
I've been poking my forehead at Reynolds and Sarah in the morning with four bastrals added to it.

"... which is why I often notice this guy being serious and detailed. Plus, I can still do the math wrong a lot, but I can read and write a lot."

Reynolds said.

"Right, okay. Then this guy gets an extra $5700 a week in addition to an annual raise. $28,500 a month... twelve slaves. What about this?

I'm feeding him business day lunch, and I know the kids are improving their physical fitness...

"Right, I think it would be pretty good. But this kid is good at jumping through at this age, and I think I'm good."

Sarah is also pushing her heartbeat that she has no problem raising her salary.

All right then.

"Hmm...... erm now I'm done with twelve?

"Yep. Next is thirteen...... first Amos Tutus. Working is...... well normal. Neither possible nor impossible."

I dropped my eyes on the list and Bastral said as I wrote something down.

"Then it's 500 up, 500 a week."

"Yes. Dominic Elgens is next. She's normal too..."

What are you doing, I'm just evaluating the slaves of your children.

Since last year when I went to the territory, I have used 100 years of age as my weekly salary of 4000Z, 11 years of age as my weekly salary of 4500Z, 12 years of age as my weekly salary of 5000Z, 13 years of age as my weekly salary of 5500Z, and 14 years of age as my weekly salary of 6000Z as my basic salary. Though it's not the same way of evaluating these over fifteen who welcomed combat slaves and adults.

It should be noted that the salaries of slaves bought in succession when travelling to the territory are not comparable to this.

The average weekly wage for adult serfs is less than 1200Z.

Especially for that matter, I have to give them bread in kind as food, but I'm sure it'll be cheaper nonetheless.

"... this is the last time. Next up are the six King's Capital Battle Slaves..."

"Yeah. Someone who's going to be able to be a little head, you know?

"... that's tough. If you are going to mention it strongly, is it this rimul?

"Er, Riml Korsn? What about Vasul? Imy Vasl. You're the oldest old man nearly forty years old, aren't you?

"He's not very aggressive, is he? I'll do what you're told, but you're telling me I can't distract you? I don't feel like I'm taking a step out of what I'm told."

"Hmm. Well, if you can do what you're told, is it enough as a combat slave? All right. Well, let's make this course a small head. The paycheck was $20,000 a week now, right? 5000 up with an annual salary increase and a small head allowance. The others are flat 2000up, okay?

"I think so."

Combat slaves are based on 20,000 Z a week regardless of age.

When I bought Zulu, it was 10,000 Z a week, but now I can't even look after my morning and evening meals, regardless of where I live, so I raise my base salary a little.

As a result, Zulu, the slave-head, has gone up every year and his current salary is 40,000 Z a week. In addition to his base salary, he has increased 20,000 a week as an allowance for the slave-head. Starting next year, he plans to increase his base salary by 50% to another 20,000, making it a high salary for civilians to escape barefoot as well.

Even for the middle heads Henry and Meck, I'm going to give you 55,000 Z for the weekly salary starting next year, including 10,000 Z for the middle head, and Ruby and Jess will give you 43,000. It should be noted that Marr and Limby, the battle slaves of Ping, are 24,000. Even Ben and Ellie are getting high salaries there, 20,000 Z a week, even though they are adults this year.

"... the other little heads are John and Terry,"

"That's them... Speaking of which, they're grown up this year, right? Balducky and Ramen are doing well, and I think they're doing well, but what do you say?

"Right. I think I'm doing good too. He seems to take good care of the people down there."

"Mm-hmm. How many are they now?

"Er, we both have 3000 small head allowances at 13,000 a week."

"Right. Then I'll raise you 2000 times. And then I'll be promoted to a middleman."


"Later, I'm hiring at the factory. I'm naive enough to have two free folk guys..."

"Oh, those guys... how does it work?

The free folk man is the guy that Imulek Ranch couldn't take with him when he moved (his wife worked at another chamber of commerce and couldn't take him) and he seems to be quite treasured for his hard work.

One of the naive is the son of a trumpet head, the other is the second son of some eight hundred houses introduced by the Bail Street Shopping Association, whose origins are clear in me.

All three of them were paid regular salary increases.

Okay, next...

"And then there's the Yoturen. Kanna is 70,000 a month. Hannah is thirteen thousand. Anna is promoted to a middleman for two hundred thousand a month. How many Yoturen are there now? Oh, yeah. 37,000 a month, then."

The Reynolds and Sarah's salaries coming from Barkud are fixed, so there's no need to change them.

It should be noted that the renovation of the Chamber of Commerce, however, has progressed considerably in the last few days.

Now he fine-tunes the raindrops and glass doors he can do while putting them on the rail to see if they fit.

The old man at the factory praises the glass well, but he had repeatedly skipped his loud attention to his downstairs brothers saying it would be difficult if he broke or hurt it.

My sister came after noon.

Just leave Sarah as the store number because she talks to her sister a little serious in advance, and everyone else is sending her to the rubber workshop, factory, and delivery.

First, Rubber Protector, I'll let Sarah measure the size for the new one, but when it's done, me and my sister will go upstairs to the store.

"You and your kids haven't had one yet?

My sister said with a slightly worried face.

