Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 91: Political Strategy Marriage

28 Nov 7449

"Uh-huh, uh-uh..."

Bakeira roars in the corner of the basement of Courtzil Castle.

The hair is dark red and purple, but there should not have been any gray hair before, but now the gray hair is mixed everywhere.

Shut up, you.

Zulu gave such a momentum to Bakeira's belly and put his nail tips in place.


Raise your voice and Bakeira will be quiet.

"Please. Stop it already. I told you everything we know!

Dargan, tied to a chair, pleaded with a voice containing pity.

Tension of the cheek flat with pampers caused nosebleeds with several shots.

"Don't do it. Look, you got a nosebleed."

I say to Dargan with a look and a cold voice as if to see even dirty objects.

Of course, there's no way Dargan, tied to a chair, is gonna blow my balls off.

I slapped him purposefully for the nose.

I can see a definite flame of hatred shaking in his eyes.

I blame them like every night here, so I think I squeezed enough information out of the two of them to squeeze.

I'm thinking, to be honest, I'm worried about this look in Dargan's eyes.

Bakeira's eyes have been like dead fish for about a week now, and since then she has stopped completely hiding her fright when she tries to do something.

If you hurt me, you cry, and at the end of the quote, you even tell me to kill you.

Perhaps you could decide that you really squeezed all the information out about Vaqueira.

However, Dargan still appears to have the light of his will in his eyes.

I just wonder if you still have any information you're hiding, or if you're hiding something you're spitting through.

Quite something, and I'd say it's the guts I looked up to.

It should be noted that there is a reason not to dispose of Bakeira, which is already of no use.

Naturally, we're both going to dispose of each other eventually, but we're not going to do anything to dispose of either of them first.

You'd think they'd kill you if you threw it all up, and to make sure you didn't think it would make it easier for you to get killed even if you didn't.

But, well, just because you don't need to hurry doesn't mean you want to do a root comparison.

I'm satisfied with both the mass of information that made me throw up even in my current state, so it won't be much of a problem if Dargan doesn't talk.

For this reason, here's what I think is "so far" importance level 1 in terms of what I've made you throw up so far:

-Generation King Romberto has an intelligence organization called the Trumpet.

-This organization was created by the first founding king, George I, Duke of Lomberto.

-The original form of the organization is the combat slaves who have served since before the founding of the country

· Currently, the organization has four "heads" in command on a council system

-The first person to raise a trumpet as an organization doesn't even convey his name, but he seems to be one of the first adventurer's men (in the trumpet they say it would be the ancestor of someone in his head)

· I have heard the names of the four heads, and the embry brothers Gillard Zydritz, Zemmel LaFrogue, Speyside and McDuff are the names (he initially said another name for the embry brothers, but I repeatedly asked the hook question and let him confess because I had something in mind in connection with the matter to be described later)

Each of the four individuals has roughly received domestic work, in-court work and intelligence, foreign intelligence, and domestic intelligence.

· Many countries also have similar organizations, although it is natural, in foreign countries, and foreign intelligence officers also include the gathering of information on such foreign intelligence organizations in their tasks, but this is not a king's order, simply to make it easier to do trumpet work

-For this reason, foreign organizations have found the names of the "Night Blade" of the Empire of Granan and the "Dolphin Troops" and "Eye of the Eagle" of the Kingdom of Bakurny, the "Hasman" of the Kingdom of Cambit, and the "Red" organization of the Kingdom of Dabus. Naturally the Lomberto trumpet is the biggest and best in both masses (is that true?

-The king seems to have his own intelligence route in addition to the trumpet, but it's a professional one, and the scope of intelligence is limited (perhaps Vilheimer and Andersen, for example, are its representatives)

Up to this point, in terms of "well, you are," below is level two.

· The number of people belonging to the trumpet is unknown, but there are three digits of active members. There are usually hundreds of "dormant" members called Kusa who are not working very hard. According to this, there are close to a thousand people going up.

