14 Oct 7449

When enough time has passed for the date to change.

Bakeira, like Dargan earlier, is losing her mind when she gets hit in the back of the head by a wall with my airbash and is falling on the floor.

"... All right. Throw this guy in the basement, too. Let them all throw up on the weekends."

I ordered Zulu to stand up looking down at Bakeira.

Charm Person was also attracted to this guy, and he tried to gather information by using it to the temptation (Succession).

However, I was able to grasp the general contents of the contact with Zydritz on someone's orders and its purpose, but when I talked about my relationship with the king, I broke the magic that I didn't just divulge any information about the others.

I am sure that both charm (charm person) and glamour (sassage) are fairly effective magic in gathering information, but I have a good understanding that it is difficult to spit out all information unless you brainwash it and make it complicit or use drugs, etc.

Regardless of drugs such as confessors, there will only be torture that inflicts mental and physical distress any more than you know of ultra-advantaged brainwashing methods such as making information confess.

It is not so likely to succumb to the pain itself because it resists the statement of information with a fairly strong will. In doing so, Zulu will be blamed for the whole day, and after that, the interrogator will only have as many hands as a joint question in turn with me.

Because of this, I know several types of things called confessionals (famous for barbitur and mescaline or something).

You can probably make it if you take the time to try and make mistakes, but you can say it's pretty much the same as drugs, and there are actually a lot of things in Japan that are subject to drug control laws.

I don't want to make drugs, wake-ups, whatever, even for medical purposes.

I don't need anesthesia because I have healing magic.

If you really need it, you're selling painkillers in Balduk.

Especially since it's called a confessional by your name, but you just have to keep your brain from making a normal decision, so you don't have to drink anything.

But it is actually very difficult to make people talk drunk with alcohol. There are huge personal differences in usage and dosage, and often I don't talk about what I want to hear, so there's actually not much use for drugs or alcohol called confessionals.

I have tried all the ways I need to do it, and sometimes I can't do it when I can't afford the time.

Note that I also tried using the magic of idiocy (feeblemind) to see if I could get the information, but it didn't make much sense here because even the conversation stopped working. After all, there is little more use than contacting an opponent's leader or something in battle... Well, no.

It's late today, so let's go back to heavenly guard and go to sleep.

'... those clothes, were you still wearing them?

"Eh heh. Fit? '



"Hehe.... By order, you are ordered!

I don't hear you very well, but Japanese?

"Oh, Silanui! There's no mask, but you look just like you missaw it!


The lights were leaking out of the window gap, but it's been hours, so you shouldn't have walked softly so as not to make a sound that you might have fallen asleep.

Or has it erased the footsteps that luxuriously carpeted everything down to the hallways and stairs?

No, when I gently opened the heavenly doors in the first place, I guess I shouldn't have thought it was strange because I heard someone talking from the upstairs living room and instantly moved into combat mode to see how things were going.

'Hehe. Then that's it... that's it!


It sounded like a man would fall.

"Shiranui, an amazing, mobile man. No, even Princess Sizka. It's pathetic for all of us...!

'Oh, it's a scene of forty-three stories...! This, in such a trap...... unconscious! But don't take a sweet look at the moves, okay?

"Mmm! Sora!

I can see the heat is quite high.

"Gu Ha! Kokurai, you... even if I die here, my people will always kill you...!

"Are you talking about them with your people...?

I don't care about footsteps anymore.

Climb the stairs.

"Sasanami! Nue! Oh, and even Kagelow... Damn! Him, hostages are cowardly! Shame on you!

Shame on you, huh? Sounds comfortable to my ears...... oh, no. It resonates comfortably in my ear... "

It came up to the second floor.

Right now, I think I'm losing my anger from my face and I'm getting a completely indispensable look.

"Hmm. The humiliation our ghost blades have been subjected to, now is the time to clear up! That's it! '

"Ugh! Kill him!