And before I heard my reply, my sister gave me the look of "Shit".

He thought of me and Mizuchi's race differently.

"Mm-hmm. I still have a lot to do now, me and Mizuchi... so I'm careful not to"

I answered sarcastically to say that I didn't care.

"... yes. I wish Al would... but more like... here, you're gonna be okay, right?

I'm worried someone might be eavesdropping on me.

This is upstairs, and it's still midday...

"There's only Sarah downstairs right now. She'll never eavesdrop on us, and I think she'll even take it to the grave in case it gets to her ears."

Still speaks with just a little tone of voice down.

"I talked to your brother when he arrived in the summer"

Right. Have you talked to your brother?

Because of this, Barkud's caravan is now three times a year, but the number of carriages has also increased and the transport itself has increased. I hear my brother took command of it all last year, but from now on he will keep it down about once a year and leave it to his squire more often.


What decision did your brother make?

"He said he'd talk to your father. Well, whatever it is, it's a few more years away. Except when she talks like a baby..."

I see.

Talk to your father and decide.

Even my boulder brother seemed difficult to answer instantly.

"Ah. Right. You were lying about what your great-grandfather said in his dream?

"Am I?"

"'Cause you're reborn, right?

My sister said it in mild condition as if she were joking.

"Which one do you think?

I also answered with a slight nagging.

"Your brother said it impressively... he must have come up with it after all the hard work. Because he's young, and his opinions tend to be taken lightly."

I see.

"Well, neither do I."


"'Cause your mother can't possibly be unaware."

I don't think I noticed.

"I've been looking at you since I was born, too, but I just said I wouldn't cry as much as I thought I would. I looked like a normal kid. I used to cry aloud and take a leak just because I didn't cry as much as the other kids in the house."


I don't know about that back then... that happened. Yeah.

"If you drink boobs, you'll be happy and go to bed soon."

First year? Six months? You sure were like that.

"I've changed things for you too many times."


You know, I hear you say that a lot to all the Knights, but I can't believe you changed my amulet enough to count with one hand!

Mun almost did it for me!

Though Sir of the Country, noble daughters wouldn't do that in the first place!

"Well, I don't know..."

"I hear your mother said it too."


I'm a little interested.

"I don't care who says it, but Al himself says he's my kid."

... Mother.

For some reason, I also remembered the face of my previous life's, shitty mother with Shall.

It's supposed to be different from race to race, but it seems a lot like a wonder.

"Besides, if Al had been reborn, there's no way his mother would have noticed. If your brother asks why you think that, what do you think he answered?

"Hmm, I don't know"

"If Al was reborn, he said he should have been an adult from the start, and he couldn't have gotten more hands on it. Besides, you couldn't possibly have noticed because you were giving boobs to someone other than your family."

"Why do you do that..."

It's a woman's fault.

"Phew... a woman's idea."

You can't count on a woman... No, I guess you're right.

I'm certainly my parents' son.


For a while after I was born, my desire to put something in my mouth was stronger when I was hungry.

I couldn't believe I saw my mother's breasts and I saw her having sex with my father.

There was no lust at all.

You have a beautiful chest shape, that's all I thought.

Instead, for some time after my eyes became properly visible, I was thinking that these people were parents, but not real families, enough to see their mother's breasts with nasty eyes in the evidence.

But objectively, I guess I'm just saying that I wasn't much different from a normal child who was hungry and cried, who snuggled and cried, and who was sleepy and cried.

All I can think of is a smile.

On second thought, I cried quite a bit not only when I was a baby, but when I was a little older.

She fell and cried, and even her sister cried without suppressing her emotions.

Though I also laughed at the boredom.

"Besides, if Al was really reborn, I'd be naked by strangers."

... That's right.

"Oh, that's so disgusting."

Certainly would be.

"I don't get old sister naked and excited who saw it...... Ah, the lies"

Take this, then, Mr. Marty...

"I was super excited."

"That's the place. You are."

My sister laughed at me with her nose.

"Well, fine. Anyway, your brother said give me some time because it's not a problem I need to answer right away..."

"Mm-hmm. Okay. I'll make sure."

"Right. Do that."

Your sister nodded greatly.

"Next then. Ask again. Sister, why don't you come to my realm and do the Knights? If there is a war, I will give you a man for a good reason, and the Duchess. Of course, I'll pay you well."

"I can't do that"

Instantly turned down.


"For with my pride, I do not want to change the Lord I serve"

... As in the days of grace and service, in this world there is something gobbling about the guy who changes his master to serve.

Culturally speaking, it's about ten centuries old.

It is not uncommon for a grand aristocrat to turn back to foreign countries from territory to territory.

In that, is your sister trying to embody what is called chivalry or samurai in the world ahead?

I guess I didn't ask anyone.

"... I'm sorry. But this is my way of life, so whatever happens, I can't change it."

"Right...... ok"

After that, I talked to my sister for a while.

I've been thinking in the meantime.

As a sister, even if she came to me and collapsed together, maybe she worried that blood would linger.

Well, that won't happen because we have Zed and Becky.

... I guess I just want to think so.

On my way home, I was shook up with two wine glasses and two tumblers, and I ended up giving them to him.

Well, I put something in the spotlight that I can't do very well in anticipation of that.

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