
"Well, I'll be away for a while, but don't ask nicely."

"Yeah, you go"

I gave Mizuchi a light kiss and went in front of all the officials who were sloppy and bowing their heads.

In total, there are three or eight.

Well, fifteen of them are mere slaves and free folk, in charge of manual labor at the bottom.

All in all, there are even this number of officials in the administrations of such rural territories.

That's the part around here where you feel the Kingdom of Romberto is close to an absolute kingdom.

If it was feudal, there wouldn't have been so many clerks so far.

Going in front of one woman commands you to "raise your face".

She is the secretary general who brings together the majority of the officials in this administration.

He is a political aristocrat who does not have territory or anything else and is an associate duchess of the past fifty werewolves (Wolfwer) named Cardina Insenga.

Except for me, he's the biggest power player in this administration, and, well, I think it's easier to say he's an aide in Japan's local government.

Oh, are you a deputy mayor these days? Ma, no.

For this reason, he tells Jabba to aim first at the cashier equivalent of an income earner.

He has held the post of secretary before I took office, and since Count Loughleague came to the land to serve in the bureau, he is a super veteran official who has served about forty years.

This time when I go to Wang Capital, I am also the biggest tycoon who has become obsessed with scheduling because the ruling will be delayed.

I have a reputation for having an excellent memory of almost everything related to politics and tax collection, but I am also a precedentist in judging everything against the law because I have a hard head.

Well, I don't know about it as far as I'm concerned because precedentism seems to come out of nowhere, but it's not a bad thing in itself, so it's not worth blaming.

"She has a slightly cramped personality flawed on her balls, but the more she makes up for it, the richer her her knowledge will necessarily help," Count Loughleague said in taking over.

Anything. When she was in her teens, when she came into the bureau as a new employee, the Earl of Loughleague noticed her memory, apparently let her go to Wang Capital for about a year to study law.

Returning from Wang capital, he has for a while done secretarial work for the Lords, and since then he has been in office for about ten years with a career in the department of civil life relations in Beglitz and in the department of taxation relations throughout the West Dart region, becoming, in the practical part, like a substantial mayor of Beglitz.

He is certainly a brilliant man, and it may not be an exaggeration to say that he is a woman in clerical work.

"Don't wait for my return if a case arises that needs to be judged as soon as possible. Always talk to Mizuchi and ask for instructions."


What I'm talking about is like military clashes, tensions, policing and arresting major criminals, but the hard secretary seems to have something to say.

I know, but...

"But delays in paying taxes, etc…"

You see.

But I'll tell you yet beyond this period, this aunt is...

Indeed, Romberto's national law states that the collection of taxes from the territory and the payment of taxes to the national treasury are the responsibility of the senior nobility who owns the territory, rights and duties that cannot be infringed upon by any number of persons.

Tax collection schedules have been the only absolute divine service in this West Dart land, as the schedules often collapse in the spring or so if tax collection from lower nobles ruling the city and village is not proceeded with in a planned manner.

I hear that every senior nobleman, not just this land, is bothered by the adjustment of tax schedules from his subordinate nobles.

- It was a cold summer this year, so the wheat is considerably more unproductive than expected...

- A large group of hundreds of orcs emerge to crop......

and so on.

- I tried to grow new vegetables, but I failed...

- There's an epidemic disease and a village worker...

- I can't really cash in because the caravan from the neighboring territory that is supposed to come to buy regularly won't come for long...

and so on,

- I can't quite get around to the order of the carriages for tax purposes, so I'll give you a month's respite until it's paid...

- There were a few things going on and I missed the harvest schedule by three days, so I'd like the carriage to turn from then...

Until such things as this, the lower nobles also line up their excuses to ask for tax relief or try to delay the payment of taxes.

And, as a result, tax schedules, along with pleadings of various contents, often uneven without going as originally planned.

