22 Dec 7449

After a meal, when you're having tea.

"Oh, just to wash your hands... you, just hold me"

My sister gave Martz to her brother-in-law to take a seat.

Is that the bathroom?

Here's your chance.

"Ah, I'm sorry. First of all... he's bigger."

I did my hand on my sister's shoulder trying to leave the living room and just forcefully switched bodies a little bit.

"What? Hey, you"

My sister is in a bit of a panic because she has never done anything like this.

I snatched the candlestick from my sister's hand at an invisible angle from my brother-in-law and father, while pinching a small folded letter to my sister's belt.

"Sorry, I'm so close to the limit"

"Behind the hallway, to the right."

My sister changed her complexion only for a moment to my behavior, but she didn't make any particular noise because I handed her a letter before the outburst.

"I'm sorry."

"Quickly, no more"


It was a little bet, but you did your job wondering about forceful behavior that wasn't like me...

As soon as the toilet door was closed, life sensing (detect life) was used.

Then use continuously every 20 seconds or so.

... Three completely immobile reactions right next to the house.

I think I'm trying to stick it to the wall of this house from a distance.

And there are a few reactions that don't even move a little further away from home, but I can't say anything about this because it's likely someone else in the house.

I went back to the living room after killing time for about two minutes while using magic.

"True, I wouldn't behave if I had become an Earl..."

Back in the living room, my sister tried to take the candlestick away from me while poisoning me and ran into the bathroom.

I'm sorry I put up with you.

"Bad, bad. Take your time."

You just have to lay off the malts your brother-in-law held you until your sister gets back.

For this reason, only the main points are bulleted so that there is no room for misunderstanding as to what I wrote in the letter.

1. This letter shall be burned and disposed of as soon as it is read

2. Scratch your nose with your right hand if you haven't thought about Martz's magic training yet

3. I'm going to start around 5-6 years old, just like you, and if you haven't told my brother or father that, scratch his nose with your left hand.

4. Ibid., scratch your jaw with your right hand if you have reported it to your brother or father

5. Scratch your jaw with your left hand if you're going to start as an adult just like a normal person

6. Scratch your head with your right hand otherwise or if you want to talk in detail

In the case of 7.6, I want you to come to the Chamber of Commerce in a few days. If you scratched your head with your right hand, you'd shake the story for the right reasons from me.

My sister, who came back after doing her job, was scratching her head with her right hand.

I see.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your sister's armor, it's getting tighter, isn't it? I'll make a new one. Come to the Chamber of Commerce soon. I'll make it measure."

"Huh? I gave birth to malts, so I pulled my stomach in, and I tried it on last week and still wear it..."

Dumb ass!

I said no to bless the expensive armor!?

No, you want to talk about it!?

"You're not going to the Knights yet, are you? Besides, I think New should go north next year..."

It took a lot of effort not to show up on the expression.

"Mr. Miloo. It's a corner offer, and aren't you sure you want to sweeten it to His Excellency the Count here?

See, your father said that, too.

"Mr. Miloo. You said you were getting tired of boulders the other day..."

My mother says so too.

Besides, you knew it was time to limit yourself, didn't you?

Anyway, I've been using it for seven years now because it's the one my sister made when I was 18.

Apart from pregnancy, my body shape didn't seem to have changed that much in itself, so I guess I've been able to use it deceptively before, but you're getting tired of it.

The generation as a product is also old.


"Miloo, if the armor is going to be new, I'm going to make a new Feather (Circuit) too."

"Huh? Really?

Oh, my brother-in-law says good things too!

Because of this, there are several types of Feather Weaves (Surcoats), ranging from guys like a piece to a coat or cloak that wears on top of a clasp (Chain Mail) or something, to guys like a feather weave on top of a metal armor (Plate Mail).

I often put them on military horses.

Tailor him to look good anyway.

"Yeah. The material is better now, so we should be able to make it a little lighter with the same defense, and above all, I think if we size it now, we'll make it to next year's expedition. Besides, if I were to make your sister's armor, even Taylor in Barkud would be more in the mood than usual. Well, it would also be the latest type of advertisement..."

Why do I have to be so bad when I'm the one who blesses you?

It's like you're worried about your sister.

I don't look good, I already... Is that the usual?

"If you say so much, you can have it."

Hey, don't distract yourself.

It's a no-bust no-life.

I'm not making the next one, so I don't have a lot of breasts. Maybe.

"... well no. Come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Well, I'm leaving today. Mr. Hamill, brother-in-law. Thank you very much."

"I can't even stay busy..."

"Please try again"

"No. Bye, Martz"

Leaving your sister's house and walking for a few minutes.

I'm the only one on the road I'm walking on right now.

