
I took the three slaves out of the Grimph Pavilion, and I walked towards Bail Street to get to the Chamber of Commerce first.

I'm just saying that you should tell the Reynolds "we got there two days earlier than planned," for no other reason whatsoever.

If you insist, I just snapped one sandwich at noon today, and I'll see you in a while, as much as I thought I'd have dinner with you this evening if it's convenient.

For some reason, my sister's face comes to mind, and at the same time, what I want to say comes out like a mountain.

but even if I were to say something, that's not today.

With that said, Anna and Hannah, and Kanna are a lot bigger too.

Anna in particular should be getting an adult this year.

It's not even old time for candy balls for souvenirs.

As I walked thinking about it, I walked past Glenn, a royal confectionery shop that made fancy candy balls with perfumes.

Sakuma Drops is definitely better, even if you say something great about royalty or something.

Ma, Kanna is ten this year, so you can still have candy.

I bought a bag of guys with over 20 assorted types of candy made in the store.

When I'm buying it, Anna's the only one who's grown up, so it looks like I should prepare a special souvenir, and I'll go a little further.

The gibberties follow with a slightly strange face but without saying anything.

That's what I saw while I was doing it.

It is the headquarters of the Green Chamber of Commerce.

Hannah is cleaning in front of the store under the cold winter sky, breathing in her hands and warming up.

It's a good time, so it would be the cleaning I always do before opening and closing.

When I noticed, Ben was stroking his hair, which had grown slightly.

It's so lame, it's time to let them hang up.

My purple hair was scratched up and my ears were well visible.

He pays off the mud and dust on his pants as he walks.

Ellie looked at it with a subtle face.

"Hannah, how have you been?

Hannah looked right back when she rang from behind, as she was just using the chisel to collect sand grains and debris.

"Ah, Chairman!

And when you admit my face, you laugh.

Nice smile.

"You're here early! Hannah is fine!

Lie down and hold the pattern with both hands, saying as you bow down.

When I lifted my head, my brown hair, cut together with about my shoulders, spread flutteringly and my cat ears over my head moved pimply.

Um, thirteen?

Growing up is a big deal.

I'm totally feminine just not seeing her for nearly a year.

"Oh, there's a little bit of stuff going on, I got out early. What about the Reynolds?

Ben looks around with a sharp eye as he hangs his hand on the short sword pattern on his hips.

No one's paying attention to us. What are you wearing...

Oh... that sort of thing... but you're closer to Anna than Hannah when you think about her age.

Isn't that the problem?

"You're all inside. Oh, Mr. Surge left a while ago."

"Right. I have a souvenir. Come when you're done cleaning, too."

When I went inside, Reynolds and Sarah, Leila, were sitting at the reception to discuss something.

"Dear Al!


The three sent greetings one after the other when they stood up.

I will return my greetings and explain the circumstances of my arrival a little early.

"What about Anna and Kanna?

I didn't see the two of them, but they just went to clean the rubber workshop.

Reynolds' brother Emberto works for the couple over there.

"Right. Then give this to Anna later."

That's what I said. I'll give Leila the souvenir I just bought.

"What's this?

Leila said as she received it.

"Anna's an adult this year, isn't she? Handkerchiefs, scarves, that sort of thing. I bought candy for Hannah and Kanna."

"Thank you, Chairman"

The Reynolds are next in line for Layla, who bows her head.

"Reynolds. What did you ask for?

"Please wait. Hey."

As Reynolds speaks to his wife Sarah, Sarah quickly heads to the backyard.

"Giberti, unload your bags"

In the meantime, let Giberti unload the luggage he was in charge of.

Ten iron plates measuring 30 cm across and about 5 mm thick were contained in the luggage.

"Is this...?

Reynolds looks strange looking at the iron plate.

"Wait a minute."

Place one sheet of iron on the desk.

Sarah brought a box there.

When I received the box and opened it, it did contain what I was asking for.

Wooden frame.

It can cover the circumference of the iron plate from four directions.

It's the perfect size for an iron plate.

This would be easy to install if you drilled a hole in an existing jumping type of window.

