Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 86: Join the War (Battlefield Visit?) determination of

19 Oct 7449

"So, what do you do?

Mizuchi asks me on the way to the administration.

Of course, it is about participation in the war of aggression against Dabus, which will take place early next year.

The preachers who brought this information last night were resting slowly in the barracks and are still awake when the morning sun shows its face.

"Mm-hmm, you want to see it as far as I'm concerned..."

My mind leans heavily in the direction I go to see, even as I respond badly to a toothpick.

I couldn't even see the village fight to Gal that happened last year, and I want to make sure with my own eyes and feel it as soon as possible about the war in Aus.

Regardless of your participation in the battle, it would be a big difference between knowing and not knowing the wind and touch of the battlefield.

... and so on. It seems to be a particular reason, but it would actually be the closest thing to just being interested. Around here, my spiritual sensation hasn't taken off my twenties lad.

It's self-evident that what you actually get from what you see doesn't matter because there's no such thing as a fast deployment of troops like modern Earth wars, and fast deployment of battles where the offense shifts dramatically.

Comma, there's no first thing about how many seconds you have to make a decision.

That would happen if you were placed in an ambush too well, but I can use life sensing (detect life), so I'm not caught in the ambush first.

I guess if you have a fight that will be exactly the same deployment you have something to gain......

Well, I'm just a little interested in what time the commander orders a formation change in action, or when the assault instructions are, but that's not quite the difference from the mindset of the warring peasants watching the game while eating lunches on the high ground by the battlefield.

I would be more than willing to participate in the training of the Fourth Knights in Wang Du.

If you train, you can do it over and over again in a number of different situations with exactly the same topography, number of troops, etc., unlike in action or exercise.

The bone of this operation, conveyed by the decree, is to invade the southern Dabus kingdom as a starting point with a village called Darbin, further east of Count Lancel territory to the east of my territory, and to attack down a village called Something on the Dabus side.

Then, if you can afford it, you can attack the neighboring villages, but this one says that because of the difficulty of maintaining the occupation, even if the attack succeeds, it will only burn down the building and inhibit development.

In short, they say that the goal and the villages in its vicinity are developing there, so the village of the nearest goal is taken, but otherwise I will put up with harassment alone, something like that.

He couldn't even tell me who the commander of the invasion unit would be, but he would be one of the First Knights squadron commanders on this, as usual, anyway.

The core of the invading forces is a formation of just under 500 Knights from the Second Knights stationed in Count Dressler's territory, plus a squadron of just over 1,000 Knights in total.

He also said he would have a total of ten squadrons packed with heavy units consisting of the Fourth Knights in the rear row.

Heavy units and a bite to say, the Fourth Knights have a completely different personality than the highly mobile elite Heavy Forces, which is exclusively stuck to the First Knights.

Naturally, the main task is to supply the entire army of the kingdom, but if we also do civil engineering, we also do defensive combat. And he also takes on central breakthroughs on the battlefield and retreat wartime halls by taking over positions.

It is a very user-friendly corps organized around volunteers such as combat slaves and free folk, although it is an image that often undertakes plain tasks such as heavy duty and position building.

... That's why that wear rate is jumping through even the Knights of the Kingdom.

If they stand on the front line, the majority of the casualties on the Lomberto side will be members of the Fourth Knights.

"Ugh, I guess I disagree as a personal feeling...... And..."

We discussed the matter late last night, but Mizuchi only passively agreed that I would enter the war in the name of a battlefield inspection only with a few Knights and Zulu.

Mizchi was of the opinion that our West Dart region had just reached the edge of development, and how about keeping the veteran Knights away for months, Zulu who would oversee the site of railway work if I just got out of command of the whole thing or the squire in an archeological position.

Well, that's an ostensible opinion, and it's obvious that sincerity is meant to fix the feeling that I'm going to hit a flow arrow or something and die instantly, so even if I were you, I wouldn't be able to handle that feeling unhindered.

But since I woke up this morning, my passive favor of going to bed last night has also totally hissed and turned to the position that I am totally against it.

"Besides, if your majesty has time to stick his neck in such a local battle, tell him to have a child soon..."