It's time, okay?

I looked back.

There's a couple of trumpets behind me, as expected... hey.

But I went out of my way on a lonely road with few people.

The Dove River flows on one side of the road toward you, and the willow grows, so there's kind of an atmosphere.

"Um, are you Mr. Zydritz? We'll have a little time."

I said something like that.

Now he's just a pain if the trumpet isn't really coming with him.



A few figures came out of the shadows all the time.

"... the boulder is the famous Lord Gried."

Oh, good! Come out.

I didn't have to be a painful kid.


Yeah, the guy in the middle of the three is Gillard Zydritz.

"Let's turn on the lights"

When I picked up the pebble at my feet and hung the magic of the lights, I threw it between the threesome and me.

The Zydritz face I see again is subtly similar to the other day's Shadow Man.

It's just subtly similar and different though.

Your hair, mustache, and body look just like it.

If you only know it in the distance, you would make a mistake first.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're not fake, right?

At any rate, this Zillard Zydritz level is a little lower than the Shadow Four.

Especially if you can't count on the level.

That shadow warrior specializes in rough stuff, right?

Zydritz slowly advances up to the pebble of the light and reaches out his right hand and points his armor at me.

"Excuse me for last night...... I... am the real Gillard Zydritz"

The real thing......

For once, people last night are also named Gillard Zydritz, so I guess it's real.

Oh, because I said so.

"Status Open"

Check his status while touching his right hand.

With that said, you didn't check your status last night just on the appraisal.

"Can I hear your response on the matter I offered last night?

The fake said no, though.

Ma, for once, listen to me. It must be crazy.

"That's the thing, but my reply goes with it. I refuse."

Zydritz replies with a hard voice.

"Really? That's unfortunate."

"Sorry for not meeting your expectations"


Is that why you came all the way out?

If so, you're being polite.

"Never mind. But aside from what reason you decided that, if that's the conclusion, you can't help it. Now if you'll excuse me."

To be honest, I wanted to join hands with your brother-in-law's route, but if you say you can't.

I guess I'll just have to hit Embry's faction or bow my head to His Majesty.

And Zydritz stopped me trying to get to the inn.

"Please wait, Lord Gried"

What are you doing now?

The Zydrits don't want to join hands with me, do they?

"Well, what to Your Majesty...?


How can you be so frightened that you have no voice?

"Um, I don't know what to expect, but shall I tell you about my plans for the future? I would like to attach a meeting with Mr. Embry through the childish Vicious, who will also be at the factory tomorrow."

Zydritz doesn't look like he's moving his expression.

"I hope that goes well, but if not, I'm going to ask His Majesty directly at that time, as I plan to see you at the end of the month"

If His Majesty says yeah and says, "You guys, do him a favor for Gried," you can't say no anyway, can you?

Well, then I think mine will get quite a bit of money, too, but I can't help it there.

Of course, I'm also going to tell you that these two Zydritz and Embry put me on the sleeve at that time.

"... I see. By the way, isn't your Excellency familiar with the names Kendakt Dargan and Esmund Bakeira?

Here it comes.

"What? Kenda, what?

Soaked up on the poker face.

"It's Kendakt Dargan and Esmund Bakeira. Ken and Esmy are fine."

"Hmm, that's a name you don't know"

Though by now it would be corrupt under some ground (I don't even know where it is) a little far from Court Jill Castle.

The Demon Stone was taken by Zulu and dusted by me at Disintegrate, so even if the body was dug back, I can't identify it as the scientific power of the oath.


"It's true. What are you two up to?

"No... I can't help but hide it. Kendact Dargan was my handler."

Was Bakeira under McDuff Embry of domestic intelligence?

"I recently headed to the south of the kingdom as an escort for a caravan, but I lost track of it in the West Dirt region"

"In my territory?

"Yes, we have confirmation that we have arrived as escorts to Beglitz in West Dart."

Oh, are they suspicious?

Well, you're right.

But is it known in one day that the example caravan has returned and that they are not there?

... It wasn't much of a complicated story, and if the caravan was back, it was a story you'd know as soon as you heard it.

"Ho. In Beglitz...... I didn't know that. When was this?

"... said it was around the middle of October"

"Is it a full month ago... but isn't it not uncommon for a caravan escort to disappear along the way?

In fact, it's a common story.

I often settle escort costs in a slightly larger city, and there are a number of adventurers out there who would disappear with that bundled money in them.

"They disappeared without paycheck," he said.

Zydritz said calmly.

"Heh, really? It's a rare thing."

I'm not as upset as a strand of hair.

"... right. Besides, they had a mission. You can't just abandon it on the way and hide in the clouds."