"All right, let's do it..."

Ugh, he sat in the reception chair exhaling and took the iron plate he had placed on his desk.

"... Huh!

Focus your consciousness on the iron plate in your hand.

The magic of metal glazing (glass steel).

The blunt iron plate became soaked and transparent from around its center, and immediately the whole thing became clear.

"Whoa!? Ko, is this glass!?

Leaks a voice that the Reynolds impressed.


When I carefully placed the glass plate on my desk, I spoke to Giberti.

A new iron plate was readily available.

At the same time, Giberti also offers the cotton cloth that was layered between the iron sheets.

The cloth layered on the glass.

"... Huh!

One after the other, the iron plate is transformed into a glass plate.

After turning all ten iron plates into glass plates, paper was prepared.

Explain as you paint there.

"Rebuild the current door into the drawer. Put this glass in the door. Just make four doors with five steps in two vertical rows, all right?


"I'd really like a big glass plate. In order to do this, we also have to make metal plates big. I had to make it this size when I thought about carrying flights. I'll bring the rest tomorrow."


"Hit through the street wall first. If you cut it to the middle column, it's not good, so keep the column."

"Ha, ha?

The Reynolds are flabbergasted by what I said about hitting the wall facing the street all of a sudden.

"If we hit through the door and the wall, we'll be able to attach a new pull door and rain door a little further outside than where the wall was. Doorbags for rain doors... make them on that side too"

"Yes, sir"

"Don't forget to build a pier under a drawer and rain door. And then, for once, I let you have something like this..."

That's what I say. Take the bag out of Giberti's luggage.

What's inside is the wheel that attaches to the bottom of the door.

Of course, mounting brackets are also set to make it easy to use as a door car.

There are a total of 20 doorboards.

Two for each of the drawers and the four raindrops to be made on their exterior, and four for spare.

This door car was made in conjunction with practice to make bearings.

I made several big guys to use for carriages and stuff, so no problem, but I wanted to keep these little ones all kinds of things, so I was trying a couple of different kinds.

"Rail the pier to the center so it fits the groove of this wheel"

The thin rail provided as a sample was also removed and the doorknob moved coronally over it.

"If you make a rail out of metal, the pier won't shrink."

I wanted to turn this Gleed Chamber of Commerce headquarters into an open store.

At the same time, make the showroom combine.

To do this, we should build a glass door so that we can see inside.

"Maybe, but some guy should come out asking me to sell this glass. You can take your order then. But don't forget to tell them that delivery takes six months to a year."

With that said, I took two wine glasses, a champagne glass and a tumbler out of my luggage.

Turn them into glass too.

"Wine glasses and champagne glasses cost 3 million Z and tumblers... what about 4 million Z? I'll leave the glass design to you."

I put the glasses I just made on the shelf as promotional samples without selling them and let them decorate the store.

"Then... the glass plate that fits the door is 5 million Z for one piece of this size. It is also possible to change the size, but it is higher when the area increases"

With that said, I watched Leila write down about the product and the price.

"So far, it's fine, but perhaps in a couple of years, the luxury tax rate on glass products will be raised. I'll ask you to open up your customers by then. If you say the one before the luxury tax goes up is cheap, the aristocrats who wanted to buy it will jump."

Tariffs are domestic, so it doesn't matter.

As a result, all the streets connecting with the outside world have things like checkpoints around the border, where officials and small army units pack.

It winds up traffic taxes and duties from passengers, such as merchants passing through it, but small merchants sometimes take the roadless path off the streets.

Speed, of course, is a great sacrifice of safety for that matter.

They are also mostly caught because they are often snitched out by peers who find out about it.

When it comes to roads without roads, it is largely determined where people can pass and pass, and you are almost expected to meet the streets.

If caught, naturally, we will be waiting for the payment of the multiplier tax.

Therefore, I hear that it is normal for merchants to go quietly through the barracks like caravans, and that not many people break the barracks.

That's about Belle. What do I know?

That's how the sun went down as we talked.

When I tried to ask her out to dinner, my belly rang.

