Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 97: A Woman Named Naylene Knobfom


- What did you just say? 2 million a month!?

Two million Z.

more than all of Nell's property today. A lot of money.

Even when I was working as a first-rate adventurer (really, first-rate and a half) in Benkelish, I never saw anything other than when I was lucky enough to get multiple ores, etc.

As for Nell, it feels like he earns more than enough for a million z. plugged.

I never dreamed I would be offered double the price.

To be honest, if I were offered a million Z's a month and even said no, I'd be negotiating, or I'd give up.

It would be good if they gave up.

As originally planned, I work hard to make money in the Labyrinth of Balduk for several years.

After that, you can buy the appropriate building and do a treatment center.

There will be very little time off, but it is normal to open a treatment center for a few days a year, such as a holiday, and if you take a holiday in the first place, you will not be able to take that portion of the guests. They will tell you it's just a holiday and you will have a bad reputation.

Aside from whether it would break down if negotiations were to take place, I thought it was okay to respond to wage negotiations.

A clerk would have heard 200,000 a month, but in the first place I'm not used to work, anyway, I would be a store manager and manager soon.

Nell had pride in not even reaching his feet, such as the oath people there, when it came to clerical processing and gold accounts, and in fact his ability to do so.

And if it's going to be a negotiation, I want 600-700,000 Z a month.

Earnings are a little lower than first-rate adventurers work hard in the labyrinth, but a third of the moon will be a completely free break, and it's harder than anything to replace it without fear of injury or life.

The holidays are three consecutive holidays, so if you feel like it, you can also go to the labyrinth and earn extra income of about 200,000 to 300,000 Z. per month.

The look on Nell's face when he heard about the reward amount made a big difference, so Al said, "Were you dissatisfied?" I thought.

It was therefore decided to present additional options.

"If you are not satisfied with fixing the amount of compensation, it is also possible to fix a fixed salary of about Z200,000 per month, and more so on a percentage basis according to your work. Calculated as a percentage to be progressive according to the amount of profits earned in commerce. Especially since I come here about once a year at best, it will be about this time next year as soon as possible about the final percentage decision, but if you work hard, you could make more money than a fixed salary. '

I heard that, Nell said, "There's no such thing as percentage!" I thought.

'Yes, no. The percentage is fine......'

Whatever, no matter how popular it was, I'm not sure I'd beat out as much as two million a month like the manager hired by a ramen shop.

Of course, he wants you to participate in the management of the Chamber of Commerce, so there will be other tasks as well as ramen shops.

Retail and wholesale sausages, for example, can be considered.

but in the previous life, where Nell had been hearing, he heard that percentage pay was something that applied to "some" sales jobs dealing with real estate, insurance and financial products.

Moreover, I cannot earn 10 million yen a year unless I am a fairly good salesperson unless I am also a fully proportional taxi driver, securities diplomat, etc.

Basically, unless you have a large customer or are good at pioneering new customers at a level of awesomeness, you can't even get enough sleep.

Or I also heard that many people in some special occupations, such as being in charge of dealings at financial institutions, are also paid on a percentage basis, but I assumed that such people would be different from themselves because of their native head structure.

In fact, I can't even say that the management of the company is all percentages in the broad sense that it is close, but sometimes the executive remuneration is not usually called percentages, and is not exactly different because it is not a way of determining what percent of the profits, etc., which was not in Nell's perception.

Al watched Nell quietly.

- You mean dissatisfied with 2 million a month and dissatisfied with percentage pay...

Anyway, after listening to Nell, Al, clapping his shoulders, opens his mouth again.

'Really? You're in trouble......'

Al said with a slightly unfortunate look on his face.

Having seen that face, Nell realizes that his image of Al has changed slightly.

- Something... you seem weak? He doesn't seem like a very pushy person. Then, depending on the negotiations, we can also aim for more than 2 million z...?

If you are a super-class adventurer, there are also those who earn more than 2 million a month as a result if you divide your annual income by selling magical objects, ores, etc. obtained in the labyrinth.

There were some such excellent adventurers, even though they were really marginal in Benkerish.

Although it was not Labius to whom Nell belonged.

'... I want my income back when I used to work as an adventurer (Versatiler)'

Nell said, looking closely at Al.

