Star Realm (Astral Plain).

Usually, the spirit of the vast majority of the gods is here, in a world where they seek stability about the areas under their control in each of their main material worlds (prime material planes), or where they carry out the work given to them by the superior gods.

For this reason, the main material realm (Prime Material Plane) is the commonly known “world” in which Al and we live. The main material realm is wrapped more or less homogeneously in the light glow realm (Positive Material Plane) and the dark realm (Negative Material Plane), surrounded by the four spiritual realms of groundwater firewind (Elemental Plane) in such a way as to interact with it.

The outside - or even the “afterlife” from here - means that the spiritual world (Isserial Plain) expands, and even further outside it is Astral Plain (Gangankai). In fact, further out there is a world inhabited by many gods, such as Seven Heavens (Seven Havens), Nirvana (Nirvana), Nine Prisons (Nine Hells), Extreme Fun (Elysium), Underworld (Hades), Sky Mountain (Olumpos), Side Prison (Limbo) and Nara (Abyss).

Its gods also have something of a class, by which it is not very different from the inhabitants of the main material realm who are loosely controlled. Let's just say how intelligent the world of God is.

There are four main classes of gods, roughly speaking the superior god (Greater Daty) reigns as the supreme god, beneath which the intermediate god (Intermediate Daty) follows further with the inferior god (Lesser Daty) and finally descends in the order of the sub-gods (Demi Godd).

For the most part, Superior God takes care of numerous main material worlds and is responsible for everything that happens in the areas under his control in the main material worlds. Naturally, my experience as a god is long, proportionate and highly capable, and the gods I subordinate rise to a very large number, and the areas under my control extend to a fairly vague and broad range, such as the "Sun", “Earth", “Fate" and “Peace”.

Note that the superior God who takes care of one main material realm is not necessarily one pillar. It is normal in cases where multiple superior gods take care of the main material realm called A for each area under their control: α, β, γ…. Also, as mentioned earlier, there is not necessarily one main material realm to be looked after by a superior god named α, and it is natural for a single pillar of superior god to be looking after multiple main material realms.

Intermediate gods also take care of multiple main material worlds, but their numbers are not advanced divine degrees, and the areas of control over the main material worlds they take care of become more limited than advanced gods such as "nature," “music," “war," "death," “time," and "darkness”. That said, it still manages a very wide range of vague events.

In addition, in some cases, it may be considered a superior god in another major material realm.

Lower gods also often take care of more than one main material realm only, but their numbers are not that high, to the extent that they can be counted with both hands at best. Its areas of control are somewhat limited compared to the superior gods, such as "mines," “love," “jealousy," “morality," “diligence," “falsehood," and “four seasons," but many parts are still vague.

In some cases, this is also considered to be an intermediate god in certain major material realms.

And it is not uncommon for this inferior god to have a dominant area spanning more than one column.

Finally, the main body of the gods that we have talked about so far - the "vessels" typical of the flesh of the period of destiny and uncertainty - is often rested in the realm of the gods that, for the most part, extends outside Gangan Kai, but there are also very few exceptions.

Finally, a sub-god, but this one basically takes care of only one main material realm, unless it is an extraordinary exception, and the area of control is one on one pillar, as well as the time it often manifests itself in some way in that main material realm. There are exceptions, of course. Also, many of the sub-gods are deified by life forms that have become indeterminate (immortal) in the main material realm, only sub-gods and not complete gods. “Vessels” are also mostly in the main material realm.

Dominance is also narrowed down there to specific areas, such as "economy," “battle," “love," “bigotry," “humor," “agriculture," “mining," “covert," “plague," “nightmare," “weaponry,” etc.

It is not uncommon for a god to have the same sphere of control as different classes of gods, not just sub-gods, and in some cases certain sub-gods control “alcohol”, but the sphere of control and class may be reversed, such as lower gods control “wine”. But don't worry about it around there.

One tower present in the area known as Pandemonium, a corner of its gangkai.

In a relatively large room there was a single pillar of God lying flat on the floor.

- The job I gave you doesn't seem to have Kiri on yet...?