Restaurant takes a little while for the food to come out.

As I initially thought, I could go low kid with everyone, but my belly is ringing so I can't seem to wait.

What do you say?

"I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go eat something. Is there a shop in the neighborhood that just comes out?

He told me a few diners, but the Reynolds say, "If you're coming out soon, it's ramen".

Sure, the thin Hakata noodles boil up quickly, but they're thriving, so I can feel free to go and occupy my seat.

Now would be the time to make money.

No, to tell the truth, I don't want to walk ten minutes to eat ramen, and I don't want to line up.

You don't have to line up. I'd be able to sit on it as a priority, but I don't really like that either.

"Fine, I'm so hungry, and I'm going to the store called that Bayonne. That corner bent. It's right there, isn't it?

I decided to go to a restaurant close to the Chamber of Commerce that I had just made it this summer.

When I left the store, Ben was talking to Hannah about something.

Ellie looks at the situation a little further away.

Damn, I can't help it, this guy.

"Hey, let's go to dinner"

I headed to a store called Bayonne where Ben, with a slightly unfortunate face, and Ellie, who pretended to be faceless, saw the two of them and taught me to nibble gibberties.

but Bayonne couldn't get in because his seat was filled.

I couldn't help it, so I decided to go into a restaurant called Darg, next to a block.

It's been here a while, and Picata and Soup are my favorites.

It was full here too, but I decided to wait as it was becoming a hassle to move to another store and back.

First of all, it's not a delicious restaurant, such as an empty restaurant in this time zone, because it's not far from crumbling.

Wait 20 minutes outside the store.

I finally got to sit down. I asked for dinner each in Darg, and wait for a while.

But the pig pickata I ordered doesn't come out inside.

"I wish I didn't have to be Picata..."

I shrugged as I watched the simmering being eaten at the table next door (early because it's just so much from the big pot where it was made).

"But I'm happy because I like Picata. Looking forward to waiting."

Ellie sitting next to me comforts me with a smile.

You're a good guy, you.

The rice came out after they waited nearly twenty minutes after ordering it.

The waiting time for the menu I asked for was standard, but it was starting to get less annoying.

I'm starving.

And come on, when I grabbed a knife and a fork to start eating.

"Ah, Master Al! Dear Al!"

Reynolds came into the store looking panicked.

You must have searched around for me because I'm scratching a lot of sweat.

"Mireille is from the ramen shop!

Mireille is a slave kid used in a ramen shop.

But so what do you say it is?

Reynolds keeps looking up at me.

"A guest has arrived to specify the solidity of the noodles."

Reynolds drops the tone of his voice, bends down and puts his mouth close to my ear and says:

"What? What about Bastral?

I pulled the fork out of the stabbed pork and placed the knife beside the plate as well.

The three slaves who saw me look at each other only for a moment.

When I thought Giberti nodded, I panicked and started kicking the knife.

He is carrying two or three pieces of finely chopped pork, stabbed in a fork and hastily into his mouth.

"Mr. Surge says Daron is going to contact him. Mireille sent us to the factory."

"Who's factory security at this hour?

"Vasul... it was Joanna's turn."

Vasul and Joanna were previously combat slaves purchased for factory security.

"Right, okay. How long ago did Mireille get here?

"It's been less than ten minutes since Al left."

When I told Mireille I was coming running in out of breath, she said she wanted me to tell her right away because it was what she was ordering me to do.

Reynolds doesn't know how the hardness of the noodles is, but he immediately went to Bayonne because he thought I was in Bayonne, but I wasn't there anymore.

Excuse me.

When I stick my hand in my pocket for both wallets and take out a piece of silver coin, I make Reynolds hold it.

"Ask for the account. Hey!"

Within this short time I flew out of the store in solidarity with the slaves who had properly chewed up a few bites of pork.

When he arrived at the ramen shop with an empty stomach that raised a pitiful noise, the store door was closed, and Vasl stood by its side, looking cautious.

On the door, the slave kid used in the store was just lowering the "End of the Day" drape sign.

