
Saturday evening, which is a weekend.

I finished my clerical work at the administration a little earlier than on weekdays and was buying dinner ingredients at the right store.

Recently, only this weekend dinner has been cooked and eaten by me and Mizuchi for three after calling Courtzille Castle for a gibbertie. This is my duty day.

Yeah, of course, Giberti's with us when we make it, but we split the place to eat with me and Mizuchi.

Only this time will be the only breath of the week for us couples.

I'm calling Giberti to teach me and Mizuchi my favorite meals, to make more menus that he can make, and to make him do dishwashing and taking care of cookware he uses after he eats.

And, you know, give him extra ingredients and make him cook lunch the next day.

By the way, there is not a single convenient store in Aus that deals with anything, like a supermarket.

In the first place, Beglitz doesn't have all ten stores that deal with ingredients.

I can't do it in one house because each one is handled differently, so shopping is a little cumbersome, but I can't help it.

... On second thought, except for Giberti, who basically had a weekend off on Saturdays for slaves who served me directly outside agriculture, such as Zulu and Thor. How come I don't have a holiday in my life when I'm revealed to you by a great nobleman named Count?

Sometimes it feels somewhat uninterrupted, but the heads of state of previous life are neglected. Even company officers don't even have a holiday, so naturally. Being the head of this West Dirt region and a substantial manager, I have decided at my discretion on the best time to do business in territorial management, and it was up to me to decide without a holiday.

That being said, there is no excuse for things that are not.

I was feeling somewhat uncomfortable while buying a sachet filled with bread with olive fruit, which was seasonal, for 500Z.

After that, a little egg and pork?

I have plenty of drinks because I buy every barrel of beer and wine, and you don't have to worry about that.

I'm going to cook olive omelettes and pork olives for this evening's menu, and make it a pepperoncino thing with lots of pepper instead of chili with beans and olives in the pasta broth that's made into dried noodles. That's the only menu you can eat at this time of year when fresh olives are available.

As far as vegetables are concerned, the harvest of lettuce on my territory is over by the end of summer, and the cabbage harvest starts next month or so. Since leafy vegetables like pine nuts are the main harvest time from spring to early summer, and root vegetables are mostly shipped to Wangdu and so on, there are few parts consumed in the territory.

Imoes can be eaten at about any time, but it is the one that says crispy potatoes that are grown in large quantities, and this doesn't taste good.

Thinly sliced and fried in vegetable oil, salt and pepper doesn't really taste good because it's a skull.

Well, the vegetables aren't very tasty whichever you take. I guess it's a matter of fertilizer and variety improvement.

That's about enough beans to eat.

Soybeans, ingen beans, lentils, hiyoko beans and peas are the main cultivars, but I don't know how to eat them with the oases.

All of them, hardpod seeds (hard sheath) or soft pod seeds (softpod seeds), but they ripen without finishing, and then they harvest them and save them for each sheath.

Needless to say, Edamame and Moyashi are the only way to make even peas and ingen beans that can be eaten in the sheath while they are young with soft pod seeds... well, what can I do?

I don't think we have enough food. Set aside the deliciousness and all that, the amount of energy you get is more ripe beans.

... I remembered with beans, but one day when I have free time, it would be nice to teach someone the seed type of peas, even the hereditary laws of dominance and separation, as an example.

Someone serious and research enthusiastic would make money if they made delicious silk.

Genes Then I also remembered a bad story.

In previous life, in some countries before his death, agro-bio-companies patented him with seeds that incorporated suicidal genes that did not germinate in the second generation. This is fundamentally different from selling a generation hybrid called F1 or a set of plant seeds that have been genetically modified to be resistant only to our own pesticides and their pesticides.

Let's also think about laws like this that don't come out. He's irreversible.

That's why the guy who tries to make money is unquestioned and capital punishment at the time it's proven.

The fact that it is possible to self-harvest seeds, whether we do it or not, is a lifeline of agricultural development.

Only nature can hold the key to food production... even kings are not allowed to do that.

Suicide genes, terminator technology, name alone are bad chest feces.

The upper part of pork loin is 300Z at 100g and the standard part of rose is 130Z?

Shoulders, momomo, halibut (diaphragm), tan, tancita, ticab (breast) Something between 50 and 100Z.

So, 100g 25Z with the cheapest leg meat.

Is this because leg meat is so muscular that the cooking method is limited, and I can't eat it deliciously without being a grinder?

Because of this, the moth, blood vessels, tongue sock (the gelatin part of the foot) and ears are around 100g 10Z.

Unlike in previous life, there is no first edible livestock that eats good bait, so the moths are not very tasty.