I can't hear you, such a bossy voice.

I'm riding a horse in pieces.

Anything tells me that last night, Lils, the queen of the Kingdom of Lyle, stood on Mizuchi's dream pillow.

So when I asked my opinion about my war inspection, it was clearly opposed.

I remember it clearly and quickly even after I woke up, so he insisted that that must be a contact using some sort of witchcraft, not a dream.

... five years after that.

At that time, Lils said something like, "I'll be back in a few hundred years or decades, according to the truth". Does that mean he's back in five years after all?

Maybe it is, maybe it's really just a dream.

It is also likely that Mizuchi's desire not to leave the territory for me now, not to go to war, just appeared in the form of a dream.

... If Lils really came back to life in the first place, if it was Miki... he'd say something! Don't make a roundabout imitating standing on Mizuchi's dream pillow. Come on! Then you can't hit a bee saying you stood on my dream pillow. Oh, if you're a sub-god, you're the one who hits the bees?

Whatever it is, if Lillus is really going to be back and make some kind of contact with the rest of the country, isn't it me first?

... Perhaps it contains my hopeful observations, but it's usually humane to think so.

That's not true? Oh, yeah. People are different there, aren't they?

That's how I got to the administration.

Yeah, between the two I captured, but after a tired preaching fell asleep and cut off discussions with Mizuchi, I gently took him some warm soup and some white bread.

The two men, who were held in separate cellars, saw that they had been severely hurt by Zulu together, their faces swollen and their fingers broken by a good number.

I really panicked when I saw how it was going.

'Cause he looked like he was dying.

It's inevitable that you'll end up killing him, but that's not now.

We'll keep it alive as long as we can and narrow down as much information as we can.

I immediately [appraised] and confirmed my HP, but we both stayed about half of it, so I was impressed with Zulu's exquisite pain addition and subtraction.

Can he do this? Awesome.

I hung a lot of cure-all sorcery with my sympathetic face on my voice, completely healing my injuries, while lowering my appreciation for Zulu.

Because there are so many injuries.

I even wanted to take a break on the way because I had to use Cure All about eighty times in total to heal my first Vakeira injury. I mean, I took two breaks.

The second person after being spiritually tired, Dargan, did the treatment with his guts, and now it's time for my interrogation, when I thought it was nearly midnight, and Bakeira, whose injuries healed and she ate dinner, was sleeping well, and Dargan was obsessed with soup and stuck to bread.

They came to me with a warm meal to treat me, stealing Zulu's eyes, which could be described as a jailer, and they were weeping and thanking me.

The charm (charm person) of the person who hung it after the treatment was properly hung, so breaking down the hanging magic doesn't seem to be a successful resistance to witchcraft with equals.

This is how Zulu hurts for a while to come, and I'm going to heal that wound, but how many times will it break your heart?

Let Zulu suffer in anticipation of Thursday, three days from now, when they start starving again.

The meal I carry also reduces the amount of meals I carry by a little bit and shortens the painful interval.

If the interval continues for a week after each day, but still doesn't seem to throw up about his connection to the King or the Kingdom's intelligence system, he plans to move on to another way.

October 20, 7449.

I got off to work a little early this afternoon, and I was immersed in work at Ryog's workshop.

"Phew Phew Phew Phew."

I was working on finishing the work as I sang my nose song.

You use ground magic to lay a rubber pull cloth inside a stone shaped like a big hot tub with a rubber side inside it and apply ebonite to turn it into a giant barrel.

Diane and Luke's couple work together to apply Ebonite and I dry it out from the side where I applied it.

Apply it multiple times to increase durability and strength, but it will be over today as well.

The hot tub itself is going to be made by me stone out of ground magic, shaping it, but it's heavy on boulders when it's stoned up to a water tank to put on the roof, and it's going to be hard to even lift it if you can handle carrying it.

Plus, I'm going to build a stone hot tub directly locally because it's a hassle to carry even now.

"Dear Al, you're in a good mood"

Diane tells me as she pours viscous Ebonite from her husband's bucket, paints it on a rubber pull cloth, and stretches it out with a hella, but that would be the case, too.

The Lords' Hall, which will be inaugurated about next month, will be slowly bathed at home.