'And how much would you like to be rewarded if I told you?

Al also staggers his gaze with Nell, saying in a very natural voice.

I can't see any emotions from that face.

'Right... about 3 million a month...'

Nell says in a firm tone with a thin smile.

Surge looked surprised only for a moment when he heard that, but Al hasn't even moved a muscle of expression.

Al could see the color of his exhaling breath changing when Nell spoke.

- Are you lying... Well, I guess you're going to negotiate...

I thought so. Al glanced at the surge sitting next to him.

At that time, his expression had disappeared from the surge, but he sighed slightly as if he felt Al's gaze.

Al glanced back at Nell.

- This woman is a little more haphazard...

With that in mind, Al is smiling bitterly.

"Is it 3 million a month...... That's a big deal...... '

The look on Al's face that said so doesn't contain much surprise.

Nell thought, "You tell me not to be a big deal at all..."

'Well, if the intrinsic skills were for combat, I'm convinced I'd make that much money in the labyrinth. Bastral, have you heard from her about her unique skills?

'No... I didn't say it either'

Nell isn't interested in surgery or Al's unique skills either.

We knew that every reincarnated person possessed unique skills because he wanted to forget but could not forget about the information that had been poured into him when he first met God.

'Uh, they didn't ask me...'

Nell said with a face that just seemed a little sorry.

'Oh, never mind. Inherent skills can be life-line if they are intended for combat. It's not going to be that easy to talk about while we're still not familiar with each other.'

Hearing Al's words, Nell reassured him that he didn't even seem to be heard digging for roots and leaves.

'Let's get back to it, what kind of reward system was it at Mr. Knobfom's party?

Now on Al's behalf, Surge asked.

'It was a complete percentage. It was a party of nine people, including me and the battle slaves, but they recognized three percent of the income they earned as their share. "

It's a very normal percentage rate for upstream parties with no fixed salary.

Nell goes on to say.

"I don't mind when I make money, but when I don't... so I don't really like percentages."

'I see. Is that why...'

Tilting the wine glass and sipping, Surge replied.

'That's the account you were making about 100 million a month at the party. It was a first-rate party, wasn't it?'

Al asked.

- Doesn't that make you feel weak? Well, it's enough to kill that dragon.

Seeing Al mouthing 100 million with a cheerful face, Nell changed his mind just a little bit.

And, at the same time, I remembered the faces of the members of Labius who were at ease.

Compared to them, I got the impression that it was enough to kill the dragon, and Al might be pretty tough.

'Yeah, yeah. Well......'

Nell smiles a little shady.

'... but I got raided by another party during a break in the labyrinth...'

Talking blurry, Nell.

I'm apparently not lying about this part.


Al and Surge unexpectedly end up with an earlier prediction.

'I was the only one who survived. All my people are dead, and that's why I cut Benkelish loose. "

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It must have been hard… it's not something I can do to turn my mind around and head to New Heaven and Earth in that situation."

Al and Surge's voice contained genuine sympathy.

'Yeah, well. But this is common in Benkerish's labyrinth, and it's not a rare story. Isn't that what happens in Balduk?

The pain of getting an arrow in Al's brain came back and the figure of a killer (Slaters) fighting an ice monster came away.

'That's true. We've also been raided before by another party in battle in the Mons, Demon Room'

'Oh, I've heard of it. Before I go in...'

'That's right. Was it about five to six years ago? I was really lucky that there weren't any victims at my party at that time'

Talking that far, Al, with his mouth on wine, undoes the subject.

'That's right, it's about the reward. Z3 million a month is not that easy to pay for someone who doesn't even know how to speak of a former Japanese. Anyway, even at 2 million a month, it was critical. I can't even accept the percentage system, if you say... I'm really sorry, but right now (...) you have to give up'

- Yeah!? When negotiating prices, I said I'd start at about 1, 5 to 2 times the price. Isn't that Kawasaki from the Tashoku era?!?

Nell had also heard the secret to price negotiations in his previous life that Shiba Food seniors had heard from Kawasaki of Imperial Food.

Somehow it was in my mind, so I used it on him who said it quickly.

- … so is there a difference between buying and selling goods and rewarding the squire? Oh, you failed. I guess I scratched too much greed......

I can't swallow the spit I threw up correctly, and I'm not returning it to the basin.