I wash my stomach and intestines once in a while, but sometimes I still have pussy between my hives.

Even Barkud used to eat pork and chicken when slaves ate meat.

The price of meat... is about the normal price.

Unlike Japan, the good part of the meat is thoughtful, and the normal part of the meat is very tall.

Conversely, poorly fleshed parts and moths are so cheap that I think they are discarded.

High meat is bought by nobles and wealthy civilians, and slaves are rooted in eating cheap parts.

Well, speaking of the countryside, not many people cook at home because once it's an urban area.

Oh, I'd buy you some ham or bread and eat it at home, but you wouldn't call that cooking.

Sometimes they make soup or something, but many don't have it, and fuel firewood costs money.

It's not good for slaves who make up the majority of the population because it's outside the stove, which is a magic item.

Mmm... it looks like nobody's going to buy it, and do you want to keep it filled today?

100g1200Z, but, well, it could be called the most advanced part, and it might be reasonable.

Sometimes I feel like cooking and eating stewed pork belly or loin cutlets, but I can't help it because there's no one who can buy these parts.

Speaking of which, I heard that the first shipment of this ranch with Imulek, the pig, that I did to my squire, is next month.

Normally, pigs feed on crispy potatoes and their stems, but no matter what you look at the crispy potatoes, they don't have as much starch as sweet potatoes, and it doesn't seem nutritious, so they are strictly ordered not to feed only crispy potatoes.

Instead, I'm asking you to focus on cereals like wheat and soba, their “fumigates," beans, etc.

The cost of feed will more than double, but my body will be quite fat and my flesh will be overwhelmingly better, so I'm letting it run as if I can always sell it at a high price if I take it to the richer King's Capital.

He hasn't forgotten that the quality of beef beef beef is not comparable to what he normally grows because he told me to feed it similar to Wagyu beef before, and he seems to keep his word properly.

Try eating as many parts as you can, including moths, when you first ship.

"Ah, Count......!

My little fat aunt rang me out of the butcher's shop.

Um, you were definitely Sir Daziegle's wife working on the first floor of the administration.

Are you going for dinner, or no, are you going to buy it because it looks like you're taking your offering?

"This is Sir and Mrs. Daziegle. Shopping?"

Oh, my God, I responded with a bad feeling.

The lords of the aristocracy themselves don't dress very well, such as going to buy ingredients.

Not to mention your lord.

No, I'm just taking it personally.

"Yeah, it's time to get ready for the ham."

Each household generally starts preparing preserved food for the winter at this time of year.

They include buying in beans, grinding stored wheat, cleaning up houses, buying firewood that can also be a source of heating and lighting to make them crack, and buying pork thighs to start making ham, a preserved food.

Ham takes a lot of work to smoke, but things like prosciutto that don't smoke are often made at home.

In most cases, he is the first spouse of the housekeeper to take command of winter support, such as making preserved food.

It is only at this time that she or they will use the slaves owned at home to initiate winter support.

It should be noted that tax payments to lords are mostly done by the end of September at the latest, so busy paying taxes to me is about the aristocracy and my knighthood governing each town.

Many families often own slaves when they are civilian houses farming.

During the winter, we have to feed the slaves we own, and if we let them freeze to death, it will be devastating, so this winter support is very important.

There are many jobs that require manpower, and winter doesn't wait for its arrival before it takes much time.

Not so much for households that don't own or few slaves, but they still have to keep as much preserved food as they can before winter, when food and other things tend to go up in price, and even firewood needs a lot.

I guess this Duchess Daziegle is that mouth too.

"By the way, is the Count shopping too? In a butcher's shop?"

I was going to meet up and leave this place altogether, but it doesn't look like I'm going either.

"Oh, my wife and I are taking turns making dinner for the weekend... then"

I put down the Sir and Lady, who still said something, and shoved the wrap of finned meat I bought into my saddlebags.

"Well!... My lord, wait a minute"

The Serene Lady tells me to lend her ear.

But it has become a formal way of calling you, Count, from a cheerful way of calling you, Your Excellency, in a way. The expression also feels a little serious.

What the hell, already.

"Um, I seem to be offering, but let me tell you something. In what His Excellency the Count does, such as buying ingredients for your meal…"

I knew it.

Don't be silly, I know.

But in addition to the fact that Mizuchi and I take turns shopping to make the food we want, there's also a point in making sure the ingredients are distributed at the right price.

"I appreciate your concern, but not every day. Besides, shopping is fun.... and I'm tired of the store."

Actually, I also feel quite honest.

There are no delicious expensive restaurants in Beglitz or there, but there is actually only one.

