc., and also, this one is awkward, but he just wants to knit countermeasures for those who have been taken prisoner.

If we can protect the lives and property of the inhabitants, there are a number of human experiments and torture that can cause revulsion.

"I'm letting you clean the room that's going to be the bedroom, so wait in this room"

I stuffed the two of them into an empty room in the unused barracks and then went around outside, and when I put my fingertips on the window gap, I used Sleep Cloud magic.

Wait a while, then gently jump up the window and use [appraisal] to look inside the room.

I could confirm that they were both breathing sleeping gas and sleeping on the floor.

"Either way, move one to another room and keep an eye on him. It's not that easy to wake up, just keep an eye out."

Zulu came back when he was ordering Ben and Ellie.

Because I told Mizuchi, "Get dressed for decent clothes and go to sleep" so I'm already asleep... I guess I'm not sleeping.

It looks like the bedroom light stays on.

I don't think he wants to take charge of one stick of human experimentation.

Don't sleep for me to come back. I guess I'll be waiting.

After waiting until Sleep Cloud's hypnotic gas was harmless, confirming that Ben and Ellie had left the room in charge of Esmund Bakeira, he ordered Zulu to sit the remaining Kendakt Dargan in his chair asleep.

The level difference between me and these guys is twenty-four.

If left alone, nearly four more hours will be put under the influence of magical sleep.

It's almost 23: 00, so I'll have to give it a try.

"Zulu. Wait outside the room until I call you."

When he got Zulu out of the room, he used anti-magic field magic to relieve him of his magical sleep, gently tapping Dargan's cheek sleeping on the back of his chair to wake him up.

Of course, before I wake you up, I've used the magic of Diect Rye.

"... huh? Ah?"

Dargan, drooling from the edge of his mouth, is blinking his eyes.

"Looks like you've been exhausted... Bakeira's already gone to her bedroom"

"Oh, this is my lord. It's not funny."

Dargan scratched his head a little shy.

"I thought I'd go to bed, too, but I can't seem to get enough of the excitement of standing around earlier. Can you just talk to him for a second before you go to bed?

"That's already cheap...... Mmm!

Dargan seems a little surprised by his words by the attempt to say it halfway through and hastily coughs and deludes himself.


"Speaking of which, you hadn't heard. Then what brings you to Beglitz?

"Well, hey... the Romdale Chamber of Commerce was looking for an escort."

You just said that, didn't you?

His Majesty (Romus).

I was deluded when I said I was escorting a caravan that came today called the Romdale Chamber of Commerce, but the accent was different.

Dargan became restless when he looked confused by what he was about to say.

For this reason, there are no lies in Dargan's statements so far.

I guess it's a fact in itself that I came with a Chamber of Commerce escort who was bought tea leaves.

"Is the Romdale Chamber of Commerce the escort of the caravan that came today? Wasn't it tough from Wang Du to here?

He seemed relieved that I rode the statement without showing any interest in Dargan's attitude or words.

"Yep. That's quite a distance..."

"Right. It must have taken a long time. By the way, as soon as we get to Beglitz, why go north of the city? There's not a single drinker around here, is there?

"Oh, that's..."

Stuck in words.

"When I go with Ezmie to escort her, the first city I try to look around..."

but you seemed desperate to work your head out and in just a few moments you twisted a lie out of it.

Dargan's exhaling breath is reacting to magic.

Does that say yes, Bakeira's nickname is Ezmie?

I'm glad you didn't say Osma or anything appropriately.

"Come on, stop hiding things from me. I hope you're not lying to me."

I said with a little exaggeration on my shoulder.

"No, I'm not lying...!

Of course, this statement is also a lie.

And it seems to contain quite a rush.

No, not in a hurry... you don't...


Thank you. There seems to be a great deal of confusion in his spirit.

Perhaps he's shaking because of his duty as an intermediary and his strange feeling of relief towards me?

I don't know.

It might be more appropriate to describe yourself as confused that you're about to run your mouth even about something you shouldn't have said.

The guy who hung on to the character charm (charm person) seems to work the awareness that he would be a favorite person to the operator, and usually doesn't want to lie unless it's too much of a situation.

I know a lot about this because I'm experimenting with Mizuchi.

The guy with the charm (charm person) feels more intimate to the surgeon than his brothers, more like a same-sex childhood friend.

It's also a small borrowed childhood familiarity in one's life, although it's difficult to describe what is appropriate, rather than a reciprocal relationship.

Like, for example, doing bad things together, sheltering me when I was exposed, and still keeping my mouth shut without telling anyone about it?

Mizuchi was the only person in the elementary school classroom who normally spoke to me floating alone and expressed the feeling of being the kind of person that made me blend in with everyone in my class, so I guess each person feels different.

Overall, do you feel close to being familiar with children of the same sex, who can talk about anything and can rely on you to talk to them?

Of course, I'm not going to go as far as someone I can put my full confidence in because it's no different to being someone else, even if I'm that familiar with a child.

Hmm, what did you say......

I can talk about that approximate amount about my savings, but do you feel like I wouldn't even tell you if I knew about my brothers and my family's savings?

Hmm? What kind of experiment did you do with Mizuchi?

Mm-hmm. I don't really want to talk about it.

Anyone have a secret they want to take to the cemetery?

It's an experiment to see if we can talk about that.

At the time, the level difference between me and Mizuchi was eight, so if Mizuchi hung it on me, I had to call it back many times until the magic was successful.

On the other hand, if I hung it, it was unlikely that Mizuchi would resist and fail, so I hung it again and again until I failed.

But thanks to this, it was a valuable experience to know the difference between the reaction when magic succeeded and when it failed, and the feeling of being hung over.

