
Al leaves the store and returns to the inn immediately.

And instantly drove his beloved horse to the city of Balduk, which he was once used to.

- Well, it would help if it were a schedule the same as before...

Since before Al came to Balduk, the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) dives into the labyrinth on the fifth and twentieth of each month, scheduled for eight to more than a dozen days, respectively.

Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) has a similar schedule.

I still haven't been able to grasp it for Surge, who only goes to Balduk a few days a month to see if it's on the same schedule.

Arriving in Balduk, Al goes for a restaurant and liquor store called Merluk, the geographically nearer of the two groups of adventurers (parties).

The intended Merck is still open and I can hear the drunk talking from inside.

I slowly opened the door when I connected my beloved horse to the horse rubbing pile.

In a store illuminated by light magic props that are not very common.

The year is also pressing and there is a cold breeze outside but a lot of warmth inside.

"So? I told you!

"Ha ha, you're an idiot"

"Pfft, yum!

It was the same hustle and bustle surrounded shop.


A young clerk calls out.

There is a conflict when I peek behind the store over the clerk's shoulder.

The fact that there is an unusual conflict should be solidifying beyond that conflict.

"Give me a beer"

When I ordered from the clerk while taking off my Inverness, that's where the clerk first noticed Al.

"Ah, you! Quasi-Greed (Valli), Count (Courts)!

"Oh. Is Mr. Bath here?

"Yes. In the back..."

"Right. Then make the beer one less number than the number of them over there. You don't need my share and fishing."

That's all I say, make the clerk grip two silver joos.

The number of people beyond the collision is unknown, but it won't exceed ten and will cost a little more.

Hanging the undressed Inverness in one hand, Al strives for a collision.



As we approached the collision, the tone of the conversation that was taking place over there fell.

- Were we even talking about something important...?

I'm just a little sorry Al, but I let him peek into my face from behind the clash without worrying.

"Hey, call me... Mr. Greed!



Members of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) who look at Al and make a mouthful of strange voices.

"Hey, guys. We're out of time."

Sending greetings with an aristocratic temperament, Al saw the elite (elves) sitting behind the table.

"Oh, you're shabby, Greed, my lord. That verse..."

An elf, voiced by Al's words, opens his mouth as he rises.

"Never mind. I don't mind saluting or honoring you. I just wanted to talk to Mr. Bath a little bit today."

Al replied, gently controlling the members trying to stand up in imitation of the elves.

"Talk? What?

Bath, who sat back in his seat again, asks.

"I'd like to talk to you both about what's going on here... okay. Tomorrow, no, soon a dwarf (Gnome) woman will be visiting the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) with my references. Her name is Naylene Knobfom."

"Hmm? What are the requirements?

"Perhaps, but she'll come and tell the members she wants them in. The letter of introduction also asks you to consider her wishes."


"Whatever you want"


"I'll leave it up to you to decide."

"What do you mean? You said I'd bring your references, right? Then I thought you'd let me in..."

"Well, you don't have to let me in."

"Am I?"

"Somehow there were two references she had, one to Andersen from Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz)"

Having heard Al's words, Bath narrowed his eyes and looked at Al.

"Then what the hell are you doing here? Your Excellency the Count is that free?

Al glanced over Bath's shoulder and looked cleverly over his shoulder at the same time.

Looks like it'll take a little longer to get the beer ready.

"So talk to me. I remembered that you forgot to write in the reference, but what you did with me forgot to ask her about her inn. I couldn't even look for her, so I hurried to someone she would come to."

Members of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), with the exception of Bath, turn an unhappy glance at Al, who speaks in a far-fetched manner, but do not come with his mouth pinched in conversation.

"Right. Then what did you forget to write..."

"Yeah. First of all, she's got a lot of experience in the labyrinth"

"That's right. Even you wouldn't let an amateur have references."

"... right. Her magic skills span all elements."


"Then, the amount of magic is considerable. On a personal note, I thought it would probably outnumber Mr. Kamsch and Mr. Wilheimer from previous years as well."


Round the eyes not only of Bath but also of the other members.

"What's the level?

"Come on, that's it"

And he praised his shoulders, and Al answered, and a small sigh leaked from the members.

"Right. How old are you?"

You're 21 years old, just like me.

The clerk brought the beer.

"That's all I'm talking about. Oh, this is an apology for interrupting your welcome. Enjoy it, as you have paid for it. Now if you'll excuse me."

Just say it. Al turned his back when he had a meeting.

When Al hung his hand on the door.

"Hey, give me a minute."

Bath comes after me and speaks up.

Al doesn't mind opening the door and going outside before responding.

"What is it?

But when I went to the side of my beloved horse without even looking back, I began to unravel the reins I had tied to my horse.

"Well, what kind of woman comes to me the same age? What's yours?

Al doesn't answer just staring at Bath.

"For the most part, if you want to dive into the labyrinth, you can go with a surge or something. I still see it every now and then."

Here Al opens his mouth.

"I've only been to the labyrinth one or two layers at best. She doesn't seem to like it."

"So you're going to the deep end, to us, to the black yellow balls?

"That's the thing. It's the truth that deep hierarchies make more money."

Al answered as he hung his foot on the ledge.

"What's the reward? How much do you want?

"That's it...... oh, I forgot to say one thing. She is, to some extent, as knowledgeable about the Labyrinth of Balduk as we are. On top of that, I leave my relationship with you to your imagination. Then I'm going to go to Mr. Andersen."

That's it, Al rode up on the back of his horse.

