1 Dec 7449

I was able to spare a small amount of time when I was handling my affairs at the administrative office.

This may be the first time since my assignment.

It's a corner. Shall we take a break?

I have told Jabba I don't have to serve to sort things out around me until the end of the week.

I may still throw up something about Dargan and Bakeira - for example, information about other “grasses” - so I'm keeping them alive just in case.

But at the longest, I'm ordering Zulu to dispose of it this weekend and bury it somewhere.

I told Mizuchi about the information I got last night, starting with your sister's political marriage.

Mizuchi also initially looked a little angry when he heard about it and said "terrible" or "poor thing".

But I told you never to say anything except when it's just me and the two of us, like right now, because you can't speak like that in the position of First Lady of the Count's house, and don't even represent it in your attitude.

Not even if we have slaves who serve our homes directly, starting with Zulu.

Whatever the reason, I don't mind being dissatisfied in emotional terms.

I sympathize with your sister in my heart, but I don't care if you hate or scorn Mr. Marty, and hence the trumpet organization and the king, but I'm telling you never to represent those emotions other than me.

Emotions such as whether you like or dislike a person, organization, event, etc. (...) It is the child who judges by (...), at which point it leads to a renunciation of multilateral evaluation of the subject.

Because if you're a civilian who doesn't want a political emergence for the rest of your life, there's no great harm in it. That's fine.

But we are not civilians or free people satisfied with little happiness just for ourselves or our immediate surroundings.

A lord with more than 35,000 inhabitants, he is a great nobleman who will be independent and royal in the future.

A centralized, short-sighted view should not be the only way to make a decision.

And more importantly, we should also be cautious of behaviors that seem to be so (such as exposing emotions as quickly as this Mizuchi does).

At least your sister looks in love with Mr. Marty, and she recognizes that she is the last marriage to grow up in love.

Sometimes I don't want to break your sister's family.

Not to mention that I just had a child.

I also understand that the image of the term "political marriage" is not very good, but from now on, it is possible that I will have a political marriage as well.

I've been talking about it since before I married Mizuchi, and I'm convinced of it.

Now that we are noble and do not touch the law of lords, the act of manifesting emotions can be taken for granted, and from a standpoint, it is acceptable to the public. But other nobles who found out about it would insult me, and if they found out that other nobles were that kind of personality, I would make a fool out of that person in my heart too, saying, "You don't deserve to stand above people".

Of course this is not at odds with me, Mizuchi, or the little happiness around it, nor is it something I have to sacrifice, so I don't mind judging it largely susceptible to within that range.

but you have to trump yourself and your surroundings without worrying when you are forced to make the ultimate choice.

The most important thing is to allow the inhabitants to build their own little happiness... right, let's rephrase it.

The people of the country I make make it “easier than any other country or region” to get a sense of well-being.

Create a foundation for this.

That's my independent significance, and I'm going for it.

This, the common history that it will be 7449 this year.

Less than 500 years after the founding of the Romberto kingdom, history has been found in some detail.

Some countries, like the Empire of Granan, are considered to have been around the Kingdom of Romberto since before its establishment, but I am not sure about foreign countries at this time.

However, I think that progress is slow, too late, for the long time it has taken to take only one Romberto kingdom: 500 years.

Especially George Lomberto I, the founding king.

I also feel this is strange considering that there are several reincarnators who have been confirmed since.

It is also inherently eyebrowing about an era that has been going on for more than 700 years, but it will require a degree of trust beyond what is so labeled in the status.

However, when it comes to the year 7000, I even suspect that Earth would have even had the concept of a year before the fiftieth century BC, when there was supposedly no civilization even busy in China.

For example, if one day suddenly something called status or something was "discovered," it would take an understanding of the letters and years to know the meaning of that notation… it would be a controversy as to whether a chicken was first or an egg first.

Well, I've made some assumptions about this, but none of them are very unfounded or anything like that.

Recently, I discovered a "Sixth Collection Terminal and Degenerative Device" crashing into Balduk... well, no.

Anyway, the fact that "Aus is just making slow progress" doesn't change.