For example, I mean he was messing with me until fifth grade and I was alone when I was in college... what did I say... oh, peer magazine. I made a confession that although I made a peer magazine for the game and tried to sell it at the event, I made 300 copies and only sold 40 copies. Especially since then, the people who bought those forty copies have advertised all over the internet and elsewhere that they did well for peer magazines, and they ended up selling them all and going black.

That's why he tried to throw up my past girlfriend relationship.

This is what it looked like then.


"Hey, when's the first girlfriend? How far did you get?

That? Didn't you know?

My close friend asked me how it was at the time and made me confess......

Wasn't Mizuchi there?

Is that it? Well, no.

"Mm-hmm. You were in high school a year. I went to Rattleland for the summer vacation. '

"Huh, you two rats... hey, what an envy... nice"


"Nothing, so?

Something's wrong with Mizuchi's face.

Why does this guy look so jealous...?

Oh, isn't that my woman?

Did I say something weird?


'Don't look at me like that. Isn't it normal for a high school student?

If you were a high school student, you'd be dating at the amusement park, right?

I don't think it's that uncommon, and to that extent, I think it's cute...

'... yeah. Yeah... well... what's a mundane thing?'



What the fuck are you talking about?

"Aw. So, in the evening, you're going to have an electric parade. '

Oh, you were willing to kiss me today.

It's the mid-1980s, and what a high school student it was at that time.

I totally forgot, but when we started talking, I remembered.

"I know. Beautiful, isn't it? I saw it in my family, too. '

You're with my family... rattleland was supposed to be a staple of the guy's date that lived around there...


Where did Mizuchi live?

Well, no.

'Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it? That. Loaded with unreality. I kissed her looking at it. It felt romantic, and you thought it was the only time.'

As soon as the electric parade started, I did start chewing gum.

I remember her gently chewing gum so that I wouldn't distract her, and putting the wrapper in her pocket at the right time.

Because of this, the kiss seemed cute enough for my lips and lips to touch.

"Eh, against the background of the Electrical Parade, duh, it's chiss!?... Me, have me do that..."

Oh, why would I... Mizuchi do this because she told me how much...

I feel like I've done something really bad.


Isn't that weird?

But I don't recall being hung up on magic later, even if I remember this time.

I also think we had a weird conversation, but I just think that I felt kind of weird being rushed by feelings similar to hurry.

Hmm? What happened after that?

"Who do you love now? 'I've been asking,' so I answered, 'What are you talking about, you're the only one I'll have,' and I lit it up.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did, too. For some reason, I recognize that Mizuchi, the surgeon, was my lover (because it was before my marriage), but it was such a subtle feeling that I whispered love to a same-sex childhood friend. I'm pretty sure there was a big glitch in me, but the "same-sex or whatever, but I don't want to throw up here" feeling won more, it's close to the feeling.

It made me want to praise myself for what I was able to say properly after the effects of witchcraft had expired.

But when I think about it calmly, I just don't think magic can dictate how I really feel.

Because if a surgeon acts hostile to someone who hangs a charm (Charm Person), the magic loses its effect easily, so I guess it's not originally such a strong effect.

To the extent that it orders actions contrary to morality, the effect is sustained but normally rejected.

If you try to make me commit a criminal act, it will expire.

Since then, Mizuchi hasn't done anything to ask me about my past.

I got a little out of line, but, well, that's why you just didn't try to tell me the truth, even though you're definitely under the influence of character charm (charm person), you lied, no, you lied...

Shall I camouflage you here for a moment?

"Come on, it's midnight. Yeah, don't shout. I know. Your Majesty told me to come to Zydritz. But..."

"Become!? Why!? Stupid..."

Ah... have I solved it?

Sounds like...


When I spoke, Zulu jumped into the room.

At the same time, he unleashed the magic of the airbash towards Dargan.

"... make me throw up the purpose I came all the way to Beglitz. But do it in the basement when the other one's done."

I ordered Zulu, who was tying Dargan up behind his back.

Person attraction to Dargan (Charm Person) will not work for the next few months.

Sorcery that has an effect on the spirit in which I said all that (suspension), disgust (reparsion), etc., also has no effect. Only if I use it.

I understand these circumstances because Zulu has also been used as an experimental platform for witchcraft in the mental system, starting with character charm (Charm Person).

"Ha. But as I said earlier..."

"Oh, I let them all throw up, or if they really don't seem to throw up, kill them. Yeah, it'll take time, and you'll have work tomorrow, so tie it up tight and go to bed already today. Leave him alone till the weekend off and make him weak."

"Ha. Then let's just say water is all you need until Saturday"

As Zulu, who was in charge of the lost Dargan, left the room for a short time, Ben and Ellie brought in Bakeira, who remained asleep.

Waking up the chair Dargan was sitting in until just now and watching as he sat Bakeira there, I was thinking.

I know it was a bad way to hang my cama, but I didn't know I could break the charm (charm person) that works to that extent......

I'm sure that Dargan has some, somewhat strong thoughts.

Or because I've spoken of something that should never have been known?

Where is ok and where is it not possible to start?

Is there a personal difference?

I'm not busy figuring that out.

For the time being, do you want to catch and try all the contacts (connections) that have been in contact with Zydritz?

But let's start with all of us on the boulder...

Whatever you do, use Bakeira in addition to Charm Person Charm (Succession).

Anyway, it's a corner opportunity, and I want to narrow down the information I can narrow down.

Yeah, I'm actually not really interested in hearing from the guys.

It's your country anyway, and your opponent is the king.

What's wrong with not sending an intermediary to investigate the trend against the great aristocrats under his command?

You're not going to be hostile with me.

Around here, is it close to the relationship between the Edo-era generals and the Ohname-like lords?

I don't know if this expression is correct.

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