"May I ask you about that assignment?

It's a message.

"So you're saying you didn't get a message?

"So far, I don't know that far"

"Message to whom? Isn't that the closest you can get to hitting that opponent? Oh, no way, me?

"No... not Your Excellency"

I guess so.

"So who is it? Oh, isn't the message from Beglitz?

Look, it's a help boat. Jump.


"Ma, I don't want to go into any more strange areas. So, why are you asking me about those two? It is true that Beglitz is a city under my knees, but to the point of escorting out-of-town caravans is a boulder..."

"No, as long as you don't seem to know anything about the two of us."

Zydritz says so, but from the looks of it, my suspicions don't seem clear.

"Really, then"

I tried to turn my foot to the inn again.

"If Your Eminence is to tell His Majesty about us, there is no reason why we should not report the news to His Majesty either."

Oh, my God. You know what?

I was wondering if that would be a threat.

I'll tell him to look frightened on purpose.

"It's important if the members of the organization that His Majesty is under your direct control disappear. Yeah, if you can't make an appointment to Your Majesty until the end of the year, you can report it from me to Your Majesty, right? Yeah, well, if you forget your name or make a mistake, it's a problem, so please send it to my chamber of commerce with a note that says the end of it later."

I heard what I said. Zydritz looked like he couldn't say anything.

The three men, who missed Count Riegle leaving, were clashing their foreheads as the figure disappeared into the darkness at night.

"Oh, your head..."

"Ken and Esmy really...?

"I don't know, so I hung my cama..."

Zydritz replied to the two men to roar.

"But the Count wasn't upset at all,"

"Oh. Your head really says those guys leaked information to the Count...?

"I don't know. I really don't know. Too little material to judge."

Wrinkles from deep distress are engraved on Zydritz's face.

"But Zaydritz's brother (Akiki) and Hamill, whom I met last night, are my daughter-in-law's handouts..."

"That's the problem. The information about us was leaked to Lyle's Durrow and the others."

"Hmmm...... I haven't seen any signs of that in Lyle before...... was there an alarm? I've been exploring it many times, but I don't know anything about that country other than superficial."

"But aren't we talking about the fact that there aren't 5,000 of them? Besides, most of them don't come out in the back of the mountain, and His Majesty doesn't have much of a hand in the Kingdom of Lyle..."

"That's the strange part."

"I hear that we have some connection between the Royal Lomberto and the Kingdom of Lyle a long time ago. Everything seems to be a connection long enough to go back to the first His Majesty George. Your Majesty, don't tell me any more."

Zydritz said with a look as if he had given up somewhere.

"But as it were, His Majesty found out about our existence..."

"Lyle, if the kingdom was holding us back, was that before you or we were born?

"Oh! Suppose..."

"Stop talking about escaping responsibility. Don't tell our fathers they're responsible."


"Excuse me, your head..."

"But Sen., that the Count has obtained information from Lyle, is fully conceivable"


"Oh. That look. Then you'll tell His Majesty directly... there won't be any point in pulling any more. You should be ready for your anger and put it on tonight."

Says Zydritz with a look like he chewed up a bitter bug.

of their turbulent waves, at least your heads were a strong piece of rock against Al's expectations.

Nor do they imitate that they fail to do what should be reported in order to protect themselves.

Naturally, I don't have the option of contracting a part-time job back from Al on my own, etc.

The King understands that very well, and that's why he puts his trust in their turbulent waves, even though he says so.


Once again, I had a three-step Cazotto Balderger for breakfast, and with its feet I went to the factory first.

Because I wanted to remember such a naive face as Vicious.

I told Bastral and called in a kid named Derben Coulis.

... you fake it brilliantly no matter how many times you look at it.

His real name is [Vicious Embry].

Of course * marked.

"I hear they buy good quality meat from Kimberly Ranch"

"Yes! Give us a ranch so that we can match the quality of this request…"

When I raised my right hand and silenced myself stating any further entrustment, I gently handed him a small folded piece of paper.

I write a map of that house on a piece of paper.

"I'll do my spare time today. Give it to your father. And tell him I said I wanted to talk to him tomorrow or midnight the day after tomorrow at this place. All right?"

I guess Vicious heard I knew about the trumpet.

I swallowed gokuri and spit and received a piece of paper.

"Let me hear back which day you want by tomorrow morning. And then, as you know, if it wasn't your“ real ”father who came there, think about what would happen? Go."

Vicious ran off to roll.

After that, I changed into superior clothes and headed to the Chamber of Commerce.

Today is the day to go to the embassies or consulates of the Empire of Granan, the Kingdom of Bakrney and the Kingdom of Cambit to give back the celebrations of the inauguration of the Count.