I hear Count Loughleague, who was my deputy before I came, used to eat at that restaurant every day, but I really don't think he ever got tired of it.

I eat there a couple days a week, too.

Sure, it's delicious there, but it's been six months since we've been to the Grits, right?

I'm eating up all the menus in the store.

"... that would be..."

It feels like the lord, who is also a great nobleman, should not say such a thing to everyone.

I have to take care of someone who talks straight to me like this.

"Well, don't say that. I know you do, but not many people can cook my favorite dishes. I just have to make it myself."

I'm also telling the employees of the administration that I'm a reincarnator.

Of course, it makes a lot of sense to seal up objections to political policy, but it's also an appeal that I have knowledge that everyone doesn't know about.

However extravagant they are, they know something better than the oath dishes, and they know an advanced living environment such as comfortable clothing and convenient tools with sophisticated designs.

No, I'm not slapping a big mouth because I really just know.

Besides, this evening's menu is not common in oaths because some use dry noodles.

I'm also letting Giberti develop noodle dishes, but I'd rather have as many examples as I can.


Those eyes, I can't tell if you think you're blowing a horror, if you think you're a pathetic guy possessed by strange delusions, or if you're convinced you are.

"Hehe. Next time, Sir Dazzigle, I'll invite you all to dinner at my house."

Oh, that's a good idea while I'm at it.

Even though it's an official, it's okay to work under me.

To be honest, I think the rice that Mizuchi and I make tastes pretty good.

No, they call you to your boss's house for dinner, torture?

Isn't that right?

It's generally honorable in the aristocracy.

"What? Can I invite you?

The Serene Lady has her eyes rounded.

"Yeah. But a little later. For a while now, I just want to take care of the couple's time."

I straddled the horse by putting down the Sergeant who seemed kind of happy.

I don't like it if it brings weird expectations because it doesn't make Sir Dazzigle special.

Giberti was waiting when he returned to Courtzil Castle.

"Whoa. We'll get started in a minute."


Giberti, who took his saddlebag off his horse, followed me with it.

"Um, Master, what the hell happened at the castle today?

He calls out a little reluctantly.

Oh, well.

You didn't know about this guy, did you?

Starting today, the basement of the castle, is that you started torturing your liaison in a mere basement reservoir just by name.

A few days ago, the day the Romdale Chamber of Commerce left for Count Lancel's territory, the next destination, a caravan whose two interlocutors were lurking as liaison officers (connections), seemed to be just a little talked about: "Early on arriving in Beglitz, two escorts hired in the Wang capital disappeared".

But that kind of case (?) As it remained, I hired a new escort at Beglitz to set out solemnly without going into much fuss.

I have heard that the Romdale Chamber of Commerce will be back in Kingsville in about February, so I am also saying one letter to my Chamber of Commerce. For this reason, letters in the Kingdom of Romberto are basically not that bad.

Especially since the death rate of pedestrians and their escorts in the Kingdom of Lomberto is about 0,5% a year, and since there are no unexpected people, it is actually quite possible that they will be underdeveloped. I try to say the exact same letter to another caravan using a completely different circuit in anticipation of it.

Even letters from your sister and Bastral will be delivered by another caravan in a while.

Regardless of that, Zulu, who is supposed to be on holiday, doesn't show up, and Ben and Ellie don't move a step by tightly cementing the entrance to the underground reservoir behind Heavenly Guard.

A few other slaves live around them, starting with Elmy, Zulu's daughter-in-law, but their expressions were uniformly stiff, and Giberti, who did not know the circumstances, seemed greatly confused because he did not return a decent answer when asked why.

"Oh, I caught two rats diving into the realm. I'm letting Zulu throw up about what he was trying to do."

"... are you a rat? I see."

"Yeah. I can't even leak my voice because it's underground. Let's get started."

"Did you throw up?

When I finished dinner with Mizuchi and started drinking tea, Zulu came.

"Just a little."

Few pieces of information could have been made to throw up by torture.

As much as I find out that Bakeira was involved in the case of a previously stolen grinder, I say what I stole it for, and the reason for it is because I wanted to make my own baldukki and eat it.

Obviously it would be a lie......

I was a little stunned by Zulu asking about that, too.

That's how when I was confirming the achievements of the first round of torture, came the Second Knights of the Kingdom and an expedition from the centre of the Kingdom stationed in the village of Midora, which I'm leaving to Vince.

- Coming mid-January 7450. Using the village of Darbin in the Earl of Dressler as a rallying point, the offensive force by the kingdom elite will be turned over to Dabus territory. Finally, as a hindsight, we will pull the equivalent of a squadron from the troops stationed on Count League territory...

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