It should be noted that, of course, since it is not the same as the headcount tax, there is no such thing as imprisonment, flogging or fines for taxes in this regard. I can't pay taxes because I don't have any money in the first place, and it can't be the kind of amount I can pay back where I've been a slave for a year or two. Besides, if you do that lightly, you won't get taxes in the end.

Although not noble, many of the Beglitz homemade farmers I own directly say similar things because they are never affordable lives.

And most of the time, these excuses are extra bad because they're not even round-cut lies.

Dealing with these pleadings accounts for more than half of the Lord's work.

And, as it is in national law, it is basically assumed that it cannot be thrown at someone because the final decision, which includes dealing with it (such as the presentation of alternatives or scheduling), is the "rights and duties no one can violate" of the nobility who owns the territory or territory.

The secretary, Incenga's aunt, is saying this.

As I've said before, I'd like to leave it to someone just now, but even for me, it doesn't mean I don't like it in itself because I think I need to go through the ruling myself for the first time.

Honestly, I think this part of national law is cancer too, so this time in Shanghai (?) Then I intend to negotiate to screw directly into the King to make my territory ineligible for it.

In other words, for the cost of the work, there are also many thin iron plates in the carriage that I purposefully purified by magic.

Of course, I talked to my aunt about this operation.

It seems quite common, according to her, for it to be the Duke's territory or the Count's.

Because this West Dirt region originally had deputies in heaven, it meant that they remained unamended to make that deputy work completely.

As a precaution, I, the lord, can appoint lower nobles, and it is possible to dispatch and fully delegate the lower nobles I have appointed to the cities and villages in my territory as my own (formal) deputies.

However, it does not have the power to appoint “senior nobles” with the power to decide on the administration of the whole territory.

It also has the power to change the laws in the territory, but it is not possible to create laws that would, naturally, depart from national laws.

Therefore, as long as I don't change the national laws of the Big Book, I will make all the decisions regarding taxes and I will need to sign the documents.

If my imagination is correct, I think when I was studying to become a senior nobleman in Wang Du, the information around here was deliberately laid down against me.

This would be the reason not only for national law, but also for not daring to give us any documents that would be textual.

Even for me, I was taking notes about what was spoken during the lecture, but what is wrong with the content that was spoken like a pepper and a machine gun, if there is no loophole?

Who would think that a clause such as "Tax collection and payment for nobility are rights and duties that no one can violate" is an interpretation of "the lord himself must make a final decision"?

Do you feel that after being sealed in the territory, I realized that I was in a hurry and was expecting me to make some kind of superior contribution?

I'm not going to say anything more about that right now.

No, but my hard-headed aunt didn't approve of the delegation of authority from me to others as contrary to national law because "the law has not yet been amended…" and she didn't try to break the line that until I got back, she would have to return by the end of the year because "there is no guarantee that national law will be amended" and even if it was amended, she would have to make a formal transfer of authority.

The world is hard to cross.

"Okay, I'm coming"

Kick Uranus' belly by saying so to the drop-offs.

Therefore, instead of setting the departure date two days in advance, it was decided to return from the Wang capital by the last day of the year.

Only Ben and Ellie cross the military horse besides Giberti, who watch the carriage.

Although it is small enough not to be considered a senior nobleman, it is determined that there is no danger because it is possible to travel at high speeds that do not allow others to follow.

Because it is much more south of Wang capital in the West Dart region, or even in this season, as in Barkud, it is not as cold as a cold breeze.


As planned, we arrived at Lombertia before this evening.

Of course I really admire the power of breezy hooves for the maps that Guine has created.

We headed to the Longheluk Pavilion, which we had booked in advance, but the room was not available for two days earlier than planned.

I have no choice but to find a place to stay until the day after tomorrow, but if it's a less expensive place to stay, it's mostly something with room availability.

I was able to get a little better than normal accommodation called Grimph Pavilion.

Let the innkeeper grip a few extra pieces of silver coins, then let his senior aristocratic status say something to relieve him of his luggage.

And he walked out with three slaves to show his face to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Steady, it's an amazing city..."