These three kingdoms are getting military horses and slaves, so I have to give them back.

What I'm thinking is glass.

As a result, work has begun but is not yet finished on the chamber's glass doors.

Now we're just finishing the wall punch out, building glass doors and rain doors, and installing rails and stuff.

So he's spreading and hanging blankets instead of walls facing the streets of the Chamber of Commerce.

You want me to get you a plate or something, right?

I carefully wrapped the glass and other glass products I prepared the other day in a cloth and let Giberti hold them and I'm off.

Um, embassy of the Granan Empire from ten o'clock. You were the embassy of the Kingdom of Bakrney at 13: 00, the embassy of the Kingdom of Cambit at 15: 00.

It should be noted that the consulate of the Kingdom of Dabus has not received anything, so the consulate of Dabus will be in Sikato.

You're lucky you didn't interact weirdly because you're going to cut off your own country sooner or later.

For this reason, I give Tukelin's old man, who is not the consul of the Kingdom of Lyle, all the time. He didn't even give me anything when the Count took office.

"Oh! Beautiful!

The ambassador of the Empire of Granan, Count Carmine, looked at the wine glass with a lucid eye.

"Ko, this is... what the...!

The ambassador of the Kingdom of Bachrney, Count Daddy Gayle, remained stuck in words for a while to solidify.

"Hmmm...... Hmmm...... Hmmm...... Hmmm...... great......"

The ambassador of the Cambit kingdom, Count Mimilousse, yeah. He even did this patience, and he kept roaring. Just kidding.

All three of them changed the color of their eyes when they told them they would be selling out at the Green Chamber of Commerce shortly.


Earning foreign currency is important.

I'm also going to allocate a good portion of my affairs and affairs to both officials downstairs next April or so, so I'll be able to afford some time.

I'll make as much clear glass as I can.

Besides, so far it will meet the demand in my territory, so I'll be able to afford a handheld pump with a handful of wells next spring or so.

I need more money.


I was sipping ramen for breakfast and Vicious came back.

The meeting seems to hope for tomorrow night.

Well, it's Christmas Eve, so it's a little resistant to walk to such a lonely place in the middle of the night.

I hear Bastral behaves like a slave.

After the rice, I went to see the building to be used as a new factory.

It's a slightly larger building, built about 100 meters from the sausage factory.

I decided to pay the Dog People (Dogwars) at the Gillean Chamber of Commerce to buy it right away.

Bastral also seemed to be talking to the Demon Prop Splendor about the demon props on the stove and the demon props on the lights, and he said he was supposed to be ready to carry them in this afternoon.

Put down the bastral to oversee the carrying in of the fixtures, me and Kathy headed to Balduk with those legs.

Of course, in the carriage Giberti will show you.

Park the carriage in front of the nostalgic "Slave Shop Ron Slyle".

I had asked for about forty slaves of a pre-adult kid since I was a teenager again, so I bought them.

"This is the Count. I've been waiting for you."

As always, Madame responds with a glossy voice.

Even though you're old enough, is it because you have so many husbands that you'll always be young?

"I'm the slave you were asking for, are you ready?

"Of course it is. My lord. I've planted them all well. Please choose."

Madam's been collecting as many as fifty kids for my order of forty.

... You're in trouble.

Kathy would say she wants to buy them all.

Let's go.

John and Terry will be burdened more, but they're also small heads, so you better keep up the hard work.

"Cassie, you can have some more if you want."

"Okay. Can I talk to you?

"Oh, take your time picking it out. Because I drink tea."

In the end, as expected, Kathy wanted them all.

Well, the kid's cheap, so it's like an error.

I paid a total of 63.2 million ZYA to buy as many as 50 kids.

Ask Kathy on the way back to Wang Du.

The kids are walking, just like they were some time ago, but there's no choice in this.

"Hey Kathy. How long will it take to plant these guys?

"I think in six months you can make a bardukki for sale alone"

"Right. Reading, writing, calculating?

"That's... because each person... but now John and Terry can be taught properly, and I was wondering if that wouldn't take as long"

It should be noted that among the slaves we have been using in the Wang capital for some time now, Bastral has seen eight other elderly slaves besides John and Terry, so we plan to take them back to the territory together this time.

"Kathy. Bastral says about the Chamber of Commerce paperwork and calculation work, it seems there are about six months left to finish the planting. He wants us both to come to the realm after that. There are many familiar guys over there, and I want them to be used to make a variety of other things, not just Balducky...... I need you to move to Beglitz before next summer."

Kathy looked a little lonely and listened.

But when I heard that I could do something similar over there, I got a clear look.

Did Bastral fall in love with this look?

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