"Ah, your husband!

"Vasul, how's it going in there?

Vasul doesn't seem to be inside, and the kid answers better.

"There is one dwarf (Gnome) woman. Mr. Surge is just responding right now. We're being served wine and discussed."


"I think he probably has a sword, but I'm not sure"

"Okay. Hey."

He squeezes his jaw toward Ben and commands him to open the door.

Ben opened the door.

"Be! Yes, welcome!

The clerks' voices rang from inside the store.

For slaves who work in their stores, seniors like Marr, Limby, Ben, and Ellie admire them.

Even though John and Terry, the little heads, are better off from the grid.

In the meantime, I ask the kid who was hanging the curtain of the shop.

"Hey, are we done with today's ramen?

"No, I still have the shop treatment because it is instructed by Mr. Surge"

All right!

Me snorting in the face.

I think I'm finally eating.

Following Ben, Ellie went inside, and even Giberti dived into the entrance.

"Yi, Middle Head (Imganger)! Welcome!"

Makes me feel much more awed than anything against Ben or Ellie.

Giberti put a lot of heat into her instruction when making food......

There seems to be no abnormality, so I dived into the entrance, too.

"Mr. Al!

Bastral, sitting at the table by the entrance, stood up and raised his voice.

Is that Japanese?

There's a woman sitting in front of him, looking at me.

That face, hey, I guess it's Japanese.

[Naylene Knobfom/3/4/7429]

[Female/14/2/7428 - Dwarf - Second daughter of the Knobfom family]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 21]

[Level: 10]

[HP: 126 (126) MP: 178 (178)]

[Muscle Strength: 19]

[Jun Min: 25]

[Dexterity: 21]

[Endurance: 21]

[Unique Skill: Clock (Lv.MAX)]

[Special Skill: Inclination Sensing (Inclination Sensing)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (LV.3)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (LV.4)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (LV.4)]

[Special Skill: Wind Magic (Lv.3)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.4)]

[Experience: 137216 (150000)]

With the clock?

[Unique skill: clock; user can visually sense time and time. Display formats such as time are projected towards the edge of vision in a format that is understandable to the user…]

Whoa, I want to read this a little slowly.

I'm a reincarnator in the corner, so I don't want to talk to you right away, but I don't dress up when my belly is ringing.

It's convenient because there aren't any other customers just because they're in the store.

I immediately cut my gaze from her and told Bastral, "Bad, give me a minute" to sit at the next table.

It is possible to see her, of course, if you raise your face.

"Bring the ramen"

Welcome, master! ordered the nearby kid with a volume that would not be erased by the voice that


The kid says in a pleasant reply, "A clove of special ramen!" and shouts to the kitchen.

Don't say “special” even though you have customers...

It should also be noted that the specialty ramen is a special dish for me with two boiled eggs on a separate plate, in addition to a large serving of chashu. Naturally the noodles are solid noodles.

Just great for adding one extra egg to eat.

Because of that, the first time I started eating John, who was here to help me when I started playing ramen.

When I saw it, I started eating it too, thinking it was busy.

I noticed the gibberties standing by my sitting table with their cute faces.

You guys... I would have been a carnivore earlier...

"Don't stand up. Sit down. Hey, add some ramen for these guys too."

"Ha! Three extra special ramen, convenient four cloves!

Are they specialty made too? Well, fine.

... Well.

Norm's woman looked at this one with a slight glimpse, but she cut her gaze off from me as Bastral seemed to start talking about something.

That's good, that's good.

Lie Breaking (Diect Rai) But Charming (Charm Person) isn't good after dinner.

[Unique skill: clock; user can visually sense time and time. Display formats, such as times, are projected towards the edge of the field of view in a format that is understandable to the user. In addition to the display content increasing with the level, a calendar with a scheduler function is also displayed from level six. Once you are aware of the use of the scheduler for filling in the scheduler, a device for input is also displayed in a format that is understandable to the user in the middle of your vision. In addition, an alarm function that can be sensed only for the person at level VII is added. In doing so, any audio heard in the past can be used as an alarm sound…]

Oh, hey, don't move, you can't see.