· It is possible that the four heads have not even grasped the full content

-The majority of dormant members are in Lombertia, but you can see that there are one or two of them in major cities across the country. Of course, there are cities that are not. He's also slightly out of the country.

-They 're still led by the Saguar family about the "red" in the Davas kingdom (I hooked them up and made them confess about the Embry brothers because I heard this and remembered [disguise])

Further information related to me, territory, etc. Level 3.

-The Embry brothers are cat tribes (Cat People)

* [Disguise] is an innate skill inherited from Embry's lineage. Probably the same as Mun.

· My brother Speyside is in charge of foreign intelligence.

-McDuff, my brother, is a domestic intelligence officer.

-Dargan is assigned by Zydritz, who is in charge of domestic work.

-Bakeira is under McDuff's command.

And the following is level 4 where it is necessary to decide whether to take any measures in relation to it or leave it alone without taking anything for the moment.

-Of course, my squire, Gallon Zydritz, is under Zydritz's command, the remote edge of one of his heads, Gillard Zydritz.

· In addition to gathering information on me and the territory, his task is to create a sympathy to increase the number of dormant members in the future

Leave this alone for the moment.

If possible, you can keep watching and capture and interrogate the appropriate liaison officer again by the time most wake up after a few years.

-Bakeira's colleague and McDuff's son, a guy named Vishas, is entering the Grid Chamber of Commerce.

-That task is to investigate the inside of the Grid Chamber of Commerce.

I'm going to King's Capital next month. Will you confirm it and eliminate it if it's true?

It's a question of how to eliminate it.

Killing him if he's the son of a head is likely to buy a great deal of grudge, so he hesitates.

If it doesn't seem harmless, you should leave this alone, too.

The reason why people don't have any trouble knowing what's inside them is because of it.

Does Dargan still have any more information?

I feel like I do.

Therefore, do we have to move to the second stage?

No matter how well trained you were, there are no examples of failure for the original purpose to the best of my knowledge. Stealing the prisoner's eyes and getting himself killed is not an example of failure.

The method is very simple and also classic.

The downside is that it takes a lot of manpower, and most of the time, about two days after we start, we can't predict when we'll start talking.

As for manpower, in addition to Ruby and Jess, would it be covered if we called four guys, Marl and Limby?

It would be a bit of a hassle without me or Zulu when I started gelling, but in that case I would have to give up that I was unlucky.

I don't need to be greedy because I know a lot about the information I've gotten so far.

29 Nov 7449

An unpleasant light rainy day in the morning.

Finally came Jabba, Original, and Haritide from Keel.

I was informed of his arrival when I was working in the Executive Office.

You got here a little early, so I look down through the window without worrying about anything.

Then, in the midst of the light rain, a huge chunk of fat dressed in the middle of a muddy water hoard in front of the administration was kneeling without even picking up the courtesy of his subordinates.

Dog people (dogwarts) characteristic lumpy, dripping retriever dog-like ears seem to be wet.

Haritide, Originally, behind Jabba there are also a few who seem to be his servants, kneeling just like him.


I don't hate this stuff.

I mean, I can like it because I would never do it around Ralpha.

Then I should hurry up and do it.

Head for the pick up without weaving your favorite bolo inverness.

You're still a big body......

I just get a little weird impression when I see the awe-inspiring Jabba in front of me.

"All the way, thank you for your hard work"

"Ha. It's for His Excellency the Count. There was nothing like hard work. I'm sorry for the delay."

When I speak, Jabba replies without raising her face.

Mostly a shape-shaped exchange, though.

I see you are learning a lot about aristocratic exchanges.

Isn't it strange to know?

"Hehe. Looks like you've studied a lot."

"Not yet, sir"

He tells Jabba that after seeing his job for a year, if he works well, he'll give me a jazz.

He makes a lot of money, so he didn't even look forward to a broken salary of 30 million Z a year, but he found it quite appealing to eat.