"Surely Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) are not in the labyrinth right now. Are you gonna tell her the same story?

"... you still seem to be sharing information with each other"

Al confirmed without answering the question.

"It's a matter of efficiency. So, tell her the same story?

Bath answers with a niggling grin and asks the question again.

"I intend to."

"You can join our members"

Upon hearing Al's reply, Bath suggested immediately.


"Having your information means it does, doesn't it?

"What is it?

"It's hard to say on that occasion... isn't it?

So what is it?

"Don't be ridiculous now."

"Now, what are you doing... But I'm telling her that she's a knob fom, but if she can get me in either way, I'm telling her to get me in if she wants. I appreciate what you just said about accepting her, because as far as I'm concerned, I think we should give the same information to the Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) and to the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)."

"... can I come with you? I'd like to speak to Mr. Andersen."

"I don't mind. I will not be involved in what you will be talking about with Mr. Andersen after I have spoken. However, I don't want you to forget this..."

"I know. You want to tell me that the decision is made by a woman named Knobfom?

Al slowly let Bath walk his horse so he could walk side by side.

"Looks like you just woke me up sleeping..."

This is the most luxurious inn in Balduk called the Kuno Wooden Pavilion, hosted by the leader of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), Brigadier Sir Red Andersen.

She is now using the room that Roberto Vilheimer used to lead the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

"I'm glad you admitted that's all we're talking about."

Al replied that he would include the tea served in his mouth.

"Can I help you? Zophy."

"No, it's time for me to excuse you"

Apparently she took over from Vilheimer. The Pu (Hume) slave woman started a replacement operation, but stopped moving when she heard Al.

Ar, who rose from his seat, politely greeted him and left the room.

"... I know exactly why you followed me"

Andersen says to the berth that remains in the room.

"Well. I just thought you wanted to go and discuss this peacefully, Your Eminence. By the way, isn't there anything wrong with me?

Bath answered with his hips buried on the couch.

"... ma, fine. Zophy."

Is the tea the slave lady inherits drowsiness very intensely brewed, and that suits Bath's taste?

"Well, what do you think?

I said as Bath stared at the tea poured into his cup.

"I can't tell you anything at the moment."

Answered Andersen with a mouthful of nearly chilled tea.

"Sure. But it stinks."

"That's right. Not only did that Earl Gried bother to write a letter of introduction, but he said he forgot to write it, so much so that he could get here at this hour."

"What's so important to him..."

"First of all, no doubt about it."

"Right now, with the exception of Surge, the only thing that occasionally goes into Balduk is the Battle Slave of the Rotor. Because you can't make money with them..."

"Looks good to see you have quite a few arms."


With his mouth on the cup, Bath replied with a satisfied face.

"Whatever you do, you can't decide not to look at your arm."

"It's the same here."

"How much do you guys give me if you hire them?

"I'm sure you can't say that."

Hung, and he rang his nose and Bath answered.

"... you, Roberto's imitation has followed the board."

Andersen says with a slightly damp eye.


Bath answers with a slightly loose look.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

"Hehe. Do you have an ashtray?

Bath said as he let out the cigarette holder from his nostalgia.

"I do, but I, I don't really like cigarette smoke, so why don't you just let me go? The smell that stained this room is finally getting thinner."

Andersen said with a glance.

"Okay. Don't hesitate."

"... raccoons look a lot alike."

"There you are. I understand very well. He said he didn't want to hire you."

Andersen smiles bitterly at Bath, who answers as he returns the cigarette holder he's about to serve.

"That's right. If that killer Alain Gried recommends it."


"Well, the choice's over there, so there's only so much we can offer from here."

Keep your body on the back of the couch, reassemble your legs, Andersen says.

For my age, I could see my healthy thighs gleaming from my robe.

"You can't even see it when it's blue ceiling."

Without any interest in Andersen's tricks, Bath flaunts his shoulders.

"That sort of thing"

"It's quick and helpful to talk. We have a lot of expenses here, 300,000 a month. Two to three minutes (bu) of Demon Stone. Magic items and magic items are helpful and voted on in battle earned."

"Ten to one minute. You're the same."

"Because it's a tradition."

"There's no such thing as a great tradition."

Andersen gives a slightly frightened look.

"Same as when Mr. Andersen was here."

"Oh, good. Then this is fine under the same conditions. But I'm going to be a newcomer. The Demon Stone should be split in two."

"That would be nice."

The story between the two seems to be going on for a while now.

As I thought, both the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) seemed to have eaten into the bait.

That said, the little fish just ate it.

I didn't think Hannah would ignore my recommendation.

I can't predict until I let a little fish hang on a needle swim and the big guy invites me to eat it.

It's also likely to be ignored without going into your eyes where you invited him...

What's going to happen?

I'm glad both sides weren't in the labyrinth at all.

Thanks to you, I can sleep slowly in bed today.

I managed to keep my cool face, but I left my horse running for two days, so I'm pretty much butterfly, too.

Don't go back to the King's Capital today. Here... I'm staying in the King's Capital, shall I?

If you run over the ridge, it'll be about 15 minutes.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I'll handle the Chamber of Commerce taxes, and I'll make glass the day after tomorrow...

What day did I tell you I was going to go to your sister?

Oh, it's two or two days.

On the 23rd, I have to go to the embassies or consulates of the Empire of Granan, the Kingdom of Bakrney and the Kingdom of Cambit to give back the gifts I received when I took office as Count......

The climb is scheduled for the 28th, so erm...

Damn, it stinks.

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