As someone who knows what's going to happen to the Earth after this, I want to accelerate progress.

Of course, I don't know what's wrong with fitting everything into the history of Earth because this isn't the Earth, but unfortunately I only have something that can serve as an example in the history of Earth, and I like a country called Japan before it was reborn.

Therefore, nothing can be done other than to follow the example of the history of Earth and Japan.

The current tide of aus is dominated by feudalism.

I think it is an abnormal slow progress for a society that has an annual issue that lasts seven thousand years.

Well, if it applies to the planet.

If you believe in lectures in the King's Capital, it feels like the Empire of Granan and the Kingdom of Romberto are approaching absolute kingdom, but so far neither has taken off the feudal domain.

Although the Hamit kingdom, once upon a time, was so close to an absolute royal government, it was simply small that the royalty was good to every corner of the territory, and in the end it was a neighboring kingdom such as the Kingdom of Romberto, so it could be said that it was essentially one of the ranks of the local luxury.

Considering the area around, first of all, set up a strong nation, if possible, of complete absolute kingdoms.

It will eventually become a country that should be overthrown by popular uprising, but it should create a powerful organization that will not fall easily.

Because even on Earth in the twenty-first century, there are still absolute kingdoms, and something was more major that way about a hundred years ago.

Educate, repress, train and oppress the people.

I don't know if there's anything I can do about it until after it's overthrown I move to a restricted monarchy (constitutional monarchy) or become a full democracy, so the people ahead are worried about that.

Anyway, if we can create an organization, a system of governance, a social foundation that can serve as an example at that time, we can get flowers from someone else, right?

I believe that will bring us closer to an environment where each person living on this planet (Aus) can pursue his or her happiness.

If you don't believe me, you'll make your country independent. But who will do anything that smells like turkey?

In some cases, it could make people close to me unhappy.

Hmm? Somebody's here.

Is it time to get back to work?

3 Dec 7449

"Oh, I forgot."

I remembered when I looked through the paperwork as I threw my foot out on the desk in the chief of the knights' office.

Get your feet off the desk and wave the call bell.

"Call the Value"

Duty attendant who stood guard outdoors (Zulu isn't guarding me anymore because he's letting me go to railroad work. Ben and Ellie are keeping an eye on the trumpet they took prisoner) and ordered him to go get the deputy commander.

Sir Value is here in no time, so I order you to do something.

The thing is, let all the Knights go on inspection at the beginning of the year write a suicide note.

The value looks a little strange.

Well, because there's never been a system like this before.

I have heard that the act of writing a suicide note personally by a soldier who decides to go to war is rare, but there was no such thing as the Knights ordering it.

"In the unlikely event, I want to respect my will as much as I can about the way the artifacts are disposed of and the inheritance of property. Besides, I want to give you a chance to hang your last words against your family and those left behind. I'm going to make it a system to allow me to join the war without any backwards worries. What do you think of that?

This is commonly done in Earth's "decent" army.

I was a student at the University of Defense at the time, or enrolled in a cadet school, and I had never been there myself, but when I dispatched overseas members of the militia, they told me that I was letting my crew write suicide notes.

Pilots of fighters, scrambled personnel of the aviation militia, also regularly rewrite suicides notes.

Retrospectively, some theories suggest that what the military ordered and made the members of the Special Attack Operations of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy during the Pacific War to write was the first thing the military made soldiers write by "ordering” rather than “recommending” or “encouraging” them. I don't know if it's true.

"... I don't agree with you."

The Sir, questioned for his opinion, remained silent for a moment, but replied with a heavy voice.

"Hmm? Why?

Inquire with interest.

"I know it's supposed to be a war death..."

That's right.

"Isn't writing a suicide note, writing it, like deciding to die in battle? Wouldn't those who think so and fear come out?


As far as I'm concerned, I just didn't think too deeply about it, 'cause you could get caught up in battle and die in battle'.

But can you even think about that... I guess the suicide note of a SWAT member was deliberately ordered and made to write because the death in action is “certain”.

"I see, well. Then let's take this proposal down…"

When I heard my words, the value moved slightly with no expression.