A wave of thought radiates from the likeness of a white wax floating in the air to a lying God.


There was a response from a flat God with a voice containing haste.

It was like a subgod, and it stretched from its head to the absence of spiritual lines like thin silver threads called silver cords.

- It's Zugtomole. How many times is this?

"… for the second time…"

Called by a third party for a long time by his surname, Lils doesn't break his flat-faced posture by spreading even the spider's legs growing from his back.

- I understand that there are areas that need to be managed. There are many things that are important to (...) and consequently considerably more than any other sub-god. But can you understand that I'm with other gods, including myself, and that the work I give is also important?


- As you know, I'm not free either. I don't even have time for this. It's a shame, but the second time, you have to reprimand him directly.

"Ha... (I can't believe they took the time to do this...)"

- You also need to take responsibility for what you did. Not to speak of a subgod of low divinity, but you are not allowed to get out of hand about Sharizdan and Naeral's assistants in the controlled realm?

"Ha... (I know that)"

What the hell are we talking about?

- Let's leave the complaints at this point. Until last time, it worked enthusiastically, efficiently, and also became an ascension track record for sub-gods.

"Ha. Thank you..."

-... what the hell bothered you so much? But let's investigate and eliminate the cause so that we don't interrupt our work again.

"No, Master Istrus, not at all. By giving me your word directly, my heart is restored to peace."

-... I just became a sub-god yesterday, so I can snort and I can do it if I miss it, but don't lose some respect for that statement. Don't underestimate our power too much. Did something happen that bothered you?

"... (Damn, have you failed?

-... something slightly related to the example matter? Which......

"Become? This is...! (What a divine force!

The enormous amount of divine force that was bathed from the advanced god Istrus seemed to pass through Lils' body and quickly arrived at the desired information when it reached the oath by conveying a silver cord that stretched from its head.

-... hmm? This is... this is... well, that's about it. Not completely, you mean you've got quite a few conditions.... um. I don't like the way it's done, but it's also acceptable within the realm of control... I confirmed that I only had the least permissible handouts.

Warm fluctuations of blessings leak from the whites.

"Ha... (Master Istrus is the one who became a god after me... you look in a good mood, and I can give you a little help...?

- Don't expect me to be busy. But I understand the situation. If it was about the example, it would be impossible for my mind to flutter. However, there is no good reason to interrupt the work you have to do.

"Ha... (everything I thought... no, not even this)"

- It's important, so I'll say it now, but it's not the way I like it.

"is... (It never conflicts with my realm of“ assassination ”and“ lies ”and“ information ”and with my realm of" destiny ”, which is Istrus-like. But there are some conflicting parts, so there is no full praise...)"

Lils still doesn't seem used to the power of superior God that makes everything he thinks clear.

In particular, since this is also one of the conditions for ascending to a number of lower gods, it may be said that there is no "accustomed” sub-god to this.

- The soul of a child who never even reincarnated because he was never born. I'll keep my head down so Lord Baskerv can prepare for you. (... but well, how dare they align that condition. Just coincidence overlapping. Oh, but it's not going to work. I think he's pretty well prepared, too....... is that why that result......)

"Ha ha! Thanks...... Gu, Ugh"

- Don't cry. Suppose there are those who are listed in the throne of God.... well. Get used to it.

Istrus leaks a slightly bewildering ripple, like refraining from crying children.

"Ugh, yes. Ugh.... da...... and baby. I'm sorry I couldn't give birth to you."

Words uttered in a very small voice, wishing someone to forgive, went through Istrus' body of thought.

- (That being said, I was also my mother. I haven't remembered it in hundreds of millions of years. - Hmm. God is a pain in the ass. Don't stay immersed in memories.)

Soon Istrus' body of thought had disappeared from the room, and only the voice of Lils sobbing echoed.

- (It's Zugtomole. Don't forget the effort. Even if it is a good condition for you, you will be made to prepare the vessel of your soul, which is not necessarily a pleasure for the little one... especially if it is the same innocent soul. It might be acceptable to accept the information.)

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