
Al, with his hips down in his seat, was disguised as a flat breeze, but the fruit was a little confused.

- What, 'cause this guy's staring at my face so much?

Nell stares at Al's face sitting in the front.

I was staring at Al, although it wasn't the look that made me feel any emotions.


For a while there was a time of silence.

- It doesn't look like you're using lying nursing (detecto rai) or sorcery...

Even Al is not going to use such sorcery before he confirms his opponent's intentions and hopes.

"Um...? Mr. Nell, what's going on?

You couldn't stand the silence anymore, or the surge called out to Nell.

'Huh? Ah, no... that... Mr Gried, no, I should call you Lord Count Riegle (Aur) (Zam)...?

Nell managed to react to Surge's words.

"You can call it easy, Mr. Knobfom."

Al smiled and replied to Eagle Deep and put his hands together on the table.

'Oh, excuse me. Give me a glass...'

When he realized there was no glass of Al, Surge took a seat and headed to the kitchen.

'Um, did I see you somewhere?

Al, who wondered, asked a question about Nell, who was still looking at Al's face.

If you try Al, Nell is the first person to meet him, and there's nothing to think of when you see that face up close.

I just think that the same Japanese blood is just thick and a thin face.

Of course, Nell's reaction was uncomfortable for Al, as he didn't even use magic such as charm (charm person) or glamour (sassage), who had to come into contact with the use.

'Didn't I see you somewhere?

Nell returns it with almost the same question as if it just felt a little strange to hear Al say it.

'Yeah, at least I remember... oh, my old name was Takeo Kawasaki. I worked for a trading company with headquarters in the city, was that the time?

Al says with a bitter smile.

If you have certainly not seen him in this life, it is only in previous life.

"Oh, I'm Ueno, I'm Mayuri Ueno. I was in the sales department of a pickle manufacturer called Four Leafs Food. Oh, four leaves are four leaves'

"Four-leaf foods, four-leaf foods... four-leaf foods Hey..."

Removing his combined hands and doing his hand to his jaw, Al is digging back into the old memories that had already driven him to the corner of his head.

It should be noted that four-leaf foods were of considerable size as a pickle specialist manufacturer.

'I was making mass-produced pickles. It's a Fukujin pickle or something... a trading company... Excuse me, but what's your company's name?

'It's called imperial food. It dealt with domestic products and imported ingredients. I am not a manufacturer, and the general visibility is still as good as it is because the employees are less than 1000 middle-sized, including even temporal...'

Although it cannot be said that the imperial food that Al worked for belongs to a large company because it is a company of about 500 people, except for temporary employers (temporal), it is generally considered to be a very ordinary medium-sized trading company with no public offering of shares.

"Ah, our company, it may have been called more often by abbreviation... in the industry it was called Yong Shok"

Looks like Nell remembered a few things back in the day.

"Yongshok...... Yongshok! Oh, I know! I remember! Lucky pickle of the day or something! That, you sold pretty good. But I didn't think I had much contact because I was open... '

'I remember, too. Tashoku is our biggest customer and I was the last person in charge...... Kawasaki from Tashoku!?

Masaru Ueno Nell knew Al's face and name from his previous life.

According to Nell, a man named Kawasaki of Imperial Food seemed quite famous within the company of Shiba Food.

Kawasaki's plans for foods that had not been seen until then showered the eyes of the day and hit some of them.

In particular, Kawasaki of Imperial Foods has been working with the major General Supermarket (GMS) to create a fairly large scheme (campaign), even when the name of the product is Lucky Pickled, which is manufactured by Shiba Foods.

This was accompanied by an eel climb in order from Imperial Food to Four Leaf Foods, even with a significant improvement in the state of business of Four Leaf Foods, which had previously been blue breath.

In addition, Kawasaki has spoken on behalf of the company at seminar booths at food trade fairs.

I wasn't aware of him, but he was also quite well known within the industry because he also had a bit of industry paper coverage because of such things.

"I made scraps of industry paper, and I've been doing it for two years since I joined the company, so I knew your name and face... it wasn't immediately linked because it was your face at the time. My bosses and seniors also asked me," If Mr. Theshok hadn't sold me all that, we wouldn't have gone on "......"

Al appeared to be a long way from sales to Nell.


It was outside the sensing range for Al.

- Indirectly, but you knew me before... that's hard to do. I didn't know what Mizuchi would say later if I did something bad.

If you try Al, the challenges you have to deal with during this stay in Wangdu, which is not very long, are like mountains.

He also has not only that, but also the troublesome problem of the true occupation of his sister's spouse.

Indeed, the reincarnated can be expected to have extensive and advanced knowledge and the high abilities associated with it, which are not comparable to those of the Aus alone: the reincarnated.

It's very fascinating.

However, although there are fine issues with the management of the current Earl of the League territory, fortunately it carries well there in the first year because there were a number of people to see for non-reincarnated talent as well.

It's not like we really need to welcome new reincarnators right now.