The dwarf (Gnome) woman did not think, and mumbled the same words several times today, as

I don't imitate looking around with my boss saying hello anymore.

Calm down. I'm checking for customs I don't know, etc., but another big city she knows, a much bigger city than Landgries in the Kingdom of Davas, is often surprising.

First of all, unlike Landgrise, the stench drifting in the city is not that strong.

Few people are fattened up in the streets, like Landgrise.

A major reason for this is that a specialty fertilizer chamber called Fat Shop has a suction type of fattening in place to buy fertilizer.

Secondly, some, such as the city centre, obviously have sections maintained under urban planning.

Perhaps there is a sophisticated space not often found in unplanned land-greeze.

Thirdly, during the day, as long as you walk down the boulevard, you never feel in danger.

There are knights and soldiers standing in every neighborhood, making people feel fairly secure.

I don't know the back streets or nights, but there is still no doubt that they would be quite safe compared to the rest.

"What shall we eat tonight?

It was last night that she arrived in Lombertia through the Duke of Thurm, which extends into the central part of the kingdom.

When we arrived we were on the verge of sunset, so we stayed at a resting place off Lombertia and finished our dinner with dried meat.

I haven't eaten anything since the night opened and I had porridge for breakfast at the diner right next to the inn until this hour near dusk.

The biggest reason is that the Road Bank is running out.

There are no ten pieces of silver coins in my pocket, and no silver joo.

There are only dozens of big copper coins and copper coins left in total. The first thing I would have stuffed was the cost of food.

One day we will tour the King's capital, which we have come because of, and tomorrow we will go to the labyrinth city of Balduk, which is next to the King's capital.

So I'm going to go into the right adventurer's party and make some money.

He has worked hard for several years to save money and is tempted to open a treatment center in Balduk or in the back streets of this king's capital.

I wanted to make it a little good dinner tonight or so because the woman is prepared not to breathe the air of the big city for a while.

And when I was walking down the boulevard called Guld Street.

I got a good smell tickling my nostrils from nowhere.

Nostalgic somewhere, not only does it make you feel sad, it also smells appetizing.

On the back of her brain I smelled it, old memories resurrect with vivid impressions.

When I was just a little girl, my whole family ate in the neighborhood of the house......

My father drank dumplings to Ate for a beer and my mother split them into small plates for me.

"... and a ton of tricks...?

Ringing his throat and swallowing his knob.

Walking a few minutes when the smell invites you.

Finally, I found out where the smell came from.

Looks like a diner after all.

"Meh, Menya (Lya) Gried?"... "Noodle shop!?...... ramen!?... I knew it '

I look up at the sign, flashing, and I hear voices unexpectedly.

Sure, this smell drifts out of this store.

It seemed to be a fairly popular store, with customers overflowing outside the store and orderly lined up by the organization of children who looked like clerks.

- To, Japanese? Right. That's all I can think of.

There seemed to be no Japanese search in the Kingdom of Romberto, but just in case, to get a wider view and put the hood down on his back back back back in depth.

I looked left and right with just my gaze and gently send a gaze of observation around me, but I couldn't find a gaze like I was paying attention to her.

Neither the store employee nor her eyes are open.

- Ugh, uh-huh. Nice smell. I want some...

"Oh, excuse me"

I guess it's because I was so depressed in the middle of the road, someone almost hit me.

The woman lowered her head, "This is it," and stopped at the end of the road.

- There's so many people lined up... if it's ramen, I don't think it's that expensive...

The clothes of the people in line vary, and I don't care how you look at it, it's not as expensive as the average people who don't seem so wealthy are mixed in from wealthy noblemen and merchants.

"Um... what about this store...?

Still, I asked the kid organizing the queue.

"Hmm? Oh, are you a customer? I'm sorry, but please line up at the end of the queue. I thought maybe 30 minutes for this..."

He still looks like a clerk, and he's going to tell me what to wait if he lines up now.