I couldn't see her face on the gibbertie sitting in front of me or the bastral sitting on my back after me moving clap.

I have to [appraise] again.

[Note that it is also possible to specify the time and snooze interval for sensing alarm sounds. A stop witch function in 100ths of a second is also added when level eight is reached. Then, at level IX, the alarm function can be applied to any one target. However, you must know the unique name of the person to be applied, and you must keep the target person in sight. However, once set, there is no problem removing the target audience from view. The MAX-level expansion capability……]

Shit, Bastral bastard, don't turn around this way.

You're blind again.

[… The ability to expand is to disconnect oneself from the surrounding timeline and allow for accelerated behavior. The number of seconds of the square root of the physical level of the self, doubling only the square root of the physical level of the activity and speed of action of the self, but the clothes and luggage worn, etc. remain the original timeline, so their weight, etc. becomes a corresponding burden. Acceleration magnification and remaining uptime in self-consciousness are also displayed in the vision. Meanwhile, it just seems to have accelerated from the others. However, because physical age only ages at that time of consciousness each time it is used, it is attacked by great fatigue due to aging at once immediately after capacity use]


Oh, Ramen's here.

You're fast on boulders.

Oh, ramen on an empty stomach!

Isn't that great?

The man who came into the store deposited a worn-out Inverness with the clerk.

The clerks looked at the man and said to him, "Welcome, sir! He says."

The clothes under some twiggy Inverness were beautiful, but it's hard to say that they are as luxurious as those worn by the senior aristocrats that Nell imagines.

When the man immediately calls out to the surge standing in front of Nell, he orders the ramen, not even looking at him busily, just turning a blind eye to Nell.

The clerks said “special” ramen even though they only said "bring the ramen".

- Is that the Count (Aur)... who shot that dragon...

I wonder if it was because Nell kept his gaze on the man, and Surge, who lowered his back again, called out.

"Uh, that's the owner, Count Riegle (Cort). I don't know why I got there sooner than planned...... '

'Really, that guy...'

'And then the three of us together are the slaves of Cort. Adults from the Dog Nation (Dogwars) were also in the labyrinth as porters with me. He also helped me make that sausage and ramen, by the name of Lawrence Giberti. We call it Larry. Also, the two younger men are both fighting slaves, the men are better Benjamin Fare, Ben, and the women are better known as Eriel Bajex, Ellie. They used to make sausages, but they wanted us to work in the labyrinth, and they volunteered to be combat slaves. "


When Nell glanced at the guy, the guy seemed to be looking at Nell too.

If you try Nell, it seems to be prescribed, and it's not funny at all.

However, it could not be imitated in return against the senior aristocrats, and Nell returned his gaze to the surge.

This is also why it seemed to me that when I looked closely, the man looked in a slightly different direction than Nell.

'Er, apparently you were hungry on a long journey...'

Surge puts on a slightly shy look.

'You'll want to talk to me soon, just a moment please'

Said Surge looking uncomfortable.

'No, nothing...'

As for Nell, I don't particularly want to talk to someone who is the owner of the Count.

I'm not even going to work as a clerk in this store like Surge told me.

I don't mean to say what I hope, but I guess I can pull him out and keep talking if I make a surge that he's the Count's squire.

"Ha ha..."

Surge seems more concerned about her back with a loving laugh.

'He said the territory is the West Dirt region, so it's pretty far, isn't it? Then I think the arrival can slip by a couple of days. Well, if you got here early, you can snort that you're tired.'

Nell to put follow-ups in the surge.

"It would help if you could say that."

As a surge, I know a special magic item called a breezy hoof, so I can predict that it hasn't been days since Al left the territory.

I guess I got out early due to some circumstance.

Surge looked back at Al as he scratched his cheek.

The clerk was just carrying the ramen in the basin.

- Yeah, a separate plate of boiled eggs... you even eat a change of egg...

Surge has to be pulled with a proper story until Al finishes eating.

'Let's get back to it, Mr. Nell said you were going to Balduk's labyrinth. As I said earlier, I can show you more about the labyrinth...'