'Something that makes it so easy for you... That's it!

'Hey, what are you doing... I hate you!

What, are you doing something deadly just 'that' from earlier...

'Hehe. How long can you behave like a temperament...? Slowly slaughter all the hostages...'

When I slowly opened the living room door, I met Mizuchi, who was turning into a big letter on the floor and twisting his body.

Of course, he's the only one in the living room.

After ten seconds of staring at each other.

"Hiyu's turn is a little further, isn't it?

You couldn't stand the silence anymore, the pervert turned bright red and opened his mouth out of my sight.

I think I was a villain named Cochrane.

'... these kinds of kirai?

How did you answer?

"You don't like it."

I don't have that kind of taste.

No... but the cloth in front of the groin is turned off.

I can see it round like underwear cut up at a deep angle like Heireg.

You're a crazy bitch.


I head to the administration feeling somewhat sleepless.

Of course, I didn't go along with the weird image play.

We just didn't poke each other. We poked unilaterally though.

I told Mizuchi on the road the information I got last night and asked him for his opinion on what to do with the Zydritz couple.

"If you don't know about guns and gunpowder, why don't you just keep watching and letting it go? You don't have any other problems knowing, do you?

Apparently, the two liaisons (connections) I caught last night just came to convey a directive saying, "There seems to be someone else in me who has publicly declared that he was reborn from another world, so do something to ascertain the status of the guys who belonged to the original killer (Slaters) and check their date of birth".

There were other detailed instructions, but all of them were instructions for a reaffirmation of the likely part of the transition from the information held by the central kingdom regarding the content involved in the economy and direct military forces, such as tax revenues and the extent to which there had been a change in the members of the Knights.

That kind of information is pretty much investigating the Second Knights stationed in the realm, and I haven't missed a report every time either.

I'm not obliged to report it, but it feels like I'm reporting it voluntarily.

Nor is the information obtained by the two liaison officers (connections) from Zydritz significant.

I found out that I had started a checkpoint, and that I had started major street maintenance (work on the carriage railroad), and that I had planted some strange plant seeds on the Rjogue family, a squire brought from Barkud, and on the edge of my farmland under my direct jurisdiction, and that since last month or so, when the seeds started sprouting, I had regularly reported that I seemed to hang magic.

It should be noted that the knowledge of the reincarnators possessed by the two liaison officers (connections) did not seem really significant.

"Many reincarnates possess a special skill called intrinsic skill, but it doesn't help them."

"Very rarely do some guys have unusual strength as individuals, but most of them are not very different from normal people"

"George Lomberto, who is said to be the royal ancestor, was also a reincarnator"

"A few hundred years ago, the Knights Commander had an unusual amount of martial arts, but one day he disappeared somewhere because he was special. It was the king at the time who clapped that he was a reincarnator."

"Reborn people seem to prefer to use chopsticks as a tool for their diet. Many are obsessed with grains called comedy, in addition to showing unusual obsession with magical seasonings such as miso and hiscio."

To such an extent that it was found that some other people claimed to have been reborn from another world about a hundred years ago.

The fact that reincarnates appear every few to hundred years or so seems to be known in very small parts of itself.

Information so far did not surprise me much that the King, the direct descendant of George Lomberto, knew of the presence of the reincarnated.

There will be legends from the ancestors.

Both me and Mizuchi got the feeling that they didn't think it was possible to go from this information to "the reincarnators have the kind of useful knowledge found in the world ahead"... but both me and Mizuchi felt a sense of crisis. But there's nothing we can do about this, and there's nothing we can do about it.

but how did you get the certainty that I was a reincarnator?

I publicly stated that I was a reincarnator, so if I knew the reincarnator existed, I would know that I could stare, and I would go to convince myself.

But how did you claw that you had just gained certainty that the slayer (Slaters) also had a reincarnator?

All I can do about these questions is make them throw up with the torture they do over the weekend.

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