
"... that's it," he said. Okay, go ahead. The leaders of both parties will listen to you as long as you read this. "

Al smiled as he handed Nell two references that were finished sealing.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to...'

Nell gets a letter of introduction in his shoulder bag even though he's in awe.

Al holds the wine in his mouth as he flaunts his shoulders.

'No, because it's not as good as this. By the way, you said earlier that you were "in the labyrinth of Benkerish”. And you said "Royal SS of the Kingdom of Dabus." You're from the Kingdom of Dabus, aren't you?

'Huh? No, that, uh...'

Nell is in a bit of a panic.

Sometimes if I tried Neru, he was originally the same Japanese, knew about Al in his previous life, and he had quite a casual conversation with Surge. Furthermore, I had lost sight of it because I had spent quite a few months since entering the Kingdom of Lombert.

Besides, I usually don't really care where my country of origin is or anything else.

Surge was also quite a story about Dabus' labyrinth in the evidence, but there was nothing in particular to change and be asked about his country of origin.

I was driven completely out of consciousness because I kept talking in nostalgic Japanese, but the Kingdom of Lomberto and the Kingdom of Davis are still in contention over the interpretation of the border line.

Not to mention the adventurer's origins, the opponent is a senior nobleman of Lomberto.

- It was too broad...!

Nell reflected but it is a later festival.

'Oh, didn't you go through the precinct? You don't have to worry about it, you know.'

"No, no, the..."

Nell looking down to make the expression difficult to be observed.

- [Clock (Time Road)] to escape? To boulders......

The entrance to the ramen shop is closed.

No matter how fast you can operate, you will be held back while the door is open.

In particular, there is a possibility that the impudent person who suddenly escapes in the middle of the conversation may be overlooked and left alone, but I can also draw attention to the fact that he escapes as soon as he writes a reference.

Al thinks when he sees Nell suddenly mumbling.

- What's the matter with you? Oh, did you think I could blame you?

Al uses [Appraisal] again to see Nell's family name.

As I was watching earlier, the Knobfom family seems to be a squire serving a nobleman I have never even heard of, but they belong to the Kingdom of Dabus.

- Nothing like that... Hmm... watch out for Dabus reincarnators, huh... I don't think so...... It's a Dwarf (Gnome), and I don't know if it has anything to do with the Sagual family of the Puppet (Hume)... but there's an example of Begle, and you can't be alarmed.

'Excuse me. I didn't seem to hear it the way I did. There is nothing wrong with Mr Knobfom because he is from the Kingdom of Dabus. Regarding the means by which we have crossed the border...... I am interested, because my territory, whatever the border, does not have a border post per se...... It's out of our jurisdiction, so we're not looking at the problem.'

Al says with a slightly sorry face.

Nell seemed somewhat relieved.

'Besides, my squire... Well, a couple of squires are still the same reincarnators as us, but their daughter-in-law is from the Kingdom of Dabus, and I hear she broke into this country, too, or even avoided small streets that had no place to stay and entered the country clandestinely beyond the mountains. My Adoon Ganger is also from the Kingdom of Dabus. Hmm... if you think about it, are all the management positions in Battle Adoon from the Kingdom of Davas?'

Nell erased the acute option of escaping the scene after hearing more of Al's continued words.

'Yes... are there many people from Dabus...'

As for Nell, I wanted you to say it long ago.

But Nell, originally centered on positive thinking, soon shook off his untrained, intended.

"Which one of you is from Dabus?

'Uh, Zulu... my Adoon Ganger... what did you say...'

"No, I'm his squire's wife."

'She... excuse me, not even the name of a foreign land...'

Of course Al has heard from Bell where she came from and the name of the village, and he remembers exactly.

However, I blurred without giving details in case there was any possibility.

It should also be noted that I told you that I am from the Kingdom of Dabus, but Bell is quite a celebrity, so if you do a little research in Balduk, you will soon find out.

Thus he welcomed for another small hour and shared information that was not obvious to him as a reincarnator.

"Hey, what do you say? Have you been there?

"Yes. I can no longer see him"

Ben replied to Al's question.

"Where's the tail?

Mr. Vasul and Mr. Joanna are tailing off.

Both Vasul and Joanna are battle slaves who have more experience fighting in the labyrinth than before they were purchased by Al.

I am more accustomed than a slayer (Slaters) to walking away the signs so as not to draw the demon's attention.