In the first place, as Al, the thought of how to go ahead was predominant in today's talent, and he did not take particular account of the acquisition of a "new reincarnator" whose uncertainty is heavily intertwined.

Of course, I didn't mean to miss it if I had a chance, but it's just a story that I didn't include it in the immediate component because it's extremely unlikely that I'd be lucky to meet it.

Therefore, if it was initially confirmed that Nell's will and hopes were not in keeping with Al's will, he was contemplating taking them in once and for all using witchcraft that affects the spirit as he sees the status.

But I was intrigued by the word that I knew Al from a previous life.

'Uh, so you're a woman who was in sales at the same company as me... do you also know the vertebrae or something?

'No, excuse me. What I know about Mr. Theshok is that of purchasing...... what did you say? Um, with a slightly thinner head...'

'Oh......! Um, naka...... nakano? No. Naka......'

'I remember. You're Mr. Nakanishi.'

'Yeah, well, that was Midwest.' Cause I'd rather say that's bald than thin... '


On the surface, there's a constant smiling surge elsewhere, and other than the two of us, it's buzzing with stories that don't matter.

"So, Mr. Knobfom,"

Two people I've been welcoming for a while, but finally Al says his expression again.

'In my last life, you and I weren't that close. But you stopped by my store with this big oath. Don't you think this is on the edge of something, too?

'Mm-hmm, well, even if I can't say so...'

Nell's expression slightly clouded Al's words.

'I don't want to think this encounter is a coincidence'


Al says it in a very natural way, but it made a huge impression on Nell's mind.

- Then you think it's destiny...? Oh, this guy, the ring's in his right hand...? I didn't hear you say that, but I don't know if you're married...

Nell blushes while keeping an eye on Al's right hand flashing his wine glass.

Sounds like gold, but the unpolished, dull, shiny ring features small red gems, but the surface is not particularly decorative either.

- It's not decorative and looks old, but it's a ring with a lot of presence... Ha, what if...?

Nell instantly uses Magic Sense (Detect Magic) to make sure.

I do feel magical power from the ring embedded in Al's right hand, but it's not very strong.


Al, who sees how it goes, puts his hand on his mouth, turns away a little and coughs.

I used the magic of Lie Breaking (Diect Rai).

Only for a moment there was a thin blue magic light in Al's eyes, but nobody noticed, including Nell, because the store was bright.

Sometimes it's because I was distracted by you the first time I saw a magic ring that I heard rumors about.

'I beg your indulgence, could you not be my squire? And if you want, I'll lend you the slaves you need, free of charge.'

When Al said so, Surge, who was sitting next to him, looked at Al with a stunned look on his face.

If you try surgery, you can say that you are a former Japanese, because it is a slightly unconvincing promotion.

Together, it is the look on Surge's face that tells the story that this proposal is attractive if you are the majority of people.

A squire who serves the great nobility directly cannot even be said to mean "agari of life", which is all it is.

In a modern sense, with the death of a relative, it's close to something like suddenly inherited all the shares of a medium-sized trading company, such as Imperial Food, or owned a large building built in first class, in that you don't have to work desperately to be able to make quite a living.

"Uh... squire, is it?

This suggestion also seemed appealing to Nell.


- Just because you're an ex-Japanese, don't get to know me. How can you say that all of a sudden? The world isn't that sweet...

It is a natural thought if you try to be a nell of a self-proclaimed first-rate adventurer (really, r y).

"Yes, but naturally there are conditions."

Al says without breaking his serene expression.

Surge felt her drinks dropped.

"There he is," Nell thought.

"Please help me and assist me"


Nell parrots back in the face of tension.

As a surge, I worried about the natural smile again because of the prediction of what Al would make at this point, and tilted the fine wine.

'Yeah. Please help me. Anyway, I'm a young man who was just described to the Earl last year... and that's fine, but it's a lot of trouble.'

Says Al as he gently flaunts his shoulders.

And Al takes a sip of wine, too.


Nell also put his mouth on the wine divided by water.

'Right. Please serve as my squire for at least ten years. And then, if you give me a cut, notify me six months in advance. That's the condition.'

- Well, naturally. It's not even on these terms.

I thought so. Nell urged the continuation with his gaze.

Al continues under Nell's gaze.

'The period is to be determined, but for the time being, you must stay in this Lombertier. And I'll do some work for you.'

That would be so.

The owner of a medium-sized trading company, but the owner of a building, doesn't mean you don't have to do any work.

'The work is about my involvement in the management of the Chamber of Commerce, including this ramen shop, in addition to my liaison role with the Kingdom. Of course, you'll get the education you deserve, and I'm not going to hold you accountable unless the educator's okay. "

Al is smiling cool.

Attractive look full of confidence.

A serene atmosphere that is naturally exuded even if perhaps unconscious.

A statement at a time when you will listen.

A narrative that would inadvertently say anything is high.

- This is Kawasaki from Tashoku... Convinced. But......

"The management of the Chamber of Commerce is such an experience for me..."