Of course, for the time being, he is a civil servant aristocrat who works for an office with no territory, which he is also convinced of.

but sooner or later depending on how you work, you can give me one or two of the villages and do it.

It's Romberto's national law that you can't have a deputy unless you're a senior nobleman.

"Follow me."

Let's get him inside before his costume gets any dirtier.

By the way, the carriage that Jabba came on was built with two heads, only he and his lord were on board.

Was it too heavy to carry?

There was another carriage of luggage, loaded there.

He also came with about three slaves to take care of him around him... but I thought they were all men slaves who looked like they were going to be inflexible when they thought they were a good bunch of whores up.

A little, yeah, just a little bit of a shame.

'Cause the amazing preference kid I saw at the time... is it different after six years?

It should be noted that Litton, a whorehouse run by Jabba, but the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce still remains Jabba.

They're letting Sebastian on the head now.

You want to do it this way?

I also wanted to ask, but I stopped that.



Dargan is about to let go of consciousness.

"Hey! Don't go to sleep!

Ruby grabbed Dargan's hair as she yelled and caused it, sticking the light demon prop out in front of her.

Dargan hasn't slept for two days.

It seems spicy that you can't sleep at all because you were tortured and you were just weak in the first place.

Still, they endured it until about noon today.

But it looks like the boundaries are already close to boulders.

Seeing as it's time to start interrogating him, he's started interrogating him about an hour ago.

"Dargan. Is my chamber of commerce and one squire the only ones with trumpets in? You're lying, aren't you? Answer me. I'm telling you I'll put you to sleep when I answer."

Ask as you put your arms together and lean against the wall.

In Barkud, we've had more slaves in the last few years.

I have heard that I have only been entrusted with the task of collecting rubber sap (latex) for slaves who have just bought it from boulders, in order to cope with the increase in the production of rubber products.

Well, it's a plain and hard task, so I'm pretty sure slaves have to be increased.

Especially since they are also beginning to plant slaves that seem to be muscular as artisans, the life of the squire will be even easier in the near future.

I think even the slaves will benefit from it.

Anyway, it's a situation where Barkud is adding more slaves, so he's stepping on that trumpet among the slaves his brothers are purchasing.

"... eh. Please. Let me sleep now..."

"Oh, you can put him to sleep. But not until you answer your husband's question."

Grabbing Dargan's head trying to turn away from the light demon prop, Ruby shines the demon prop light in front of him again.

Although it is not very bright, it has enough light to pass through the eyelids sufficiently even after meditating on the eye at close range.

"… Kimberly Chamber of Commerce… Kimberly Chamber of Commerce, which is wholesale of pork, was founded to explore the insights of the Green Chamber of Commerce."


Kimberly Chamber of Commerce.

In my memory... there was.

That's definitely the name on the report from Bastral.

It must have been the ranch of the Rear Cauldron in Imulek.

"Anything else?

"... this is the last time. Hey, that's enough, right?

"Anything else?

"So this is the last time. There's nothing else."

Looks like the limit is really close.

"You're lying. Hey, Ruby. Let me open your eyes."

Ruby forced one eye open with the other hand as he let Dargan's head up, which was about to collapse with one hand.

"... is Hamill's house is Kusa"

When I hear that word, even if I'm unconscious, my one-eyebrow jumps.

"Talk about it all. You can sleep if I'm convinced."

Once he started talking, Dargan started talking momentously like a less sleepy or bottomless bucket.

No one can stand this torture.

But apparently, my parents in Barkud are worried about me.

-Sister, your husband, my brother-in-law Marty's home, the Hamills, are dormant members and Zydritz's subordinates.

-Marriage is aimed at the possibility that your sister's magical skills will be inherited, like a political marriage.

The moment I heard this, I was shocked like I was beaten.

It is unclear whether your sister knows about it and is convinced, or whether she married to be deceived without her knowledge.

They don't know either Bakeira or Dargan that far, but perhaps your sister doesn't.

Because of this, I don't want you to make a mistake there because it's very common like political marriage or anything.