In addition, the two of them have not been seen since Nell entered the store and consolidated the front door and back door.

"Okay. When you find the inn, use all of these guys. Take turns for two hours in pairs and watch until morning. If we move, one of us will be tailed and one of us will be here to let us know."

"" Okay. ""

Surge and the slaves express their understanding of Al's order.

"I'm sorry, but Bastral needs to spend the day here. If you fail to travel by morning, invite them to breakfast for a good reason and kill as long as possible."

"Yes, but you don't know the inn. How...?

"Think for yourself like that. You know, maybe we just happened to meet on the way out of the run or something, right?


"You're not running anymore?

Al's voice is slightly pointed.

"No, I run every day"

Surge hastily denies it and carries on the words even further.

"Okay. Stretch out as long as possible. But no matter how well it goes, I think the noon is the limit."

Al nodded when he heard it, "It would be enough if the sun rose and stretched out for a couple of hours. I asked for it," he said and took his seat.

"Which way?

"I'm going to Balduk now. I have to catch Mr. Bath or Mr. Andersen and talk through it."

"But both Verdegli Brotherhood and Black Topaz may be in the labyrinth..."

"That's the time. If you're not at the inn, check with the knight at the entrance square to schedule a return trip, and if you want to return soon, stretch it out until morning. Still, why don't you come back both ways, or I'll honestly come back here if I plan on coming back more in the first place"

"Really? I get it. But you must be tired and you can't..."

"Now is not the time. Anyway, I met your new buddy."


"But it must be true that you're from Dabus, so be careful. I can't throw out the possibility that you're coming from that country with some kind of secret life."

"Oh, sure. The SS said something about that."

"Maybe I think too much. I've never been too careful."

Al said with a slightly tired grin.

'And listen carefully. They stole the grinder before, didn't they?

Surge's face tightened too, as it was a topic that Al put back into Japanese again and seemed delicate.

"Oh, yes."

"Well, it was the king who made me steal it."


"I let your organization steal it."

"How could that be?

"You've said before that a squire pressed by the king is likely to have a spy, right?


"In the end, a couple of Zydritz were spies, but they sent a liaison to the territory to get in touch with them."


"I came here pretending to be an adventurer with a caravan escort, so I caught him, tightened him up, and made him throw up."

'I see. But why the grinder...?

'I don't know. but I'm sure you had something in mind'

'What do you think?

'So I don't know. But it looks like they saw him involved in the reincarnation. "

"The king is interested in the reincarnator...?

"The founders of this country are reincarnated in the proverbial scriptures. If you pass it on, that's what happens."

'But it... with the story that Mr. Al's old wife was a god... sorry'

'... you're free to think I am, aren't you?

With his eyes only slightly seated, Al lowered back again.

'Cause it's a story with no clapping. I can't believe it or not, and I'm not going to blame you.'

"Excuse me."

'So you don't have to apologize. Anyway, the royal family is drawing the blood of the reincarnated...... likely. That's the premise, so whether you like it or not, just shake your head vertically here.'


'Anyway, I said so myself. Even if they believed that, it's not strange on the surface. But there are fussies like they think there are other reincarnators. Oh, yeah, you said you took on new naiveté from your business partner at the factory, right?


Is there a Vicious?

"Vicious...... Vicious? I'm not here.

"Newbie and Cat People?

'I have one. Derben Coolis is a kid. From Kimberly Ranch in the Rear Cauldron at Imulek Ranch that followed Mr. Al...'

'That's him. That's the king's spy. Kimberly Ranch is one of the hiding places the King keeps his own. "

'I thought Derb was... an honest, serious guy... what would you do?

"He seems to be the one who let me go in to find out if it's the business of the Chamber of Commerce, and from what I've been told, it's harmless, so leave me alone. Just don't delude yourself about taxes. I don't think I can get stuck with that. No doubt about Zeny. There's nothing wrong with paying exactly without delay. Yeah, just in case. I'll go check my face next time, too. You said Coolis, didn't you?

'Yes. But just now Mr. Al said Vicious...?

Surge asking with a slightly strange look on his face.

"There is a [disguise] for a special skill that is not a unique skill but is not very well known. This is not a special skill of the race, but is inherited from a particular family line. So, this [disguise] can replace its status notation with someone else's."


"It's not like anyone and he can bring their status to their liking. I can only borrow stats from people with the right physique."