'Yeah, I know because we've heard stories from previous lives. That's why I'm an educator. He has completed basic disciplines as a Japanese. I think that's all you are better than enough. There's no need for education.'

- Ma, well, yeah.

'But I thought it would be more efficient to teach those who know about every decision within the Chamber of Commerce, compromise with the bureau, and hanging out with business partners... Oh, and because of that, an educator is the bastral here. With his tattoo, I can safely entrust him with his work in the King's capital. "

For some reason, Surge has a full smile on his face.

'I'll take care of it. I can handle it, too. I'm sure Mr. Nell will soon get used to it.'

Surge snorted forcefully with the best look he'd ever had.

- If you're going to tell me what to do, I think it's going to be okay...... Ah!

"But I... want to open my own treatment center..."

The management of a treatment center is one of those stable professions that makes money there if you're in a big city.

Especially if Balduk is said to have a lot of adventurers. There is no eating out where there is about one more house now.

In fact, the owner of the treatment center, which operates in the city of Benkerish, where Nell has stayed, was a house-rich man.

Fifty thousand z. of gratuities you can receive in one healing magic.

It costs a lot of money, but a city with lots of adventurers would take 20-30 guests a month.

I don't know when or when the injured will come, so I need to pack them in a building that will be a store without a holiday except at night, but I'm sure it's a delicious job inside.

Nell thought a million Z a month would be profitable even out of expenses.

She had all the elemental magic.

Said Surge.

'I see, is it a treatment center... So, do you also have a medical mind?

Al asked as he nodded at the surge.

In Balduk and Lombertia, it is not only guests who wish to heal magic who come under the signs of the treatment centre.

A treatment center is not just about healing trauma, there are aspects of a general hospital, and you may also see a disease.

Naturally, healing magic may be exercised in the process, and medicines are prescribed, regardless of whether or not it has a proper effect.

And the treatment of illness can often take more money than magic on the trauma.

Hopefully the illness will heal.

'No, I thought I'd do it exclusively for trauma. Then to me too...'

Al and Surge looked at each other when they heard Nell's words.

We know Al doesn't have Nell lying.

"Mr. Knobfom. I'm not saying it's totally impossible in Balduk. Because there are many adventurers in that city who are doing dangerous work. But there are already numerous treatment centers like that. To my knowledge, there are more than thirty treatment centers specializing in trauma in Balduk. And the number of adventurers is about 1200-1300. A lot of people can heal their own trauma, so I think they'll eat pie together. '

Al says with a look and voice that he is worried from the bottom of his heart.

Furthermore, customers who request healing witchcraft with treatments such as beatings will not be the first to explain that they often want inexpensive treatment, so they will also need to know about wet cloth drugs and the like.

Generally, they are apprenticed to some treatment center and trained to be independent.

'But I'm confident in healing magic...'

With that said, Nell has some unconfidential look on his face.

They must have stirred up a little anxiety.

'Mm-hmm. What can I say, this bastral can also be used for cure criticals. How about you?

Al who knows the appraisal isn't skill level enough, but dare ask mean ways.

Because if you try Al, you should smash it early about Nell's dream.

"Huh? Cu...... tikal......"

Nell looked at Bastral with his eyes open.

He has a slightly lit look on his face.

'Er, sure, I can use it, too. But the Count (Court) is more...'

I almost said something surge, but I immediately mumbled.

'Ma, that's right, you still haven't told us everything about the terms. Rewards and vacations.'

Al returns to the story.

'It's a reward first, but if it's a common sense amount, I'm going to pay you in words. To what extent do you want Mr. Knobfom?

- Khu... Do you follow your company's policy or something... Ha, why are you acting like an interview...? And the hand of plucking......

Did you see Nell spinning his head fast, Al keeps going ahead?

'Sounds like you should put the reward story behind you. So it's a vacation, but if you're going to work in Wang Du, you basically work six days and are on three consecutive holidays. There are also holidays in May and New Year's Eve. We also allow paid leave up to one day a month when you get sick. This has been a tradition since we were adventurers.'

Nell was also surprised by this.

Because there is no such thing as holidays.

Well, on this condition, I can have my own time without working ten days out of the month.

'Then, during your vacation, you are free to do whatever you want. You can go to Balduk. In doing so, you may take the combat slaves you are using to guard the Chamber of Commerce. Of course, all the magic stones obtained in the labyrinth belong to you, but please bear the admission tax and consumables.'

It is precisely because they can even admit the side business and even lend it to the battle slaves.

Nell's heart leaned heavily.

'So, how much would Mr. Knobfom like to be rewarded?

Nell doesn't realize he's completely gripped by Al about taking the lead in the conversation.

'Yeah, erm... The Royal SS in the Kingdom of Davas said a million out a month, but I'm saying no...'

Al's eyebrows shook with piqun.

There are lies in the words now.

But what part of it is a lie?

"Okay, I'll double the two million."

Nell rounded his eyes this time.

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