Until now, the only inhabitants of Beglitz who had a bath were the Dianes Ryog family.

Me and Mizuchi used to rent me a bath once a week.

As for the bath at Ryog's house, of course I made the majority, but I hadn't made a big stone that smoothly shaped the surface, like a bath bucket for a while, and it was a good practice.

I built this front bridge, but I hardly needed to surface treat it, because Barkud's bath bucket was made of ebonite interior like the water tank I'm making right now.

"Whoa. I knew a bath would be nice. Looking forward to it."

My expression is so loose.


Whoa, dry and dry.

"Sorry, it's just us..."

It was decided that she would come to Beglitz as my squire, and when selecting a residence, she had a large enough yard and turned the house with good drainage stools as a priority.

Anyway, I was taking a bath once every two days in Barkud, so I figured I'd definitely need the space I could put a bath in.

The lord's hall, which is my home, burns and I don't even want a bath until I rebuild it, and there's no place to throw away tons of water at once if I make a bath in Courtzille Castle.

I hope I turned it off in the anti-magic field once I finished using the hot water, but I didn't like Mizuchi because the waste from the body that blended into the hot water didn't disappear.

Besides, after a day or so of not turning it off and leaving it alone for some reason, it takes a huge amount of magic to turn it off in the anti-magic field, so it's very inefficient.

If you ask me how bad it is, I will be eating more than 5000 MPs to erase it after a day of level four water magic or enough change in the bath tub of the average Japanese household.

"... All right, don't ask me next time. Don't say it again and again. I told you not to worry about that."

I finished drying the painted ebonite and said it off to the side a little bit.

"How's it going? Is it going?

Mizuchi came into the workshop.

He also has a package of food that he bought somewhere.

I was going to have dinner with the Ryogs here today.

"Ah, ma'am. Welcome."

Luke and Diane immediately bow their heads to Mizuchi.

"Whoa, we're almost there. Just give me a minute. Look, next time, please."

Then in about half an hour the work is done and Mizuchi starts eating dinner with the food he bought.

The menu is a sandwich with roasted pork and leafy vegetables and chicken soup served in a water bottle.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Diane. I just need you to listen..."

Mizuchi asked Diane about my participation in the war.

Sir Valute, the deputy chief of the knighthood, agrees with me and says he definitely wants me to accompany him, so it feels like Mizuchi's share is bad.

If you try Mizuchi, she's the same woman, and you want to have Diane on your side who has known me for a long time.

"... I see. Especially what your wife says."

I thought that was your opinion of women alone?

"But Master Al is the earliest stall. It is precisely the great nobility that governs this land of West Dart. First of all, Al's opinion should be respected."


I knew you'd think so, too?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm your lord. Come on.

"Yeah, I know that..."

Mizuchi is swelling her cheeks.

"Of course you will. Besides, Master Al is also the Knight Commander. I don't know if you've ever seen one of those guys in action."

Luke gives me cover, too.

"But... but you could be dead..."

I guess Mizuchi is starting to forgive Diane as well.

I started saying things I didn't tell anyone.

I don't think he's going to die that easy, but he does hit a flow arrow that I haven't even noticed, and if he hits it bad, he could die instantly.

Hundreds of enemy allies die in a single battle with flowing arrows.

I'm not going to be on the front line enough for the arrows to arrive, but this is it.

When I said I would avoid it with shield sorcery, they said, "You won't be able to use it continuously for long anyway," and when I said I would deviate from the arrow's orbit with wind magic, they said, "If you hadn't noticed that arrow, you wouldn't be able to use it."

"Right. Maybe that's what happened."

Diane says with a troubled grin.

Oh, come on, are we bonded?

"However, the orders of the Knights Commander, who has never stood on the battlefield, are taken lightly, for the land has become a battlefield. It could even take command of the Knights of the League to the garrison of the kingdom."

Yeah. Right.

"If Master Al dies, let's certainly have trouble with your territory. But I can't help it either. I just have to think that's the time. There's nothing left to do but do something."

... that's about it, if you hit a flow arrow and you're about to die, you mean you were a man until then?


But, Ma, I bet you are.

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