- Rewind your time with the clock (Time Load)... there's no way to do that, is there?

After realizing the ability to accelerate, there were other times when I tried to see if I had any other abilities that I hadn't noticed yet, but in the end I didn't find any.

- Well, fine.

Reminds me that I didn't originally want to work under someone.

But I was quite surprised inside, knowing that I was really going to pay as much as 2 million Z a month, and I regretted it.

"Ah, Mr. Al? Are you giving up?!? '

'You can't help it, can you? You can't pay 300 a month for a boulder. Cassie is more than you, anyway. "

"I don't care."

"You may be, but I care."

Surge, who decided there was no island to attach to Al, now looked closer to Nell.

"Mr. Nell, do you really want as much as three million a month? What am I supposed to do with all that?

"Huh? The..."

Nell is in a hurry when suddenly the spear is pointed at him.

"Hey Bastral. Don't. That's what she wants. Doesn't that mean she can't live the life she wants? Don't fuck with other people's hopes."

Having heard Al's words, Nell felt a little resentful.

But I don't regret it, and it was Nell who said the amount of hope.

Besides, if it turns out that the amount you want and the amount you can pay is wide open, Al's phrase "even give up negotiations" would generally be natural.

"But Al, you're Japanese!?"

'Right. I wanted you to be a squire, too, but if you can't make up your mind, then you have to give up, right?


'Don't show me any more shame.' Cause I don't even care about her. '


'Did I tell you not to do that anymore?

"Excuse me......"

'Fine. Besides, this doesn't cut off the edge. Mr. Knobfom said he wanted to open a treatment center in Balduk, so if you want to go out with him, you can go out with him. Right, Mr. Knobfom?'

'Yeah, yeah. Besides, Surge told me that you could teach me a lot about the labyrinth...'

In response to Nell's words, Surge glanced at Al's complexion.

But Al doesn't see anything particularly unusual.

'Sorry, I took the liberty of talking to you...'

When I heard what Surge said, Nell was also in a bit of a hurry.

It's normal to be kept secret inside a party about the information in the labyrinth, so even if it's a nell, "Was it a bad idea? I thought."

When it comes to Al, he seems to have no particular feelings, and he is tatty.

'I've done everything I do in the labyrinth... well, isn't it good enough to teach her something for the good of the Japanese? A map? A map... I sold it to a cartographer, so it's not a very good idea to teach it on your own, but it's also a good thing to keep quiet. Besides, no matter how you spend your holidays, you're free, and don't worry about it.'

As for Al, I am a little frightened that he has not yet lost his slave guts.

'Oh, and if you're going to the labyrinth, you can go with this bastral or our combat slave. But as I said earlier, there are usually only three holidays, so I suggest you belong to a decent party. You can write a reference to a party you know if you want.' Cause I know two things. '

Al said by shifting his gaze from surge to nell.

"Mr. Al, is that..."

"Oh, it's Verdegli Brotherhood and Black Topaz. We're not both full members yet, are we?

'Yes, but there it is...'

Neither does Surge think Nell was a first-rate adventurer.

I can tell it's haphazard.

If I try it as a surge, I think Al would be spotting it as well because it's about as good as he can spot it.

Beyond being a hatchet, I've just been plugging about the rewards earlier, and I wish I could negotiate.

'Is there a problem? Those guys are top notch, and Mr. Knobfom is top notch. Well, then it's just fine, right?


"Assuming Mr. Knobfom's strength is what they deserve, it's good for each other. In case you don't have enough strength, there's no way Mr. Bath and Mr. Andersen are going to the labyrinth without making sure of that. Still, if we were to act together, we wouldn't go to a deep hierarchy. Besides, it's safer with those two parties than with bad adventurers."


Al nodded at Surge's words and glanced back at Nell again.

"Mr. Knobfom. I just said, Verdegli Brotherhood and Black Topaz are super first-rate adventurer parties competing for one or two in Balduk today. I think we still have both sides available within the party, so if we could belong well, we'd make a lot of money, wouldn't we? Also, even if you don't want to get into those two things, you can talk about them if you have my references. I don't think it's a bad thing to get to know them."

Al started writing references on the spot when he ordered the store slaves to prepare the writing equipment.

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