"But I thought you'd say. Anyone who realizes that scares me is useless in the first place. You don't need it in my army, so neck it right away. Let him write as soon as he thinks this is a good opportunity to ask about the readiness of knights and squire."

Value's face turned to strict while I was talking.

Son of a bitch tried me.

Besides, in just a few moments, I spoke in such a way as to elicit my thoughts again so that I would have no harm in either of my replies.

It means you even made the claim that you're not just a pig warrior at the same time as you tried me.

I love guys like this.

Heh heh. I don't care if it's Tris or Bell, but I was gonna leave either of you with the next Knights leader, but as long as this guy's around, he's not gonna go with a glimmer of string, is he?

Looking forward to seeing what happens.

... even if I did, well, Value. Then winning a mock fight over those two would be... impossible.

It's easy to understand that a strong guy will do the squad leader, because it's the Value himself who said it, so that's where you're responsible.

Good luck with both.

7 Dec 7449

The Knights, who were guarding the entrance to the administration, put up a spear and send a salute.

He passes between them as he nods to Eagle Deep, knocking at the open door.

Commuting time is a three minute walk.

The location of just walking 200m to get to work is nice.

Thanks to this, after a routine run, I also had time to have a feverish mock fight with Mizuchi in the garden.

"Good morning, Lord Gried"

Jabba, who's been serving me since today, sees me at work and sends me a greeting.

"Mm-hmm. Good morning. I have an office for you. I'll let you take the material later so I can see it by the end of the week. At least three on my head next week, come up with improvements."

Take the awe-inspiring Jabba behind his back to his own office.

The material to be given to Jabba is a text explaining how to keep an accounting ledger that I am giving to the Chambers managers in the Territory when I lecture them, and the accounting reports of several Chambers that have filed taxes quickly on that basis.

First of all, it's the best reason to get to know my accounting concept.

I would like you to look at the inadequacies in the text that describes it, guide the Chamber of Commerce report, and point out points that tax collectors can easily overlook.

If we can decide to go somewhat, we can put Jabba at the head of the tax bureaucracy, and if we can do more, we think it would be a good idea to leave some of the collected taxes to the operation in the future.

Ultimately, I want you to aim for a ministerial position in Ozo.

I went into the office and started my clerical work today.

After the first hour or so, one official asked for an interview.

Samuto, an official of the free folk who at some point fits into a secretarial position while he has called several times to use it conveniently.

"Um, my lord. It's time to schedule your departure and return…"

We have not yet been able to decide on the dates for the departure and return to the Wang capital and subsequent war inspections.

Because of the disagreement between me and the officials of the administration.

"Oh, I guess. As far as I'm concerned, I'm leaving on the 18th... and I'd like to go back to the 4th of the year..."

I want to see Master Mira while I go to Wang Du.

Uranus, who put on a breezy hoof, can run at less than 40 km/h without rest for half a day, so if you try your best to take a few breaks along the way from Wang Duk and Balduk to Beglitz, you'll get your change in two days each way.

It naturally behaves differently from the rest of us, but if you insist that there is no one who can do this to me, the dragon slayer, for every burglar or demon that comes out along the street, it will behave differently or anything.

My slaves are the only ones I plan to go with in the first place.

Oh, and I think it's natural to take a spare day or so.

"But you said that on the seventh day you would march out, so in just two days, five and six days..."

Most officials say it's impossible for Samuth to make a ruling that would have accumulated by then in just two days.

Well, after that, they're going to vacate the territory for about two months, so it's their opinion that they want me to come back within the year because they want to have a ruling that can be overruled while I'm here.

It's my opinion that Mizuchi should handle the affairs while he's gone.

However, the opinions of the officials are parallel lines as to how it is for a person other than the lord to decide when it comes to spouses, than the lord is living in a healthy body.


I wonder if it's my untrained to go to Master Mira after all...

I guess so.

I was unfamiliar with the Lordship this year, so of all the rulings that come in to me so far, I can say that the only thing that involves time is the case at the beginning.

I was prepared to be pretty strict on the schedule because I thought I couldn't pass on authority without going through it myself once.

I guess Master Mira and I should enjoy it after next year.

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