If you're going to the labyrinth, you should eat this story, that's what Surge thought.

'But I don't even know the price of the guide fee...'

Contrary to Surge's expectations, Nell is not coming to eat.

'Oh, don't worry about that. I will also train you to fight slaves. "

But I say without even turning on the surge.

'Besides, we also have a detailed map. Not only the aisles and rooms, but also the traps and their location. "

Nell is also moved by this and wants to see how much map he still owns.

Maps are a great force in breaking through the labyrinth.

Besides, I really want to get some information about the labyrinth that I don't even know about Nell.

- That said, he said he shot that dragon, the deepest part of the labyrinth... I heard about the dragon earlier because I said it was real, but the deepest part...

Nell knows that Benkerish's labyrinth is about a peek at even the top team's five layers.

She knows only four layers herself.

However, even for Nell, he also has the pride of being a wizard (blast back) in the Labyrinth of Benkerish at a first-rate party (really first-and-a-half) Rabbius.

Nell thinks.

Isn't it not necessarily the same in the Labyrinth of Balduk and in the Labyrinth of Benkerish even to demons that come out in the same hierarchy?

Sometimes the demons appearing on the five layers of Balduk will appear on the four layers or so when they are Benkerish.

Besides, I haven't heard of a few layers there because I said deepest.

"How many layers of map do you have?

"There's a map of the aisle up to ten floors."

Surge answered with a flat face.

- Ten stories!?

Nell glanced.

Surge is smiling sparingly.

- Or the size of each hierarchy is narrower than Benkerish's, I'm sure.

Nell tries and pretends to be calm, not wanting to be licked as a first-rate adventurer (really first-rate and a half).

I'm done with labyrinth adventurers when they lick me.

Sometimes, once licked, they get raided where they are taking a breath in the labyrinth.

"Heh, ten layers. How big is it? Because Benkelish's labyrinth is said to have a diameter of between one and three kilometers."

They say it would actually be about 10 "in diameter, but I just didn't want to be licked and served a little.

Especially around there, Benkerish is said to be a great labyrinth of unparalleled size.

It is also certain that some people have opinions that the diameter is between 12 and 3 square meters.

I have heard that Balduk is also said to be a great labyrinth, but it should not be as good as Benkerish.

Nell thought so.

'Oh, Balduk isn't that wide, is it? They're all about ten kilometers in diameter, from one layer to the deepest thirteen.

"Heh, heh... really..."

"You can go from one layer to the deepest one or three layers, but I don't have that problem without a map. Especially since I've only been to the thirteenth floor once... '

Nell was surprised.

I just thought he was "a little surprised."

- Oh, yeah.

"By the way, it's a hierarchical move, but Benkerish is a little special."

"Special," you say?

"There's a crystal stick in the small room that's said to be the middle of every layer of the labyrinth..."

"Oh, it's the one with the metastasis spell on it, isn't it?

- Is it that much the same?... but.

"It's that spell, besides Ragdarios"

"Isn't English and Japanese out there too?


In Nell it looked like either Spanish or Portuguese, besides Raghdarios, was emerging in a metastatic crystal in the labyrinth of Benkerish.

"English and Japanese?

'Yeah. You're not?

"It was Spanish or Portuguese in Benkerish... and there were accent symbols and circumflexes and umlauts."

"Heh, why not? Did you know?

Nell could see that Surge's eyes had changed.

It's like when you find out you can use all kinds of elemental magic.

"I don't know."

'That's right......'

The eyes of the sharp surge softened.

Thus, while exchanging information about the labyrinth, it appears that the Earl's meal was also finished.

I saw a man take a seat in front of Nell.

The smiling man lowered his back next to the surge.

'Um, what's your name...?

The man asked Surge.

This is Naylene Knobfom.

'Right. Mr. Knobfom. My name is Alain Gried.'

Nell and the man's gaze intersect.

Soon Nell becomes desperate to hide his inner surprise.

- Oh, that? Do you know me, this guy...? Why...? And I don't know...

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