'Really... but why did you do that?

'... there's a guy in Barkud who has a [disguise] too... he's a fume, unlike this one Coolis over here. I learned that from the beginning. The guy with [disguise] is not using [disguise], I can see the skill when I hang the status open when I'm a vegetarian. Regardless of the skill itself, I'm sorry about that person, but I don't really want to talk about it anymore. "


In front of Al, who looked sorry and spoke, I realized that Surge was useless in pursuit of any more.

'Yeah. So, Vicious would be the real name of that coulis. I try to use the magic of appraisal even when I go to see my face. Maybe we'll figure something out. "

'Oh, yeah. Nell just now in that appraisal...'

"I saw it. I don't know how many adventurers I've been playing since, but the level is ten, so it's pretty high for my age. But from the level, combat experience isn't as good as ours. He's got an inherent skill of [clock], and basically he sees it as a calendar with only the time. But it's not fate."


They say we can accelerate for a few seconds.


"The time of the square root at the physical level, only the square root at the physical level doubles the actions of the person alone. The point is, they can act 10 times faster than a 10 second route."

"Um, just over three seconds?

"I guess so."

"If you're on my side with a labyrinth or something, you look comfortable."

'Right. And then, magic. Levels were only four and three. You're higher.'

'Really? Then the problem is magic. "

'Right. It would be easier to think of it as a lot, but I guess you didn't practise as much as we did because of your low level.'

'Well, that's tough. mentally.'

'Right. Still enough level as a full adventurer......'

'Yeah, I'll be careful. Perhaps it will double the time spent exercising magic.'

'You've noticed a good point. But...'

'Yeah, I know. It takes more than three seconds to move faster and more than three times faster, which means that magic that would otherwise take 10 seconds can be used in about three seconds, but magic that takes 30 seconds to exercise is not a big problem. "

"That's what I'm talking about."

"Besides, he seemed surprised by the cure-critical, so he would be superior if he also mastered attack magic to bolts. If it's a three-level mix, you're not using Javelin or anything like that. '

'I guess so. You should be aware that throwing stones and throwing knives or something will also move your weight and shake your arms faster, but the speed of the arrows released from the bow will be as normal. I can only imagine because I would need to see it in person or be honest with myself. "

'Right. Is the rest enough to poke surprises at close range?

'That would be the point of caution. Either way, I'm just talking about having to be hostile. Let's get back to it.'


Al, who heard back, coughs up and sees the surge from the front.

"It turns out the king is interested in the reincarnators. But it is unclear whether the reincarnators have even realized that they are very useful. I'm more than likely unaware that you're not trying to force me into the kingdom."

'Right. If you're from the Edo period or so, you seem to have a lot more knowledge than people do today...'

'Oh, yeah. There seems to have been people in the past who would be reincarnated. But basically, they only tell you that the individual is highly combative or something like that. Some of them must have died soon after reincarnation, and many of them have been buried with slaves and all their lives without their eyes out.'

'... hey'

'That being the case, I think if the king realized the usefulness of the reincarnator, he should have had some contact in that direction'

"That's nature."

'But I'm not.... in the unlikely event of that, offer her in your stead and only you run away at all costs'

'Huh? But...'

'Sure, you seemed to have a relationship with me back in the day, but you weren't even close to me. You're a stranger.... will I compare with you before then?

Al to say with a serious face.

"...... (Shit. What is this feeling? I can't believe they said that... even though I thought so) '

Surge eyes only slightly moisturize.

'But remember, that's really a critical last resort, right? You know, when it's tough, when it's extreme, you can't help it, can you? I'm talking about not just missing her and you being able to hold her back. "

"Is... Yes (right)"

'That's why I'm going to Balduk now. I don't know now, but Verdegli Brotherhood used to sell my information to the King. The same goes for Black Topaz. Vilheimer's dead, but Andersen's alive. There will still be some kind of handover. I'm not going to say it all clearly, but I'm going to tell him enough that he's important to the Throwers, and if he does, they'll have a decent head, and if there's a vacancy in the membership, you'll let him in.'

'Sure. If one of us would let me in, I would definitely let you in. "

"Yeah. So Royal, no, look at Kimberly Ranch and Coolis"

'You think there's any movement?

'I don't know. Don't be without it. Still no problem. Well, I'd still like to talk a lot, but it's time to go today.'

When he took his seat, Al left the store without looking back.

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