"No, we can eat here, right?

"Yes, of course it is."

"How much?

I wanted to make sure of this.

"A glass of ramen, 900 Z."

- It's expensive! Kiyu, 900Z!?

If it's a common meal of a porridge (polydge) subject, it's three meals, and if you're lucky, it's an amount of change.

I was thinking of eating luxuriously this evening, but still going from 500 to about 600Z at most.

It is over budget.

At that time.

"Hey, can I go first?

Several artisan-style men spoke to the clerk.

"Oh, excuse me, one moment please"

Looks like there's some behind the guys, too.

Time's up, and I guess it's time for more people to get to work and push more and more.

"Customer, if you want to eat, line up..."

"Oh, yes"

I replied about it, but it's not as expensive as I can't pay for it, and above all, it seemed to her that I wanted to eat it for the first time in decades and that I couldn't seem to keep my appetite down.

- Since stores like this are so grandly open, it seems that the Kingdom of Romberto is not interested in the Japanese after all...

After the woman lined up at the end of the line, the men lined up earlier, and it was thought that the queue would be longer, but the number of guests who had finished eating also came out of the store and the number of people in front of the woman decreased smoothly.

Soon the sun seemed to set.

When I noticed, the lights were leaking not only from the store in front of me, but also from other restaurants around me.

- Lantern...... no, light magic props? So many......

Benkerish, the labyrinth city of the Kingdom of Dabus, where he had previously stayed for nearly two years, was also moistened there with demonic stones, and the Kingdom of Dabus was said to be a bright city alongside the King's capital Landgries.

But it's obvious that this neighborhood is not the same place.

There is light from the store's doorway, some of which even illuminates the road.

Is the Demon Stone supplied to lubrication, stockpiled or both?

After a brief glance, the shops facing the street close one after the other, and the lights light up one after the other in the restaurant-like shops that continue to operate.

We already know on the road that the value of the Demon Stone is no different from that of the Kingdom of Dabus.

But maybe a little cheap.

The lights are on so many stores that I think about it.

And then it was her turn to enter the store.




- Oh, Japanese!?

Once in the store, the clerks all over the store raise their voices.

I heard a leak when I was lining up, but I didn't think it was because I heard Ragdarios (Common Language) from the store as well as the queuing clerk saying "Thank you (Dundak)" when the customer came out...

"Hey, Kaedama."

"Yes, Mr. Six, a clove of caedama!

"Heh! A clove of caedama!

I also doubt the voice hung from a guest sitting at a table somewhere in the store, or the voice of a clerk passing an order.

- Or, Kaedama!? Kae-yu!?

It seems like a tonkotsuramen, so if you're Japanese who know that, it's obvious, but still, I don't know if it's Japanese as it is......!

"Welcome. What can I get you?

Ask him what kind of menu he has, and he'll find something else balducky besides ramen.

"Bye, Balducky?

Where the clerk told me while pointing out what other customers were eating, it looks like sausage.

There were a few different mixtures for ramen with only one type of this one.

Looking at what other customers are eating, they seem to be bigger than Frankfurt remembered with a pretty big sausage, but even the cheaper ones do 300Z a bottle.

"La, a glass of ramen. Stiffen up."

"Yes, what?

The woman changed the way she said it when the clerk asked her back.

I didn't see the clerk's face with a slight change of complexion because the hood remained on.

"Ramen. With katamen"

So much so that they call him Kaedama.

It would be more unnatural not to be able to specify the hardness of the noodles, and then you would say:

"Mr. Eighteen, a clove of ramen! Shoulder!

It felt like the clerks had stopped moving for just a moment, but soon a cheerful reply echoed in the store as before.

- Kata. Stiff. Shoulder. It's weird.

When a woman was leaking bitterness while checking a pot with garlic and pepper on the table.

In the kitchen of the store, the two slaves jumped out of the back door to roll and ran as hard as they could.

The goal is to accommodate Surge and the Grid Chamber of Commerce.

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