Political marriage is like an extension of a pageant, and there is no one bad part except for the possibility (...) ability (...) sexuality (...) to be dissatisfied with the emotions of one or both of the couples.

It was only a few decades ago that romantic marriage became mainstream in Japan.

By the time we moved from Daejong to Showa, the percentage of romantic marriages had increased considerably to about 30%, but it seems like more than half of them were after the war.

There were still plenty of matchmaking in my childhood in the past life, and when I grew up, I didn't have many, but none at all. Even after Heisei, about 10% of the couples were married in a pageant.

Especially since the net-developed 2000s A.D., there are quite a few matchmaking and wedding parties and even signs of restoration.

My father is a romantic marriage in this life, but it's like half my brother's case is a political marriage.

In fact, there are unfortunate and happy cases of political marriage, although it would be aus or earth.

I can even say this to a romantic marriage. There's enough in the world to sweep away and throw away unhappy romantic marriages.

Which is better and which is worse, neither is superior nor inferior in character.

It's a question of whether or not to delay a happy marriage eventually, and I don't care how we met or knew each other.

Orth has this adage.

- If you are going to marry because of love, you will lose that love.

I don't think I'm saying anything right.

But you're poking one end of the truth, aren't you?

This is a Japanese statistic from a previous life, but he said that romantic marriages are so high that the percentage of divorces subsequently is not comparable to matchmaking marriages. Sure, the divorce rate in romantic marriages was 40% and in matchmaking marriages 10%? Since the number of divorced couples is overwhelming in itself, romantic marriages, most divorced couples will mean romantic marriages.

Well, I guess it's because a lot of shallow young people marry just because of the swollen momentum they fell in love with, and besides calmly judging each other in the case of a match even among the same young people, the relationship between the two of them is because marriage starts.

The Hamills don't supposedly have [disguised] genes. At the time of his marriage to his sister, Mr. Martin, of course, neither of his parents [disguised] had it.

At any rate, my sister was married to Mr. Marty and even had a child.

I guess it's a later festival to see what I've done in the field.

But I reconsidered it wasn't a bad story depending on what I tried to think.

The reason I decided that was because, first of all, when my sister spoke to me about her marriage to Mr. Marty, she said, "Marty is so sweet."

This is a very illuminating statement for your sister. To be honest, this word came out before ratings like "worker" or "about to be a good husband," so my sister is in love with Mr. Marty, I thought.

The question is what Mr. Marty thinks about your sister.

The first impression I had of him was that he had a favorable, very pleasant personality, so much so that he was hooked up with a slightly darker look from time to time.

Now I think that look may be a sign of backwardness towards political marriage.

I don't know if he loved your sister at that point.

He's a dormant agent in the trumpet organization, so maybe there's no reason enough to take the heart of a woman who only knows within the military and doesn't know the world at work, or even before breakfast to conspire (silly) with Mizuchi and Barkud's squires, including me.

But I got the impression that he loved his sister from the bottom of his heart when he looked at her.

He seems to be taking care of me at the moment, and there's no way I'm going to rival your sister with my arms in the first place.

Okay, here's why.

I can mention that my sister is a soldier, and it doesn't seem like she would be eating up if she retired young after suffering a major injury (such that she can't use healing magic herself) because she is now a highly paid but merely a single civilian.

Well, when I become a full knight in the First Knights, I get a life pension, but that's the only reassuring material that my husband has a life force.

And the last reason.

The trumpet organization is an intelligence organization reporting directly to the King.

Simply put, if you serve the king directly, that's all I can say. As the eldest daughter of a country lord, I can say a great deal.

No, that's a bit of an inappropriate expression because your sister isn't serving the king.

... shit.

I'm thinking about mentioning your sister's marriage as calmly as I can, but the same goes for being a full-fledged hostage.


Aren't you better prepared than you were?

That said...... what is it?

Oh, he was holding his hand too hard.

There was blood seeping through my palms before I realised it.

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